After losing the thought of dealing with this group of Vampires, Zhou Yi chose to return. For the Vampire girl Serana, he made a pretty serious decision.

It’s still that small cubicle. Selana sits in the corner with her knees on her knees, her head on her hands, and she looks at the small door of the cubicle seriously. Obviously, she was waiting for someone to return.

The small door of the room was lightly pushed open, and Dawn Knight in black armor walked in. Seeing the surprise expression in the eyes of the Vampire girl sitting in the corner, Zhou Yi laughed and asked.

“Good girl, would you like to go with me?”

“Where to go with you?” Selana’s voice trembled a little, and she shook the head quickly again nodded. Excitedly a little speechless. “No! I mean, I can go anywhere, as long as I can be with you. I can find food by myself…”

“Don’t worry, good girl! These are not problems.” Lana embraced her, her tall body completely contained her petiteness. Zhou Yi lightly wrapped her in cloak and led her out through the wall. Outside the room, the deepest darkness is about to pass, and soon the light of dawn will appear.

With Serana, Zhou Yi did not dare to fly too fast. Although Vampire in the myth is a creature that can turn into a bat and even fly. But in reality, Zhou Yi has never seen such a Vampire. Among the people he has seen that can fly, he and Ororo are currently the only two.

Flying is not a simple matter. Like Ororo, she needs to control the wind and use the upward force generated by the airflow to fly. Zhou Yi’s flying principle is more complicated, some of which use position to control the factor resisting gravity, but it is more of an extremely mysterious and abstruse feeling. Just like birds are born to fly, Zhou Yi also has this natural feeling.

And once you learn to fly, you will fall in love with this feeling. The sky is the most impudent place. Sometimes Zhou Yi can even come in and out of the atmosphere several times to experience the fun of extreme flying. Or at another time, he would also choose to fly at low altitude over the city to surprise those who inadvertently raise their heads.

People living in New York have become accustomed to the dark shadows that stumble across the sky by chance. Because of his existence, the crime rate in New York is indeed declining. This is a real meeting for the citizens of New York. Therefore, for this shadow in the sky, New York citizens often have great kindness, even he has become a unique scenery.

Like today, some people ran to the balcony of the apartment early and pointed their camera at the sky. No one knows when and where Dawn Knight will appear. But this does not prevent some people from trying one’s luck.

This is not the kind of politician star who can be photographed casually. Dawn Knight’s mysterious is generally accepted. No large and small newspaper in New York can get his exclusive news. The current situation is even more outrageous. Perhaps a photo of Dawn Knight returning home from work can sell a lot in various newspapers. price.

Peter. Parker is a youngster with such thoughts. Unlike other guys waiting for Dawn Knight’s trail, he also has superpower, but he has superpower for a short time, that is, only the last few days.

Peter is a poor boy whose parents have died since childhood. After his parents died, his uncle and aunt who lived in Forest Hills of New York Queens adopted him. This is a kind old couple, because there is no child, they will be Peter. Parker completely treated him as an own child and gave him all his love.

Peter is a student in Midtown High School. He has excellent grades, but he did not do well in school. Because he is too shy and introverted and often immersed in the world of science, everyone calls him a nerd Peter, and he is not very willing to accept this kind of guy.

This is normal, and the scumbag will definitely target the tyrant. Not everyone is like Tony, who is a super expert in science and has no disadvantages in interpersonal communication. Of course, this interpersonal contact is limited to women.

In order to make more friends, Peter tried many methods. In a recent attempt, he invited his classmates to visit a science exhibition, but it is clear that young people of this age are far less interested in science exhibitions. So Peter can only visit the public exhibition of the nuclear test by himself, and the accident happened at this time.

He was bitten by a spider that was exposed to nuclear radiation. Soon after, he discovered that oneself had an extraordinary ability. He has gained extraordinary strength, agility, and can rely on biological static electricity to crawl effortless on any surface, and also has a keen super-sensing “spider induction”.

This makes him a little excited but also a little confused. This kind of confusion comes from all the guys with superpower. What should I do with this ability? For an ordinary person, this is probably a happy trouble.

What will an ordinary person do with superpower? Generally speaking, if it is a vulnerable group that is usually severely oppressed, or a guy who often participates in gang-related incidents, they often use this superpower to benefit oneself. This kind of people actually account for the majority, because everyone is a little selfish and everyone wants to live a better life. It just depends on whether you can overcome the moral hurdle in your heart.

Of course, it is the banks who most hope that this situation will not happen. To be honest, there are enough bank robberies in New York every year, and they really don’t want superpower guys to come in.

Peter has the ability to choose to do this. Whether it is robbery or stealing, his abilities are very useful. But he did not choose to do that. The Parkers educated him well, at least he had enough conscience in his heart.

