Sun God Marvel

Chapter 334

On the ground, the Frost Giants who lost their commander, after hesitating for a while, decided to act as their king said before.

At this time, they were seriously injured. There are only half of the hundreds of elite Frost Giants left at this time, and in this half, there are also many injured and disabled people.

If it is an army of humans or some other race, at this time it can be said that the combat effectiveness has almost been lost. But Frost Giants are different. Their wildness and wildness endow them with greater survivability and more tenacious fighting will.

They did not choose to retreat, in fact they have no way to retreat. So they continued to move forward, following the orders of their king, and launched an assault towards the humans, the towns of the Midgarts in their eyes.

As the order indicated, they had only one purpose, and that was to kill every Midgart they saw.

Whether in the past or the present, strictly speaking, the human race will not be their opponent in terms of combat effectiveness. But now, unlike the past, mankind has a new method, which is a weapon called technology.

The Frost Giants moved forward and soon arrived where they could see the town from a distance. At this time, all they could see were the SHIELD agents who were waiting in full battle.

After giving the Frost Giants a huge meeting ceremony, Coulson not at all flees directly with his men. Instead, it uses the resources at hand to establish a line of defense as quickly as possible.

Coulson, who first came into contact with Frost Giant, knew very well how difficult the enemy was this time. In terms of numbers alone, they have surpassed any enemy they have ever fought. Even more how, which also contains the existence of mysterious power.

Even with the support of Dawn Knight, Coulson cannot guarantee complete control of the situation. Similarly, he is also impossible to put all hope on Dawn Knight.

He prepared for the worst. Now, this preparation for the worst has finally come into play.

The urgently transferred aircraft guns and other large-caliber weapons have been used. Set up outside the town, and such a weapon on the battlefield, at this time, Frost Giants who have never been exposed to human technology weapons immediately hit head-on.

This is a real rain of bullets, and in pursuit of lethality, Coulson even discarded the Geneva Convention and used a mass destruction bullet that has been banned from use in war and violates the humanitarian spirit.

This makes the Frost Giants immediately feel the power of human beings, even if they are strong and belong to a powerful race in the myth. But it does not mean that they are all invulnerable Iron Body.

Their bodies are still made of flesh and blood, and they haven’t been able to be harder than steel.

So as soon as they entered the range of humans, the Frost Giants in the front row immediately fell down.

The powerful bullet tore apart their proud body and gave Death as a gift to these invaders from Jotunheim.

The Frost Giants, who had been knocked out by such a heavy blow before they had contact with the enemy, suddenly began to riot. They are in dire straits. Under such circumstances, they have no idea where to go.

Seeing Frost Giant’s panic, Coulson immediately ordered to increase his own offensive.

He only wants to be able to fight off these intruders now. As long as this time is repelled, the following support from SHIELD headquarters can eliminate all these Outsiders with no difficulty.

However, he still miscalculated the resilience of Frost Giant. How could the mythical race that can thrive in the bitter cold world be defeated like this!

The bullets are still flying, but Frost Giants no longer allow the bullets to directly damage oneself. Layers of ice began to appear on each of them. This ice enveloped their bodies like armor, giving them the capital to advance in the rain of bullets.

Even special large-caliber weapons are impossible with no difficulty to penetrate Frost Giant’s body protection ice. Without certain accumulation, or any special changes, it is difficult for the weapons Coulson currently masters to achieve this.

And this also means that they are unable to stop Frost Giant’s charge.

When one or two courageous Frost Giants took the lead and rushed into the position formed by Coulson, the struggle between humans and Frost Giant entered a tragic stage.

The power of giants, their strong bodies, and the magical power of frost also manipulated by SHIELD agents cannot be directly confronted. Although they have weapons in their hands, when this weapon does not work at once. Its role is not so obvious.

On the contrary, when the Frost Giants rushed into the temporary positions one after another, the huge cold weapons they used turned out to be more efficient.

