Sun God Marvel

Chapter 454

“Gentlemen, can someone tell me where our goal is now?”

The disappearance of the King Ming and the giants of the universe are all sitting in the White House The people in the conference room are most concerned about now. Now they are like a gambler, but the kind who gambled with red eyes. Prior to this, what they did and did has forced them oneself to a dead end. So now, if they want to turn over, they must get the high stakes placed in front of them.

However, relying on human technology, wanting to get where Zhou Yi and even Thanos are, is nothing short of a dream. So the situation now becomes very embarrassing. Embarrassed, the atmosphere in the entire conference room was almost freezing.

In this case, the president can only ask questions that everyone wants to know. He has been unable to stay out of the matter. If he still wants to continue to sit on the throne of the president, or he still wants to pass his own term safely, instead of becoming the first United States to go to jail immediately after being forced to resign. The words of the president. He must continue all their plans.

However, facing his problem. No one can give them an answer. Everyone here can be said to be the kind of self-esteem, but in the real high Life Level contest, they don’t even have the qualifications to know. The heart is higher than the sky, and the life is thinner than paper. It is really appropriate to describe them at this time.

However, since this description can be used to describe them. Then they will naturally have the most typical feature of this type of role, that is arrogance. As long as the failure doesn’t hit them completely, they won’t think that oneself will lose at all.

But in fact they have already lost. When the first nuclear bomb fell, they had already lost cleanly.

A so-called democratic regime has lost its democracy at this critical moment, leaving behind the cornerstone of their democracy. So it almost means that they gave oneself a fatal blow. But these people still don’t know it, they simply didn’t notice the change of own.

In other words, someone has discovered it. But as the leader of this kind of change, he was not so kind enough to worry about the impact that those present would face in the future. Pierce was just smiling, continuing to encourage the slightly anxious president.

“Don’t worry too much, sir. Have a little patience. As long as their goal is this planet, we can wait forever.”

“Mr. Pierce, not every Everyone can be as calm as you.”

The president sneered and complimented Pierce. Although the external evaluation has not been very high, but this does not mean that the president is a complete idiot. At least he can still see that Pierce is the biggest beneficiary here. Once their plan is successful, the president naturally has the hope of being re-elected, but it is impossible to seize more power.

On the contrary, as the chairman of the Security Council, the most dazzling person in this meeting. Pierce is destined to become a leader. Prestige, status, and even rights, he is the one who gets the most. At that time, even the president may not be more powerful than him.

So, in the principle of leaving oneself with one more way out. The president’s attitude towards Pierce can be said to be minimized. Faced with such a degree of favor, Pierce just responded with a smile, and waited without saying a word. Until a message reached all of them.

“Manhattan reports that our satellite has detected some drastic changes in the space environment. There are powerful energy shock waves radiating in the solar system, which may have a huge impact on the balance of the solar system!”

From this news, many people have heard a special meaning. That is, their goal is likely to be in space. If not, how could such a strange thing appear in Guan Lai Ping’s solar system. So it was almost unnecessary to remind Pierce, the president and generals who had been waiting for a long time immediately issued the own order.

“Mobilize all our satellites to monitor the movements from the universe in an all-round way. We must give them a heavy blow before they return!”

If it is said that Wang and Thanos return In Earth, still in the territory of America. This group of people will tentatively hesitate whether to use strategic nuclear weapons on them. After all, there is a fundamental difference between strategic nuclear weapons and the tactical nuclear weapons they use at first. Just in terms of equivalents, it can be said to be as different as heaven and earth.

A tactical nuclear weapon with an upper limit of only 20,000 tons is also impossible to compare with a strategic nuclear weapon with a million tons at every turn.

But if these two people consciously enter the universe. Then they don’t hesitate to move their hands. The universe is so vast, to the point where the number of large-tonnage nuclear bombs dropped will not have any impact on Earth. If it does not affect Earth, then naturally they will not shake their status.

