Sun God Marvel

Chapter 395

“Yes, speaking of the demise of the new star!” Speaking of this heavy topic, the Star Lord no longer has that kind of airy expression on his face. Instead, he has a heavy A sense of burden. “The demise of the new star is entirely from Thanos’s hands, he personally took action to destroy the planet!”

“The cause of everything is something called Infinity Gem, which is spread in the universe The divine object. It has endless magical power. Even if it is only one, it has the power to destroy a planet in an instant. And there are two such things in Thanos’s hands, of course he now has three “

“The demise of the new star also has a lot to do with us. To some extent, Thanos will destroy the new star because we attracted him there.”

“I found a sealed antiquity in a ruin of a civilization that has died out. At first, I just thought it was an ordinary antique, and the employer at the time gave a lot of commission, so I put He took it directly to Xinxing. He wanted to take action out of it there.”

“But I didn’t expect that there would actually be something like Infinity Gem in the antiquities that would make everyone crazy. For this, the accuser Ronan the Accuser disregarded the peace agreement signed with the Sandals and directly launched an attack on the rising stars where the Sandals are located.”

“In order to prevent this terrifying war, we formed Guardians of the Galaxy, I did everything possible to stop Ronan the Accuser. We succeeded, but we also failed. Because at the end, Thanos descended on the rising star!”

“He got that A jewel, and with the help of the power of that jewel, all the life on the surface of the new star was destroyed in an instant. Only a few people survived by chance. But these people who survived have lost their own meaning forever. Hometown!”

“The surviving Shandars called all the compatriots of oneself in the universe. They gathered all the forces they could gather to form this revenge Legion with 3,000,000 people. And their There is only one purpose, and that is to avenge Thanos! And this is what I have to help them accomplish, I need to be responsible for Rising Stars, so my companions and I must join this war.”

Star Lord speaks a heavy topic in such short words as an audience. Both Zhou Yi and Coulson felt an unspeakable sadness. The planet that a race depends on for survival, their hometown, was destroyed in this way, which is a huge and terrifying blow to any emotional life. Under such circumstances, for the purpose of revenge, it is acceptable for them to do even crazy things.

However, as an Earth person, Coulson is more concerned about another issue than sympathy.

“Then why would Thanos focus on Earth? If only Zhou Yi is alone, there is absolutely no need to inspire others like this.”

“This is exactly what I want to ask you. Yes, Thanos will never do this because of a person. Unless there is something he really needs on Earth. I remember Commander Hill said that she probably knows what their goal is. So I think too. I know, what exactly is her so-called goal?”

After a moment of silence, Coulson felt that there was nothing to hide. So he told him the answer Star Lord wanted to know.

“On Earth, or once in our hands, there is a magical treasure, we call it the universe magic cube. It has infinite energy and incredible control of Space Power. But precisely because of it This kind of power attracted Loki also the accuser Ronan the Accuser. In our secret base, they suddenly walked out of the Teleportation Portal created by the universe magic cube and took it away. If we also have something It’s worth their peeping. I guess there is only that thing.”

“Cosmic magic cube? Damn it, wouldn’t that thing be Infinity gem?” Upon hearing this, Star Lord was keenly aware of this. what. But for his conjecture, Coulson didn’t agree with him.

“Are you cracking a joke? That thing is so big, how could it be a gem?” Coulson reluctantly retorted to the Star Lord and they reluctantly Star Lord, who thought the more possible, was more sure of own idea.

“Almost all Infinity gems have been put on different seals by the users of ancient civilizations. What you call magic cube is very likely to be one of the seals. What is between Infinity gems? Unfathomable connection, it is very possible that Thanos discovered the existence of this gem because of the three gems in his hand!”

“This is impossible, if it is Infinity Gem, then everything is early That’s it. Because that thing is already in their hands.”

Shaking his head, Coulson, who had been frightened by the Star Lord’s conjecture, still couldn’t agree with his statement. But in fact, he had already admitted in his heart that what Star Lord said was basically true. He just can’t accept the consequences, accepting that Earth is very likely to embark on the nova.

“Calm down, Coulson. Even if it is Infinity Gem, isn’t it still in Thanos’s hands?” Compared with Coulson who doesn’t know how to be good, Zhou Yi is quite calm. “If they really had a way to hand over the universe magic cube to Thanos, they would definitely not make so many twists and turns. So, it’s not the time to despair!”

