Sun God Marvel

Chapter 304

“Are you sure it’s appropriate to throw the gun over?” The embarrassment on Coulson’s face is visible to everyone. “I would rather not risk the risk of throwing a gun over and going off fire.”

When the two gunmen heard this, they looked at each other. They found that Coulson seemed to make sense.

“Then what do you want to do?” the gunmen asked, and they had been brought into the rhythm of Coulson.

“Maybe I can slide it over the ground?” Coulson said to the two guys as if to make an opinion. And this opinion obviously got the approval of the two gunmen.

They looked at each other, nodded. Then one of them said to Coulson.

“Ok, just do it. Slide it under my feet, lightly. Don’t do anything stupid!”

“Ok, no problem.” Coulson raised his hand, Vice-approved appearance. He pressed his chin and motioned to the container next to him. “I’ll move to this aisle on the side, and then slide it across the floor to you, there is no problem!”

“No problem, just do it.” The gunman nodded, almost and Coulson walked to an aisle beside him simultaneously.

This kind of scene makes the cashier behind hate gnash the teeth, if possible. When the police arrive, she will definitely report to the police that this guy is their accomplice. She had never seen that a guy who was robbed would cooperate with the robber in this way. It’s like a kindergarten student cooperating with Teacher.

Coulson doesn’t know how the cashier arranges him at this time. He just said okay, no problem, and slowly squatted down with the gunman. Then he slid his own gun over.

This made the two gunmen completely lose their sense of defense. The guy who still pointed the gun at Coulson was obviously sighed in relief at this time, and he started to lower his own muzzle. The other gunner lowered his body, ready to receive the gun that was slid over.

And at this time, it was time for Coulson to perform.

He picked up a bag of starch beside oneself and smashed it directly into the face of the gunner who had just put down the gun. Then, taking advantage of his free time because he was irritated by the starch in his eyes and couldn’t see anything, he stepped on the shelf on the side, leaped into the air, and rushed directly to the gunman who was still picking up the gun.

The gunner reacted quickly, but he obviously couldn’t keep up with Coulson’s actions. Before his muzzle was aimed at Coulson, he kicked it so that he could only aim the muzzle at own’s feet.

The trigger was pulled, and gunshots rang suddenly. The loud noise made the cashier scream. But in fact, the accident did not hurt Coulson at all, but smashed the gunman’s own toe. The shooting radius of the shotgun made him suffer. The ten fingers connect to the heart and the toes are the same. In this situation, the gunman screamed immediately, and couldn’t control Coulson who caused all this at all.

And Coulson seized the opportunity to grab the shotgun that had escaped and forcibly snatched it from his master. With a backhand wave, he used the shotgun as a baseball bat and slammed it directly on the head of the gunman who was still covering his face. The heavy force made him called out pitifully, and he fainted directly.

And then, he lifted it smoothly. It was another heavy blow, knocking it on the chin of the gunman who was still holding oneself’s foot. In the same way, it was another home run with a coma effect.

In an instant, the two big men armed with guns completely lost their combat effectiveness. This made the ladies behind the cash register look dumbfounded. It was the first time in her life that she encountered such an exciting thing. But for Coulson, he is very accustomed to this happening.

Looking at the lady who was still raising her hands, Coulson first found the own key and the gun from the gunman, and then put the two seized shotguns in front of the lady, apologizing at the same time. Said to her.

“Sorry, I made a mess here.”

“Hehe…” The cashier at this time simply didn’t know what to say. It is said that art comes from life, but it is higher than life. But how does this real-life movie emperor change?

Coulson understands how this lady feels, so he just wants to end everything here as soon as possible. I found two bags of puffs from his own pocket, one bag of chocolate and one bag of vanilla. Then he said to the cashier lady.

“I still haven’t decided which one to choose, so. Let’s choose two pieces together. You don’t need to find the change.”

I found another 20 USD banknote. Coulson completely put an end to this sudden incident.

“Wait!” But the cashier felt that oneself shouldn’t just let him go. She stopped Coulson and made Coulson turn his head in confusion.

“How should I tell the police, what happened here?”

The cashier thought and thought, and finally made up a reason that was not a reason.

“Just tell them that your mixed martial arts videos are not for nothing.” He kindly thought of a reliable answer for her. Coulson walked out of this convenience store.

He still has to find trouble with that hammer, so now he doesn’t have much time to talk to this lady. Although, this is a lady who seems to be able to delve into some issues in depth.

At this moment, on the other side, a tall blond man just woke up from the hospital bed. In other words, this is the second time he woke up from the hospital bed.

