“Who is this?” A mature beauty with a seductive chocolate complexion and silver white hair walked over.

“Introduce, this is Yi Zhou, the guest invited by the professor.” Jean Grey said to the black beauty in a complaining tone, obviously in the state of oneself girlfriend.

Ororo was obviously in a very interested state at this time. She circled Zhou Yi a few times, looking at him with a very strange look. While turning, he said.

“Is such a boy worthy of the professor’s importance?”

“As far as the current ability appears, it is very powerful. But whether it is Mutant or not, I still need to determine.” Jean Grey replied while adjusting the instrument.

“It doesn’t have to be Mutant. Could it be those mutant superpower users?” Ororo continued to ask curiously.

Many people think that Mutant is a mutated human. In fact, as time progresses slowly, the Mutant race has formed a racial form, and their emergence also stems from stable genetic changes, that is X-Gene. It can be said that with X-Gene, Mutant has become a race independent of the human race. This is also the reason why governments around the world have implemented high-pressure policies on Mutant. Their mature population poses a huge potential threat.

At this point, those special cases that arise for various reasons, which is what we often call ability users, their threats can be accepted by the government, because these special cases are too few . It is too little to be experienced and knowledgeable, and even Professor Charles, who has watched all mankind with psychic powers, wants to win over such people as much as possible. For example, Zhou Yi.

Chen Ran, he has a research mentality to win Zhou Yi, but more importantly, he does not want a potential power to fall into the hands of the enemy, and the best way is to put this The potential power becomes a friend.

Ororo is looking at Zhou Yi, and Zhou Yi is looking at Ororo. Unlike the common black races, Ororo doesn’t have the conspicuous thick lips and flat nose. On the contrary, her The bridge of the nose is high and the lips are plump and charming. Coupled with that seductive complexion and delicate and charming face, even compared to the most charming models in fashion magazines.

Especially the hot figure wrapped in her close-fitting leather jacket, it makes people have a passionate temptation. And her beautiful silver white hair adds a somewhat mysterious charm to her.

At this point, Zhou Yi can only say that Mutant’s statement that Mutant is higher in biological species than humans is correct, not just in terms of ability. The appearance alone is more than a few blocks above the horizontal line. Of course, this is just his joke.

Looking at Zhou Yi impudent and looking at oneself, Ororo was not at all angry, but walked forward, stretched out his hand to Zhou Yi, and said with a charming smile: “Hello, Mr. Zhou, I’m Ororo, the teacher of Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters.”

As it should be by rights, holding the palm of Ororo supple as if boneless, Zhou Yi said seriously:” Nice to meet you, Miss Ororo, honestly, you are one of the most charming ladies I have ever seen.”

Ororo smiled naturally and said, “Is that so, then I am honored .Although it was said by a big boy!”

Zhou Yi looked at the height of the two who were still a little short, but could only sighed and lamented in her heart. If you want to attack Onee-san in this half-sized state, the difficulty is really not a little bit. At least he hasn’t seen where the hope is now!

But this didn’t bother Zhou Yi’s interest. He started to use all his best to communicate with Ororo. However, the progress was so small that it was just a chat, and he used Ororo’s experience to deal with it. Little playboys like Zhou Yi have no problems at all. After all, he has been a character in the underworld Big Sister.

Two people gag, but they have a good time talking. And Jean Grey didn’t care about this. After adjusting the instrument, he interrupted the conversation between the two and said.

“Well, you two, if you want to talk, you can make an appointment for another time. Now. Yi Zhou, take off your shirt, let’s start.”

“Of course!” Already Zhou Yi, who tried his best to get to the Ororo contact information, would naturally not be stalking. He simply took off his own shirt and stood in front of Jean Grey.

Zhou Yi, who is only 16 years old, is still developing like most yellow people, but his body is extremely strong, and his muscle skeleton is almost a perfect match, even for white people. This kind of aesthetic cannot be said to be thin.