While it can guarantee the own status and power, it can also seek huge benefits. This kind of the best of both worlds, who would have watched it slip past his eyes? Therefore, their orders were issued decisively and quickly, far exceeding any previous decree in this country.

Efficient commands bring efficient returns. When the official and even military satellites of the entire United States were aimed at the deep space of the universe, they almost immediately discovered the movement of the oneself target.

Two silhouettes wrapped in red light flames are flying towards Earth at high speed in the universe. Although it is strange that the size of the figure surrounded by this flame does not look like the complete King of Heavenspan, nor the terrifying alien giant. But they are still very sure that there must be their goal in this figure.

Because the flames really impressed them so much, this is the crimson feather coat that King Ming wore. One person may be wrong, but with so many people here, the chance of them being wrong together is absolutely slim. Through this layer of crimson flaming feather robe, most people have judged the identity of the person in it. And they, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately thought that the US military base had been on standby and issued the final order.

“All the people on standby, lock the current target. In the name of the President of United States, I order you to launch!”

With an order, the major military bases in United States Immediately there were fires. Amidst waves of sirens, huge strategic missiles rose into the air, and swiftly moved toward the ever-closer target in space.

This is the sharpest minion of mankind, and what it does now is destroy the shield that has always guarded mankind. This is ridiculous behavior, and almost everyone who has given this instruction is laughing.

It is a smile, a wild laugh, a smile full of expectation, a smile of harboring malicious intentions. Even already immersed in the beautiful fantasy weaving by oneself, the ridiculous sneer. Using the huge nuclear power that this country has reserves, they do not believe that anything can survive such a blow.

So many of them are waiting, waiting for the splendid fireworks to bloom, waiting for the special and meaningful celebration banquet after the fireworks have ended. And just in their expectation, dozens of strategic missiles soared into space, and then burst out there.

In an instant, the sky was bright. It’s like a brand new sun approaching the surface of Earth, flaunting the existence of own above it.

The entire Earth’s atmosphere is a golden red map by this sudden explosion of nuclear radiance. Looking at all of this, the civilians above Earth became even more panicked.

They don’t know who did all this, let alone what the attack was for. But they only know that everything is getting closer and closer to them. It was so close that they could not bear it.

Almost all countries and all cities have begun to have different degrees of riots. Panic humans at this time simply don’t have any reason at all. They are running away, in riots, and in panic. Big panic.

Just when the situation is chaotic, and even some of it cannot be controlled. A voice suddenly came from in the sky.

That is the sound that comes out at the same time as the crimson flame. When the sun in the sky just burst out its own bright light, showing off its own existence. But it has not yet reached the peak of oneself, when oneself appears in its complete form. A crimson radiance suddenly appeared in the center of the sun and appeared in everyone’s sight.

It is as swift and fierce as a flame. From the depths of the sun’s center, it burst out suddenly. Then, like two stretched wings, the entire shining sun was torn in half directly from it.

In the blink of an eye, the extremely brilliant and brilliant sun was crushed and swallowed by the sudden emergence of red flames. The endless gorgeous radiance turned into a fragmented light spot in an instant, and in the light spot, the crimson flame stretched its own wings and began to show an incredible image. It is changing, from an unfixed posture to a specific image, and this image is Phoenix, the Phoenix of undying. Against the backdrop of the shattered sun, the crimson flames were in full swing, spinning wildly. From the perspective of Earth, it looks like a reborn from the ashes, undying Phoenix, is singing and flying.

This is a very beautiful Phoenix, and also a very angry Phoenix, because when she broke out of her shell, her voice full of anger was already ringing in the entire world See it through. Every human being can hear her yelling, and every human being can understand everything contained in her angry voice.

“To forget favors and violate justice, are you treating the heroes who have saved you again and again like this? Are you using nuclear bombs to welcome the return of your heroes? You are hopeless! “

When such voices echoed in the world for a long time, human beings, the most powerful race in this world, broke out completely.

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