Shortly after the two of them had finished talking, the plane had landed on top of a building. This is not so much a manor as it is a factory.

At least Zhou Yi can smell strange medicine and disinfectant. The security guards and searchlights everywhere made Zhou Yi feel that the guy living here must be a nasty guy. At the very least, Zhou Yi thinks that a really powerful guy should have the quality and mentality to let the rain blow away, just like he himself.

Nyssa stood up, while tidying up her appearance, she took out a ring with heraldry from her body and put it on her hand while putting on a large cloak of mink fur. She didn’t do anything close to Zhou Yi, as if the conversation just ceased to exist. Just greeted Zhou Yi indifferently and followed her forward.

Zhou Yi got off the plane, first stood there and looked around the environment. The dark armor almost melted into the night, only the dawn mark on the shoulder was particularly eye-catching. The black cloak is floating in the night wind, and the thin armor is wrapped around the sturdy body, making people feel like Black Panther watching the prey at night. Such attire will not be unusually conspicuous everywhere. And here it will only be more noticeable.

For humans, Dawn Knight is a topical figure in fighting crime and clearing evil forces, Superhero. During these many days, he will always drop from the sky when the evil forces are rampant, and give a thunderbolt to those who disrupt order and infringe the safety of others. Together with the police station in New York, they have uncovered many major cases together. Whether it is media public opinion or privately, the Superhero, who has just debuted recently, gave a very high evaluation. Of course, this evaluation must also include dissatisfaction with its insufficient attendance rate.

For Vampire, Dawn Knight’s notoriety catches up with the veteran Vampire Hunter-Blade. Blade’s notoriety is one blade one sword, countless bullets and darts, slowly pieced together. It was the guy Blade’s countless bloody battles, one by one, who tracked and killed Vampire like a machine without getting tired. Ten years of hard work has made him notorious.

And Dawn Knight is different. For Vampire, this guy is just a new intercontinental missile. In just three strikes, hundreds of Vampires were lost. In the video of the follow-up investigation, only a hundred Vampires in a piece of light can be seen turned to ashes.

Such a method even made some qualified Vampires think that this is a precursor for human beings to start tearing up the covenant between the two sides. Not to mention that Dawn Knight killed not many Vampires, only a few hundred. Compared with the number of tens of thousands of blades, the difference between Heaven and Earth is almost the same.

But don’t forget, the number of blades has been accumulated over more than ten years, and Dawn Knight did it in three nights. Not to mention Vampire, it is the human race with a number of 1 billion. The death of hundreds of people within three days is also a major event that will cause an international sensation and cause countless waves. So the surrounding Vampires looked at Zhou Yi’s expressions all strangely, with fear and hatred.

However, who cares about the thoughts of the ants at his feet, Zhou Yi simply ignores these guys. Followed Nyssa straight into the building. The interior of the building is more strictly guarded, as well as stricter security devices.

I saw Nyssa walk to an elevator with a cold face, and lightly pressed her slender palm on a device that looked like a fingerprint recognition system, but it was not a fingerprint recognition system, but a more stringent one. skeleton DNA verification system. The five slender needles stretched and ejected one by one like five slowly spreading fingers. Then he slowly followed the gap in Nyssa’s knuckles and plunged deeply into the palm of his hand.

Zhou Yi can clearly see the appearance of this cold-faced beauty frowning deeply. Obviously, this device is not so comfortable to use. Zhou Yi wanted to say something to this woman, but in the end he didn’t say anything. The two of them walked into the elevator that was then turned on. The elevator quickly went deep underground and led them to a room full of stone walls all around. Apart from the elevator in this room, there is only one mechanical device full of Vampire style in the middle.

Nyssa took out a cylindrical device and inserted it into the groove of the mechanical device. As the cylindrical object descended, a heavy mechanical sound rang throughout the room, and a wall slowly opened and closed, revealing the true content inside. A gate filled with metal. The size of this gate is not inferior to the gate of Zhou Yi’s laboratory. The difference is that it is opened by mechanical power, while Zhou Yi’s one is more cheating, and it needs to be opened by human.

As the door opened, Nyssa proudly introduced Zhou Yi: “Now, what unfolds in front of you is the true content of the Vampire Empire. The true power of the Vampire Empire lies here.” Zhou Yi didn’t know what happened to this woman who seemed to be smart and rational. An empire was a joke. All he saw was the old Vampire and more shameful filthy things. Such existence is simply a blasphemy.

Zhou Yi who opened super vision obviously saw many different things, and he found that things became interesting. Was Nyssa fooling around with the Profound Void, or even she was kept in the dark. Zhou Yi didn’t know what the old bastard was planning inside, but he had to admit that these conspiracy-filled things had attracted his attention.

