Sun God Marvel

Chapter 401

As soon as Thor rang, everyone felt something was wrong. Because at this moment, their entire group is in the sky above ten thousand meters, with clouds under their feet and the sun above their heads. all around I can’t even see a dark cloud, even more how is what thunderbolt lightning.

But the voice was not a vain existence, and it was truly what people heard in their ears, and the voice was closer than the other, and quickly approached them.

“Is it an enemy attack?” Captain lowered his voice and asked. But Zhou Yi immediately shook the head, stopping the random thinking of these avengers.

“Don’t worry, it’s not the enemy. It’s an own person!”

As soon as he finished saying this, a lightning that was extremely bright slammed onto the deck. The splattering electric lights and the sudden gust of wind made many people dazzle their own eyes. And in this flash of light, a tall figure gradually emerged.

That is Thor, the Asgard Thor, who holds the hammer Mjölnir and wears cloak armor. And his presence here at this time was tantamount to telling those who knew his origins, and Asgard also stepped in at this time.

This situation is a bit special, not everyone welcomes his arrival, such as Fury.

“God of Asgard, tell us what your intention is? Why do you appear on my ship at this time?”

“Don’t be afraid, Midgart People. I don’t mean anything!” Thor hung Mjölnir on his wrist and stretched his hand flat, answering Fury’s question in a harmless manner. “I’m here for Loki. Heimdall saw Loki’s silhouette in this world. At the same time, he found a huge crisis approaching you. This matter has a lot to do with Loki, so I think I should Come and stop him, and prevent him from making mistakes.”

“You know, he is already very serious. I think it is almost impossible to be corrected. In my opinion, he It should have been shot dozens of times!”

As soon as Loki was mentioned, Tony immediately exploded. He was so choked by Loki that he couldn’t help but speak when Thor said he wanted to pull Loki back from the wrong path.

For Thor, this is obviously a bit excessive.

“Shut up, mortal. Loki is my younger brother. To me, no matter what mistakes he makes, he can be forgiven.”

“He has One world has been destroyed, and now we are going to destroy the second one. Even so, do you think he can be forgiven?”

Natasha snapped in, but it made him shout loudly just now. Thor, who was about to bring Loki back, was speechless. What Loki has done is no longer a simple question of forgiveness and forgiveness. He must accept a fair trial.

“Let’s talk about this later! Thor, you said Heimdall saw a crisis. What kind of crisis is it, is our World Cup alien invasion?”

“no!” Facing Zhou Yi’s question, Thor shook the head, then Su Rong said. “I don’t know how Loki survived. But he seems to have gained a new power. This allowed him to discover a big secret hidden by my father, and also stole a very important one from this big secret. Things.”

“Aether, the treasure of the Dark Elf. It has the power to destroy a world. When they were defeated by my father led by the army, Aether fell into my father’s hands, and then he It is sealed in a place that no one knows. But Loki found it and stole it. I am worried that he will use Aether to do the wrong thing. Once he does that, then it is likely to cause irreversible consequences. So I must stop him before this happens.”

“Hehe!” Because of Loki, Tony was disgusted by Thor’s rhetoric in his heart. He made such a very uncomfortable sound, and then just about to stab him two more words, Captain interrupted him and said in advance.

“Aether, what is that? Or do you know what it does?”

“I don’t know what it does. But I know another name for it . Aether is just what the Dark Elf call it, and its other name is Infinity Gem!”

Infinity Gem! As soon as the name was called, it immediately made everyone’s expressions ugly. Because that meant that the advantage they had finally gotten was wiped out again. It also means that they will have to face a stronger opponent.

This is something normal people don’t want to see. Only Zhou Yi didn’t think so, because now his heart was filled with inexplicable excitement.

For a stronger opponent, for Infinity Gem, he began to have an impatient impulse for everything that happened next.

But before that, some incentives are still essential.

Because even he does not want New York to be destroyed. There is also his territory, and protecting it is also his responsibility.

“Don’t be discouraged, it’s not the time to despair. Thor also said that Loki took the things. Now Loki is still on Earth, as long as we rush to him and hand in the Infinity Gem Thanos stopped him before, so we also hope to win.”

