Sun God Marvel

Chapter 417

“She’s going to do it!”

Looking at the huge starship oppressing the blood wave in the sky, sinking its own body little by little. Captain immediately realized what was wrong. The bloody tide has dragged the giant ship for four or five blocks. But when she reached this place, her speed suddenly came to a stop. This is obviously very abnormal.

At this time, you only need to carefully observe Lilith’s current situation, and you will find that her face has already appeared quite laborious. Her difficulty means that all of this will be over, not only her efforts, but also the life in this city.

“We need to help her, Wanda?” After judging the current situation, Captain turned his attention to Scarlet Witch for help. And Wanda glanced at the scene in the sky that was almost like a fairy tale, sighed deeply.

“I don’t know if I can do all of this. Seriously, I never thought I would do this kind of thing. But I can try it and help her!”

“Wanda?” Upon hearing this, Quicksilver gave her an incredible look. He really didn’t believe that this kind of life to crack a joke was said from the mouth of oneself elder sister.

“I want to give it a try, give it a try, Pietro! Also, there may not be any problems!”

To comfort oneself’s worried younger brother, Wanda just Rising into the air, he stretched out his own hands towards the starship in the sky.

The chaotic red mist swept into Lilith’s sea of ​​blood with the ability to distort reality, and it injected power into this surging sea of ​​blood again. The surging blood wave finally managed to maintain the stability of the starship with her assistance, but she couldn’t push it forward even one step.

And this kind of stalemate scene is not a good thing for them. Because with the ebbing of time, they will definitely fail. They still haven’t improved the situation, at best they have delayed the end time a little bit later.

“This won’t work, Witch. Give me a hand, I’m gonna bet!”

Lilith, who is unwilling to continue struggling with the stalemate now, said suddenly. As soon as she finished speaking, Wanda immediately felt the pressure on oneself soared. Originally, she just played a small role for Lilith to share the weight. But now she seems to have become the main force.

The main force is not so good. Almost instantly, Wanda was directly crushed by the explosive pressure to the point of collapse. Blood began to flow from her nose, and her face instantly turned pale. Without holding it up for a while, she fell directly from the sky.

“Wanda!” Looking at Wanda who was falling, Quicksilver immediately rushed to catch her. And the moment he caught Scarlet Witch, there was a deafening noise from the sky.

I saw the entire starship that had lost its carrying capacity suddenly plummeted, and then suddenly collided with the blood wave coming up from the counterattack. The blood wave that came up at this time was very different from before, because it immediately turned into a hard crystal after touching the starship. Then let the starship, whose main body began to be a little skewed, start to glide at this inclination angle little by little.

The entire blood tide is gradually changing from a viscous liquid to a hard crystal, and this transformation makes the blood sea that surrounds the entire city look like an elliptical crystal ball. Hard, but fragile.

Lilith, who is unable to push the starship forward steadily, wants to use this method to make it glide from the blood crystal oneself, and glide along the road she has laid to the harbor. But she overestimated the endurance of the blood crystal and underestimated the weight of the starship.

The starship is like an icebreaker gliding on the ice, shaking slightly and greatly, causing the entire scarlet crystal to crack directly into a series of terrifying cracks. The cracks grew more and more, and soon covered the entire sky. When some fragments fell with the shaking of the starship, everyone realized that this was an impossible path.

Forcibly continuing this way will only cause the starship to directly smash through the blood-colored crystal face in the sky, but even if it stops at this time, the situation is not much better. The problem became complicated again in an instant, and at this time it is almost impossible that someone can provide any help.

At least Mutant and the Avengers do not have this ability.

“Maybe we should run for our lives, or find a way to rescue as many civilians as possible!”

Standing on a high building, watching the starship move down little by little in the collision Sliding. Almost every movement of that little distance makes the blood red crystal face more terrifying cracks. Natasha had no regrets, but at the same time, she was very calm and suggested to Ada beside her.

As a sane spectator, she knows that this kind of risky attempt almost ended in failure. In the ensuing impact, they may be safe and sound, but the civilians in this city who are too late to evacuate will inevitably face devastating damage.

This is also no way. They have made enough efforts. But they really can’t do anything about it. Therefore, giving up is naturally the only option.

And if she wants to give up, she needs to think about protecting oneself and how to better reduce the loss.

