Sun God Marvel

Chapter 281

Justin. Hammer’s Death makes everyone begin to discuss spiritedly. They are not talking about the consequences of this person’s death, but the miraculous cause of death that caused him.

Because of Oracle’s practice, the Demon who came out of the shadows took away the soul, which is obviously more terrifying than any other way of death.

Humans’ natural innate, mysterious, dark, and Demon fears have completely overlapped after all this has happened, giving everyone a glimpse of what’s happening here. A deep imprint was left in the hearts of people.

This stigma represents the fear of God, especially for the God who can make life and death in one word. Naturally, his gift may not be appreciated by everyone. But his Penalty is enough to make everyone in awe.

Because no one wants to be robbed of the soul by the guy who emerges from the shadow behind oneself, and then brought into the bottomless abyss. No one knows what will be after that, and no one wants to try the horror of the abyss.

Equal attention is paid to grace and power. This is the policy determined by Lilith and King Ming. Looking at it now, their method did indeed play a role. But what does this have to do with Dawn Knight not at all. He doesn’t care about King Ming’s career, he cares more about the practice of so-called justice.

After letting go of the control over the influential figures on the stage, so that they have the ability to move freely. Zhou Yi has no longer paid attention to these dirty, full-bodied guys who plot against plots. Go straight to the outside of the gate.

The senator and judge, who had been suppressed and full of anger, immediately yelled when he saw his behavior.

“Dawn Knight, don’t think about running away. Stop him, stop this murderer. Police officers, if you hear it, stop him immediately!”

Hearing this order, The law enforcement officers around immediately showed ugly expressions. It’s okay to let them deal with the ordinary person, but if the object is a Superhero like Dawn Knight, then it’s really too difficult for someone to do. If he could resist, with the physique of ordinary persons like them, it would be lucky to be able to leave a whole body.

So, these police officers all pretended not to hear the judge speaking, they just held their guns at Dawn Knight from a distance, and then watched him step by step toward the door.

The cowardice and inaction of the law enforcement officers made the judges on the stage and the congressmen almost breathe out their lungs. They hate the incompetence of these police officers, but they have completely lost their courage to let them do this oneself.

So in the end, the senator and judge on the stage can only make this kind of meaningless howling like a defeated dog.

“Dawn Knight, you can’t escape. You have trampled on the laws of this country. You will be sanctioned by law and justice. I promise!”

“You Your guarantee is meaningless, sir.” Zhou Yi responded to the wailing dog-like cry without even looking back. “I don’t care about the laws of this World, nor do I care about your ridiculous and pale justice. If you want to use this method to restrain me, I can only say that you made the wrong idea with the group of people behind you!” /p>

Speaking, Zhou Yi opened the door and walked out. In the same posture as Tony who walked out of here two days ago. The difference is that this time, the so-called court has been completely sweeping the floor. Like glass, Zhou Yi’s unreasonable means of playing cards and the natural phenomenon from Ming Wang Oracle were smashed, and then completely swept into the garbage dump.

They became harlequins, the most hated characters in the story. Although they are the real victims, no one has any sympathy for them. Nothing else, just because they have shown oneself twisted and pale justice to countless people, also they have such and such a relationship with Justin Hammer who was dragged into hell.

The opinions and impressions of the people may not be able to do more. But it is enough to affect the guy who will rely on their votes to get the top leadership position in the future. The general election is approaching, and smart guys will definitely keep a safe distance from these parliamentarians. In order to ensure the nominal justice of own, it is not an unacceptable issue for those presidential candidates to let these black sheep get out of politics.

So from a certain perspective, the political career of this group of congressmen is completely over. They are impossible to take a step forward, but they will usher in countless blows in the future. Become the target of those presidential candidates to win public opinion.

There may be fools who can mix in politics, but those who can participate in the conspiracy against Superhero will not have such fools. So the moment they saw Dawn Knight push the door open and walk out, their hearts inevitably let out a cry.

They oneself also know very well what the future of own will look like. It is a wise choice to exit early now, if one is late at night. It’s really too late to be accused by the own political opponents. Once they have failed to such an extent, the forces behind them probably wouldn’t mind throwing them out as scapegoats to clean up the signs of justice.

Thinking of this, their hearts hate Dawn Knight who caused all this more and more. However, Zhou Yi doesn’t care about these people’s ideas.

