Sun God Marvel

Chapter 405

“Quil, the charge is complete, this is the last shot!”

The roar of the little raccoon reached Star Lord’s ears, and this is The long-awaited news of the Star Lord.

“I’ve been waiting for you, Rocket. Let’s watch me now!”

The Star Lord, who was almost overwhelmed by adrenaline, immediately shouted excitedly , He violently pulled up the joystick in oneself’s hand, causing the Dawn to ascend directly to a position that occupies the height of the opposing advantage like a hawk flying straight into the sky.

It was condescending, aiming at the Kerry battleship, which squeezed almost all of its body out of the space door, ruthlessly fired the last beam cannon.

The beam of orange red is the same as before, once again piercing the body of the Kerry battleship. And this time, the injured giant whale could no longer hold on. In a huge burst of fire, the entire huge ship was directly blown into two parts from the middle. A section of it tilted and slid down along the larger and larger space door. The other half, wrapped in the boundless flame, fell directly toward the Manhattan city below with Mount Tai’s top pressure posture.

The volume of this Kerry battleship is almost as large as the two or three streets of Manhattan combined. Its weight is immeasurable, because no one knows what exactly these Cree battleships are made of. But just looking at its dark metallic color and the damage caused by the previous piece of steel shards, no one would naively think that it was just an inflatable toy falling from the sky.

With its own terrifying weight, even after being sunk. Kerry’s battleship can still cause unimaginable damage to human cities. And this time, Star Lord and their small spaceship have no way to stop everything that is about to happen.

Captain and the other avengers in the spaceship can only watch the wreckage of the battleship fall down like this in despair, and take their city completely with a monstrous fire. Brought into the abyss of destruction.

“How could it be like this?”

Captain, who was full of such doubts in his heart, watched all this happen, and immediately turned his head and looked towards the Star Lord that caused it all. . He thought that Star Lord would be filled with regret and guilt just like him, but he didn’t see any regrets in his eyes. All he saw was resolute, and a kind of ruthlessness to achieve his goal.

At this moment he suddenly understood. In order to defeat Ronan the Accuser and them, the Star Lord group can do anything, sacrifice, or destroy. It is irrelevant to them. As long as the results are within acceptable limits, they will do what they think is right without the slightest hesitation.

In exchange for the destruction of the Cree flagship at the cost of a city, this is the most correct thing that Guardians of the Galaxy believes. And this price is something the Avengers cannot accept anyway.

“Please, is anyone here to stop this?”

Seeing that the worst is about to happen, whether it’s the Avengers or those below who haven’t had time to escape Civilians, such an idea has emerged now. And just when someone was most needed to rescue them, a golden streamer suddenly appeared under the battleship wreckage.

Compared with that huge battleship, this golden light can only be regarded as a star. But in the blink of an eye it grew crazily, like a balloon blowing in air, and immediately changed to the point where it could wrap the entire battleship.

The huge wreckage is still falling, but it just touched the endless golden light. It immediately made a deafening roar. The rolling waves pushed down and swept across the city like a flood. The cars and pedestrians on the street were swayed by the blast, and the more serious ones flew out.

But compared to the most serious situation, the situation is obviously much better now. Because anyway, the falling posture of the battleship wreckage has been prevented, and even as the golden radiance rises like the waves and waves, the whole wreckage rises instead of falling, and flies back again toward the open space door.

Its movement completely violates the so-called common sense of physics, and is even different from everyone’s imagination, as if an invisible giant is carrying it and throwing it towards the gate of space. .

Strictly speaking, there is indeed someone doing such a thing. Standing in the spaceship, Captain, who was watching everything through the spaceship’s imaging device, saw clearly that Zhou Yi suddenly appeared under the battleship wreckage. He used his own power to hold the battleship aloft and threw it towards the space door forcefully.

He didn’t even touch the battleship itself. He just stretched out his own hand and did what everyone expected and was completely unimaginable. And that serene’s posture is as if these are completely insignificant to him.

Looking at the open space door swallowing the entire wreckage in one go, and the guy standing in the sky, surrounded by golden radiance. Captain suddenly felt that it was a huge mistake to treat such an existence as a human being. Compared to the ordinary and ordinary existence of human beings, he is more like a God, even greater than God.

