Sun God Marvel

Chapter 315

Commander Hill’s volume is not low, so Zhou Yi can hear clearly even through the phone. This naturally made Coulson seem a little embarrassed to answer the call. He glanced at Zhou Yi apologetically, then carefully clutched his own earpiece, and walked further. At the same time, he did not forget to defend oneself.

“Commander Hill, you should know that I have my considerations. In this matter, I have very good reasons to do this!”

Zhou Yi did not continue Listen to it, he has always stayed out of the case of SHIELD. In this matter, if it weren’t for Coulson and oneself to be friends, he might not be willing to come here. Although it seems that there is still a lot of unexpected harvest here.

Coulson and Zhou Yi have both moved away from Thor, and this gives a person a chance.

There was no one in the detention room except Thor, but suddenly there was a man. A black hair man with a gloomy temperament and a cold look.

Generally speaking, if someone suddenly appears in front of oneself, everyone will feel panic and uneasy. But Thor didn’t. He was only surprised at the person who appeared before him, a surprise of reunion after a long absence. It can be seen that he knows the person in front of him, or rather. Thor is very familiar with him.

“Loki, why did you come to Midgart?”

“I must see you, Thor!” Loki’s face was full of melancholy, and seeing this Emoji. Even if Thor is not good at observing people’s hearts, he knows what is going on. With a bad feeling, he immediately asked.

“What’s wrong, Loki. What happened? Tell me, is it Jotunheim?”

Jotunheim, the country where giants live. That’s why he was relegated to the mortal world. He was judged as a fanatic who wanted to provoke a war because he tried to defeat Frost Giant in Jotunheim. And because of this, Odin, the father of the gods, deprived of Thunder God’s Force and broke into Midgard, where mortals lived.

Compared with his arrogance and ignorance at the beginning, he now has a clear understanding of the mistakes that oneself once made. And because of this, he worried that because of what the owner did, it would once again trigger the war between Jotunheim and Asgard. If that is the case, then he is the sinner of all this.

Loki shook the head. Jotunheim and Asgard are still at peace, and he has nothing to hide.

“So, father asked you to come? Loki, help me. Let me explain to Royal Father.” I heard that it was not Yodenheim’s accident. Hope arose in Thor’s heart. He felt the opportunity, a chance that could finally make him return to Asgard. “Tell him that I have realized my mistake. Please let me go back, go back to Asgard.”

Thor rarely concedes defeat like this, and this is enough to see me in Mead How did Galt change him in the past few days? And this change, really. It’s something Loki really doesn’t want to see. So he put on a painful look and replied softly to Thor.

“Sorry, brother. I can’t help you. Royal Father is dead!”


All the expressions on Thor’s face are frozen Down. He wanted to say something, but he couldn’t make a sound. He can only look at Loki with pleading eyes and look at this own brother. I hope he can tell oneself that everything he said is not true.

However, Loki just dropped his own eyes and gave him such an answer.

“Because of your exile, the threat of war also gave him too much pressure. You should know how his body has been traumatized, like the giant’s, also and other God’s. He didn’t hold on, my brother!”

“Don’t blame yourself, Thor. I know you love him. I tried to tell him all this, but he refused to listen. He did. A thing that is cruel to he himself and to us. Put him Mjölnir in front of you, but you can never pull it out again. He gave you a mistake that you can never correct!”

Seeing Thor bowing his head sadly because of this remark, tearing down. There was a silent smile from the corner of Loki’s mouth, but he receded quickly. And put on a solemn appearance.

“Now the heavy responsibility of the throne has fallen on me. Brother, I’m sorry, I can’t take back Father’s order and let you go back to Asgard.”

Thor The pain on his face deepened again, he raised his head and asked.

“Then can I go back and look at him again?”

Loki pursed the corner of his mouth, shook the head.

“Sorry, brother. Our truce agreement with Jotunheim is to exile you forever, so that you can never return to Asgard. Also, I asked my mother about this matter, but She also doesn’t approve of your coming back to send him the last ride.”

“I hope you can understand her, also you can forgive me. I’m so sorry, brother.”

“No , I’m the one who should say I’m sorry. I’m sorry for father, and I’m sorry for you guys. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry!” Thor raised his head and looked at his own younger brother, his rough and determined face is full of Sad, tears slipped quietly from the corner of his eyes. “Thank you for being here to tell me this.”

