Sun God Marvel

Chapter 327

“Thor, it must be the Frost Giants. I knew that Loki had colluded with them. Maybe you were exiled because of him.”

Fandral, as the smartest of the trio, had already analyzed something from the words of the residents of these small towns.

“Frost Giant impossible appears on Midgard, unless Bifrost’s help. Now, except for Heimdall, who can control Bifrost is Loki who controls Gangnir. Thor, recognize the reality, everything is Loki’s fault!”

Though thinking about the excuse to forgive Loki again and again. But in the current situation, no amount of excuses will help.

This puts Thor, the man who once wanted to be a good big brother, into a dilemma now.

“What should I do, Buddy. Tell me, what should I do!”

“Thor, you must cheer up. This time, not when you are depressed!”

Faced with Thor like this, the first to comfort him was Jane who already had another relationship. Then there are his Asgard comrades. Of course, the way they comfort Thor is not like this.

“Thor, fight with us. Just like before, let’s beat the Frost Giant and kill a piece of armor without leaving it.”

As always Guardian style. If it were to hear this a few days ago, maybe Thor would be directly engrossed in his blood, even without his life, and directly and oneself, Asgard’s comrades in charge, would charge towards the Frost Giants whose strength is very different between ourselves and the enemy.

But now, having suffered from various shocks and educations, he has realized the shortcomings of own. And began to face oneself squarely.

He is no longer so reckless, at this time he sees clearly and thinks clearly.

“I’m sorry, Buddy! I really don’t have the right to fight alongside you now. I’m already a mortal body, and I can’t set foot in such a battlefield anymore.”

This is the second answer that disappoints them after Thor lost his power. In the view of the three warriors of Asgard, Thor lost not only his strength, but also his courage. But Sieff didn’t think so, he looked at Thor with clear and firm eyes, and asked.

“So, what are you going to do? Thor?”

“I will help the people here to evacuate and let them leave this place that is about to become a battlefield as soon as possible. also, I am going to protect my new friends. Buddy, maybe I have lost the qualification to fight with you, but I still have something I want and have to protect.”

Thor smiled, His eyes drew lightly across Jane’s body. Hearing his answer, Rich Goddess Sif also laughed.

She drew out her own long sword and picked up her own shield. Then he smiled at Thor.

“You are still a warrior, Thor. Even now, you are more like the king of Asgard than you were before. If Odin sees you now, he will be very Thank you. Just do what you say! We will do our best to fight Frost Giant and get enough time for you.”

Although disappointed, the three Asgard Warriors are still right. Thor has absolute loyalty. They unconditionally support Thor’s ideas. Even if they are left alone against an unknown number of giants, they still do without the slightest hesitation.

Thor was very touched by this, he even couldn’t control his own emotions.

“Thank you, Buddy! Thank you!”

“Waiting for our triumphant return, I look forward to sipping wine in the Golden Palace or the Hall of Valor, and enjoy the delicacies !” The three warriors haha ​​laughed and walked out through the gate with their weapons. And Sieff also smiled slightly and looked at Thor deeply, and also followed along.

Looking at the backs of these four people, Jane and the others gradually understood what the so-called bravery of Thor and the Asgardians was, and why the Nordic epic would always praise such a guy. Because of their bravery, you can see with naked eye. It is a kind of tolerance that puts life and death aside and only pursues glory.

As a former Asgardian. In addition to feeling the bravery of oneself’s partner, Thor felt more of a sadness, a sadness that might never be seen again.

Asgardians are so yearning for a heroic battle, even if they die in a glorious battle. He had heard this from his own partner. If you can live, of course you will return to the Golden Palace to sing and drink. But even if they died in battle, they still had to go to the Hall of Valor, enjoying the beauty and glory after Death.

Death or life, as long as you can fight as you like. This is the meaning of the last words of his friends. And this sentence made Thor so sad and proud.

He can’t help them. At this moment, he can only mutter to himself in the heart.

“Must come back, Buddy!”

Laufey’s army marches forward, and the footsteps of Frost Giant move neatly on the ground, making the whole land A thin layer of frost appeared. The frost color is so strong that even the scorching sun in the desert can’t let the frost fade.

I even said that this layer of frost became more and more intense, until the whole land was rendered into a dead color. This is true death, and no ordinary creature can survive under this frost. Whether it’s snakes, insects, mouse and ants, or those tenaciously adaptable to the desert environment, all of them are under the frost and become rigid corpses.

According to this momentum, there is no need for them to do anything, just let them walk into the town. The residents of the small town may be quietly killed by them.