The intersection between them is estimated to be limited to this. If they want to have more intersections, it’s actually just pushing oneself one step closer to death, that’s all. If that time really comes, Justin Hammer will be a lesson for them.

Pushing open the door of the court, Zhou Yi’s body was submerged in an instant with countless spotlights. That was the radiance made by the cameras in the hands of the reporters who were waiting outside.

Be aware that not all reporters have the opportunity to enter the courtroom. Only a very small number of big media with connections, strength and background can occupy a place in this special hearing. The remaining small and medium-sized media can only use an old method to block the door. To get the information that oneself wants.

This method is not always useful. But today, they have had an unexpected gain. Dawn Knight, who opened the door, was immediately blocked there, and at the same time, countless microphones stretched out in front of him.

“Dawn Knight, are you openly rebelling against the court, don’t you worry about the serious consequences?”

“Dawn Knight, you ask Justin. Hanmo to recite the name of God, Do you already know what will happen. Do you think this is a murder?”

“Dawn Knight, do you accept what Justin Hammer accused you of before? It’s about your appearance. It ruined the military’s actions and made the destruction even greater!”


Countless questions were immediately before Zhou Yi , The noisy sound made his brain a little confused. He could only press down his hands and shouted.

“Quiet, be quiet. I will only answer the first three questions.”

This sentence caused countless reporters who squeezed in to wailed. But Zhou Yi not at all changed oneself’s idea of ​​thinking, facing the microphone in front of oneself, he started to answer as oneself said.

“I have thought about the consequences of defying the court, but in my opinion. It is far less serious than you think. I said, I don’t care about this twisted law.”

“As for whether Justin Hammer’s behavior is considered murder, you can think about it yourself. You can think about it, because I won’t let him live out.”

The first two answers are finished. After this question, Zhou Yi said to the female reporter who asked the third question.

“I no longer put the law in the heart. Do you think I care about the military’s accusations?”

“But, Dawn Knight. You know, I don’t I don’t think they’re right. You’re obviously doing the right thing. Why should you let them slander you so much?” A beautiful female reporter with a sharp black hair and short ears and a clever and bright color all over her body is almost Then immediately asked. For her question, Zhou Yi just shook the head.

“Young Lady, it was the last question just now.”

“This is not a new question, sir!” said the female reporter quick witted in an emergency. “This is just a supplement, it is a supplement to the previous question. I don’t think you want anything that does not match oneself’s remarks to be posted to the media. Please, sir. This is also for your own good, so that more people can see clearly. The way of the truth. After all, many of us, including me, support you.”

A woman’s beauty is a good weapon. Just seize the opportunity and use it well. It is the ultimate means to achieve all goals. Although Zhou Yi and this female reporter did not know each other, but under the hard work of this female reporter. He decided to say more.

“Okay, just to add. Justin Han defaulted to me that I broke the military plan for the moment and made the giants irreparable. Then I want to know. Giants Who made it, whether it’s Hulk or Evil, I’m afraid it’s inseparable from the military. The so-called military’s efforts are just a disguise for what they want to conceal oneself.”

“They want to grab Hulk without anyone noticing, and get his secrets. Then why should I watch them do this. Watching them kill the monster created by oneself, a little bit I don’t care what kind of person he turned out to be. Hulk turned out to be just an innocent scientist. Everything he has today is thanks to the military. If he is wrong, then I’d rather think that all his mistakes should be Blame it on the military. Because they created him. And, there is more than this one.”

“Everyone has the right to speak on this matter, but the military does not have this Right!”

“Dawn Knight…” The beautiful female reporter wanted to say something, but Zhou Yi had already put a finger in front of her.

“This is the final supplement, Young Lady. I won’t say anything more.”

“I just want to say, I am Louise. Louise. Barbara! Thank you for your answer, sir!”

The female reporter was smart enough to realize that it was not the time to entangle, so she just smiled and put away the own recorder, and at the same time reported it first name. This is the first reporter to report his name in front of Dawn Knight, so Zhou Yi remembers it clearly.

“Barbara Young Lady, thank you for your support. I remember you!” chuckled, Zhou Yi was the same as last time facing the reporter, a shake, the person disappeared under the spotlight . This made other reporters scream again. At the same time, many people cast jealous glances at Louise.

They can’t be jealous, they have the convenience of being remembered by Dawn Knight. In the future, as long as she works a little bit, she can get more exclusive news. The exclusive news is simply the lifeblood of these people.

But what can be done? It can only be said that all this is an arrangement of fate.

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