Receiving oneself’s most desired answer, Loki silently nodded. He was silent for a moment before speaking to Thor.

“Then, goodbye. Brother!”

He turned around as he said, and disappeared into the room step by step. And facing his disappearing back, Thor just murmured in reply.


At this moment, he himself will not forgive oneself. He extinguished all thoughts, no longer thinking about Asgard, and no longer thinking about God’s glory. He has made all preparations to adapt to his own exile life as a sinner.

And just as he said this goodbye, Coulson, who had just called Commander Hill, walked in from outside alone. He heard this goodbye, so he looked strange.

“Goodbye? I just came back.”

After Loki told him what oneself wanted to tell Thor, he left here without at all. Instead, he came to Mjölnir’s place alone.

Unlike Thor, who has been relegated to a mortal, he is still the god of Asgard. As the god of mischief and cunning, he possesses the power of illusion. Mortals can’t see where he is, even if he just and honorable walk past them, they still ignore him. And he just passed by among the busy SHIELD agents, and went straight to Mjölnir’s side.

Odin, the father of the gods, sealed Thor’s thunder God’s Force and placed it in Mjölnir. He issued the magic incantion, and anyone who can pick up Mjölnir can obtain Thor’s divine force. And Thor’s divine force, in the entire Golden Palace of Asgard, is also one of the very best.

For Loki who has determined to exile his own brother permanently and let Thor stay in Midgart forever. If you can get the power of Mjölnir. That couldn’t be better.

This will increase his power and allow him to obtain more powerful capital to better implement the own plan. At the same time, doing so can completely cut off Thor’s return. And this is what he wants to see most.

But, even as a God. When faced with a divine tool of Mjölnir’s level, he didn’t have any advantage. He tried again and again, even using his own divine power. But Mjölnir just ignored him. It rejected Loki’s existence, completely.

Loki couldn’t help showing a sullen smile. He once again felt the disapproval from the oneself father. The man he called father never seemed to identify with him. It can be felt from Mjölnir’s reaction alone.

He no longer works hard, or he is unwilling to continue this meaningless attempt. He knew very well that oneself is not a qualified person by Odin. Without this qualification, any attempt is impossible.

So he let go of his hand and sorted out his coat. Ready to leave like this.

As long as Mjölnir is on Midgart, as long as Thor can’t pick it up again. There was no threat to Loki, although it was a hidden danger now. But this hidden danger is not so important to his plan.

The goal of Midgart has been achieved. Loki is ready to leave here and return to Asgard. And at this time, he heard someone talking to him.

“Why, don’t try two more. Maybe there will be surprises!”

This voice makes Loki eyes shrank, he confidently believes that there will be no one in this World He could find traces of his illusion, but it was not until this time that he realized that it was oneself.

He is very sure that this voice is just for oneself, he has been discovered.

Looking back, Loki saw the person standing next to oneself. A tall man with black hair, with a bright smile that made him uncomfortable, stared at him with a smile.

“Who are you?” Loki spontaneously developed a defensive impulse when he saw this person. Unlike Thor, who has become a mortal, he can clearly perceive the power that radiates from this person. That is a divine power, a power that is enough to make him feel threatened.

And the existence of this kind of power is enough to make him face the guy in front of him. As a cunning god, he is far less reckless than Thor. If he can, he never wants any head-on conflict. In fact, he prefers to use tricks and conspiracy magic to achieve his own goals compared to direct combat.

“You can call me Zhou Yi, a member of this World. Haven’t asked your name yet?”

“Loki, Thor’s brother, Asgard’s agent Divine King !”

“Great identity, so can you tell me why Asgard’s agent Divine King wants to get Mjölnir? And if you are really Divine King, why can’t you not get this Where is the divine tool that belongs to your Asgard?”

Smiling, Zhou Yi directly opened Loki’s scar. Having already learned a lot about Myths and Legends in the world, he has guessed the origins of Thor and Loki. Asgard, the world where the gods in the mythology of the Nordic region live. They are the God worshipped by the ancient Vikings. Of course, their identities will certainly not be exactly the same as in the myth. Because Zhou Yi knows that Thor and Loki are definitely not brother in the myth.

Zhou Yi’s words directly refer to Loki’s unorthodox identity. In response to his doubts, Loki had an evil smile on his face.

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