Sun God Marvel

Chapter 428

The endless power is detonated in the sky, and everything shrouded by this power is completely Oblivion in this universe. First Thanos, then Zhou Yi, then Thanos, Thanos, or Thanos.

Zhou Yi was destroyed all at once, while Thanos went through this process countless times. From alive to death, and then from dead to alive. He kept repeating this process, and he kept enjoying the pain and the so-called Eternity in the impact of Infinity power little by little.

Time is intercepted in fragments, and Thanos is equivalent to being imprisoned in this time fragment by Eternity. It’s like an old machine that is stuck with Infinity singles looping a bad song, he can only passively receive all this in it.

This is not the ending he wants. What he wants is victory, not this kind of miserable life. This is far from what he thought, and even said simply is not the same thing.

He can’t let things turn out like this, let own repeat this kind of unnecessary pain and destruction in the future. So he can only force oneself to make efforts to change this damned status quo. And the only way he can change the status quo is through Infinity Gem.

Four Infinity gems gathered on his head, unleashing this violent power, pushing him little by little into the endless abyss. If he wants to stop all of this, before everything becomes irreversible, and before oneself completely falls into the river of time, he must break the aggregation of Infinity Gem and break the resonance between them.

Time is running out, he must act. But wanting to do this is not as simple as imagined. He is in the time segment, not in oneself’s house. What you need to pay for action is not just decision-making power, but the real price.

For ordinary people, it is not easy to make this decision, but for Thanos, what he has most is the price.

Whether it is taking a part of the body or owning a small life, it is acceptable to him. The undying body gave him a cheating method that was better than archived cheating Dafa, and this method allowed him to move hard and ruggedly toward the own goal.

Until he violently held one of the Infinity Gem, the Scarlet Reality Stone. Numerous destructions gave him a chance, a chance to reach out and insert into the Infinity Gem aggregation. And when such an opportunity came, he naturally did not let go of the probability.

So when he held the Reality Stone, he immediately used the power of his whole body to pull this special gem from the gathering of Infinity Gem. This detonated the amount of violence on the gems in advance, but gave Thanos a chance to get out. Use Reality Stone!

The amount of violent violence triggered by Infinity Gem has torn time, space, and reality, and almost everything in substance and concept is being crazily destroyed by it. But before it disrupted all of this and tied Thanos like a dead dog in the realm of nothing, Thanos had relied on the power of the Reality Stone to escape from here.

Following a certain special connection that exists between Infinity gems, Thanos distorted reality and opened a space channel leading to a certain place from the front of the owner. He didn’t know where this would lead him, but in any case, it was better than the place he is now.

And if he is lucky enough, maybe he can get something more.

The big bang burst out silently, and the huge formidable power almost swept the entire star system. But there is nothing else in it. Thanos escaped, and Zhou Yi no longer exists. It was as if they had already decided the victory, as if Thanos had once again got the victory that oneself wanted.

And just after all this broke out, at the same time that Thanos fled, Zhou Yi turned into ashes. Standing above Earth, Ida, who was continuing the quarrel with Lilith, stopped all the actions of oneself.

She slammed her own chest, because at this time an unimaginable pain passed from her heart. This pain has nothing to do with the body, but from the heart, from in the depth of one’s soul, an almost unbearable feeling. This made her almost unable to breathe, unable to speak, or even think. Her whole person was overwhelmed by this sudden surge of pain.

Ada, who could hardly stand still looking at the whole person, could only make a heavy gasp from his nose. Lilith, who had been quarreling with her, and Natasha, who had been reduced to a spectator with only two sentences after coming, suddenly became inexplicable.

“Why, do you have any symptom? Or is there something wrong with your mind?”

Lilith asked, carrying a gun with a stick, and didn’t want to It is an ancient God who has just revived not very long. This kind of statement made Natasha on one side stared wide-eyed. She thought this ancient Goddess would be the Venus with a broken arm, the silent Mona Lisa. Can’t speak, but elegant and beautiful. But the facts surprised her.