But for her concept, Ada, who has been watching everything happen, has a different idea.

At this time, she first glanced at Lilith, who was standing on the throne with a strange pale face. The complicated expression in his eyes turned, and he sighed to Natasha.

“Stay here, I’ll be right back. Don’t forget the answer you owe me?”

“Where are you going?” There was something wrong with Natasha quickly asked, but at this time, Ada had turned into a fluttering snow, drifting away from her eyes in a cold wind.

“Damn it!”

Angrily cursed, Natasha immediately started to act. Without Ada’s protection, she has no confidence in staying safely in this place. If the thing in the sky falls, then she is likely to become an ant under Mount Tai, life and death and so on cannot be controlled by oneself at all. This is not what she wants.

So she hurriedly left here, looking in the direction of oneself teammate. Only by being with them now can she have more chances to survive.

At this time, almost everyone is working hard for the survival of their own, and they are all seeking the trace of vitality that is hard to find. But someone happened to appear in the most dangerous place. For example, Lilith is on the throne now.

Ada appeared unimpeded in front of Lilith in a gust of wind and snow, and her appearance immediately made Lilith’s pale face a weird expression.

“Mortal, how did you appear here?”

“I want to come, naturally I will come!” Looking at this beautiful and alluring Goddess, Ai Da squinted and replied coldly. For a special reason, Ada showed a different hostility towards Lilith. This made her words full of coldness like a blade.

“What’s the matter with you? Don’t you take her along to withdraw!” He gestured with her eyes to the guards of the Lightbringer, Lilith didn’t understand why these loyal guards would let this woman This appears in front of own. She wanted these envoys to take her along to withdraw from the eyes of the owner to prevent her from interfering with the actions of the owner. But when she glanced over, she found that the light messengers were actually very respectful and half kneeling to the ground.

Not only to her, but also to this woman who suddenly appeared. This made her realize that this woman has a somewhat different identity.

So she immediately started to look at Ada in front of oneself, and said after a long while.

“It turns out that he gave you the power of ownership. What do I say about these divine envoys? However, what are you doing in front of me. Do you want to start a war against me?”

Lilith’s words made Ada’s guess fall to the ground. At the same time, her face suddenly became colder.

“Start a war? We will meet sooner or later, but not now. I will help you deal with this level now. Let me declare that it is not for you, but for his and our home!”


“What can you do?” Ada’s answer put a cold smile on Lilith’s face. “If I’m not mistaken, you haven’t made the last step to become God. It’s just that you have the ability to be favored by him, at this time. Tell me such a big talk. Do you solve this problem for me? “

“You opened your eyes, let me take a good look!”

With confidence, I raised the corners of own’s mouth, and Ada stretched out both hands directly on own’s chest. Made a virtual grip. With her movements, the treasure chest of Bingblue suddenly appeared on her hands. And with the appearance of this ancient cold winter treasure box, a deadly cold beam burst out, straight into the blood crystal above the sky.

In the sky condense, the extremely cold beam of light instantly covered thick ice, layer after layer, layer after layer, overlapping and clinging to the crystal plane. Within a few breaths, an ice wasteland like land was born under the sea of ​​blood.

The ice, which is nearly 100 meters thick, stands in the sky like this. At first glance, it looks like a world with an extra piece of ice on the surface of Earth. And the starship is gliding above this world, with the sound of hong long long. Little by little, go towards the established harbor.

The cold has swept across the city almost at this moment, but watching all this, everyone’s heart is starting to burn with a hot flame. That is the flame of hope, the flame of life.

It is almost impossible for a starship to smash through this thick, unimaginable ice, and it can only enter the harbor docilely as it slides. The humans in this city were saved at this moment. Although the process was extremely difficult, it was enough to move people’s hearts.

But not everyone’s mood is so wonderful, such as Lilith at this moment. In the heaven-shaking, earth-shattering sound of the starship sliding into the harbor, Lilith tightened oneself’s eyebrows, and a sullen expression began to appear on her face. Then, she eccentrically said to Ada.

“He’s really generous, he actually gave you this precious divine tool!”

“For me, he has always been very generous.” He smiled slightly, Ada responded provocatively. And at this moment, the atmosphere between them became with swords drawn and bows bent.

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