The most peculiar thing is that on Zhou Yi’s back, a fiery-red Three-legged Crow Mark is firmly entrenched in the center. A pair of golden eyes is flame flickered, and everything is unparalleled. Style. The huge wings stretched to the shoulder blades, and countless wind and fire lingered. The sharp three-legged standing on the middle of a sun, the big sun entrenched above the back waist, all around the divine fire is flying, even the corona and the fire are vividly and thoroughly portrayed, it seems that this extraordinary Golden Crow divine steed, makes people There is a thrilling visual impact.

Jean Grey and Ororo who have never seen Divine Beast like this are all dazzled for a while, and their eyes are full of admiration for the artwork. And Zhou Yi didn’t care about it, letting the two beauties take a look, no one could say that it was a disadvantage.

However, Jean Grey and Ororo are experienced and knowledgeable Mutant mentors after all, and soon came back to his senses.

Jean Grey opened the mouth and said weirdly: “What is this, I feel like I have some incredible power?”

“This is Three-legged Golden Crow, Chinese The symbol of the sun in Mythology. And this is my birthmark. My mother tried many ways to get rid of it, but unfortunately she didn’t succeed. Well, I only know so much.” Zhou Yi shrugged, turning back to explain Tao.

“Are you saying that your power is innate, and it is God-like blessing?” Ororo stepped forward, touched the lines on Zhou Yi’s back, and said with emotion. “Then this is really amazing!”

“About this, I can only say that I don’t know anything. If I knew, I wouldn’t promise you to come here for testing. “

“You will get the answer, and so will we!” Ororo’s whisper sounded in Zhou Yi’s ear, and her fingers were also lightly stroked on Zhou Yi’s back, soft The sense of touch brings bursts of electrical stimulation. Make him involuntarily numb all over.

This feeling is great, but Zhou Yi doesn’t like it. Ororo’s performance is like a cat overflowing with curiosity, and he has a desire to find out his secrets.

Zhou Yi can only change the subject and say to Jean Grey: “Let’s get started!”

“Of course!” Jean Grey is nodded, she is also a little worried about own friend It will overdo it, and once conflicts arise, it is not a good thing for both parties or Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters. So she arranged the equipment quickly and said to Ororo at the same time. “Ororo, can you do me a favor? You know that I also have a class schedule today, but I can’t spare time now. I want you to help me take two classes, okay?”

Ororo doesn’t matter Shrugged.

“As long as you are willing to change the get out of class with me, I have no opinion. Then, big boy, let’s see you later.” After speaking, Ororo waved his hand and walked out of the experiment with a sexy figure. room.

“She is so charming!” Zhou Yi exclaimed, then immediately changed his tone and said to Jean Grey. “Of course, you are the same.”

Jean Grey rolled his eyes and pulled out a blunt smile.

“Thank you, but now we start the experiment.”

Instructing Zhou Yi to stand on a hexagonal platform, Jean Grey explained while operating the instrument: “This is our The experimental equipment developed in response to the Body Strengthening Mutant can create a stable and controllable gravity field, and is also equipped with a sensitive light detection device. As long as the calculation formula is used, we can measure most of the basic data of your body. For example. Talk about intensity of strength, resistance, and the speed of neural response and your own movement speed. Now, I am going to increase gravity, let go of your force field defense, and only use the most basic body to protect oneself. Get ready Just tell me, if you feel uncomfortable, please say it immediately.”

Zhou Yi nodded after hearing the general idea, and then made a gesture to signal the start.

Jean Grey turned on the switch of the instrument, and the cool voice was transmitted to Zhou Yi’s ear through the microphone.

“The experiment started. It is now 1.2x gravity and lasts for 1 minute. Everything is normal, the target does not show any bad conditions, and the gravity is increased to 1.5 times… Normal, the target gravity is increased to 5 times. Zhou Yi, how are you feeling now?”