This is a very talkative Goddess, and he speaks like a character on the street. This made her feel like crying.

As if seeing the surprise on the face of the woman who came in, Lilith added.

“This is British humor! My United Kingdom Teacher taught me that if he can’t make others laugh, then I will find a time to make him cry!”

” It’s funny, but my sense of humor is inherently lacking, sorry!” Wiping her face, Natasha decided to leave some hope alive for a less dedicated United Kingdom Teacher. And listening to her reply, Lilith smiled satisfied.

“You know, as a mortal. You are the first modern person to not make me feel so stupid!”

“That really makes me honored!” Reluctantly laughed, Natasha could only respond like that. And just when she was vacillating, Ada’s voice suddenly came over.

“He had something wrong!”

“What?” This sudden sentence made the other two people a little confused. They once again focused on Ada, who was kneeling on the ground. At this moment I saw Ada clutching his chest firmly, panting loudly, and talking in a low voice.

“He has something wrong, I can feel it. He has something wrong!”

Her repetition made others feel something wrong, but for her statement, they But how can I not believe it.

“You are cracking a joke. If so, I can only tell jokes and it’s not funny, but your performance is very real. To be honest, it’s better than the female protagonists in many movies I’ve seen. Much more realistic!”

Shaking her head, Lilith gave such a comment. But before she could say more, Ada roared and interrupted her almost hysterically.

“Shut up, it’s not a hell of a joke, it’s all true. I’ve never felt this way before, and it feels very real to me. He’s got an accident, it’s true. Something happened!”

“This is impossible, you have to know his kind of power, almost impossible something can hurt him. I mean, he can even do that kind of thing , Lift up a piece of land and defeat an alien fleet. How could something happen again?”

Natasha still subconsciously wanted to find some reason to refute, but she found that own refutation was already weak . If it is who Zhou Yi is the closest person, then many people who have been in contact with him will say such a name-Ada Wang. There is nothing among them that can be more speculated by others. Even ordinary people who often read newspapers believe that sooner or later there will be a wedding between them.

So when Ida said that, even if it is incredible. Natasha also found an acceptable reason for oneself. They are connected to each other. Although this reason is unbelievable, it is not unacceptable. As long as there is a little possibility, it is bad news for them.

They all know what Zhou Yi is going to do and what kind of enemies he is going to deal with. Whether it is fighting the Thanos or the space fleet claimed by the Guardians of the Galaxy. As long as he fails, it is terrifying bad news. Bad news even more deadly than Hulk’s madness.

For such news, no one is psychologically prepared. Zhou Yi is their last line of defense and the most powerful line of defense. If he fails, then nothing makes sense. Everything they did before, all their efforts. Everything is meaningless.

Because of his failure, it means in a fundamental sense that he has failed to stop the aliens. They will come, as they envisioned at first. Although it is also called the so-called revenge of the new star Legion, but by this time, the smart people on Earth know that these aliens are absolutely unreliable.

They have nothing they can rely on, and all defense lines can be declared collapsed. Everyone knew it well, and in this case, Ada stood up through gritted teeth and walked towards the battleship.

“Where are you going?”

Lilith, who was robbed by Ada and fell into silence, asked at this time, she didn’t believe it very much. But in the current situation, whether she believes it or not, her struggle with Ada is meaningless. So she can only think about something or do something else, and how to do it, she needs some reference. Some useful references.

This possible bad news made her a little bit not knowing what to do. She needs someone to guide her at this time. And Ada now assumes such a responsibility.

“I’m going to find the guy named Loki and get clues from him, and then I’m going to find him, now!” A gust of snow drifted by, and Ada immediately disappeared with the wind and snow In situ. Her decision is very clear, she is going to find Zhou Yi, no matter where he is or what happened. She must do this.

He is her life, everything in her life. So no matter what, she must do it.

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