Sun God Marvel

Chapter 408

Natasha was closing her eyes and waiting to die, but a woman’s voice came in suddenly. And with the appearance of this voice, the extremely cold air suddenly spread all around Natasha.

Natasha, who had never experienced this cold air, couldn’t help being shivered. She opened her eyes sharply, and then she saw a familiar woman standing in front of her. Looking at her with a look full of playfulness.

If also a woman can make her so familiar, then only her rival Ada Wang. But looking at this black clothed and looking at Ada with a faint smile in her hands, Natasha actually has an unimaginable or unbelievable feeling.

Ada is still the same Ada. From the looks of her, she has not at all changed. But the ice sculptures with different shapes and the thick ice covered all around the walls and ground are enough to show that she is no longer the original one.

She has become the owner of an extraordinary power, and as far as Natasha’s own experience is concerned, she even feels that Ada’s strength is still higher than that of many Superhero she knows.

This should have been impossible. Because Natasha couldn’t understand Ada better. She knew very well that Ada was who before, and she knew that she shouldn’t have more powers besides the spy’s ability. But what happened now has clearly overturned all her previous impressions.

She couldn’t help but ask.

“How could it be you, why are you here, also why are you saving me?”

“Don’t you think you ask too much?” coldly A glance at Natasha, Ada gave an own explanation. “If it wasn’t for the bastard above, I wouldn’t want to appear in this place. As for saving you, it was purely an accident. If I had seen you earlier, I would definitely not waste this effort.”

“Really?” Natasha instinctively felt suspicious of Ada’s remarks. But she knew that oneself couldn’t find out and so on, so she gave up the idea altogether. Then he said to her while walking outside. “Anyway, thank you first. Also, if you want to find your one, you’d better be careful. He can now be targeted by a very dangerous guy.”

Hearing this, Ada was shocked immediately. I didn’t care about the others, so she immediately asked.

“What kind of dangerous guy, is it dangerous to him?”

As soon as this question came out, Natasha couldn’t help but feel strange immediately. Although the relationship between Ada and Zhou Yi is now well known. But as far as Natasha is concerned, she still doesn’t think there will be feelings between them.

She and Ada are similar beings. For their existence, feelings are really an extravagant thing beyond expectation. This is true whether it is paying or returning, so she really did not expect that Ada would actually get such a thing. In this case, Natasha didn’t care about being oneself on the battlefield, and immediately asked Ada.

“Has he ever faced an enemy who is not dangerous? Also, you don’t really fall in love with him. Oh my God, you are not cracking a joke with me!”

“Do you think this is something that can crack a joke?” Natasha glanced at the corner of her eye, and Ada’s eyes showed a clear expression of disdain. “Natasha, don’t tell me that your relationship is still blank now? By the way, how old are you now? Thirty? I think since you took this name from the previous generation of Black Widow, you should be ready Prepare to be alone for a lifetime. If that’s the case, I really think you are so pitiful!”

“What do you want to say?” That’s what someone said, especially Ida so. Natasha was naturally furious, she questioned, thinking of doing it directly if she didn’t agree.

“I want to say when you also want to retire and find a suitable man to marry. Or maybe, the monastery is your future destination!”

“hmph, you are talking as if you are already married. Don’t forget, your one is a famous radish, he is still hanging on you, and he has no intention of getting married. And he is A good example of mercy everywhere is that in SHIELD, people also don’t know what to do with him!”

“Are you talking about you? The woman outside who can do magic, or the last time Found the commander in my house?”

Ada, who has always been suspicious on this issue, never let go of any possible targets. She pointed out the identities of the suspicious targets one by one, just waiting Natasha gave her a definite answer.

But since Natasha said such things, it was natural to disgust her idea. So on this question, she will not answer anyhow.

“You yourself guess it, little girl in love. I have no obligation to tell you all the information. There is always impossible free information. You should understand this very well!”

“So, what do you want me to do?” Hearing Natasha’s off-string meaning, Ada raised her eyebrows like Zhou Yi, and asked.