Does it really work to restrain him with human laws? Captain, who knows the government and some guys hidden behind the scenes a little bit of what Zhou Yi did, has a deep doubt at this moment. He was very worried that they played the wishful thinking so loudly that in the end it would come to an ending they could not accept.

But now is obviously not the time to think about this, listening to the mountain cry out and sea howl cheers from the city. Captain knew that it was time to cheer.

“Good job, Buddy. I know that this kind of thing won’t happen as long as you are there.”

Together with Thor, we cleaned up the remaining spaceship. Tony rushed directly to Zhou Yi’s hand and said with a big smile to him. After him, Thor also flashed with lightning. He looked at the space door above, and asked Zhou Yi.

“Where is Loki, did you see him?”

“I let him go. He used this for his life!” Raised his left hand , Reveal the Infinite Gauntlet with two gems on it. In this way, Zhou Yi told them that oneself had made a deal with Loki.

He frankly made people unable to see any problems at all. Even if there was a problem, it was not what they suspected.

“Why did you let him go, don’t you know how difficult it would be to find him?”

It is Thor’s heart that can ask this question naturally. The guy who is the younger brother, he doesn’t care about Infinity Gem at all. For him, finding Loki is the most important thing.

And before Zhou Yi could explain anything, Tony helped him.

“Hey, Buddy. I think you’re right. Infinity gem is obviously more important than that pretty boy. Don’t care what this stupid big fellow says, anyway, I think it’s better than business. Make a lot of money. Of course, if you can keep that pretty boy, that would be even better!”

“Loki is not a pretty boy, he is…”

“He is your younger brother, I know. But he is not my younger brother. Buddy, how are you going to celebrate our victory, honestly, I’m so cool today!”

Looking at a quiet sky, Tony showed unprecedented excitement. The adrenaline burst produced by this battle made his whole person soaked with a strong sense of pleasure.

And before he could feel his peak, Zhou Yi interrupted him directly.

“Tony, you are too happy. The battle is not over yet?”

“What are you talking about, Buddy. Even the enemy starship was overturned by us. What else can they do?”

“Do you think this is their fleet? Then you look down on them too much, right?”

“Why? Isn’t it?”

“Of course not, the second wave attack has already begun. Be prepared, Tony. Be careful, don’t die!”

Raised his hand to the sky, Zhou Yi motioned Tony to look over with the own gesture. And when Tony just looked up, he immediately saw three or four huge Space Cracks lying across the sky like a broken mirror.

First, the giant Kerry, which was not much different from the previous one, leaned out of a crack. Then a huge alien rare beast, like a huge crocodile, also shook his head out of one of the cracks.

Different from the previous Kerry giant ship, this rare beast seems to have a living life. So he was very agile, just twisting his body, he swam from the crack to the sky with no difficulty. Then it was like wandering in the sea and lake, and began to wander in the sky wantonly.

He has no wings, but he enclaves very freely. Even its wandering posture seems also an unexpectedly graceful feeling. But no matter how beautiful it is, it cannot change its essence. It is a predator from an alien, a terrifying invader, and its essence is destruction.

One such monster is already scary, but there is far more than one such monster. They came out of the space door one by one, and soon almost spread across the sky. This kind of scene is like filling a pool of crocodiles with their bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl. Just looking at it makes people feel numb in the bones.

There are so many predators and intruders covering the entire field of vision, which makes Tony look uncomfortable. But he still forcibly cheered oneself up.

“It’s nothing, at least compared to just now. They are much less in number!”

Just finished saying this, almost all the alien rare beasts are open Oneself has something like scales on both sides of the body. Countless small spaceships like locusts hiding the sky and covering the earth flew out of the rare beast’s body, and then a large swath of darkness swarmed into the human city.

“What did you just say?” Turning Mjölnir in oneself’s hand, thunderbolt madly Blink beside oneself. Thor faint smiled to Tony and said.

When he heard his words, Tony complexion stiffened, and then closed his own mask silently.

“I said, we can continue the previous game. As just now, whoever kills the more will have the final say!”

“Just waiting for your words That’s it!”

The thunderbolt flashed, and Thor rushed forward. And Tony is also full of horsepower, closely followed along. For a time, only Zhou Yi stood alone in the sky, watching the big hole in the sky silently.

He believes that there are also people watching him.

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