I said so, but Coulson is just An ordinary person, as an impossible Earth person with any future, it is too difficult to do this.

And Star Lord is not as optimistic as Zhou Yi. The power of Thanos is their heart’s boulder. For Infinity Gem, a divine object that can add to his terrifying power, he has nothing but extreme fear.

“Do you really think that this kind of waiting for the rabbit can be effective? Or do you have so much confidence that they will attack here and take away what you think they want?” at first did not think Earth People will have a divine object like Infinity Gem in their hands, but Star Lord doesn’t think there is any problem with SHIELD’s plan. But when Infinity Gem this thing came out, he suddenly felt that this plan was not safe at all. “Should we discuss it again? At least I can give you more advice on this kind of thing. After all, we have much more contact with Thanos than you!”

Although they got up for the sake of the overall situation, their essence also reflected their fear of the guy named Thanos. This makes Zhou Yi very confused. Is the so-called Thanos, the overlord of the universe really terrifying?

However, Zhou Yi not at all asked this question, because he knew that even if oneself asked it, he would only get one answer. For this kind of question that already knows the answer, he really didn’t go into it. necessary.

And Zhou Yi stopped talking, and the scene suddenly became embarrassing. Those who remain dominated by fear at this time are too silent.

However, although the four of them are silent, they are still very conspicuous. Especially for those who also come to rest. Almost instinctively, Natasha just walked into the lounge and leaned in.

“Hey, what are you talking about?”

“Trust me, you don’t want to know.” Shrugged said something like this. Zhou Yi immediately received a roll of eyes from Natasha.

“Are you talking about playboy magazine, or are you talking about something similar in the universe?”

“We haven’t gotten bored yet Exactly, Natasha.” Coulson said bitterly, this kind of teasing didn’t make him cheer up.

“Well, but Coulson, why did you show up here, I remember you should be on duty now?”

Natasha originally wanted to make fun of it. People change oneself’s crying face. But since it didn’t play the role it should have, she could only change the topic. And talking about official business is also a way.

“Barton said he wanted to take my class. It happened that Tony also had a headache from Mr. Rocket, so I came out to let the air out and soothe my own spirit.”

” Button took your class, but I just watched Button go to the outside?”

As soon as I said this, Coulson immediately felt a very serious problem. He asked quickly.

“How could this be possible when you saw him walking outside? Did you read it wrong?”

“I still have a clear distinction between zone A and B. Besides, if you are on duty, there is no need to go to deck B.”

“Damn! Something happened!” Subconsciously said this sentence, and Coulson immediately turned to oneself who just came out. The place ran over. Not surprisingly, as soon as he entered the door, he saw Tony lying on the ground, and a rocket tied tightly, like a zongzi.

And the most critical iridium, there is no trace at this moment. Obviously, it has been taken away by some people.

“Attention everyone, attention everyone. Block the deck and stop all takeoff measures. Don’t let anyone leave the aircraft carrier, Agent Patton has defected. Repeat, Agent Button has defected. Everyone, find him immediately, Any method is allowed!”

At this time, even Coulson became decisive. But for Barton, who decided to rebel at this time, it was obviously too late.

The “hong long” sounded loudly, and the entire Helicarrier began to moan. The huge body began to tilt with the loud noise, and a strong sense of weightlessness immediately appeared on every creature standing on the aircraft carrier. Many people fell to the ground, and some bad luck guys were stunned by the flying objects.

On the deck, billowing black smoke rose up, and raging flames almost enveloped most of the deck. Many airplanes parked here fell into the clouds because of the tilted aircraft carrier, and more exploded in the fire, causing greater damage and panic.

And in such a billowing cloud, a Kun-style fighter flew up quietly, and then flew away in the blink of an eye.

“Zhou Yi, stop him!” Seeing the Kun-style fighter disappear into the own field of vision, Coulson immediately yelled at Zhou Yi.

“Don’t worry, he can’t leave!” Almost needless to say, Zhou Yi knew what to do. He turned into a meteor and chased after the Kun-style fighter.

And Coulson, with a gloomy face, began to direct the people on the aircraft carrier to carry out emergency rescue work. SHIELD has a traitor, which will not be a trivial matter at any time. Especially the existence of high-level Patton. Although it is difficult to understand why Patton wanted to defect, this issue is no longer important at this time.

The important thing is that Iridium must be brought back, even with Patton’s body.

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