Different from the vestibule full of modern metal style, behind the gate is an old castle style. When you walk in, you feel like you are in the old and decadent old castles in the Middle Ages. And in the middle of the castle, an existence as rotten as the castle stood there, with its back facing the gate. Old books were flipped in front of a book stand.

Beside him, there is a respectful black steward. And three men standing there with guard expressions. Among the three men, an old man and a skinny guy who looked like a car mechanic, were people who had no sense of existence. It does not attract the attention of Zhou Yi and other Vampires.

The other one is a big black man with facial paralysis. He wears black sunglasses and a black trench coat. The tall and sturdy figure makes his windbreaker look a little bloated, but this is not entirely due to the figure. Experienced people can see all kinds of obvious raised marks on his body, some of these marks are like blades, some are like guns, and some are like bombs. Fully armed, can describe the state of this person in place.

Zhou Yi even believes that if the fight starts now, this guy’s firepower can even control the field for five minutes. It can be said that this person is completely a killing machine. Fortunately, the target of his killing is the lovely Vampire.

This is the blade, the most prestigious Vampire Hunter in the world, almost comparable to the legendary Van Helsing, and has reached the terrifying existence of the rare achievement Vampire become terror-stricken at the news.

Seeing the door opened, Nyssa with cold expression and Dawn Knight, who is completely invisible in armor, walked into the castle, and their personal reactions were different. The owner of the castle, Vampire Grand Duke still maintains the posture of reading, as if he hadn’t heard anyone coming in at all.

But his side steward is not. His eyes are full of guard, staring closely at Dawn Knight, who has just become a Vampire Hunter, and his muscles are a little tight. Among the other three people, the old man just stared at him with a scrutinizing look, while the car mechanic looked at him with a playful look, and at the same time he looked at Dawn Knight’s armor from time to time, obviously with a lot of interest. The blade’s reaction was even simpler. He just tilted his head, and no one knew what the expression was in his sunglasses. However, Zhou Yi knows that it is only a simple understanding and knowledge. Such people probably have only two views, the enemy and the same kind.

Obviously, Zhou Yi belongs to the same kind.

“Father…” Nyssa was interrupted by Vampire Grand Duke as soon as she said. I saw that he raised his hand and turned around to reveal his true face. It looks like a corpse that has been soaked in formalin for many years and is put on the robe of an ancient nobleman. It looks ridiculous and at the same time it makes people feel like have one’s hair stand on end.

“Everyone, please allow me to introduce my master to you.” Vampire steward, who stood by, said in a very solemn tone. “The leader of the ruling party of Vampire, the Supreme Grand Duke of the Vampire clan, and Eli Damaskinos.”

The Supreme Grand Duke of Vampire, after introducing his loyal steward, reached out quite pretentiously. With only one hand, he saw his daughter Nyssa and immediately held him. At this time, he spoke.

“Welcome everyone to my castle. We at Vampire have a saying, take pride in your enemy and enjoy his achievements. In this way, I should thank you.”

The enemy of the hero is only the hero. This old Vampire regarded oneself as the last boss before he did anything. The attitude and arrogant tone of doing so made Zhou Yi think that this guy is really ridiculous. Knowing what kind of foundation that little arrogance was built on, he was still complacent about it.

“Do you think you are worthy of being my enemy? Vampire!” Zhou Yi laughed, who could no longer stand this arrogant behavior, stepped forward and asked Vampire Grand Duke.

His words instantly touched the nerves of Vampire Steward, who had been on guard for a long time, and he loudly shouted. “This is in front of Supreme Grand Duke! Human, stop your arrogant behavior.” After speaking, he had already pulled out the weapon from his waist and rushed towards Zhou Yi.

An ant wants to kill an elephant, even if you hold a bomb as heavy as yourself, it’s useless. Zhou Yi’s eyes showed an expression of contempt, and then he punched Vampire steward in the air. The fist hit the air, the air suddenly blasted loudly, and the air waves visible by naked eye rolled up, making the castle immediately messed up, and there was more.

A stream of air hit Vampire Steward’s body hard like a high-pressure water gun. His swooping body was immediately stopped, and flew out at an extremely high speed, and was hung on the wall like a mural amid the heavy impact. After a long time, his body slipped down. And left a sufficiently conspicuous humanoid trace on the wall.

This is the powerful wind pressure generated by the supersonic fist, and the sonic fist pressure formed under the constraints of the telekinesis field. It looks so magical, enough to deter some guys with big conspiracies and secrets in their hearts.

Zhou Yi didn’t care about the loyal steward anymore, but continued to walk towards the Vampire Grand Duke. He wanted to see what kind of means and confidence this guy had in front of him. Posture.

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