“Zhou Yi is right, as long as we act quickly, then we may still win. If we work hard, we still have Did not lose!” Captain also started to motivate everyone’s morale at this time. Like Zhou Yi, he also realized that their morale could not be allowed to go so low. If this continues, let alone winning, it may be a problem to survive. So no matter what it is for, he must cheer them up mentally.

This kind of action cannot be said to be useless, at least he gave everyone some hope again. And hope at this time is particularly critical.

“Go ahead, everyone. For our homeland. It’s time for our enemies to see our strength!”

This can be said to be the final war mobilization Next, the Avengers finally began to quarrel with each other, together. They are facing unprecedented enemies, because they must also unite and deal with these enemies in an unprecedented manner.

Let go of all previous contradictions and differences, and twist all the forces that can be gathered into a rib. The Avengers finally showed the style they should have. Although this was forced to form under tremendous external pressure, it was enough to comfort Fury.

The Avengers finally have a look, which is undoubtedly an affirmation of all his efforts. Of course, it would be even better if the Avengers could be completely controlled. But after looking at Captain and Tony, Fury still gave up the idea.

At this time, Thor stood in front of them and said solemnly to them.

“Can you add me? This is Loki’s trouble. I vowed to make compensation for everything he did! So I hope I can join you and do my own The effort!”

“Can it be?” Captain asked Zhou Yi with such a look, and Zhou Yi simply nodded after receiving such a look.

Thor is not the kind of scheming person, so to some extent, he is actually a good teammate. Of course, the premise is that your goals are the same.

Received Zhou Yi’s reply, based on the principle of uniting all the more powerful forces. Captain happily stretched out his hand to Thor.

“Of course, we welcome anyone who can help us to join.”

“Thank you, it would be great if Loki could be handed over to me at the end! “

Thor, who was taught by Jane, has obviously learned how to adapt to human etiquette. He took Captain’s hand, and took the opportunity to offer the own condition.

For this condition, Tony immediately rolled his eyes.

“Don’t even think about it, that guy and I also have a lot of accounts to be settled!”

“We all have to settle accounts, but these things will be discussed later. It must be united. So, don’t fight infighting! Never fight infighting! Understand, Tony!”

Looking at Tony’s rhythm of picking things up again, Captain immediately suppressed his signs. He really didn’t want to cause any problems, especially at this time.

“Don’t worry, I understand, we will talk about this later!”

With a whisper, Tony activated the Mark 4 on oneself. The Iron Man Armor that had just been repaired made him no longer the ordinary person without the power to bind the chicken. Similarly, in the upcoming battle, he can finally display his own ability to vomit all the unhappiness he had before.

Seriously, all the previous encounters almost suffocated him. It doesn’t matter if Loki is led by the nose as a monkey, and Barton is yin for a while. This made him almost feel that oneself has almost become a harlequin, even when others look at his expressions and laugh at them all.

So what he wants to do most now is to vent, and Loki and the aliens who are likely to appear are his best targets.

“I don’t want to have a pointless argument with you, Midgard. We’ll talk about this later, in a man’s way!” Although Thor hasn’t been very bright in his mind, he is still in the big deal Still assertive. Everyone knows what is most important at this time, so they are all restraining each other.

“Don’t waste time, let’s go!”

At this time, Zhou Yi, who didn’t want to delay any longer, held the Infinity Gem and was ready to leave here first. But just two steps out of him, Thor stopped him.

“Wait, Zhou Yi. Here’s something for you?”

“What?” After Thor came up like this, Zhou Yi was immediately puzzled. He didn’t know what Thor would give him at this time.

Facing Zhou Yi’s doubts, Thor took out a golden-bright and dazzling glove with an unusual texture from a pocket on his waist.

“My father asked me to give it to you. As a thank you, thank you for everything you have done to Asgard. In addition, he asked me to tell you that this glove and Infinity Gem have a huge There are only two such gloves in the entire universe. On it, there is also a heaven-shaking, earth-shattering secret!”

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