Sun God Marvel

Chapter 433

There was a fierce flame in his eyes, and Thanos raised his own arm directly. With his movements, Hulk’s body was also raised high by the invisible big hand.

He was fiercely pinched to the ground, time after time. The immense power made the entire battleship sunk in the harbor begin to shake and tremble. A huge pit was forcibly smashed out. As a tool of destruction, Hulk is still struggling, howling in anger.

He is lively dragon and animated tiger, and there is no trace of injury at all. Thanos’s actions had no other effect except making Hulk treat him cruelly.

But this made Thanos upset. If he can’t deal with the natives on a small planet, how can he gain a foothold in the universe in the future. So he violently lifted Hulk up again, and once again applied the flames that had burned Ronan the Accuser to Hulk. At the same time he was smiling like a devil.

“Go die for me, stupid things. You have to pay for your stupidity!”

This is enough to dispel the real flames, and it’s like being Like adding kerosene, it ignited on Hulk’s body. Just in the blink of an eye, it turned Hulk into a huge torch. The flame covered Hulk’s whole body, making it hard to see the description in him.

But what can be known is that he is still alive. And there are no signs of weakness in his life. He was roaring, roaring, and the loudness of his voice made Thanos feel that oneself was being slapped in the face, and it was painful.

He felt that oneself had been humiliated, and a great sense of humiliation surged from his heart. However, he quickly controlled his own emotions and forcibly swallowed the feeling of shame in his stomach.

As Zhou Yi said, he is a total egoist, a shameless, a real villain. Such a person has no principles when it comes to interests. Now, Hulk has once again demonstrated to Thanos the value of own and the interests he represents. In the face of such interests, Thanos admitted that oneself was tempted once again.

Hulk’s power is stronger and more special than he thought, and it is more suitable to be his tool. Through the power of Mind Stone, he can clearly tell how fragile this guy’s mind is. Can also clearly understand how easily he can be slapped and manipulated.

This is simply a natural thug, a suitable subordinate. Facing such an existence, he couldn’t bear to kill him. So he immediately changed his own strategy. In another way, he launched a more ferocious offensive against his mind and brain.

Like Loki manipulating Hulk before, Thanos also had this idea. And his use of Mind Stone is not comparable to Loki. It will be a stronger and more thorough invasion, and may even completely destroy Hulk’s mind, turning him into a walking corpse that only obeys orders.

Without any doubt, Thanos, who controls Mind Stone, has this ability. Although he would make Hulk completely lose himself and lose his own consciousness. But what he values ​​is his power, he doesn’t care about the others. So he started such a thing without hesitation at all.

And his actions obviously triggered some special things, such as the mental defense of Professor Charles. Since seeing the power of Mind Stone, Professor Charles has set up a defensive barrier in these people’s hearts. This barrier protects these people from being controlled by Psychic Power again. If someone wants to forcibly attack them mentally, it will attract a counterattack from the most powerful mental controller on Earth.

In the face of this kind of spiritual thug, even a good old man like Charles will not be merciful. He directly used Hulk’s body as the battlefield and fought with Thanos’ Psychic Power. And as soon as the confrontation started, Thanos immediately uttered an incredible admiration.

His mental attack was blocked. On this small planet, people can actually block the formidable power of the Infinity Gem, which makes him feel the most profound incredible. When did the ever-unfavorable Infinity Gem become something that can be resisted casually.

So he immediately asked this guy who blocked the power of oneself in Hulk’s heart.

“Who are you? Why are you blocking me? Don’t you know what it means for you to do this?”

“Seeing a mob violent, stop him. There is What’s wrong?” In Hulk’s mind, Charles answered righteously, with awe-inspiring righteousness.

When he heard his reply, Thanos immediately looked ugly. A person who stands by justice will not give up the principle of own because of a little threat. This is especially true in the naked realm of the mind. So he immediately mobilized the power of Mind Stone, and continued to launch a mountain cry out and sea howl general impact on Hulk’s heart.

He wants to use Mind Stone’s Infinity power to submerge the unknown, and dare to stop the own fanatic. Then defeat these two idiots overestimate one’s capabilities in one fell swoop. And just as he did this, other people also rushed to the scene.

