Sun God Marvel

Chapter 414

Thanos’ silhouette just appeared in front of Zhou Yi, his fist had not touched Zhou Yi’s body. Zhou Yi strangely disappeared before his eyes. Then appeared behind him in an incredible way. Before Thanos had time to react, Zhou Yi’s punch mixed with the purple radiance hit the body directly, and then shot out like a streamer.

And this time, Zhou Yi was unreasonable. The whole person followed and turned into a light, followed Thanos’s upside-down body, and attacked him again.

Thunderbolt lightning is no longer enough to describe his offensive. It can only be said that at this moment he has completely turned into Annihilation Light, in order to end the imposing manner and divine might to bring the most terrifying damage to Thanos. Every punch and every foot he hits on Thanos’ body, causing his body to burst into hundreds of millions of powder in an instant. Although before the next attack, Thanos can always recover to the most complete state in the most incredible posture. But Zhou Yi’s attacks are endless, and can be repeated thousands of times in an instant. This makes Thanos the whole person repeat the process of from life to death, from death to life.

I even said that because this process was too fast and too frequent, it looked like a golden streamer turbine wrapped in debris from the morning star and passed through the vast universe. The past is the same, full of dreamlike beauty.

Of course, beautiful things often represent terrible murderous intention, and this thing is no exception. Even those celestial bodies in the universe, as long as they are within a certain range of this stream of light, have suffered different degrees of scary trauma.

Fortunately, the larger planet is able to keep a complete body by chance. But things like meteorites, satellites, or even smaller planets, as long as they are touched, they turn into fly ash and completely become dust in the universe.

They destroyed all the way, all the way into the depths of this galaxy. At the same time, all the civilizations in this entire galaxy were turbulent.

Thanos’ lust has already penetrated into this galaxy, so Mengyi felt the terrifying waves in the universe. Almost all civilized races in this galaxy began to tremble.

They know very well that only the emperor who rules them can cause such a movement. And what happened to that emperor overlord now was something they didn’t want to understand at all. They just want to live their own lives obediently and honestly, and they don’t mean to blend into this level of battle.

But they don’t want it doesn’t mean that someone doesn’t, for some special people. This battle to destroy the stars is undoubtedly a signal, a very special signal. And this signal is enough to make some lurking forces begin to stir up.

For example, on an asteroid that was quite close to Zhou Yi and the others fighting in the Star Domain, a somewhat tattered spaceship began to send out special signals to some hidden places in the universe.

This signal was quickly received by the long-awaited person and immediately responded.

“Little Laura, are you sure you are not mistaken? Thanos is really fighting other people, and it’s still a similar battle?”

” Is my old lady blind? Tell you, my old lady has been staring at that ghost place for a long time. Even the special monitoring device I set up has been blown up by these two bastards. If I still make mistakes like this, my old lady will own The eyeballs will be buckled out for you as a bubble step!”

The girl who spoke was a girl in a combat suit with two long blue braids and a suit that was clearly cut out to cover only her chest and buttocks. . The appearance of this alien girl was pretty pretty, Shui Lingling’s big eyes looked like cats, and her two pointed ears kept shaking as she spoke. From here alone, she is still very cute.

But her always grinning mouth makes her look too unearthly, and even a feeling of flowing air. Coupled with her conversation, people can immediately subvert the impression of her completely.

And listening to her some maddening words, the person communicating with her was obviously taken aback. He replied after a long while.

“Little Lolo, can I tell your elder sister? This question is very important, so please!”

“Fuck you, my old lady can’t answer this Is it a problem?” The appearance of the armed girl was cursed, and then her face changed immediately, and the whole person suddenly showed a pitiful expression. “Sorry, sir. My younger sister is causing you trouble again, please must forgive her anyway!”

The young girl at this time has as different as heaven and earth in terms of her expressions. , Even suddenly can make people feel like two people. Of course, to some extent, they are indeed two people.

“It’s okay, it’s okay. I’m used to it. Besides, Xiao Luoluo is usually pretty good except that she doesn’t speak very well.”

The girl on the other end listened to the girl. That said, it shows a considerable degree of understanding. But his words detonated a certain explosive barrel immediately.

“Your motherfucker made it clear to the old lady, what does the old lady say is not good. If you can’t explain it clearly to the old lady, believing or not the old lady has a big gun directly from your mouth to your eye Here, let you know what it means to talk is not so good, ah!”

Slammed the console in front of her eyes, and the girl suddenly said something that made the other person silent, and when she said After this sentence is absolutely verbal violence. Her expression of making threatening gestures immediately became lovely and pitiful again.

“I’m so sorry, sir. I must educate her well. I promise she won’t say that again next time! Please forgive me!”

