Sun God Marvel

Chapter 422

“Tony, Tony. You hear me answer, you hear no. I will answer immediately!”

Captain America Steve Rogers pointed at the own communication device over and over again Repeated such questioning, but what I got was nothing but hoarse electric microphones. The signal between them became very serious in an instant, so serious that normal communication was impossible at all.

In the current situation, this problem instantly became serious and fatal.

The emergency notice from Tony just now makes Captain start to become scared while they are confused. A strange sense of crisis permeated the hearts of these soldiers who had just experienced the war. For the victory that should have been won, they now have a feeling of holding a hot potato.

Obviously the war is over, and everything has settled. But this group of damn aliens just refused to admit defeat, just want to continue put up a desperate struggle. They would rather either the fish dies or the net splits, perish together than admit the failure of own. This simply made this group of soldiers who had finally won the victory from the bottom of their hearts to feel that I was killing the dog.

What makes them even more unacceptable and can’t understand is why Hulk, who is obviously oneself relying on the main fighter, suddenly went mad at this time, and even started to attack his own teammate.

This kind of coincidence in timing is not only surprising, but also a conspiracy. A kind of final counterattack that is likely to come from their enemies.

Victory is really hard-won. Neither Captain nor anyone else wants to see this hard-earned victory just lost. So they immediately started to regroup and at the same time began to prepare for everything.

And before they can act, there is one thing that must be figured out. That’s the life and death of Tony and the others, and what Hulk is doing now.

They have to figure out what is going on with Tony, Thor and Little Spider. Is it life or death, or it falls into the hands of the enemy. At the same time, the Hulk situation must be clarified by them. Because it is not as a last resort, no one really wants to have any head-on conflict with this green fatty.

With the exception of Zhou Yi, almost all the guys who dared to confront him head-on are almost dead. Even if it is a little better, it will end up half-dead at best. For example, if Tony hadn’t been saved by Zhou Yi, maybe his cross would have been erected now.

Think about the combat power Tony had at that time, and then think about the actual combat power of their current group. Almost no one thinks that oneself can deal with a green fatty in a violent state.

The loss of the main battle strength caused the group to lose their confidence in fighting, and the almost completely discredited situation made them feel uneasy. They are worried about the accidents that may also occur next, and the most likely infighting. At this point, neither the Avengers nor those Mutants had the energy and ability to continue to toss.

Thinking and thinking, thinking again and again. Captain finally gave the order.

“Mary? Can you hear it?”

“Yes, sir. I heard clearly.” Rogue’s voice came from the other side. From her answer alone, it is not difficult for Captain to hear some worry elements.

Captain actually guessed something about what she was worried about. Unlike their group of avengers, Mutant is after all an independent system outside of society and government. They have always been poorly treated, and even in many cases they are scapegoats and the main targets of many politicians’ dirty water.

Almost no one cares about the life and death of these Mutants. With choices, Mutant is always the first object to be sacrificed. Even after they have done so many things, this concept is difficult to reverse.

In order to change the unfair treatment that Mutant suffered and their status in this society. Rogue They have made a lot of efforts. But the effect of this effort is really very few. They are arduously advancing on this path, step by step, staggering. It can be said that they are using their own lives to fight for the future of Mutant.

But this does not mean that they are willing to be scapegoats, to be victims. If you can live, who wouldn’t want to live. For example, at this time, if you can, who would be willing to face a monster of this level Hulk.

Captain can understand the feelings of these Mutants. They are worried that oneself will push them to the front, acting as a shield and victim. And if he does, these Mutants don’t even have the right to refuse.

But Captain obviously won’t do this. He is a person who has principles and always adheres to these principles. He, who has never distinguished between high and low, can’t do this kind of insidious thing at this time.

“Listen, child. I ask you to evacuate to a safe place with the ordinary person as much as possible. The rest of the work does not require the efforts of you children, and we will solve the rest. So what you have to do is organize your manpower to ensure the safe evacuation of all civilians, understand?”

Captain’s words can be said to be beyond Rogue’s expectations. At this time, she had prepared for the worst, but she had never thought that Captain simply didn’t mean to sacrifice them. His behavior and behavior have always been just and honorable, even so brilliant that Rogue can’t believe it.

“Why, do you also have any questions?”

Captain, who hadn’t received a reply from Rogue for a long time, immediately asked him. At this time, he didn’t have much time to issue orders. This kind of thing.

