Sun God Marvel

Chapter 457

At this time, New York is already in ruins. And above the ruins, a group of New Yorkers like refugees are escaping from the turning land and piles of ruins with the help of Mutant, and then look forward to their former hometown with wandering eyes. At this time, New York has become a country of Zee. The entire Manhattan district was almost submerged under the sea, and the repeatedly fractured plates even extended to other urban areas of the city.

So from a glance, I can’t see any signs of the previous international capitals. Some are just as miserable and desolate as the war zone.

This is definitely a disaster for this city. For all survivors, the only thing they can be thankful for is that the lives of most of them have been protected. In this kind of disaster, only a very small number of people are unfortunately killed. This can be considered the only comfort.

However, these survivors became confused. Their home has been ruined, and their future is almost lost. Where should we go? This is a question that almost everyone is thinking about. Compared with this, some people also have other concerns.

That’s the reprimand from Phoenix from in the sky to the people of this World. Jean Grey’s angry voice made all the survivors tremble in their hearts. Although in essence, they and Jean are victims of the same camp, there is never a reason to be angered. Especially, now that human beings generally have the spirit of a national master, they have consciously substituted oneself in the role of to forget favors and violate justice. Although from a certain perspective, they are also victims. But facing Jean Grey’s anger, they were still worried.

They are so miserable that they really don’t want to experience more. Therefore, before the so-called Phoenix’s anger has come, they have already begun to find a solution.

“Sir, can you tell us something for us? None of this really has anything to do with us!”

After an old man who seemed to be a little older was rescued, The first thing is to hold the hand of wild beast who rescued him. Although the description of wild beast made him feel scared, he was more afraid of Penalty from God. Even the messengers of God have been disappointed in them. He really doesn’t know what oneself should do.

“Don’t worry, nothing will happen. We will explain it to you.”

With the package ticket that oneself can’t guarantee, wild beast comforts the old man, He was taken to a car specially designed to escort refugees. And at this time, the mind communication from Professor Charles appeared in their ears.

“Everyone, they have returned.”

Hearing this, wild beast immediately raised his head. And as soon as he looked up, he saw a group of dazzling red fire light sweeping from the sky. That was the radiance of Phoenix’s power, and just seeing this radiance, they knew that Jean Grey had returned. What exactly this angry woman can do, they don’t have much in their hearts. So what they can expect now is that the professor can convince her.

However, the professor’s efforts are not at all available. It’s not that he can’t persuade Jean Grey, but now Jean Grey, the spiritual barrier she has is not something that Professor Charles can invade casually. Since it is impossible to contact Jean Grey’s heart, naturally it is impossible to have the so-called persuasion.

When the professor regretfully told the people who were waiting for his good news, all of them showed wry smiles.

“It’s over, it’s over. It’s all like this, and I have to find a way to deal with a grumpy woman. This time it’s really terrible!”

Quicksilver is like a gust of wind The same carried those civilians who were unable to move due to injuries. But his actions did not stop him from complaining. In fact, he is full of resentment now.

Know that they are also targets of nuclear strikes. If it weren’t for the protection of Jean Grey and the giant ship of Creestar, it would be strong enough. Now they might have been submerged in the water to feed the fish. It is precisely because of this loss that Quicksilver is deeply dissatisfied with the United States Government that dropped the nuclear bomb.

This dissatisfaction derives many other emotions, including now, his grievances against Jean Grey also come from this. But he knows exactly how much the gap is between them, so he can only talk about it at most, and what is impossible to do.

“Shut up, Pietro. Don’t talk about this time, just do your own work!” Captain suppressed Quicksilver’s grumble, and then said to Professor Charles in oneself’s brain . “Professor, please tell me where they are. I want to talk to them in person!”

“Captain, do you think this is necessary? I know it has nothing to do with you. You really don’t need to involve oneself in this kind of trouble. Although you don’t want to admit it, the current strength of my student also cannot be guessed in a normal way. You are likely to cause trouble to oneself. !”