So Zhou Yi stopped them, before they had covered this terrifying halo of frost on the town.

“Stop, giants. You are not allowed to go one step further here.”

Zhou Yi stood in the void, facing the giants in the front row at the feet of oneself Shouted loudly. But he tone barely fell, and the giants greeted him with countless icicles shot out. The icicles are densely packed, hiding the sky and covering the earth like a locust plague, plus the icicles are as hard as steel, so it can be called horror just like this. Even speaking of lethality, it is definitely not under any Legion offensive.

However, as the incarnation of the sun. What Zhou Yi is least afraid of is the so-called frost. He doesn’t even need to move a bit, the golden light fire has turned into a rolling curtain, swept away in the cold ice.

The ice of Frost Giant couldn’t hold on for the least amount of time under Zhou Yi’s Supreme Yang Divine Fire, and turned into a blue smoke in the blink of an eye.

While blocking the Giant’s Legion offensive, Zhou Yi not at all means letting go. The overwhelming roller blind was rolled up, and immediately covered the Frost Giants on the ground.

Looking at the flame, which is inherently objectionable to oneself, the Frost Giants gathered their energies and exhaled a deadly chill against the fire in the sky. A giant doing this seems to be mantis trying to stop a chariot, and the worm shakes the tree. But when hundreds of Frost Giants followed this, the cold current had already turned into a pillar of icy air in the sky, and the momentum did not fall to the flames in the sky.

However, it’s not enough to just keep the imposing manner. It’s like a dog that dared to bark at Old Hu in the cage, even if it looks brave, it is more magical to be promoted. As long as you have the courage to really come into contact with Old Hu, there is definitely only a dead end.

The cold and the fire are like the difference between a hunting dog and a tiger. As soon as the confrontation happened, the cold air instantly retreated. Then the fire blazed, and the bad luck guys at the corner of Frost Giant’s phalanx were instantly ignited.

Different from the flames caused by the previous explosions, as soon as the sacred fire was ignited, it immediately turned them into transparent torches, violently shooting out a flame of more than ten meters. In this flame, the giants did not even scream, and they turned into a pile of ashes in an instant.

This situation frightened many giants. And just when Zhou Yi was going to go further and put these guys in one pot. The giant in hideous armor, who had always been jealous of him, started.

He roared wildly, and his hands were suddenly raised. With his movements, two icebergs as huge as ice palms emerged out of thin air. As soon as these two ice palms appeared, they slapped their palms together against the curtain of fire descending in the sky.

It’s like trying to put it out completely under the palm of a hand.

But Zhou Yi didn’t want the owner’s sacred fire to be extinguished by him. He also extended his hand and changed the form of the curtain of fire.

Soon, the curtain of fire rolled in the air and turned into a giant flame hand. The flame met the ice, and the two giant hands smashed together in the air like this, breaking their wrists.

As a result, countless ice cubes shattered and fell to the square array below. This made the underground Frost Giant begin to cover head and sneaked away like a rat. Compared with ice cubes, what makes them more afraid is the hot steam that evaporates when the flame is extinguished. Although this steam is not very fatal to the underground giant, it is also a severe pain to be slapped.

No Frost Giant can stand this, so the chaotic scene for a while is really unbearable to look at.

At the very least, Laufey can’t stand it. At the same time, he also realized that oneself can no longer remain in such a stalemate, because he doesn’t know how many pranks and ugliness of own’s subordinates will show if this continues.

So he agitated Destroyer’s power abruptly, so that the formidable power of his evolved ice giant instantly rose.

The ice immediately covered the flames, squeezing the flames out of the palms. Although Golden’s flame still penetrated into the big ice hand like a tarsal maggot. But in essence, the flame has been defeated.

Of course, this is not the final failure. Laufey also knew this very well, so he didn’t say anything else, and after winning the pursuit, he just waved his two big hands and drew towards Zhou Yi in midair.

Huge hands like mountain peaks are drawn in the air. For creatures the size of humans, it is really easy to get scared and worried. Lest oneself become a small insect fly that is slapped to death.

But Zhou Yi won’t. He doesn’t advance and retreats, so he speeds up. At the two big hands, he greeted him with a fist. The huge and small fists collided together, but the result was beyond all Frost Giant’s expectations. They were stunned as they watched the giant hands in the air being dismembered and broken into countless tiny ice cubes, splashing down from the sky like hail.

Seeing this unreasonable scene happened, even if they were hurt by a lot of hail, they still forgot their next move in a daze.

But they forgot, Laufey did not. He said to Zhou Yi who was in mid-air.

“Then it is you, God of Midgart?”

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