Sun God Marvel

Chapter 348

The appearance of Odin was completely unexpected by Zhou Yi.

Because he remembers clearly when he was on Earth. The Asgardians who had been sent by Bifrost had perfectly cleared that their king Odin had fallen into a deep sleep and coma, and it was precisely because of this that Loki was given the opportunity to assume power.

If there is no unexpected change in this reason, it makes sense. But when everything had come to an end, even Loki’s conspiracy was completely defeated. The Divine King, who had claimed to be in a coma and sleeping, suddenly woke up. And it’s so perfect, just in time to appear in this place. Then Zhou Yi can’t help but think about something.

Is it all Loki’s conspiracy, or the layout deliberately arranged by Odin, the great and famous god of wisdom. All of this is now difficult to say clearly by anyone. And at this time, no one can make accurate judgments.

After all, no one knows the specific circumstances except the parties involved.

But this does not prevent Zhou Yi from being alert to the father of the gods. A guy who can count on oneself’s son will never be a good kind. When dealing with this kind of person, not having more mind’s eye is really asking for trouble.

So he cautiously confronted Odin on the eight-legged pegasus to ask a question, when already knows the answer.

“It sounds like you are the person in charge here. Haven’t asked your name yet?”

As the most intelligent God in Norse mythology, Odin has a rich experience and life Experience. He could easily see the jealousy in Zhou Yi’s eyes. But as a guy with rigorous schemes and deep foresight, he deliberately pretended to look like he didn’t see anything. Said to Zhou Yi.

“I’m Odin, the father of the two unfilial sons who are not useful, and the master of this kingdom. I’m glad to meet you, the new god from Midgart. The Lord has informed us of your existence. , But as far as I can see, you are not the same as what he said.”

“But it is also understandable. It can make that arrogant and conceited curse to such an extent. It must be unexpected to think of your excellence.”

This is another level of compliment. And also mentioned some other things very implicitly. For example, his true identity, also his notoriety among God.

This makes Zhou Yi even more certain. The so-called father of the gods in front of him is definitely not a good character. Even if he is not involved, he is absolutely observing all this in secret.

But these have nothing to do with him. He has no interest at all in the ethical dramas in Asgard’s Golden Palace. So he just said formulaically.

“The loser always blames the failure of own on others. That so-called God is no exception. Moreover, by listening to his arrogant title, you can know what a guy like him is like. Things. What kind of things he can say, I am no exception.”

“You are right, he is not very good?” For the so-called God, Odin’s senses are not very good. . Although they belong to an alliance, they are not as harmonious as outsiders think.

Before the cosmic giant Heavenly God group came, the so-called gods also swallowed their place of faith in the Nordic gods in secular religion. From this alone, Odin would not have a good impression of him.

So even if Jehovah described Zhou Yi as wicked, it is still an issue to be investigated for the main gods of these gods. Moreover, those Gods who have a bad relationship with him will get closer to Zhou Yi because of this.

Although Odin will not hate Zhou Yi because of a letter from the Lord, he will not favor Zhou Yi because of the hostility between them. In their position, more is the potential and benefits.

The power that Zhou Yi is showing now definitely has the benefit of moving all God. So at the last moment, Odin couldn’t help but walked out and extended a friendly olive branch to Zhou Yi.

“I’m sorry, when I was asleep. My child did so many terrifying things. Fortunately, God like you came forward and saved all of this. These I will arrange the mortal people properly. If you don’t mind, I would like to invite you to the banquet at the Asgard Golden Palace. On the one hand, it is to celebrate the cessation of all this, and on the other hand, I hope you can let me do my best as a landlord Yi.”

“I’m honored, but now is not the time.” Zhou Yi refused even think, but his refusal was still euphemistic. “I think my friends and those humans must have been with one’s heart set on speeding home. And in terms of their experience, this time is not suitable for any banquet. At the same time, I just want to send them home now. It is enough to give us a place to rest. Odin Divine King, if also has the opportunity. I think we can put this banquet next time!”