“It’s very simple, help me. After everything here is over, I will tell you all the information I know!”

Set up the weapon in my hand , Natasha unceremoniously made a precise headshot at the aliens outside. And it was like stabbing a hornet’s nest, and immediately attracted a large swath of Skuru people in her direction.

But unlike the situation just now, Natasha now has no intention of hiding. Even after she was discovered, she stood up just and honorable. While shooting, strode to the in front of one’s eyes of everyone.

It can be said that she is completely confident now, and this is only because Ada is by her side. She was pretty sure that Ida would not stand by, because she knew exactly how terrifying this woman was when she was jealous.

As she expected, before the aliens approached her, Ada couldn’t help but take action.

When she waved her bare hand, the cold light of dim-blue soared from her palm like a whip, and then the aliens appeared in front of them one after another in the dance Smoked one by one. But just a little bit by the cold light, these aliens and the aircraft under their feet immediately froze into a huge icy lump.

Like oversized hail, these ice lumps instantly lost their ability to fly. They fell one after another, collided with the ground with a clear sound, and then directly turned into countless Ice scum. Looking at the masterpiece of own, Ada said threateningly.

“I can help you, but if you dare to fight with me. I don’t mind freezing you for a while. Trust me, you won’t have any mortal danger when you are frozen by me. , At most it will only be a little lonely and boring!”

“You are really nasty, well, just as you say. But now, you have to follow me, my job is not yet When it’s over!”

Rolled the eyes tsukkomi said, Natasha simply agreed. And after all this, she walked outside without looking back. Although those aliens cannot be killed, but she must also keep cleaning up like this. At least it looks like this before everything is over.

At this time, Ada frowned and glanced at Zhou Yi in the sky, and then silently followed Natasha like a ghost.

For those aliens outside, even if Natasha didn’t say these reasons, she must take action to help. For nothing else, even for Zhou Yi and their common property, she must do it. Those words of Natasha just gave her more reasons to take action. Of course, whether she will admit these problems afterwards, let’s talk about it.

Another powerful force joined this almost hopeless battle, but it gave the Avengers who received the news a little comfort. But this is just a psychological thing after all. In essence, the addition of Ada still has no big effect on the environment.

Even if they were able to counterattack the aliens spreading throughout Manhattan and even beginning to spread across New York, it would not be able to completely reverse their current disadvantage. Because they are facing far more than these enemies, they are facing a whole star coalition, and even the overlord of the universe who is endlessly afraid of 3,000,000 new star Revenge Legion-Thanos.

Under this premise, it is really difficult for them to be optimistic. Even more how, relying on them, Superhero, who has less than a hundred people, wants to launch a counterattack against tens of thousands of alien troops, and even defeat them in one fell swoop. Anyway, it is the same thing as a fantasy story.

In the final analysis, they are just obeying the destiny and doing their jobs. Do oneself’s best efforts to reach the limit that oneself can do, and the rest can only be determined by fate, or how the pair of opponents who determined their fate decides.

This question is extremely difficult, so difficult that they don’t even want to know the answer. So they were just fighting, venting all their doubts to these almost infinite aliens.

But the effect of this kind of venting is really limited, or that sentence is outnumbered. Even though the Hulk siblings fight wildly and unparalleled, they have the unworldly and fierce prestige of ten thousand enemies. Even if Iron Man and Thor go up to heaven or down to Hades, in an instant, countless spaceships will fall from in the sky like dumplings. Even if the remaining Avengers and Mutant unite, wave after wave will launch a crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood attack on the aliens in the city. But in front of the aliens who enter this World continuously, they are still doing useless work.

The huge base has almost wiped out all their efforts, and what they can do in the end is just waiting. Waiting for oneself to be defeated, or a decisive turning point.

And what will this turning point be? Everyone has no idea.

Only at this time, no one found it above the surface. I don’t know when it has been covered by flowing blood. I don’t even know since when, a group of people wearing black clothed quietly entered this city captured by aliens.

The variables have come unconsciously.

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