Sun God Marvel

Chapter 346

“Heimdall, stop for me. Do you know what you are doing?”

Feeling the changes in Bifrost, Loki immediately noticed What has Heimdall done after breaking the seal? He roared furiously and ordered Heimdall to stop his movements.

But Heimdall paid no attention to him, he still did the same thing, and ruthlessly rebuked.

“Loki, the sins you committed are about to end. I have seen your fiasco, and now it’s time for you to stand trial!”

“Go to trial ?” Loki extremely angry grinned back. “Whose trial is accepted? Who is qualified to judge me? I am the king of Asgard, my right Supreme! You all person, no one has this qualification. I defeated Jotunheim and destroyed Frost Giant. I No one can match his feat! Heimdall, you are wishful thinking.”

“Have you not seen the end of the matter until now? Loki, you have always called yourself smart. But in me It seems that you are really stupid and hopeless. You have already lost, you have lost thoroughly. If I were you, I should kneel down obediently and honestly and wait for the trial!”

“I am not wrong, you are the one who is wrong. I am the winner, I am impossible to fail!” Heimdall’s pitying glance drew Loki’s hysterical roar, and he was no longer frozen. Bifrost directly agitated the divine force of the Winter Treasure Box, and radiated ten thousand zhang cold light towards Heimdall.

This is the most powerful ice magic power he has exploded. In front of this power, Loki is confident to freeze any God. The gatekeeper of trifling Bifrost, he is 100% sure.

However, what he called 100% disillusioned into nothingness in an instant. Heimdall may not be too powerful, but his vision of the future is enough for him to deal with any attack.

If the future is doomed to his failure, he may not be able to do more. But when the future has been determined and he will stand on the side of the winner, even an attack that can destroy heaven extinguishing earth can never hurt him at all.

Now, the future has been determined. Loki is bound to fail, so Heimdall must also be safe and sound.

This kind of power that involves the future is extremely profound. Compared with the future, the divine force of the Winter Treasure Box is suddenly a little awkward.

So after the ten thousand zhang cold light, Heimdall still stood there unharmed. It has not been affected or affected at all.

“This impossible, this impossible. Why didn’t you die, why?”

Such a thing obviously exceeded Loki’s expectations, and it made him lose oneself’s inner calmness . While he asked wildly, he released the magic of the Winter Treasure Box even more crazily.

In the face of such random strafes, Heimdall dodged with ease, and at the same time responded coldly.

“Loki, don’t you understand? You have no future. No matter what you do at this time, it is impossible to redeem your failure. Your failure is doomed and unchangeable. “

“You shut up, I didn’t fail. I didn’t!”

Loki is still denying everything. But his denial has no meaning. Because things have become a foregone conclusion.

Because in the void, Golden Crow’s changing day is hurriedly coming.

Bifrost’s rainbow changes caught Zhou Yi’s attention. When the rainbow light had a tendency to go out, he really squeezed a cold sweat. Because at that time, they were still stuck in the unpredictable and boundless Jinlunga gap. If they lose the guidance of the rainbow, then they really can only get lost in this ghost place, and then wait for the end and end of their own.

However, the last change in Bifrost changed everything after all. He asked Zhou Yi to finally find the location of Asgard from endless void, and follow this fairly obvious signpost to go back directly.

Although Hongguang is quite weak, it is enough to tell Zhou Yi where he is going. The obstacle of the Jinlunga gap is no longer an obstacle under the guidance of Hongguang. The big day came across, breaking all the obstacles, and just got out of the void.

A round of sun violently appeared on Asgard, exposing Asgard, who had already entered the night, to the dazzling sunlight again.

This radiance is so conspicuous and eye-catching that the whole Asgard has discovered the changes in Bifrost.

On Bifrost, the big day turned into Golden Crow again, and Golden Crow pulled the floating island below him and landed steadily from in the sky.

The huge mountain-like island plunged into the sea around Bifrost, and then stood there firmly.

Before it is the Golden Palace of Asgard, and behind it is the home of all the rivers and lakes of Asgard in the world. There is never an end, the Jinlunga chasm.

It just lay there horizontally, and it became a very conspicuous scenery in Asgard.

And looking at such a landscape, ordinary Asgardians are shocked. Loki, on the other hand, was totally desperate.

The thing he least wants to see happened, which means that he is about to usher in oneself’s most tragic fate. Facing such a fate, he had nothing but despair besides despair.

Loki saw Golden Crow, and the shocking Gods Vestige where Golden Crow descended an island. And Golden Crow also saw him, the culprit of everything.

