Sun God Marvel

Chapter 361

Mephisto proudly put away a scroll. This is a scroll filled with devil’s words, and this type of writing is often used in contracts with the devil.

Obviously, he has reached an ulterior motive with Victor. And this transaction destined Victor to stand on Zhou Yi’s opponent.

Of course, even without this transaction, they are impossible to become friends. Just because of Susan’s existence, there is enough absolute hostility between them. Love is like a battlefield. Although this is often a term used to describe it, at this time is the most straightforward expression.

And even if it is not for Susan, even if it is for his mother, for the pain he has endured. Victor must become Zhou Yi’s enemy.

However, as far as the enemy is concerned. Victor is still not enough right now. Mephisto knows this very well, and Victor also has a certain understanding. Just the escaping power can harm oneself to people like people and ghosts. So what will oneself look like when he truly stands in his power?

Victor dare not think about this question, nor can he imagine it. So as it should be by rights, he began to ask Mephisto, the devil of wily old fox.

“The contract has been reached, now it’s time to tell me what your plans are. Don’t tell you that you can get his soul with me alone, if that’s the case. I don’t think you have any It’s necessary to do so many things.”

“You are right. It’s impossible to rely on you alone. So, I found you a partner, a partner who is strong enough. Of course, This partner may not have a very good temper, so if you want to do it, you’d better make a detailed arrangement in advance by oneself.”

Mephisto naturally does not want to waste the piece that oneself has so hard to find. . So facing Victor’s question, he frankly stated his own plan.

“Partners? Who else but me also will be caught by you and be reduced to this kind of bring about one’s own destruction?”

Victor directly pointed out the biggest in Mephisto discourse The problem. What kind of partner can compete with Zhou Yi, a fellow with Superhero identity. And what kind of partner is it that can make Mephisto so confident that he can guarantee that he will not pull his own back?

Seriously, to whether such a guy exists. He was really suspicious.

“No doubt, little Dum. He won’t let you down. Know that he is my sharpest weapon.”

“Really, then let me wait and see!”

The deal with the devil made Victor completely throw away all the bottom lines of being a human. He has already begun to figure out how to make Zhou Yi step by step into a dead end.

However, no matter how he plans or layout. It is now impossible to have any impact on Zhou Yi. So like many people, at this time, he lurked obediently and honestly, like a Viper hidden in withered yellow leaves.

He is waiting for a suitable moment, and only at that moment will he launch an own attack. And this attack, generally speaking, is definitely a fatal blow.

Zhou Yi’s side has no idea how many Viper like this lurks, and how many people are waiting for him to reveal the deadly weak spot. But for now, no one dared to touch him yet.

When he step by step shows the power of oneself, it is when the guys in the dark step by step retreat and hide into a darker corner. No one wants to fight against such an inhuman powerful existence, although he has stood in front of many people.

The reason why he is so daunting is mainly because confronting such an existence is always inevitable with huge sacrifices. If you want to do big things, you must make good use of every bit of own strength. Although sacrifices are inevitable, unnecessary sacrifices are definitely not something anyone secretly wants to bear.

They have been lurking for a long time, and it’s not a big deal for a while. And they are not doing nothing, but they are more inclined to use a special way to contain the footsteps of this powerful Superhero compared to the confrontation of positive forces. For example now.

The incident in the Mexico town has already subsided, and many people, including the residents of the town, have stopped talking about this issue. But I don’t know why, suddenly a crazy talk spread on the Internet.

These strange remarks were first developed from some YouTube videos and photos on Facebook. In the beginning, these things weren’t paid much attention to. After all, the content in them was really weird. A whole town disappeared, and Superhero took them crossing over two worlds. He even had special contact with a group of ancient Gods.

This kind of encounter is even more incredible than the super battle that took place in New York. Many people would rather believe that this Mexico town was destroyed in a storm than that they were crossing over time and space. , Here comes a super exciting adventure.

However, when these videos and photos spread more and more widely, even after landing on the homepages of several major browsing websites. Many people began to quietly change the concept of own. Coupled with the help of some so-called professionals, this topic suddenly became extremely hot.

Almost all online speeches are talking about the super power of Dawn Knight. Many people realize that the Superhero that has been protecting them has become stronger and stronger. It is so powerful that they are even a little scared.