The last time he woke up, he showed oneself the bravery and invincibility of hitting ten. This made the hospital guard and doctor in this small town suffer. So they learned well this time. A large dose of tranquilizer, plus a restraint that is only useful for mental patients. Let this guy lie on the bed obediently and honestly.

Man is very dissatisfied with the treatment of oneself. He struggled, trying to break free from the bondage. At this time, a doctor walked up to him and asked him with a strange look.

“Your registration form says that your name is Thor. Is there no surname? Where do you come from? Where are your documents?”

“You dare to call me directly Your name, you mortal?” Hearing the doctor’s words, the blond man named Thor yelled immediately. If not, his hands and feet are still firmly bound. Maybe this doctor will try his Iron Fist’s formidable power again.

The doctor who has tried Thor Iron Fist formidable power the last time absolutely does not want to try again. So after retreating to a barely safe distance, the doctor waited for a long time. After confirming that he would not break free from the restraint, he posted it again and said to him.

“Buddy, you really scared me. I really thought you could rush over and beat me again?”

“I can teach you anytime, you This shameless mortal. Have the ability to compete with me one-on-one! I will let you know what the power of Thor is.”

Thor continued to yell, struggling to break free from the restraint. But no matter how he moved, the restraint belt still seemed unusually strong. This makes the doctor more at ease.

“The power of Thor, a one-on-one contest? If I change places, maybe I will be very willing. Do you know? I have broken up with my boyfriend for a long time!”

“What?” These words were quite informative, and Thor was stunned for an instant. He looked at this male doctor with a weird expression, and he forgot to struggle. He didn’t say uncertainly until half a day later. “You mean, your boyfriend?”

“Yes, boyfriend! I have been out of the closet for a long time.” There is no twitchy and shy statement, and the doctor answered calmly. There are even some teasing ingredients. “You need to know that after I subdued you that day, I put that shot of tranquilizer on your butt. Seriously, your butt looks really good. I want to watch it twice.”

Surely, Thor is just like a cold. He stared wide-eyed, stared at the doctor, and shouted.

“Stay away from me, you monster. I feel sick when I see you.”

Actually, it’s better not to say that. He said so. It almost immediately stimulated the doctor’s not very strong mentality.

Know, anyway. The matter of coming out is actually a test of the psychology of the parties involved. Especially when the person who has been around to support him has left him, this mentality becomes even more vulnerable. They cannot be stimulated at all. Once stimulated, it is likely to cause…very serious consequences.

“You said I was a monster, who do you think you are. What qualifications do you have to say that, and what qualifications do you have to look down on me?”

The doctor said gloomily , Walking forward silently. He put on his gloves, and in front of Thor, he took out a big syringe.

At this time, Thor, who had already had a lot of shadows in his heart, saw his movements and immediately asked alertly.

“What do you want to do, I am Thor, the son of Odin. What are you going to do to me, you monster? Stay away from me, hear you, stay away from me.”

“Oh, oh, that’s not okay. I plan to do an all-round examination on you?” The doctor treated his words as inaudible, he just looked at him with a weird look Wandering. For example, his chest muscles, his thighs, and also his hips. “Where do you say I should start, or in other words. Which part do you think you are most proud of?”

This question makes Thor only fortunate that owning hips is definitely not the most proud part of oneself . However, no matter where it was, he didn’t want this doctor like the monster to touch it. He could only struggle desperately, imagining what it would be like when oneself’s previous strength was still alive.

But imagination is never helpful to reality. He could only watch the doctor getting closer, but oneself could only continue to stalemate with these black restraints.

Did I dignified God of Thunder Thor from Asa Divine Race. Will you be under the hands of such a mortal today? Thinking of this, all kinds of emotions came to his heart, and he couldn’t help leaving a drop of heroic tears.

And at this time, the radio in the hospital rang.

“Dr. Wilson, Dr. Wilson. Here are your patients who need you, if you hear. Please come to the emergency room.”

For this Will According to Dr. Mori, the broadcast came very late. However, he was still a dedicated doctor anyway, so he could only put down what was in his hand, and said to Thor regretfully.

“Sorry, my dear. It looks like we have no chance now. Maybe you can wait.”

The answer to him was Thor’s anger. But he can only express his anger in this way. He already had a shadow in his heart, and now he dare not use words to stimulate this terrifying human being. Because he has no idea what terrifying things will happen if this continues.

From a certain point of view, he has been counseled.

Watching the doctor finally walk away from own. He began to do everything possible to escape from here. Here, he really couldn’t stay for a moment.

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