Sun God Marvel

Chapter 431

Yes, at this time. When everything moved towards the unpredictable direction began to change, a new character appeared in front of Loki and them.

Thanos, the secret mastermind behind them. It is also the source of all these wars. He is the overlord of the universe and a terrifying existence that no one wants to provoke. He is dominating and manipulating everything that happens here. And what frightened Loki the most was that he was also a target being plotted against by oneself.

With his ambition and strength, Loki plots a huge conspiracy. He caused the overlord of the universe to mobilize nearly all of oneself’s power, for two Infinity Gem and an existence he hated deeply. Thanos has every reason to accept his suggestion.

In fact, Thanos did accept his opinion and gave them absolute trust. Even the divine object such as Infinity Gem has been entrusted to their hands. It must be said that Thanos has recognized their loyalty to some extent.

But he didn’t know that the two people who oneself relied on as the right-hand man were simply not on the side of him. They harbor ulterior motives, and have already secretly colluded together. Even in order to be able to eradicate this guy who is stigmatizing oneself behind oneself, they also gave the only guy who can fight him the most critical capital.

Infinity Gem! It is not so much that they collect such divine objects for Thanos or oneself. Rather, it is a special trip to collect this divine object and submit it to Zhou Yi. Then let him use it to deal with Thanos, their boss.

These two guys are not satisfied with the guarantee Thanos gave them, or some other things like charity. They want more, and this more, obviously Thanos can’t give them. But they, who could not bear the greed in oneself’s heart, chose to seek everything from him in this special way.

From the beginning, their plan was fairly smooth, and they even mastered all the situation at one time. Zhou Yi almost defeated Thanos, and they also controlled all the existence on Earth that could resist them. Although the cost is huge, it is not unacceptable.

However, at the last moment, everything was turned over. It didn’t start from the awakening of Hulk, but from the appearance of Thanos.

The appearance of Thanos made all their plans become futile, and even said that at this time they had to curb all oneself’s ambitions and kneel down in front of Thanos respectfully and obediently.

“My lord! Why did you appear in this place?”

“Loki!” I lowered my head and looked respectfully like the most tame subject, without seeing any dissent at all Of two people. Thanos grinned and asked such words. “What the hell did you guys do? Why did the Infinity Gem I gave you appear on that guy?”

As soon as this sentence came out, the two guys who were kneeling on the ground were sweating coldly. . The biggest flaw in their plan is that they didn’t expect Thanos to appear in front of them alive.

Because no matter from which aspect, they believe that Thanos, who put down the Infinity Gem in their hands, is impossible to be the opponent of Zhou Yi, who has two Infinity Gems. But they didn’t expect Thanos to defend them. The three Infinity Gem that he has been showing are just an illusion. In fact, with the two given to them, he has a total of four Infinity Gem in his hand.

This number occupies most of the seven gems. Compared with the number of gems he owns, his undying body is the trump card that hides the deepest. Most people can’t force his trump card out, and when Zhou Yi knew about the trump card, it was already a little too late.

Thanos’ hidden trump card made him the final winner, and when he appeared here and asked them such questions, for Loki and Ronan the Accuser, it was nothing more than doomsday. .

Up to now, they can only bet on their own luck to see how much Thanos knows the secrets. So they started to fabricate the so-called truth every word.

“Sorry, my lord. I am not the opponent of that Earth God. He took the Power Stone from my hand, and I have nothing to stop him!”

“And, My stupid big brother also brought him another gem, the Reality Stone preserved by Asgard. I was a step slower, and when I found the trace of that gem, he had already fallen into Zhou Yi’s Hands!”

At this time, these two nasty guys completely skimmed oneself from everything thoroughly. On the surface, their losses are not small. So if you don’t go into it, it’s almost impossible to see exactly what role they played in this war.

Is it loyal or secretive. These are things that require Thanos to spend time and mind to judge. Now, what Thanos lacks most is time. At this moment, he is at the weakest moment. In order to save his own life and victory, he was forced to give up the other three Infinity gems. And now he has only one Reality Stone in his hands.