The huge body turns in the air, turning into a raging flame. Then from the fire, a silhouette with a fiery line of fire lased directly at Loki.

I finally saw Zhou Yi who was the master, holding his own raging anger at Loki, and then slammed an extremely bursting punch.

This fist is enough to smash mountains and crack the ground. For Loki, who was not good at physical strength, it was definitely a devastating attack. Coupled with Zhou Yi’s speed reaching the limit, Loki is absolutely inevitable.

At this moment, Loki can’t avoid it, and doesn’t want to avoid it.

For him, everything is actually over. Under the play of fate, his plan, also his ambition and all his efforts have become a futile blank. They have become a cruel reality torn apart.

Not only did he fail to follow oneself’s expectations, he became the king of focal point of ten thousands. Instead, he became a Butcher and Destroyer who was about to be scolded by countless people. And what made him most unacceptable was his big brother Thor. Once again got everything he himself yearn for something even in dreams. And it was obtained by stepping on own bones.

It made him feel that instead of accepting Thor and the ridicule of those stupid guys alive, he would have died completely like this.

He really wants to die. So when facing Zhou Yi’s destruction attack, he completely gave up resistance. And just stood there in a daze, waiting for destruction.

However, he wants to die like this. Death ends all one’s troubles. It is clean, but also people still hope that he can live well.

This person is Thor.

For Thor, no matter what mistakes Loki made. He is his own younger brother! As a brother, it is his natural mission to forgive the younger brother’s mistakes. He admits the mistakes made by oneself younger brother, but he cannot see that he bears a huge price for his own mistakes. Especially the heavy price of Death.

So when he saw Zhou Yi launch an attack, he immediately threw Mjölnir in oneself’s hand.

Although Zhou Yi’s speed is very fast, the speed of Mjölnir’s transformation into lightning is not inferior. So when Zhou Yi’s fist was about to fall on Loki, Mjölnir was just right in front of his fist.

Although Zhou Yi’s power can break through mountains and rivers, it has not yet reached the point where it can crush a divine tool like Mjölnir in one blow. So with one blow, Mjölnir absorbed Zhou Yi’s power. The two collided, although there was a violent impact that made Loki fly far away like a kite, but it was far from the point where it could hurt his life.

Such an attack obviously cannot satisfy Zhou Yi who is full of anger. He grasped Mjölnir who was in front of oneself and threw it fiercely. Then, with his fists held up, he rushed towards Loki again.

But this time, he was obviously a little late. Because Thor has rushed over and firmly guarded his own younger brother behind him.

“Get out of my way, Thor. You know what crime he committed!”

Zhou Yi hasn’t been able to wave his fists at his companion who just fought together. So he looked at everything in front of him, he could only suppress the anger in oneself’s heart, scolded.

“I know, I know what Loki did. But I am his big brother, I can’t watch him die in front of me. So anyway, I hope you can be magnanimous Let him go. I am willing to pay for this!”

Thor bowed his own eyes and pleaded sincerely. He really wanted to save Loki’s life, no matter what he needed to pay.

“This is impossible.” Regarding Thor’s plea, Zhou Yi refused without even thinking about it. “He destroyed the entire world and killed unknown lives. This crime is not something you can afford to pay if you want to. If I forgive him, then there will be one less explanation for the lives that have passed away. !”

“I will give you this explanation!”

Thor without the slightest hesitation said it. But what drew was Loki’s loud roar behind him.

“I don’t need your pitifulness, Thor. I’m responsible for the things I committed, and I don’t need you here to be a hypocritically good person. I am me, you are you, we have nothing to do . Even the brother is a fake brother, do you understand!”

“Shut up, Loki. There is no place for you to speak at this time!”

Thor directly and forcefully Interrupted Loki’s roar, and then did something to Zhou Yi that no one thought of.

He knelt down, and the whole God armor fell apart with his movements, and got away little by little. This means that he gave up his own divine force protection and appeared in front of Zhou Yi in the weakest and most vulnerable posture.

He put aside his own dignity and his own power. It has done things that many people can’t.

While bowing suddenly to Thor, Zhou Yi sneered.

“If you kneel before me for you, can you let me give up my own decision and let go of this used killer?”

“No, that’s wrong, too Unfair choices for those lives. I don’t mean that at all!” Thor replied calmly. “The reason I do this is to say that I am willing to replace Loki’s life with my life. I am willing to repay everything for him, even at the cost of life. His mistakes are caused by me, and I have obligations and responsibilities. Be responsible for him!”

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