“Forget it, forget it These are not important!” The guy who knew what was going on here said with a wry smile. He can also be regarded as watching this girl grow up, her race is born like this, what can you do with her. There has never been racial discrimination in the universe. So even if he got angry, he could only suppress all oneself’s dissatisfaction, and instead asked this girl who seemed to be good to talk. “Little Laura, what’s the situation on your side? Are those two fighting guys really Thanos and the guy in the intelligence?”

“Basically, I can be sure that it is correct, sir. The special signal device I made has received the special band from Infinity Gem, which is in the aftermath of the battle. So I am 80% sure that it is Thanos. And from the signal point of view, he is now in the weakest state. This It makes me wonder whether he will be the winner of this battle!”

The quiet and weak girl answered in an orderly manner, without any systematic error. And such an answer is obviously the answer the opposite wants.

“You did a great job, little Laura. Whether Thanos will be the winner of this battle, it is not the most important thing for us. Our goal is revenge, and This opportunity now is our best time for revenge. No matter who is the final victor, we can’t stop our revenge against Thanos.”

“Little Laura, your sister’s mission is always at any time. Report to us the status of the battle. At the same time, tell the group of Guardians of the Galaxy that it’s time to use them. Let them hold back Ronan the Accuser’s actions on that planet. Before we defeat them, never let them He turned back. Understand?”

“Yes, sir. I know what to do.”

“Very well, little Lola. Rising Star’s battle for revenge Starting from you, for the new star!”

“For the new star!” Replied the same words, both sides hung up the communication at the same time. And at this time, the expression on the girl’s face became bad again.

“True motherfucker bastard, who this guy thinks oneself is, dare to yell at me like this!”

“Okay, younger sister! Anyway, it is too These Shandars adopted us and brought us up to the present. Just because they didn’t forget to take us away when the own planet died, it’s enough for us to do something for them!”

“You are too cheap, elder sister!” She grabbed the two big braids of own suddenly, and the girl said with a grin while pulling. “Anyway, we are all super rare Gemini people. They should have given us up as uncles. Besides, what did the old lady have enjoyed while hiding in Tibet with them for so many years? It should be!”

“Less nonsense, do more work!” In front of her own younger sister, the girl finally had a bit of majesty. But the moment she saw her commanding authority, she felt teary and touched her big braid and knew that she was mostly pretending to be like this. How can a girl who is so soft like her have majesty this thing.

“Cut!” came the very uncomfortable sentence, the girl kicked oneself together with the suspended chair onto the other side of the communication device. This special communication device can spread information at the fastest speed in the universe in a way of folding dimensions, and what she has to do now is to contact Star Lord and the others who don’t know how many light years away.

Soon, her contact was replied. Star Lord Quill appeared in his sight with a look of smoke.

“I am the Star Lord, do you have anything to do with me?”

“I am Laura Lolo, the Special Intelligence Liaison Officer of New Star Revenge Legion, I am now ordered to tell you Legion’s latest command. This is a dead command, like the one you all have to complete!”

When doing business, I don’t know if it is an elder sister or a younger sister. She looked serious, and her appearance obviously didn’t make Quill catch a cold.

“Okay, Lola is still Lolo. It’s not the first time we contacted. If you have anything, just tell me. The situation here is very urgent, I have no time to talk to you that many others .”

Quil in the screen made a large-scale stretching action. For a while, the girl almost saw sparks and electric lights. This made her exclaim immediately.

“motherfucker, Quill. What the hell are you doing?”

“Hide the gun, Lolo! This is the best thing I can do. Hurry up and talk business, I don’t know the Dawn How long can it last!”

As soon as she said this, the girl immediately shed tears.

“Are you okay, Quill. God, what’s the matter with you!”

“Don’t cry, don’t cry. Laura, I’m okay. Really! Hurry up and give the order. Speak up, I’ll go on running after I’m done. Don’t worry, I’m not the first time to experience this kind of wind and rain, these are trivial to me!”

What Star Lord said It’s easy, but his exaggerated operation is really unsettling. But anyhow, the girl can be regarded as a member of the army, and she still has some consciousness. At this time, she did not have the youngest daughter mentality, but said directly.

“Legion order, we are ready to launch a full-scale attack on Thanos’s Star Domain. Now you are required to hold Ronan the Accuser, and you cannot let him leave the planet before we gain absolute advantage.”

“I see!” nodded, Star Lord’s face became a little serious. “I’ll do my best, you know it’s not easy!”

“I know, Quill!” The girl’s face began to change quickly, as if two people were trying to express something desperately at the same time , But because of information congestion, nothing can be expressed. But in the end, this complicated expression has become a naked worry. And that’s just one sentence left to Star Lord.

“Don’t die, Quill. You promised to come back and marry me!”

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