“Are you a Vampire Hunter, like Blade?” The Vampire girl is not stupid. Zhou Yi’s performance along the way has made her doubt.

“Not only!” Zhou Yi nodded, shook the head again. He didn’t want to lie to the poor girl.

“I knew it!” The girl smiled, revealing a very decisive expression. “Kill me.”

The girl raised her head and closed her eyes. Although her body was trembling slightly, she still hugged Zhou Yi tightly.

Why did she think of this? Zhou Yi has difficulty understanding the girl’s heart. But he pityed the girl even more.

He rubbed her hair and whispered in her ear: “No, my good girl!”

The girl silently buried her head in Zhou Yi’s chest, after a moment, Zhou Yi felt the moisture in his chest. Secular novels say that Vampire has no tears, because their blood is cold. But at this time Zhou Yi felt Vampire’s tears. He stretched out his take action and gently wiped away the girl’s tears. In my heart, I started to calculate for the girl silently.

At this time, a slight noise came from behind the wall of the compartment. In this old-fashioned apartment, there is always a lot of space between the walls. Some even hide some shameful things. During the New York Prohibition in the last century, someone secretly hid wine in the walls. But now, there are definitely more rats.

At this time, the person hiding behind the wall is naturally not a mouse, but a guy much bigger than a mouse. Alien, has been found here.

Through super vision, Zhou Yi has seen the guy behind the wall and the encounter between The Bloodpack and them. To be honest, except for Yukio’s performance, everyone else is just like that. It can be said that if it were not for the advantages of Vampire’s own strength, they might not be able to compare to the special soldiers among humans. Will such a guy really be the ultimate defense of the Vampire Empire? Zhou Yi is very skeptical. The existence of wily old fox like Damaskinos is impossible.

A punch on the wall, the power of light shines through the wall on the alien body behind the wall. In front of The Bloodpack, he performed extra splendidly. The life force, a tenacious alien, still could not escape the shackles of Vampire, and instantly turned to ashes.

Zhou Yi twitched the corners of his mouth slightly. The guy who can’t face the sun doesn’t matter more. His eyes began to wander, Jared Nomak, the so-called alien carrier of Vampire, has not yet appeared. Zhou Yi always felt that he was the key, not the key to solving these alien species, but the key to understanding the Vampire Grand Duke conspiracy.

Soon, he found Jared Nomak, and he was with Nyssa. He had subdued Nyssa, but he didn’t hurt her, but was whispering something in her ear.

Zhou Yi’s gaze patrolled Jared Nomak’s body, trying to find something unusual or suspicious.

Soon, Zhou Yi found what oneself wanted. That is a ring with a coat of arms. This thing is generally only available to the children of nobles in Europe. It is a symbol of identity and seal. Zhou Yi has seen an identical thing in Nyssa’s hands.

A pair of identical rings appears on two seemingly unrelated people. Such a thing will naturally become a suspicious point in Zhou Yi’s eyes. Zhou Yi, who was already suspicious of everything, felt more and more that oneself had come into contact with the truth.

But what is the specific matter, he still needs to ask the person involved.

Lightly pushed away the girl in oneself’s arms, Zhou Yi kissed her on the forehead and said to her: “Stay here, my good girl, I will be back soon.”

Vampire girl wiped the tears on her face, suddenly raised her head and said seriously: “My name is Serana, also I will always wait for you, whether you come back or not.”

“I will be back.” Zhou Yi promised once again that the girl’s words made him feel a little heavy. After a little play but found such a treasure, Zhou Yi was both fortunate and worried about how to protect such a girl. Unlike Clarice, the identity of Clarice Mutant will only attract human hostility, and humans are the best group of guys to deal with.

The guy who cannot be conquered in concept can completely destroy it physically.

The biggest enemy Serana has to face is the sun, which is an unconquerable opponent. Zhou Yi, who is almost like the incarnation of the sun, naturally understands the majesty and greatness of the sun. This problem is destined to be unsolvable.

After taking a few steps back, Zhou Yi laughed while still watching the own Vampire girl, turning on a watch on his wrist.

Black’s mercury began to surge, and it took shape in an instant. When the same pitch-black cloak shook out, Zhou Yi had become Superhero-Dawn Knight in front of Serana. This is a kind of alternative comfort, revealing oneself’s most secret identity, and seeking peace of mind for the girl.

Looking at Zhou Yi’s magnificent transformation, Serana was a little surprised at the same time, she did quite a lot. It can be seen from this that Zhou Yi’s approach is indeed useful.

Because it is the site of Vampire, Zhou Yi has no idea about taking care of official duties. After giving Serana a little bit to prevent her from being injured by mistake. He rushed out in the most violent way.

Whether it is walls, beams or corridors, whether it is wooden, concrete or steel. As long as it was in front of him, all were destroyed by Dawn Knight. His only target is Jared Nomak, who is known as the original carrier.