Charles responded quickly after hearing Captain’s request. Obviously, he did not approve of Captain’s move. The mistakes made by the bureaucrats in the government are unforgivable even if they are seen from his eyes.

Since they dare to take a city and the lives of hundreds of thousands of people as a bet, then they should have the corresponding consciousness and pay a sufficient price for everything oneself does. And this price, in Charles’s view, even if it wasn’t Death, it would be unlimited imprisonment.

And Captain stirred oneself into vortex for this kind of person, and even said that he had to face Jean Grey’s anger, which in his opinion was really unwise.

“It’s not for those guys. It’s just that I can’t let her make the situation worse. After that, this country will inevitably endure the inevitable turbulence. And if she is allowed to do anything wrong, For whom will not be a good thing. We finally got this World back to peace, so no matter what, I can’t let this hard-won everything be destroyed by others!”

“Good Well, Captain. I can only wish you good luck!”

Although he still couldn’t agree with him, Charles understood his reasons. This is a noble person, all his actions are to set aside own interests, and from the perspective of everyone. With this alone, Charles has no reason to reject him. So he quickly pointed out the direction for him.

“Thank you, professor. I’ll beg you here. If there is anything unexpected for me!”

Without such a sentence, Captain moved in the direction the professor indicated Walked over. Looking at his back, almost everyone began to stand in awe. This is a guy who deserves to be respected, because he is indeed upholding the axioms and justice that are rarely seen in this world, and he even spares his life for this.

This is really not something ordinary people can do, at least no one in the audience can do it.

“Hulk wants to help!”

Looking at the back of Captain leaving, the green fatty scratched his head and said something like this. And hearing him say so, Jennifer who was beside him immediately grabbed his arm.

“This is not something that violence can solve, Bruce. So, instead of worrying about him, it is better to do our own affairs. These things are not so fast by me alone. !”

I glanced at the direction where Captain had left, and then at the ruins of oneself’s side due to the collapse of the building. Hulk twitched the corner of his mouth and began to complain.

“Hulk wants to fight, but doesn’t want to move things.”

“Don’t even think about it, hurry up and work. Are there people down here waiting for you to help?”

” p>

I lifted a huge brick and threw it directly into Hulk’s arms, and Jennifer’s tone became impatient. For Hulk, whose emotions and thinking are like a little child, she is really struggling to cope.

However, her words are still useful. Although she was completely unwilling in her heart, Hulk could only act according to her arrangement in the end. And just when their siblings acted as temporary relief workers to rescue the trapped from under the rubble. Captain had already come to the place the professor instructed.

That is a place that makes him feel very strange. Because here and now, it has been completely covered by a group of magical beings with golden wings. These beings are just like the angels in is legend, with handsome faces, wearing classic robes or Combat Armor. And the whole body also exudes a bright white radiance. Just looking at it gives a sense of sacredness.

At this moment, these sacred beings all knelt down on the ground, as if greeting the king of own, welcoming a silhouette that gradually appeared in the red flames.

That Silhouette Captain is no stranger, but he never thought that such a person would have so many complicated identities. It’s so complicated that anyone can startled. However, he was a little fortunate for this man, because he didn’t do anything bad at all. On the contrary, he has been doing some good things that an ordinary person can never do. This is also the only basis and confidence for him to come here.

He firmly believes that this person can understand his ideas and agree with his actions. So he held up his own hands and walked directly there.

“Zhou Yi, I think we need to talk. I have to talk to you clearly about what you are going to do next!”

He took a step forward, but It caused all the light messengers to suddenly turn their bodies, like guards guarding the king, and put their vigilant eyes on him. And looking at their expressions, Captain had no doubt that once oneself did anything wrong, these angel-like guys would immediately tear him to pieces.

Just when he started to feel nervous because of this threat, the voice from Zhou Yi made these light messengers restrain their own behavior.

“Let him come here, you don’t need to be too wary of this person. He is not our enemy, I am right. Captain Rogers!”

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