Sun God Marvel

Chapter 426

The time has passed very long and very quickly. In other words, in this time period of the moment, it is difficult for you to clearly tell what the flow of time is. Because in this special space formed by four Infinity Gem, time has lost its meaning.

This space is like an island isolated in a long river of time, and Zhou Yi and Thanos are the only victims trapped on this island. They have nowhere to run, let alone go. Only passively accept this special change.

But this is not always the case. The good news is that this special space formed by Infinity Gem is not stable, and it will soon collapse. The bad news is that if it really crashes, the generated destructive power will be unprecedentedly amazing.

To know that the power of an Infinity Gem is enough to destroy the world, Zhou Yi has to be treated with caution. So when four Infinity gems are gathered together, it is definitely not a simple addition problem. It was a superimposed burst of energy, and under such power, nothing could be spared.

Not even Zhou Yi! Unlike Thanos, Zhou Yi has no so-called undying body. If this happens, then it will really be over.

It is the first time for Zhou Yi to die to such an extent. But even if it was the death of oneself, he didn’t have the idea of ​​just waiting to die. Life is so cherished, and life is so beautiful. Anyway, Zhou Yi didn’t enjoy all the good things, so he had to find a way to survive at this time.

And the road to survival at this time is hard to find. The imprisonment of Infinity Gem is not so easy to break through. Zhou Yi can only do his best to release all the abilities of oneself to everything here.

A huge roulette wheel appeared behind him, and the time wheel that represents the power of time began to spin frantically at this moment. To escape from this isolated island created by Infinity Gem, the 1st step he needs to do is breakthrough the time constraints here. And if you want to break free from this shackle, you must have the same Attribute Power to interfere with its operation.

Power of Time has become everything Zhou Yi can rely on now, and he also puts all hope on this time wheel, which symbolizes the power of oneself.

The time wheel full of his hopes is running arduously. Only Zhou Yi oneself knows how powerful it is to keep it running. But this is not a useless thing, because in his operation, this place like an island was forcibly torn open a channel for salvation by him.

The power of timing is recovering, although it is very short and weak. But it was enough for Zhou Yi to escape from it. And this is what Zhou Yi wants.

Take advantage of this tiny opportunity to escape from here. By the way, let the idiot Thanos stay in this ghost place forever, let him be exiled forever beyond the long river of time with the demise of this space.

This is very likely. Without Time Stone, he will no longer have any power to swim the long river of time. And in the explosion caused by the huge Infinity Gem with formidable power, Thanos can’t control everything. He will follow the current with the power of the explosion, and may even live a long life outside of time.

If it is really like Zhou Yi thought, then Thanos’ undying body will become a painful curse. Here, he will always endure the erosion of time, aging under the power of time, Death. But he who won’t die can’t die because of it, so he can only keep doing this until the end of time.

However, the idea is wonderful. But reality will never be as satisfying as he thought.

Because at this time, the quietly restored time flow freed Thanos from the confinement of the Infinity Gem. Although it was a bit slower than Zhou Yi, who had time divine force, it came just right. Because Zhou Yi at this time just wanted to leave but had not left yet.

He saw Zhou Yi who was about to leave here at a glance, and at this moment, he came back to his senses from all the things caused by Infinity Gem, he immediately roared and rushed forward, reaching out and grabbing it. His body yelled at him while shouting.

“What did you do, what did you do?”

“It’s time to say goodbye to your baby and prepare for a long sleep. Thanos, this is my gift to you!”

After waiting for a long time, finally waiting for the moment of release, Zhou Yi immediately said his final farewell to Thanos. After saying this, he immediately turned into a ruthless fire and divine light, and in Thanos’s most incredible eyes, he became a giant like a Heavenspan.

That is an extremely huge existence, one that is small enough to make Thanos feel small. For such an existence, Thanos’s so-called control before is really ridiculous. He can’t control such a huge thing at all. With his power, he can only be an ant in the palm of this giant, a hen.

For Thanos, who has been completely confused, Zhou Yi ruthless is just a huge slap. There was no need to use this trick before, it was better for him to dodge the sudden attack that Thanos sprang out of the long river of time. But now, such a huge figure is very necessary.