Jared Nomak held Nyssa from behind at this moment. His eyes looked strange, warm, jealous and hateful when he looked at Nyssa. The complicated expression one after another circulates in his face. If he is an actor, there is no doubt at all, it is definitely a powerful existence.

Unfortunately, he is not. As a guy in real life, this expression can only show that there must be a wonderful story behind him. And it’s the one that doesn’t need to be edited at all.

Jared Nomak squeezed Nyssa’s face, his muddy gray pupils stared at the woman in oneself’s hand oneself. After being silent for about two or three breaths, he said in an unusually dry voice.

“I know you, Damaskinos’ most beloved daughter, I really want to give it a try, if I kill you, will he shed a tear for you.”

“Monster, I won’t succumb to you.” Nyssa stared at Jared Nomak angrily. If she had Zhou Yi’s ability, it is estimated that Jared Nomak would have only a piece of ashes left.

“monster?” Jared Nomak laughed miserably, until his own jaw split. He pointed to oneself’s weird mouthparts and said to the woman in front of oneself. “I also think that oneself is a monster, but you think I want this, and suffer painful torture all the time?”

Here, his words became more and more resentful, and his anger couldn’t vent, leaving him only He hit the wall fiercely with a fist. The concrete wall did not hinder the effect at all, and Jared Nomak’s arm penetrated directly. Judging from the situation around his arm, only broken concrete scum piled up there.

This power made Nyssa a little stunned. In terms of strength alone, Jared Nomak has surpassed the race of Vampire, and even compared to other alien species, he is much stronger.

Looking at the movement caused by oneself, Jared Nomak laughed. But his smile was full of sadness.

“This is what he wants, you know? We have the same blood, maybe I should make you like me.”

Heard here, Nyssa Immediately began to struggle. Just looking at the look of Jared Nomak, Nyssa is a bit trembling in fear. If it is really transformed into this ghost look, for a woman who loves beauty, it would be better to kill her.

A woman’s obsession with protecting oneself’s face can’t resist the strange power from the alien king. Jared Nomak has separated his mouthparts and bit towards Nyssa’s neck.

His actions are very fast, and it may not take a second to complete this conversion. It’s a pity that among those who want to disrupt the situation, there is exactly one guy who can come to the rescue in less than a second.

The wall collapsed, a black light and shadow mixed in the flying bricks, appeared beside them in an instant. At this time, Jared Nomak and Nyssa can see exactly who is coming.

Black’s armor and cloak, this costume made Jared Nomak terrified. He yelled “Dawn Knight” before he could finish his words. He was punched out.

Zhou Yi this fist hit Jared Nomak directly on the face, and Jared Nomak crashed out immediately. Although Zhou Yi didn’t use much force at all, it still exceeded Jared Nomak’s limit. Even Jared Nomak’s own power has surpassed the limit of Vampire and reached a new realm.

But to put it bluntly, Vampire is something in this World. This World has the ability to be completely beyond imagination, a Mutant of all kinds of strange things. There are Asa Divine Race that left a myth on this planet, and even also aliens and Superhero with various abilities.

The Vampire race is not enough to look at in front of these guys. After all, it may not even be comparable to humans. Because humans have a huge base, all kinds of guys who have developed black technology, and even Superhero like Zhou Yi. And Vampire, except that the basic physical fitness is slightly higher than that of humans, it is useless.

The collapsed Jared Nomak’s entire neck crooked into an exaggerated angle, and his body was like a cannonball out of the chamber, directly piercing several layers of walls. Zhou Yi could clearly see multiple skeleton fractures and serious internal injuries on this guy. He was even a little worried whether oneself would kill him all at once.

The reason Zhou Yi is so worried is not that he is afraid of killing others. Rather, he was worried that oneself had lost a clue. He desperately wanted to know the truth behind the incident, and Jared Nomak was the only clue he found.

Facts have proved that his worry is somewhat redundant. Because Jared Nomak has staggered up from a pile of masonry.

He straightened his neck first, and in a sparse skeleton interlacing sound, he had already twisted his own neck back to its normal appearance. Then he started shaking his own body irregularly. It looks a bit like a sheep epileptic.

|But in Zhou Yi’s eyes, you can see that the broken skeleton in his body is closing quickly, repairing the ones that can be repaired, and the ones that can’t be repaired are like an extra layer of armor. , Automatically attaches to the corrected skeleton, adding a protective effect to it. And those so-called internal organ ruptures do not seem to be a problem at all. After a few breaths, it seemed to completely disappear.

Such trauma can be healed in such a short time. Even in Mutant, which has many capabilities, there is almost none. Except for a pair of undying brothers who have been walking on various battlefields for nearly 200 years, almost no one can reach this level.

This level has surpassed the biological system, and it seems that it has indeed reached the existence of the so-called cancer cells. Infinity reproduces, Infinity repairs. If it were not for fear of the sun, even Zhou Yi would be curious about how to exterminate these alien species.

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