Sun God Marvel

Chapter 285

This is what the Didiloa family dreamed about. There is such a job. Everything they worry about will not happen again. Staying in this city is no longer an illusion that they can only hope for.

But, can dreams come true so easily? The Didiloa family didn’t believe it at all.

Because Zhou Yi has absolutely no reason to help them like this. He didn’t owe them anything, but on the contrary, the family owed Dawn Knight. If they were entrusted, how could they not use this method to help them.

So the weirdness of this made Old Lady more and more disturbed. Because of the guilt in her heart and the worry about the future of oneself children, she couldn’t believe what Zhou Yi said so easily in her heart.

“Why, can you tell me why? Sir?”

She could only ask such a sentence in a daze. On the one hand, she couldn’t believe what Zhou Yi said, because it was full of incredible things. On the other hand, she hoped that Zhou Yi did not lie to her, because if what he said was true, it would become the only hope for their family.

“Why?” Mrs. Didiloa’s question was not unexpected, but how to answer her was a question. He thought and thought, just said. “If you say the reason, I can only say that my friend hopes that if there is another time, you will not give up the justice in your heart for other reasons. Since he asked me to help you as much as possible, then I will do what he said. “

“Thank you, sir. Thank you, thank you very much.” Upon hearing this answer, Mrs. Didiloa could not help closing her eyes and muttering in a low voice with shame on her face. .

The expressions of her two children are different. Claudia’s face was full of excitement, but Francisco’s face was a strange mixture of puzzlement, confusion, doubt, and joy.

Whether it is sympathy or compassion, or pure help. In short, Zhou Yi reached out and helped them when the family needed help the most. This is enough to make them grateful.

However, as the only man in this family, Francisco did not believe what Zhou Yi said so easily. He grabbed oneself and wanted to say something and so on elder sister. Staring at Zhou Yi closely, he asked.

“Who are you on earth? What are you going to do to help us?”

“Francesco, this is not a polite behavior. I’m sorry, sir.” His The mother hurriedly called him, and at the same time expressed apologies to Zhou Yi.

However, Zhou Yi shook the head, which means that oneself not at all takes this little thing seriously.

“It was my negligence, madam. I should introduce myself first.”

“I am Zhou Yi, the board member of the Corona Group. If I think this name, It shouldn’ t be is too unfamiliar.”

Unfamiliar, this is absolutely impossible. People living in New York are absolutely familiar with such companies. One is Stark, a leading technology pioneer company in the world. One is Osborn, an international giant that cannot be underestimated. As for the last, it is the gradually raised new star, the corona. Although it is not in New York at all, no one will forget his existence. The super building it is building in the Broadway area is enough to impress New Yorkers.

Zhou Yi may not be as well-known as Tony, but he is also a high-profile character in New York. So when he said his own name, these Mexicans who had smuggled in New York naturally recognized his identity.

This time, they no longer doubted. Maybe someone will target them because of the mistakes they made, but they will definitely not be a famous person like Zhou Yi. Because that is really not worth the gain, the reputation of people like them is far more important than the work of one or two people.

So when they want to understand all this, a feeling of shame rises in the mind. Using vicious speculation to deal with the good intentions of others is undoubtedly what makes people ashamed and unable to show one’s face.

“Sorry, sir. It’s all my fault. I shouldn’t look at you with such eyes. I’m a bastard…”

Francesco took the lead to Zhou Yi expressed apologies. Although he is not at all highly educated, he is gratitude and grudges are clear in life. At this point, he was affirmed by Zhou Yi.

“I forgive you, sir. Although you are impulsive and not very polite. But in the case that all this is for your family, I forgive you. Ladies, also this An impulsive gentleman, let’s resolve these issues as soon as possible. Time is precious, we shouldn’t waste it, shouldn’t we?”

Zhou Yi has already said so, the Didiloa family is naturally all Should follow. So Zhou Yi just went on.

“You know what great job I’m impossible to arrange for you. I can only say that you pay for your work, and I will pay for your work. Of course I guarantee that this job is legal and allows You can live steadily in this city. Moreover, you can achieve stability in both legal and daily life. I think this should be no problem.”

“Of course, this is fair Sir!”

The Didiloa family has a clear understanding of oneself. It is a blessing for people with academic qualifications like them and black registered permanent residence to get a formal job. So they will not ask for anything more.