The Avengers led by Captain, also those Mutants appeared here one after another, and their appearance obviously made Thanos realize that the own army was defeated and destroyed by who are you.

He keenly realized that this planet is not at all as simple as he imagined. And just when he wanted to say something and so on, Captain, who had surrounded him and Loki, had already called out to him first.

“The two guys over there, you are already surrounded by us. Let that guy put Hulk down, Loki! also, hand over Parker and Thor, and give up. I can guarantee you There is a fair treatment!”

“This is not in my control, Steve Captain. Now my boss, Thanos is the main thing here!” With a slight smile, Loki brought everyone’s attention to Thanos’s Body. And looking at the purple giant who held Hulk high and burned him inhuman. Almost everyone took a fighting pose.

“Put him down, sir. Otherwise, we can’t guarantee your safety.”

Coldly snorted, Thanos’s face was hung with a trembling, murderous smile. It’s been a long time since he was threatened like this. Today, the number of threats he has been threatened has even exceeded the sum of his past several hundred years. This makes him very unhappy, and if he is unhappy, he must make those who cause it all pay a heavier price.

So he didn’t even bother to answer, Thanos directly extended his own hand to these people. And as soon as he stretched out his hand, these people immediately felt a heavy suffocation feeling coming from the owner’s neck.

If they couldn’t even resist, these people were picked up directly. Like Hulk, they were raised to in midair as if their necks were pinched by an invisible big hand. Compared with Hulk, they are not so strong! Except for Logan, who had recovered, almost everyone faced this method, and the final result was just a dead word.

Whether they will die, who starts first, is all up to Thanos. Their life and death are all in the hands of Thanos, and this feeling of controlling the life and death of others is the feeling that Thanos enjoys most.

“There is no right for you to speak here, ants? With me here, there can only be one voice here, and that is my voice. What I say is what I say, I let you live, you Only when I let you die, you are about to die. Don’t think you can yell at me, you don’t have the qualifications yet!”

Thanos’ domineering declaration is in my ear, and my throat is A deadly suffocation feeling. This situation made everyone present feel a kind of powerlessness, a kind of deep despair. No one thought that they would be directly controlled by others in this way, and no one thought that they would have no resistance at all.

In the blink of an eye, they became what they are now. He became a prisoner of Thanos, which has become the biggest joke of the century. For such a joke, no one except Thanos could laugh. Not even Loki!

Thanos is still beyond his imagination, he found that oneself underestimated him, and still very seriously underestimated. Is there really a way for such a person to be solved by own plot against? For the first time, Loki had a deep doubt about oneself.

For both parties present, there is actually only one winner. That is Thanos! In essence, Thanos is the only one in his camp. No one really belongs to his camp, not even Loki. Therefore, everyone feels the same for his victory.

But third parties don’t think so. Ada and Lilith came with different purposes, their only purpose has nothing to do with the battle here. In a sudden blizzard, Ada appeared on the scene in the ultra-low cold air and the sky full of snow.

Following her, the loud noise of the waves accompanied by the strong smell of blood also appeared here. A huge wave surged, Lilith stood on the wave and looked towards the field with a solemn expression.

The appearance of these two women made the Captain group think that oneself saw Savior. If it weren’t for the invisible force to pinch their throats, they would almost cheer.

But Ada didn’t even look at them at all. She just stared at Thanos who gave her a strong oppressive feeling, and asked him word by word.

“Are you Loki’s Boss?”

“Another one!” Looking at the two women who suddenly appeared, Thanos immediately showed a weird smile. “What’s wrong with this World, it’s just a small planet. Why are there so many powerful guys. But, ma’am, has anyone told you that the power aura in you makes me very disgusting!”

“Your feeling has nothing to do with me. Tell me where Zhou Yi is!”

“Tell us where he is. Everything here has nothing to do with us. We only Want to know his location!” Lilith also said at this time. She felt the horror of Thanos, so her words were very polite.

But she didn’t know. When she said the name, she was already deeply angry with Thanos. He looked at these two desperate women, grinning and grinning grinningly at them.

“Do you want to know where Zhou Yi is? Go to another world and ask them yourself!”

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