But this does not mean that Peter has not thought about making money with his ability. There are many ways to make money in the world, and there are always ways to use superpower without breaking the law.

Speaking of which, some people will definitely wonder why Peter wants to make money so much. It’s simple to say, youngster’s puberty has arrived.

When everyone is young, there is always a little idea to show off, brand-name clothes and watches, and cool motorcycle sports cars. As long as it can attract the attention of girls, it is absolutely what young boys need. Of course, there is a very important premise, you must have enough Mr. Franklin to support you.

Peter’s parents died early, leaving nothing valuable. And the old Parker couple are not rich people, Ben. Parker is a retired worker and now works as a security guard in a library. Aunt May is a full-time housewife. Their lives are actually quite miserable. In this case, Peter has no shame in asking for money for luxury goods to pick up girls.

If it was before, Peter might choose to work obediently and honestly and find a good job after going to university. But now, the excitement brought by superpower has increased his inner delusion, he wants to earn some extra extra money that he can’t normally get.

He thought about it for a long time, and finally felt that owning spider induction is undoubtedly a good thing to make money, especially in the case of New York also has a superhero photo that is very expensive and likes to fly around.

Before dawn, Peter was already waiting on the top floor of the apartment between Manhattan and Long Island. This is one of the most likely places to see Dawn Knight. Of course, also other places, such as Staten Island, New York free girl Divine Idol, etc., these places have been rumored to be suspicious observation points. These weird statements are hard to make people wonder whether this is a method used by tourist companies to attract tourists.

Peter doesn’t care about this, he just wants oneself to have better luck now. He who has super abilities has more advantages than others, and he adds a little luck. It may be possible to make a fortune. Thinking of the bounties offered by several newspapers and the girl oneself has long liked, Peter’s heart is hot.

There is already a little light on the horizon, and Peter has been squatting on the top balcony of an apartment for more than an hour. He came out early in the name of a morning jog, but that doesn’t mean he can squander his own time like this. He didn’t want Ben Uncle to know about him, especially the section about making money.

This Uncle has always wanted him to study hard until he goes to college. And he doesn’t have this idea yet. High school students at the peak of hormone secretion will feel that at this time, college is not the most important goal, sisters are. Peter. Parker is no exception. He now thinks that cute girls are more important than college.

For girls, he needs to make money. In order to make money, he can only say sorry to Uncle first.

Seeing that time flies quickly, it will soon enter the most normal beginning of the day. Peter, who still needs to go to school, had to give up today’s action. And just when he leaned out and wanted to climb down the wall, the magical spider was activated.

This magical ability comes from the unknowable sixth sense. It is not only a sense of the danger around oneself, but even some things that are related to oneself or are extremely concerned about. Touched.

Just like now, in his deep in one’s heart, an invisible string suddenly flicked. He subconsciously turned his head to a certain direction in the distance, and his long vision allowed him to clearly see a black silhouette flying through the sky against the fading night.

Peter hurriedly jumped onto the rooftop, took out oneself’s most beloved camera, and started running between the apartments on the floors.

He focused on the figures in the sky through the camera, and because of the presence of spiders, he didn’t even need to pay attention to the obstacles on the roof when he ran. And his running silhouette is also extremely fast, the distance of three or four meters is almost one step, even the two apartments that are more than ten meters apart are just a vertical jump.

Soon, he found the best position and captured the figures in the sky through the camera of the baby he saved from his summer job.

Maybe today is indeed Peter’s lucky day. Because of a girl in his arms, Zhou Yi not at all flies very fast. Because of this, Peter took a lot of clear photos. Otherwise, if you want to find a clearer image at the same flying speed as Dawn Knight in the normal speed, it is estimated that you can only apply for it from the Bureau of Land Strategy and Logistics.

From the appearance of Dawn Knight to the disappearance, it was only a matter of ten seconds. But it was enough for Peter, he had already got what oneself wanted.

Previewing the photos in the camera, a happy smile appeared on the corners of Peter’s mouth. Especially when he turned to one of the extremely clear photos, his smile was already close to his ears. At this time, Peter seemed to have seen countless Mr. Franklin waving to him.

At this time, if you pull your gaze to the camera’s screen, you can see through the zoomed-in lens that in the cloud and shadow, a somewhat slender female silhouette is hugged by Dawn Knight with cloak protection In his arms, the woman embraces Dawn Knight’s shoulders and necks, nestling extremely intimately in his arms.

This is Superhero’s scandal. Peter has already guessed the scenes of newspapers making crazy quotes for this photo. Thinking of this, he even went sideways when climbing down the wall. At this time, he can be said to truly appreciate the benefits of super power. Besides, making money is a piece of cake.

Peter Parker has taken the subway to Queens’s home comfortably. Before the sun came out, Zhou Yi brought Selana back home safely.

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