Sun God Marvel

Chapter 385

Little Spider’s warning immediately made his temporary teammates feel nervous. And these perceptive Superhero suddenly felt a strange change in the environment all around.

I don’t know when the surrounding temperature began to rise frantically. At this time, it was still a little bit of cold late at night, but in a short period of time, it has become as if the scorching sun of midsummer is shining, and it makes people feel distraught.

This natural impossible is a normal natural phenomenon. And now the only thing that can cause this change is Tony Stark who is not far from them.

At this time, Tony did behave very wrongly. The most strange thing was the Mark 4 armor on him. At this moment, these armors seemed to have life, and they moved in resonance at an unimaginable high frequency.

Countless small metal particles that are almost indistinguishable from naked eye are trembling, tumbling like ripples. The speed is so fast that it cannot be identified. As it moves, layers of heat waves erupt like volcanic surges.

This is how high temperatures are generated, and as the temperature continues to erupt, Tony’s red armor immediately turns into the most transparent red, like alchemy in a furnace.

This is not an accident, but what amazing changes are being made in Tony’s armor. This change was artificial, and it was under Tony’s control.

The red armor burned by the super high temperature made Jennifer no longer able to step on him calmly, and as soon as she withdrew her foot, Tony slowly got up from the ground.

At this time, everyone can see the most obvious change in him, and that is the power furnace on his chest.

The power stove that has been emitting soft blue light at this time is shooting out red light that is almost as dazzling as the sun. Especially the brilliance of the molten gold in the middle has a violent visual impact.

In the all around of the power furnace, one after another circuit-like pipes showed a radial pattern, spreading towards the all around of the armor. The color of molten gold in the pipe, and with the light-dark breathing changes in the pipe, the Mark 4 on Tony also began to change.

The rolling armor began to swell, and every nano particle on it became dazzling with energy. Almost every particle is emitting light, and almost every particle is emitting terrifying energy.

The energy is so terrifying that all around the armor emits dazzling arcs due to the surge of energy. This arc bursts to the ground, wall, or something. Immediately relying on its own terrifying high temperature, it directly melted it completely.

Seeing this, the few people who had been fighting on the spot to subdue him on the spot immediately consciously dispersed a safe distance. For most of them, this thing is absolutely terrible.

“I don’t want to do this, but sorry everyone. I have to save Pepper, even if it is the heaviest price!”

“Tony, you are absolutely crazy! What do you want to do?”

Looking at Tony Stark like this, Natasha yelled while backing away.

“I started a technology that hasn’t been completed yet. Sorry, this is something that shouldn’t appear for the time being, but for Pepper, I can only use it.”

“The current Mark 4th generation has completed the charging operation all over the body. Each of its metal particles is filled with energy from the power furnace. The energy of nuclear fusion is not mild, and my control over it is very limited. . So, I don’t want you to stop me, it will only cause you unnecessary losses.”

Tony’s voice trembled a little, as if he was enduring some great pain at this time. . In fact, it is true.

Although the form of energy burst is strong, the load is also huge. One of the most important problems is the high temperature it causes.

Although Nanominium has a strong thermal insulation capacity, it is still somewhat stretched under this burst of energy. Although not fatal enough, the internal temperature can still cause pain and suffering.

When the Mark 4th was made, Tony simply never thought that there would be such a day. At the moment, he has no other choice.

“Come with me, Captain. I will save your life. In this matter, I can use my life as a guarantee.”

Tony takes a step forward , The escaping energy almost formed a scorching storm, stirring all around everything began to melt. In this situation, his danger level immediately soared several levels.

No one thought that Tony would have such a method, and no one would have thought that he would use this method for the own person. So now, they don’t know how to deal with Tony, especially such Tony.

“Tony, you have to stop. Doing so will only bring you to the state of consigned to eternal damnation.”

Natasha, who barely counts as an acquaintance, faces him Shouted, and Tony’s answer was unusually determined and straightforward.

“Sorry, it is impossible to stop now. So I don’t have much time, Captain! If you can’t make this decision, you can only do it yourself!”