As the experiment progresses, Jean Grey becomes more and more surprised. As the leader of the experiment, she understands exactly what it means to have five times the gravity. It is not just a simple weight attached to the body, but every muscle, every bone and even every hair, every cell bears five times its original weight. This kind of creature that survives under gravity is exposed to normal gravity, and just a burst of power can crash into a bus. And this is only part of it.

until now, in Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters, apart from Beast Hank and Colossus with the help of own ability, no Mutant can bear this gravity. Looking at Zhou Yi’s appearance now, it is obvious that there is still a lot of energy left.

Zhou Yi did a few warm-up movements on the spot, feeling the continuous power of oneself body under pressure, and gave Jean Grey a thumbs up, loudly said: “I feel great, Go on.”

Jean Grey was slightly surprised and immediately started own work again.

“The test continues, the gravity is increased to 6 times, and the target cardiopulmonary function is monitored, everything is normal. The experiment continues…”

In Jean Grey’s increasingly surprised gaze, Zhou The gravity step by step that Yi bears increased until it reached 9 times, which is the limit currently reached by this instrument. Zhou Yi only showed a little reaction. This reaction has not been reflected in the external performance, but It was discovered through the detection of cardiopulmonary function.

For example, the reaction is similar to that of an ordinary person running 1000 meters. According to Jean Grey’s calculations, Zhou Yi can withstand at least one to two times the increase in gravity, but unfortunately the equipment There is no way to test.

“Yi Zhou, can you do ordinary exercises? Like running? If you can, try jogging inside.”

Zhou Yi finished listening nodded , Started own jogging with ease, and after running a few laps, Zhou Yi started to increase own speed until the speed of 100 meters seemed to stabilize. This speed continued for about ten minutes before Zhou Yi stopped and looked at Jean Grey.

For Zhou Yi, the environment at this time seems to be very suitable for oneself exercise. He can feel that his own body is being strengthened little by little in this strong gravity environment. Although it is small, it is more In the past few years, there has been rapid growth.

This made him feel the room for improvement in oneself’s ability. Now, he is more concerned about how this preliminary test interprets own physical strength.

Jean Grey seems to understand Zhou Yi’s mood at the moment, so she didn’t sell anything, but said directly.

“Due to the limitations of the instrument itself, we can only estimate your physical fitness at present. The result of the calculation is that the force value generated by your pure physical body should be 50,000 pounds (about 22 tons). ) To about 60,000 pounds (approximately 27 tons), this does not include your explosive power, but the value generated by your normal use of body power. Of course, because of the different ways of exerting force, there will be certain data deviations.”

“In addition, it is your resistance to pressure. The preliminary result is that your body strength can withstand a pressure of about 50,000 pounds. This is the lowest value. If you look at the current individual weapons, except for some High-tech individual weapons. Among the existing conventional individual weapons, only large-caliber sniper rifles can damage you. This is because of the force point. If you can control the muscles for a certain buffer, this attack In fact, it shouldn’t be a problem for you.”

“also, is your speed. It is calculated that your current high-speed movement has already broken through the speed of sound. If you don’t set a limit, your regular high-speed The speed movement speed should be about Mach 4. Of course, due to the limitations of the mobile environment, your speed will definitely be affected. It is estimated that it will also be about Mach 3.”

“Finally, your neural response speed, This can only get an estimated value. Your neural response speed is estimated to be only seven out of ten thousand. This value has reached the peak of natural creatures. Speaking of this, do you usually watch movies? How do you feel.”

Zhou Yi thought for a while and said: “It’s nothing in normal times. If you concentrate, the feeling of looking at a picture without moving is still uncomfortable.”

Jean Grey After listening, I can only say with emotion: “I have seen many Mutant students who suffer unimaginable pain because they can’t control oneself’s super audiovisual and neural response arcs. For you, I can only say that you are like a child that God loves. If you want to describe it, I can only say that you are like a son of God. Your body is really perfect. Only the strength of your body is Alpha-Level Mutant. Even more how you also other superpower…”

Hearing this, Zhou Yi can only chuckled. Son of God, I believe that oneself is the human being who will eventually become God.

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