“Very well, then let’s continue.” After getting the answer he wanted, Zhou Yi nodded continued.

“I have an apartment in New York, and now I hand it over to the Mutant police. This apartment now has only two security guards, and the rest is short of staff for cleaning or property maintenance. Two ladies There should be no problem doing cleaning. So, this sir. I think if you learn to learn maintenance, it should be okay to be a property maintenance.”

Neither cleaning lady nor property maintenance is considered a problem. What a good job, but the Didiloa family who are not picky about work can still accept it. Although it sounds like this kind of work would be a bit tiring, they are willing to make a clean living, even if they earn less.

“Yes, sir.” Seeing the owner mother and elder sister nodded, Francisco replied. “My current job is to do maintenance in a car dealership, and I can do general repair work. So I have no problem with this job. I can quit my current job tomorrow.”

Working in Hell’s Kitchen Repair a car, so don’t even think about it and know that you can’t get away with those who steal the vehicle and modify it illegally. However, since Francisco has already stated that he will quit his current job, it means that he is already thinking about getting rid of those people. This is a good thing, both for him and his family. So Zhou Yi naturally wouldn’t say much.

He thought for a while and said some more specific details.

“Very good, then the salary issue. Seven hundred USD a week, it should not be high in New York, but it is not low. In addition, you can move to that apartment, I can Let the management vacate two suites for you. This is not for you, but for the child. After all, the Hell’s Kitchen is not a good growth environment for the child.”

Work, housing, also Not low salary. It seemed that all the good luck fell into this family at this moment. The huge surprise made the family tears almost uncontrollably. Without their experience of struggling to survive at the bottom of society, they would not understand this hard-won happiness.

At the very least, Zhou Yi is not very understanding. He only knows that oneself has done a good thing within his capacity, nothing more. For him, what oneself has to do is almost done. Therefore, he did not continue to stay here and participate in the idea of ​​this excited family. So he stood up and said.

“Then, it’s getting late. I should also leave. This is the address. In the last few days, I think you can register. I will send someone there to wait for you. Of course. , The sooner the better. So…”

“Sir, we have not thanked you for your help. Seriously, we really don’t know how to appreciate you. If we can, Can we treat you to dinner?”

When Zhou Yi was about to leave, Old Lady walked up a little excitedly and took his hand. She hopes to express her family’s gratitude in this way. Although they are not rich, it is not difficult to ask Zhou Yi to have a meal.

But thinking of the weird cup of coffee, Zhou Yi shook the head decisively.

“No, ma’am. I have to pick up my child. As for gratitude and so on, I think you work hard to be a good person. It makes me more happy than asking me to eat. “

“Thank you, sir. Really, thank you so much.” Mrs. Didiloa didn’t know what to say at this time. She thought she could meet Zhou Yi and Dawn Knight. Such kind people are their luck. To be a good person, this shouldn’t be what they ask oneself to do, but what everyone should do consciously. But now, he was withdrawn as a return. This is no different from not asking for return.

If it were in the past, when they were struggling on the margins of society, they would not think that this World would have good people. But now, they have no courage to say such a thing.

In this way, with gratitude, the Didi Luoya family watched Zhou Yi leave their small apartment. This day was the beginning of a new chapter in their lives, but for Zhou Yi, it was a dull and ordinary day.

He came in and left in his car. By the way, I also picked up the two children who just finished school. Take them to the old dim sum shop frequented by them, and taste the dim sum newly developed by the manager.

This is child’s hobby, he never refuses this little request. In front of child, he has always been a kind father. However, no one knows the place in his heart. Different ideas began to dispute.

Ming King arrogantly clamored for Penalty’s greed and sin, but Dawn Knight retorted and questioned the belief of own. There are too many people in the world who choose to obliterate their own conscience and trample on the justice of the world because of many problems. There are too many such people, and Dawn Knight began to question the existence of own.

For Zhou Yi, Dawn Knight is oneself inseparable goodness. He didn’t want to see Dawn Knight questioning oneself, because that was also questioning his beliefs. Therefore, he can only help him as much as possible. However, if you can help one, how can you help countless others.

Justice can be saved by simple help. His heart, when he started to make such an effort, actually began to shake.

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