From a long time ago, Zhou Yi wanted to experience the feeling of Tathagata Buddha shooting monkeys. But until now no one can give him this opportunity. Not only is this huge body of Ming Wang needing to be refrigerated, but also because there is no monkey possessing great magical power that needs to be subdued by his identity. And now Thanos finally got him what he wanted.

On the one hand, Thanos matches him with this method to deal with him. On the other hand, he really couldn’t bear Thanos. After being disgusted for so long, Zhou Yi naturally chooses to use the most violent means to leave a special impression on Thanos, a special memory that allows him to talk about sex and miss it for a long time in this endless time.

In the sudden explosion, Thanos’s body was fiercely stuck between his palms by two huge palms. In the face of this more powerful force, his body was immediately crushed to pieces like all the situations he had experienced before. This is not a fatal problem for him, but it is enough to affect his future.

Because of the next moment Zhou Yi will get away and leave him alone in this place. Enjoy the huge destruction caused by his death.

This kind of thing that can step on the shoulders of others after pitting oneself, let oneself get out, and let others bad luck is really great. So great, Zhou Yi started to feel that all the nausea and sorrow he had before was worth it, and it was a very good deal. But if you ask him to do it again, he will definitely tell you, no!

Getting out is his only choice now. And being able to get rid of Thanos is enough for him to take the fastest speed and leave from here.

He moved quickly, but Thanos was resurrected faster. Even before Zhou Yi left here, he stalked up again. As a member of Titan, he is not a waste of power without Infinity Gem. On the contrary, he is still strong. It’s just a huge gap with Zhou Yi.

And this gap made him at this time, although he couldn’t make Zhou Yi half sick as before, but it was enough to do some special things. For example, delay Zhou Yi’s footsteps.

He firmly hugged the part of oneself that can hug Zhou Yi, and then pulled him forcefully toward the chaotic, rampant Infinity Gem created power area.

With his power, it is naturally unlikely to have any influence on the current Zhou Yi, but when he uses oneself as a bridge, the violent force of Infinity Gem can pass through his body and spread to Zhou Yi Zhou Yi couldn’t get away easily anymore.

He only opened a passage that only allows oneself to pass through, which has consumed his enormous power. And now, when Thanos entangled him, he couldn’t easily leave through here. It even said that when the uncontrollable power of Infinity Gem spread to him, he was completely hopeless.

Thanos’s idea is very simple, that is to let Zhou Yi stay with him all the time. Experience this feeling of destruction together. He is not a fool, and naturally knows that the current Infinity Gem has lost control. In the face of this loss of control, both of them are nothing but bad luck eggs tied to the side of the gunpowder barrel.

This violent power is enough to tear them to pieces, and fortunately, he will never be the worst one. Because his undying body once again gave him a guarantee. They will be blown to pieces by this gunpowder barrel, but the dead person will definitely not be him.

Just like Zhou Yi has always wanted to destroy him, he has been fighting for the idea of ​​destroying Zhou Yi. This has been confirmed in previous battles that he couldn’t do things, even if he had the power of two Infinity gems. But now, it is an opportunity for him. An opportunity to wipe out Zhou Yi in one fell swoop.

The power generated by the violent Infinity Gem can make him tremble. He is convinced that under this power, nothing can survive. Including both of them. So he dragged Zhou Yi without hesitation, and even used his own body to trigger the power impact of Infinity Gem.

This approach is not pleasant, because the power of Infinity Gem will destroy Zhou Yi before destroying his body. In fact, he has already begun to experience this painful feeling.

His body was torn apart again, his body was aging in Infinity, and even his soul was being torn apart madly. This made him Infinity painful, but he was painful and happy. It was a wonderful thing for him to be able to trade the pain that he had already used in exchange for the demise of oneself’s enemy.

He has used the method of dying with the enemy many times, and he has the last laugh almost every time. Even this time is no exception. He started to laugh, for the victory that oneself finally won.

And then, the explosion of Infinity Gem’s power made him instantly lose all his smiles. He already felt the feeling of being exiled by time. At this time, Zhou Yi had disappeared into the destructive power, completely turned into ashes.

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