An Infinity Gem is not enough to give him absolute dominance. So he had no thoughts at this time to investigate who betrayed him, and all his thoughts were placed on the remaining Infinity Gem. There are also two gems on Earth, and what he wants now is the one in Loki’s hands.

“Give me the Mind Stone, Loki. This thing shouldn’t be in your hands now!”

“Yes, my lord. It should be!” Very clear Loki, who is the gap between oneself and Thanos, didn’t mean to disobey his idea at all. Looking at Thanos’s outstretched palm, he lowered his head and offered his own cane very respectfully.

Loki was so submissive that Thanos simply couldn’t doubt him. He reached for his scepter, played with it, and put on a meaningful smile.

“Of all my subordinates, it is estimated that the one who has the most brains is you, Loki! You are really smart, and you know how to use Illusion Technique to cover its existence, so that Zhou Yi did not notice it. To it. You finally did something that satisfied me, and finally did not let me continue to disappoint!”

“It’s my pleasure!” Loki answered with his head down, without even looking up Take a look at what Thanos means. And his conspicuous manner is very satisfactory to Thanos. A smart person should know when to act oneself and when to remain silent. Just like now, it was a smarter thing for him to remain silent.

Glancing at another stiff Ronan the Accuser like a statue, Thanos sneered and crushed the scepter in his hand. The huge blue crystal at the top of the scepter shattered with his actions, and at the same time a Carina gem fell as the crystal broke.

Carina’s gem-Mind Stone, a powerful treasure that can manipulate life and soul. It is also one of the only Infinity Gem whose location can be confirmed.

Due to the fight with Zhou Yi, the three Infinity gems were completely lost. They can be said to be lost in any corner of this World, or they may be lost in any tributary in the long river of time. To regain these lost gems is almost impossible in a short time.

So now, Thanos must control the remaining few gems in his own hands. Mind Stone is one of them, and the other is Space Stone.

It is now lying on the roof of the Stark Building, providing a so-called gateway for the invasion of the entire alien army. Although the alien fleet is almost annihilated, the Space Stone in the universe magic cube has not stopped its own work casually. It is still working, even Thanos who is in the battleship can clearly feel its existence.

“Found one, also one. But it’s right in front of you, Ronan the Accuser?”

Listening to Thanos’s call, Ronan the Accuser frowned and raised Turned his head, asked suspiciously.

“My lord? What are your orders?”

“Your army was wiped out. Do you have anything to say about this?”

Putting the Mind Stone on the own Infinite Gauntlet, Thanos stretched his own finger and asked Ronan the Accuser. This is a very serious problem of dereliction of duty, especially in Thanos’s view, such dereliction of duty is simply an unforgivable problem.

“My lord, this world is different from the other world we have experienced. Although their army is not worth mentioning, they have unmatched fighters. My soldiers have gone full strength, but we are really Can’t beat them. It’s not our problem, my lord. It’s just because they are too strong!”

The tradition of the Cree made Ronan the Accuser immediately argue, but he didn’t know this. Failure requires not argument, but the most submissive obedience. No matter how bad the owner is, he will forgive the mistakes made by a well-behaved pet. But if it is a thorn, then all you can get is the heavy lesson or the heaviest price.

Ronan the Accuser now plays this thorny role in unconsciously, and Thanos has never been an open-minded owner. He is an out-and-out villain, and the villain has always used bloody and cruel teachings as a means to treat oneself’s disobedient subordinates.

“Is this how you answered me, Ronan the Accuser? Do you know what your answer will bring to you?”

“I know, my lord. However, I must prove to you that our sacrifice is real. You cannot deny the battle of a Cree. Even the defeated Cree! We have sacrificed many soldiers, and they died for it, and this is them. The honor!”

The Cree people are prey to the strong, but it does not mean that they do not have the so-called honor. A warrior, even a warrior who died in battle, should be respected in the eyes of the Cree. Although these invading Kerry people rushed to ten thousand li because of his order, came to die. But this does not mean that he thinks these people deserve to die.

Tradition made him pay attention to these war dead. But Thanos wants to tell him that his so-called tradition is meaningless.

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