As he said, he ran up like this. And this movement is immediately fast as lightning. The energy-filled Nanominium almost provides infinite power to Tony’s armor just like the cells in the human body, and this powerful power allows him to shoot at terrifying speed without using a propulsion device.

He almost turned into a dazzling fire, swept across in an instant with a dazzling arc and hot redness. But Tony’s speed is fast, but someone is faster than him.

The silver light flashed, instantly wrapped around Captain’s body. Then in the blink of an eye, Captain’s silhouette immediately disappeared before Tony’s eyes. The motion capture of Mark 4 did not find any abnormality at all, and the person disappeared so suddenly. This made the menacing Tony immediately lose his own goal.

He knows very well that the person who can do this kind of thing must be one of the people on the opposite side. And so, repeatedly being teased, toyed with, and stopped by others has made his already unstable spirit even more mad.

He is still suffering from severe pain, not only physically but also spiritually. This kind of endurance turned him into a begin to stir active volcano, completely approaching the edge of the eruption.

“Why, why do you want to stop me. Is it wrong to save the woman I love? Is it wrong?”

He yelled at oneself, the nearest People launched an indiscriminate attack, like a dragon-like rushing fire, directly hitting Jennifer’s body.

Compared with the female Hulk, the size of Mark 4 is almost like a child. But after turning into this form, Tony showed a terrifying power that was not proportional to his body shape.

Just a simple collision, he caused a noise no less than the train that told Mercedes to collide together. And after the energy spilled from his body came into contact with Jennifer’s giant body, a weird scene of thunderbolt lightning entangled even more exploded.

Nothing can stay with them safely, whether it’s a house or a car, stone or metal is melted into a ball of gold in a flash of energy, like a flame. Like the candle, it cannot maintain a stable pattern.

In such a collision, Jennifer snorted, and the whole person was knocked into the building behind him.

The billowing smoke and dust came out through the windows that hadn’t been blocked for a long time. The whole building was trembling in the continuous loud noise of hong long long.

In this monster-level battle, human creations have always been fragile and somewhat ridiculous.

Tony flew Jennifer with a single blow, and immediately caught up with him like a winning chase. He doesn’t have much sense now, and his heart has been filled with tyrannical emotions. At this time, he just wants to vent the anger in oneself.

Since you don’t want to give me the Captain, then I will take it myself. Since you want to stop me, then I will fight you no longer in front of me.

A simple logical judgment made him full of manic desire to attack at this time. Even in the face of a weak female stream, he has no plans to show mercy. Although, Jennifer is not a weak female stream.

Jennifer, who was hurt all at once, also broke out of own ferocity. Although she is a woman, since she became a giant, there is a brutality in her heart. This instinctive thing had always been suppressed by her reason, but under the impact of pain, this suppressed thing broke out immediately.

Looking at Tony rushing over like a ball of fire, she no longer feared the high temperature and electric arc, just yelled and slammed it up.

The huge fist slammed into Tony’s body like molten gold. In addition to the torn skin and gaping flesh that caused Jennifer’s fist to be burned immediately, it also shot Tony like a cannonball. Flew out.

This hot cannonball pierced the entire building directly from the bottom to the top of the roaring sound of layers, and rushed into the sky like a meteor. The fierce Jennifer followed the big hole that Tony had smashed through like an ape, and then jumped sharply and rushed up again with Mount Tai overwhelming.

Seeing that Jennifer was about to hit own, Tony turned over in the air. Not only didn’t dodge, but instead ran into Jennifer with the power of the propulsion device.

The two powerful guys collided in the air again and made a huge bang. The huge impact caused a torrential rain of glass shards throughout the city center.

There are all kinds of human crying, weird calls, and also all kinds of strange noises. Makes this night seem to be extremely chaotic.

And in this chaos, Tony fell like a meteor. And Jennifer also flew high, and slammed into the already bruised building on the side.

It seems that the two sides are evenly matched, but for Tony it is not the case. Because at this time, another person appeared.

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