“No, of course not. Sir! I mean, we promise to complete the mission!”

“Very well, child! You have done a good job, so keep working hard Right. This World will need your strength!”

Getting the answer oneself wanted, Captain encouraged it and hung up the communication with Rogue. And listening to this, Rogue immediately took a deep breath, then raised his head and looked at the friends next to oneself.

“Have you all heard Captain’s order?”

“It’s not bad, why, do you have any ideas?” Pyro John looked at Rogue who asked this question , His thinking has always been jumping, he quickly guessed what she meant.

“The soldiers are divided into two groups, Bobby. You take some people to organize the evacuation of civilians to a safe place. The rest, if they want, follow me. Let’s help Captain them Win this final victory!”

Rogue said vigorously. She has been leading the Mutant Special Police for a long time and she seems to have the majesty of a leader at this time.

“Wait, Mary. Captain’s order is for us to retreat with civilians instead of joining this dangerous battle. You should know what kind of guy they are dealing with now. That’s Hulk! The guy who can knock down that kind of battleship with one punch. You just go, and it won’t make any difference.”

Heard this remark by Rogue, there are people in Mutant Yes, there are naturally people opposed. One of the most typical opponents is Iceman Bobby. He had been pursuing Mary and didn’t want to see Rogue get involved in such dangerous things. Especially this kind of unnecessary danger.

“Bobby, this is not something useful. It’s something you don’t do. At this time, there is a huge difference between doing and not doing it, understand?” When he came back, Rogue had already begun to check the weapons and was ready to support. “I don’t care what you think, but even if you don’t go, I will pass by myself. Mutant’s future is built by our efforts, but we will only depend on us for a long time. So as long as possible Winning to any organization that is friendly to us should not give up.”

“You are right, but this is not your business.” A voice suddenly came in at this time, and then A big hand pressed Rogue’s shoulder.

Hearing this, Rogue looked back, but immediately screamed.

“Logan, do you want to stop me too?”

“It is not to stop you, but to let a more suitable person go. You are still children, there is no need to let You have such a heavy burden on your shoulders.” Regarding this Rogue who was regarded as a daughter by oneself, Logan bit his cigar and said seriously in a cloud of mist. “This kind of thing, we can just go!”

“You?” Suddenly raised his head, Rogue saw Ororo flying from in the sky, and Scott and the expression of surprise the others. These until now just looked at the school teachers who were struggling in New York, but at this time they came to her one after another. “Aren’t you always not supporting our cause?”

“That was before, child! I have been watching you all the time!” When she asked such words, Professor Charles’s voice It suddenly spread into her brain. The voice was as peaceful and gentle as ever, and at the same time she could hear the professor’s full apology. “I’m sorry I didn’t give you the help you should be when you needed it. At that time, I didn’t think about whether you should be allowed to do such a thing. But time has proven that you are right. The times are here. Change, I am the one who is eliminated!”

“These days, you have done a good job. You have established a very good image for the Mutant compatriots and opened up a new path for our future You have proven by your actions that I am wrong. I am willing to accept my mistakes and am willing to correct my mistakes. Now, it is time for us wrong people to make up for the mistakes!”

“Professor?” As the leader of the group of Mutant students who left school first, Rogue until now is under great pressure. They face not only human discrimination, but also oneself misunderstanding of compatriots. Many Mutants regard them as a traitorous race to the side of humanity, and this misunderstanding makes them feel more tormented.

Aside from Zhou Yi and Chief Stacy’s spare support to them, the ability to persist until now is more dependent on their resilience and determination. And now, their persistence has finally paid off. They finally got the forgiveness of the old man they respect most.

Looking at Rogue, who hasn’t shown such a youngest daughter for a long time, Logan, who has always regarded himself as a father, touched her long brown hair.

“Trust us, Mary. We will finish this thing beautifully. We will never let you down.”

“I believe, Logan. You have never let me down!”

Holding Logan’s big hand, Rogue replied without hesitation. Logan is an undying warrior for others, but in front of her, he is always the clumsy but extremely gentle father. She believed him as always and never changed.

“That’s enough, child. Now is the time for us to attack!”

With a loud laugh, Logan rubbed Rogue’s head. Just walk in the direction of battleship first. The battle is about to begin there, and Vajra Wolf, never afraid to fight!

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