Sun God Marvel

Chapter 383

Tony has many shortcomings and more weaknesses. But if I really want to say, his biggest weakness is definitely Pepper. Pepper is his closest person to this world, and for this woman, he can do almost anything.

“Listen, you bastard. If you dare to touch Pepper’s hair, I can’t spare you. Even if you catch up to the ends of the earth, the end of the world. Even if you are doing everything I have , I will definitely find you and kill you!”

“This sounds really scary!” Loki in the newsletter is completely confident. “In that case, why don’t you sit down, let’s have a good chat and discuss the conditions? Talk about what you can do to prevent me from hurting the beauty next to me?”

No matter where you are, it is a very serious problem to negotiate terms with your own enemy when you are about to fight. Shaking the military’s mind is almost beyond doubt. Captain is naturally impossible to see things continue to develop in this direction. He quickly discouraged Tony.

“Calm down, Stark! Don’t forget who he is. If you believe him without knowing the truth, it is definitely the wrong choice.”

Captain The words made Tony slightly contain the anger in oneself’s heart, and his sanity returned a little bit. However, Loki was able to chase after victory, and with a single sentence, his hard-to-recover sanity was once again brought to the brink of collapse.

“It seems that after Captain America issued the own declaration, you don’t seem to believe what I said. What about this? Would you not believe me if this is the case?”

A request message for a video call appeared in front of the display screen in Tony’s helmet, which made him panic. However, he was worried that it would occupy more elements, and he opened the request, and then he saw a scene that made oneself completely unable to do it.

In the office of the Stark Building he is most familiar with, Pepper was grabbing his face in horror by Loki, showing him not knowing what to do panic when he appeared on the screen. She seemed to want to say something when she saw Tony, but Loki pinched her mouth tightly, she couldn’t say anything except whimpering and making a vague sound.

“Let go of her, you will let me go!”

This situation made Tony anxious, he almost yelled at the other side of the screen Loki made such a sound. But Loki didn’t buy his account, he just smiled wickedly and said to Tony.

“Why, now I am willing to believe me. But don’t you think it’s too late? Also, don’t you think your tone of voice to me is a bit too hard?”

Loki, who is holding the hostage, is completely confident, even saying that his words are full of playful abuse. In this case, he really wanted to know what Tony would do. Is it to maintain own arrogance as always, or to bend for oneself beloved woman?

And soon, he has the answer.

Although Tony is panting, his face is full of anger. But he desperately resisted all the anger of oneself, and asked in a soft voice that was almost squeezed out of his teeth.

“What do you want, make a price. As long as I can do it!”

“Make a price? This is really funny. I’m a god, you What can this trifling mortal have enough to dedicate to me?”

Tony finally settled down and decided to trade in exchange for Pepper’s safety. But at this time, Loki never mentioned the transaction. He was playing with Tony in a very obvious way, making him more angry, but unable to vent it.

The conversation between Tony and Loki was not at all to avoid owning his teammates. Every word he said reached their teammates’ ears. Seeing that their fragile alliance was about to split from Tony’s body, Captain immediately pressed Tony’s shoulder and yelled him.

“Stark, you have to think clearly. Is this the person you know! Don’t forget, he is an Avatar, if that person is turned into an illusion, you are completely by him Fucked!”

“Damn it, you shut up.” Captain became Tony’s temporary vent. But after hearing this, he still grew a mind’s eye and dialed Pepper’s phone quietly. What made his heart more serious was that although the call was dialed, no one answered at all. It’s as if the owner of the phone couldn’t answer it at all.

He didn’t doubt at all this time, because there was only one situation that would make Pepper not answer his call. Coupled with Loki’s self-confidence, it didn’t look like an acting style, it made Tony completely lost the courage to continue to verify.

“What do you want to do, say it. Don’t tell me that you are so troublesome, just to tease me. As long as you are willing to let her go, let me do anything!”

“It’s really stupid. You are just like my stupid big brother. There is no cure.” With a smile, he let go of Pepper in his hand, making her fall to the ground as soft as a bone removed. Loki finally stopped teasing Tony, but said with a smug smile. “Well, I’m tired of this kind of game. Let’s talk about it!”