It’s just a lightly bump, which is fatal enough for the ordinary person of the physical body and mortal flesh. And this point, even the elite SHIELD agents are no exception.

As soon as the confrontation began, there were casualties in SHIELD, and there were still no small casualties.

This made Coulson frowned directly. He wanted to make his subordinates retreat strategically, but now they are civilians behind them, which means that they are also unable to retreat.

Frost Giant has no place to retreat, and they have no reason to retreat. So they could only fight, and even Coulson, as the leader, could not pick up a heavy weapon and directly join the front line.

This is a fierce struggle, and new lives are dying almost every second. There are human beings as well as Frost Giant ones. But in terms of proportions, the number of humans is much higher than that of Frost Giant.

In order to kill a Frost Giant, SHIELD has to pay the price of several agents. And this reality is too cruel for the agents who are still fighting hard.

They can’t see the dawn of victory at all, because their number is not at all as large as they thought. One is really too hasty. In a rush to the human army that can stop them now, only them.

And now, they are on the verge of collapse.

The impact of the giants is beyond imagination, especially when they don’t hesitate to lose their lives and put all their lives and deaths aside. The temporary positions formed by humans simply cannot stop them for long.

When all the soldiers in the front row died tragically in the attack of the giants, even Coulson began to surround by perils. In fact, it means that this line of defense has been breached.

Giants have already begun to pass them, towards the town behind them. But now they are completely powerless to stop. Even if they can survive, it is now a question.

A part of the giants marched towards the town, and a part of them firmly carried out their king’s orders and wanted to destroy all the Midgarts they saw.

The agents of SHIELD are obviously on the list they want to eliminate.

The resistance is getting weaker and weaker. At this time, they don’t have much hope of keeping their own lives. The reason why he is still resisting is just the final struggle against the cruel fate that’s all.

Coulson is no exception, although he doesn’t want to admit it. But now he is indeed very likely to die in this place like this. Of course, waiting to die is not his style. He is still fighting, and at the same time directing the surviving agents, hoping to support him for some time.

As for how long he can support and whether he can support the arrival of rescue, he really has no hope.

The giant axe of ice sculpture crashed down in front of him. Coulson reluctantly escaped by relying on the lucky charm, but the agents who had been guarding him were not so lucky. .

The huge battle axe crushed his body and took his life in an instant.

This made Coulson inexplicably sad and angry. He took up his own weapon and fired frantically at the giant in front of him.

It is also today that he is indeed very lucky. The bullets he fired in a intensive burst of fire actually penetrated the ice armor of the giant, and then the inhumane large caliber reached All the bullets were sent to the giant within the body.

The hard skeleton now became an accomplice who killed him. When the bullet of the Damme bomb hit the giant’s skeleton, the soft metal bullet that burst out suddenly exploded the flesh and blood of the giant within the body, opening one huge cavity after another in his body.

In this instant, the giant’s life was taken away. But at this time, another giant had launched an attack against Coulson from behind him.

Without any evasion possibility, Coulson is even more impossible to turn his own muzzle, and even this giant is also solved.

At this time, he could only close his eyes and smile wryly. Come to welcome the coming painful Death.

But Death is always unwilling to do what people want. When Coulson was ready to meet it, it turned around quietly and slipped straight away from him.

“For Asgard!”

At this time, a roar suddenly passed from behind Coulson, and then Coulson heard the giant who was about to end own Roar in pain.

The voice is getting weaker and weaker, obviously he has been taken away by something. And when Coulson eyes opened to see, he hardly believed in own eyes.

Because now he actually saw Xina Princess also Robin Hood and Jackie Chan appear on the battlefield, and started a clash with Frost Giants with a tall fatty in an incredible way of fighting with cold weapons.

Although there are only four of them, these four are unimaginable bravely. In just a moment, the giant who died in their hands has surpassed one hand. But this is the record that dozens of SHIELD agents can use their lives to exchange.

It’s simply unscientific, so when these people got rid of the giants around them, Coulson couldn’t help but ask.

“Who are you?”

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