If he can transform into a Divine Bird, grab a whole piece of land and travel through time and space. So who can guarantee that one day he will not grab a city and do the same thing?

Although most people admire the beauty and magnificence of Asgard, let them experience such a time travel. These people definitely chose to refuse.

So just like that, in the discussion of Dawn Knight’s power. More and more radical comments on the Internet began to evolve into two distinct factions.

On the one hand, he is still a supporter of Dawn Knight, in their opinion. Dawn Knight, who can take a piece of land to cross over to the world of God, already has the power and stalwart inferior to any God. The kind of formidable strength that can save the ordinary person in the end of the world completely satisfies their longing for the image of in mind powerhouse.

Powerful and kind, stalwart and compassionate. This image is almost indistinguishable from God in their hearts.

On the other hand, it is completely opposed to the existence of Dawn Knight.

Since the Battle of Broadway in New York, there has been such a voice in public opinion. They gave Dawn Knight a new title, a monster about to die. This title has more good reasons now. That is, Dawn Knight is too powerful.

It is so powerful that it is beyond imagination, even beyond the most powerful weapon of mankind-nuclear weapons.

In history, mankind has only really dropped nuclear weapons on this mankind twice. And it was these only two times that people all over the world regarded it as a scourge, and chained it one after another.

Law, morality, military, international public opinion. Almost all the sounds that can be made advocate controlling this existence with destructive power. Even its creators thought so, and even regarded it as a horn of doom.

Even nuclear weapons as dead are treated like this, even more how is a living person with oneself thoughts and oneself emotions?

Even if he carries a name like Superhero on his back, it can’t make him change. even more how In the eyes of many people, this name does not play any role.

Who can guarantee that Superhero will not do evil, who can guarantee that Superhero will always perform his own duties, and who can guarantee that he will not have oneself selfish desires and use the power of own to act wantonly.

No one wants to be an ant under the feet of giants, and no one wants to see such a powerful existence that dominates own life and everything.

When all these horrors, dissatisfaction, miscalculations, and other negative emotions piled up, more and more people who thought they were sane came forward and made their own voice.

They vented all their fears and dissatisfaction on Dawn Knight. They thought that oneself did not need the protection of such a strong guy. Instead of accepting his protection, it is better to let him hear the voice of own, and then obediently and honestly converge the power of own.

This kind of sound is getting louder and louder, and its nature is getting more and more strange. Many people have used their own power in this. They pushed the snowball, and then made the snowball roll bigger and bigger, eventually reaching a point beyond control.

Suggestion becomes an accusation, an accusation becomes a condemnation, and a condemnation becomes an insult. Dawn Knight became the first Superhero in the world to be spontaneously formed by humans to protest his existence and demand his disappearance.

This was originally the behavior of a few people. But when the moon collapsed on a large scale, the news that the initiator was Dawn Knight was also stabbed online. This behavior has become more and more, and even appeared one-sided on the Internet.

The supporters of Dawn Knight simply cannot compete with so many opponents, and more and more parades have dropped Dawn Knight’s reputation a thousand zhang in one fall.

In this case, Louise, the Global Journalist who has always supported Dawn Knight. Barbara couldn’t help writing.

“A Dawn Knight who can carry a plane against Magneto is considered a hero by the entire world. Because he is so powerful. A giant who can fight terrifying and rage prevents them from causing more damage The Dawn Knight of Dawn has already been criticized because he is still so powerful. Now, a human being who can travel through time and space and save a small town from a world that is about to be destroyed, is against the power that is so powerful that it can almost destroy celestial bodies. The enemy Dawn Knight has to endure so much infamy, just because he is getting stronger and stronger. I really want to ask, is his strength wrong? Has he done anything wrong? Has he done anything bad? Isn’t he doing one of these things to save others? He’s done so much, and he still has to bear all these things in front of me. I really don’t understand what happened to this World.”

” Hold on, Dawn Knight. The world does not need you, we need you. For you, we can fight against this World!”

The speech is clear and sharp. But Louise’s remarks can only be drowned in the waves pushed by countless people. At this moment, the voices in the world have been dominated, and they have no right to speak.

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