“First of all, I have to compliment you. Before I started, you guessed that I wanted What are you doing, this is really good. Those iridiums are now in your hands!”

When he heard this, Tony was at a loss. Then he suddenly recovered, turned his head and glanced at Captain behind oneself.

Being able to divert Loki’s target without his knowledge, made him rush out. It seems that only Captain can do such things.

For Tony who suddenly moved like this, Captain couldn’t see anything except the helmet, but he guessed Tony’s meaning was still slightly nodded. At the same time, he made a silent gesture, telling Tony not to tell Loki the answer.

But Tony doesn’t care about him at this time, he just replied.

“Yes, the thing is here. You want the iridium, no problem. As long as you put Pepper, I will give you the iridium immediately!”

” Stark, you can’t do this!” The Captain on him exclaimed, trying to stop Tony’s decision. But Tony didn’t think so at all. He ignored Captain on his body and continued to make unilateral transactions with Loki.

“As long as you put Pepper. I can give you all the iridium, and even I can mobilize all the energy of Stark Industries to find more this thing for you!”

“It sounds interesting, but I thought of a more appropriate suggestion. Since you like this woman so much and are willing to do anything for her. Then take those iridiums and put them into my camp to serve me. It’s not something you can’t accept, right.”

“What did you say?”

As soon as this is said, not only Tony, but even the other people listening to their conversation are thoroughly The ground was stunned. They had thought about Loki’s sinister and vicious ideas countless times, but they didn’t expect him to be so vicious.

Use a person’s most beloved person as a threat to make him rebel from the own race. This method makes almost everyone gnashing teeth. The most worrying thing is that they have no way to dissuade Tony, because they are not qualified at all in their positions.

And looking at the incomparable entanglement and pain on Tony’s face, the look that is full of hatred because of the difficult choice. Loki got even worse.

“Of course, in order to prevent you from infiltrating my side as a double agent, so as to inform you of the Midgarts who rebelled against me. I need you to do one more thing! “

“I want you to bring Captain America around you to me. Only by using him as your name can I rest assured. Of course, if you are willing to take your other teammates It would be better if you brought it here too.”

Loki behaved lightly, but it almost pushed Tony into a desperate situation. If he did what Loki said, then he would be almost extinct from humans. SHIELD will not let him go, and the human government will not let him go. Even the entire human race will spurn him.

But if he doesn’t do this, then next moment his most beloved woman will die in Loki’s hands.

Tony has no doubt whether Loki has such courage, a guy who can openly fight a world will definitely not lack this thing. So how to choose at this time is the most terrible question.

No matter which one you choose, it will be a huge torture for him.

“Stark?” Without saying anything, Captain just muttered, just pressing his shoulder and waiting for him to make a decision. He understood Tony’s pain now, so he didn’t at all put more pressure on him. No matter what decision he makes, he will not blame him.

But this does not mean that he will not resist and let Tony do it. The resistance will naturally resist, understanding does not mean that he will be the fish on the table.

Almost everyone is waiting for Tony to make a decision. And Tony, who was basically impossible to delay, could only grit his teeth and make a decision against his will.

“I’m sorry, Captain!”

Sorry to Captain behind him, Tony turned his body directly and started a high-speed rotation in the air.

In terms of the kinetic energy of the Mark 4th generation, this high-speed rotation is definitely not something ordinary people can adapt. So when Tony moved like this, the experienced Captain jumped directly off his body.

Although their height is now definitely higher than most of the world’s tall buildings, if you want to choose, Captain will still choose to jump.

When he was turned around, he was caught up again. Captain was reluctant to do such a stupid thing. So he would rather take a risk.

Watching Captain jump straight down so stiffly, Tony complexion changed, immediately stopped oneself, and dived down at full horsepower, chasing Captain.

He has made a decision and intends to be sorry for Captain’s use of him in exchange for Pepper, but this definitely does not mean that he just wants to kill Captain.

He even had a certain fluke in this matter.

If Loki doesn’t kill Captain, then he has enough chance to rescue him again. At that time, things have the best of both worlds. He would not suffer such damn torture.

But the current situation is that everything is beyond his expectation, which was the case at the very beginning of the matter.

Whatever he intends to do. Now he must pull Captain back.

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