Zhou Yi’s words are full of rejection , But it is not so absolute as to refuse. While this disappointed Odin, he was not disappointed to a certain extent. Things also turn for the better. If you want to close the relationship between them, there are opportunities. So Odin is not in a hurry at this time.

“Then it’s settled, next time, I will use the most solemn etiquette to invite you to the Golden Palace for a banquet. Of course, it is better for us to solve the immediate problem now.”

Smiling to pave the way for the next invitation, Odin changed to a solemn expression and asked Heimdall.

“Heimdall, how is Bifrost. When will it return to normal and send our guests back to their hometown?”

“Soon, my Your Majesty. Bifrost can be turned on again in one night.”

Faced with King Own, Heimdall was extremely respectful. And his respect naturally satisfied Odin. He can rule Asgard for so long, relying on Heimdall’s loyalty. This is something that does not need to be verified, and it is beyond doubt.

slightly nodded, stretched out his hand to take a picture of Gungan on the base of Bifrost. Holding his own authority, Odin rolled over and got down the eight-legged pegasus. At this time, his two sons, Thor and Loki, had already seen him and came forward.

“Father, I am back.”

For this, he was serious and harsh, and even his own father was once exiled. Thor’s heart is full of complex emotions. There is no doubt that he loves his own father. When he heard the bad news of oneself father, he even fell into the abyss of despair.

But when the own father appeared in front of own completely, Thor didn’t know what oneself should say. So until the end, he just suffocated the sentence I am back.

For Thor, this lost and recovered successor. Odin had indescribable pride in his heart. Thor is his most proud child and his destined successor. But he disappointed him to the extreme.

If this were not the case, he would not exile him to Midgart.

That is a severe test, if Thor fails this test. Then he will never change from a mortal to God. He will also lose everything he owns forever.

But to make him proud, Thor passed the test. And returned to him with an image that best fits his in mind. This made him so happy that even the serious expression in Normally revealed a clear smile.

“Just come back, Thor. You did a good job, this time you didn’t let me down.”

Odin’s compliment made Thor, the reckless big man, laugh Like a child. And looking at oneself, father and son who are smiling and happy. Loki’s heart was completely unsure of what it was like.

until now, Odin’s bias towards Thor is kept in the dark. On the surface, he is always a fair father, and in words he gives them the same harshness as his brother.

And now he praised Thor in front of Loki, and this immediately caused Infinity’s jealousy in Loki’s heart.

He worked hard for so long, just to admit it. But now, this kind of acknowledgment was actually put in front of him in this way, but how could he be reconciled.

To be honest, Loki believes that everything oneself does is for Asgard. He didn’t do anything to apologize to Odin, and even said that he was fighting for Odin’s glory. So at this time, he quickly said to Odin.

“father, father. Did you see what I did. I destroyed our enemies for Asgard, I completely defeated Frost Giant. Asgard has no more wars . These all are I did for you, father. Have you seen it?”

Loki’s face is extremely ardent. He looked at his adoptive father longingly, hoping to see the same joy as Thor’s on his face, and spit out the same compliment as Thor from his mouth. But he was disappointed, and Odin treated him completely differently.

“Loki, all of what you did was wrong. Don’t you understand? These all are what you did for oneself, not for me. And all this you did was wrong It’s too serious. I’m sorry, child. You went in the wrong direction.”

Looking at the expectation on the face of this adopted son, Odin sighed deeply. He responded with regret and disappointment.

He saw everything Loki did, and for all of it. He disagrees.

Not only because of his crazy behavior, but also because of other reasons. He hopes that Loki can safely be the son of Divine King, a God who can contribute to Asgard. Rather than a fanatic who covets his throne and does everything for it. But from what he saw so far, Loki had clearly embarked on the Road of No Return.

For Loki, Odin still has feelings. So he just sighed and touched his head. I hope to take time to correct the mistake of this adopted son.

But Loki, who was already deeply disappointed and even desperate, obviously could no longer accept the alms-like sympathy from Odin.

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