Sun God Marvel

Chapter 462

What kind of existence Professor Charles is in the world of Mutant, I believe many people have a very clear position in their hearts.

Human beings can live together in harmony with the Mutant group for so many years, and there is an almost inevitable connection with this existence, which is known as the most powerful spiritual controller in the world. He can be described as a mobile nuclear weapon, a living nuclear threat. Because of his existence, humans and Mutant can have a false but long-lasting peace.

The two of them have an unwritten agreement, that is, Professor Charles prohibits the use of own ability to interfere with human high-level government. In exchange, humans try their best to maintain the status quo of Mutant’s peace in legal and other aspects.

Since World War II, this unwritten rule has been well maintained by both sides, and continues to this day. So when Teslak Court Academecian pointed the finger at Professor Charles, someone immediately refuted it.

“Court Academecian, is there any reason or basis for your identification? As far as I know, Professor Charles has been living in seclusion for decades and has been working on teaching and educating people. Now active in New York, the Mutant special police who have been struggling on the front line are mostly his students. From his students, you can fully witness some of his qualities. For such a person, do you have definite evidence that he is the man behind the scenes? “

“I think I said that this is just my guess, he is only suspected. It is the work of the police and the federal government to find the murderer. I am just a scientist, and these have nothing to do with me.”

Shook the head directly, and Tesla Court Academecian picked oneself out of it all. He is a scientist, and what scientists like most is hypothesis. So no one can accuse him of anything on this issue.

And after watching Teslag complete the brought trouble to others work as scheduled in the plan. The temporary Mr. President immediately stood up and took his microphone.

“Everyone, the federal government does not yet have any evidence to prove who is the real culprit behind the scenes. But I can guarantee that we will not give up. This is a shame in the history of America, and the shame It must be cleaned up with the most severe Penalty and trial. At the same time, in order to prevent similar things from appearing in the federal government, we decided to hire Teslaco Court Academecian as a special consultant for White House, specifically to address and resolve similar issues. The Mutant criminal incident.”

“In addition, in order to track down the murderer as soon as possible. The national decision-making department formed by me and my colleagues decided to exercise the power of the president, signed and issued a copy of Mutant registration and filing Bill. We need to know everything about these extraordinary Mutants, understand their movements and possible harm. This is a decision made for the security of the country and the world. I hope that all fellow human beings who see this message can I urge Mutant around you to consciously report all the information of the owner by the relevant government departments. In addition, I also hope that those Mutants who are thinking of peace can consciously abide by this bill and make a contribution to the peace of this World.”

“In addition, regarding the serious incident of uncontrolled massacres of civilians in New York. We have urgently dispatched other troops to intervene and rescue the people of New York. I hope everyone in New York can support Go down, please trust us, we will be by your side soon!”

The interim president solemnly vowed in the camera, but for the people in New York now, it’s just a tuo* *** only. adhere to? What do you insist? Looking at the artillery fire and gunpowder that constantly appeared next to oneself, the New Yorkers, who had long been accustomed to most of the modern life, were approaching the edge of collapse.

They hope to be saved and help. Someone can stand up and help those heroes who have been protecting them to end this terrifying as soon as possible. However, when they opened the White House news report hopefully, all they heard were nonsense.

Who cares if the damn president committed suicide or homicide? Who cares about the hell of the conspiracy? The New Yorkers now only care about when the government will come to rescue them and when the government’s real rescue will be in place. But what disappointed them was that their most concerned issue was just taken lightly, and apart from a blank nonsense, even the most basic rescue information was not provided to them.

Instead, it was the cause of the death of the damned bastard president. Also, the conspiracy that may or may not exist was entangled by those bastard bureaucrats over and over again. Is this an issue they need to pay attention to now? Do they think everyone in New York is dead? Or, is an unwarranted conspiracy more important than the lives of millions of people in New York?

At this moment, the New Yorkers finally despair of their government. And they who no longer put hope on the government can only put hope on other people. But who can it be put on? An obvious spiritual sustenance appeared in their thoughts. At this time, God, who saves people from suffering, is more convincing than a bastard government.

So, one person after another began to close their own eyes. In this situation of no one to rely on, they once again recited the name of the God they believed in. A name that has disappeared.

One person, two people. Hundreds, thousands, thousands. When the chanting of the gods one after another, chanting throughout this city that has become a wasteland. Zhou Yi has been watching with cold eyes, watching everything happening here, but frowning uncontrollably.

His expression naturally made the two people standing in front of him noticeable. And Captain, who has been persuading him to take action to prevent everything that is happening, even took the opportunity to say to him.

“You have also heard that the only hope for people in this city now is you. Maybe some people are sorry for you, but it is definitely not them. You are their God, they are in this The only reliance in the situation. If even you abandon them, what can they do? Zhou Yi, think about your decision! Are you really worthy of them? Really worthy of those who have been believing in you Is it?”

I heard him, Jean Grey coldly snorted. But there is no rebuttal that is rare. This is not because Captain’s words are irrefutable. In fact, on the contrary, as long as you care about the details, you can find that his words are not tenable at all. Because Zhou Yi’s identity is not just King Ming, he is also Dawn Knight. Maybe no one in this city has offended King Ming, but someone must have offended Dawn Knight. The parade against Superhero not long ago is still vivid, and the silhouettes of New Yorkers are indispensable.

She is unwilling to refute Captain, just because she knows that Zhou Yi really cares about these people. Although he had already said that he did not want to get involved in human struggle anymore, he still couldn’t bear it in his heart. This is the world he has guarded, the life he has guarded, if he can, he really doesn’t want to see any innocent people disappear before his eyes. Jean Grey understood Zhou Yi’s inner feelings very well, so she just remained silent and let Captain lobby him.

She doesn’t want Zhou Yi to be sad because of regret, so at this time she would rather Zhou Yi make up his mind and do whatever he thinks oneself should do.

And under her acquiescence and Captain’s persuasion, Zhou Yi, who had been silent and frowning, finally sighed and waved to the light messengers standing around him.

Almost no need for him to speak, the light messengers who were created by him and regarded him as their heavenly Father began to act. They stretched their own wings and rushed towards the city in the swaying golden light spots. For these divine beings, Zhou Yi’s will is the creed they must implement. They are the sharp swords in his hands, the swords and axes of his thorns. As long as he pointed out, they will not hesitate. It doesn’t matter whether he is God or not.

This is their return to the Creator and the only meaning in their simple life.

While looking at these golden and dazzling beautiful lives swept towards the city like white clouds covered with golden sunlight, Zhou Yi lowered his own eyes and opened his mouth slightly.

“Captain, this is the last time. From now on, you can only rely on you oneself.”

“Zhou Yi……” opened his mouth in vain, Captain really didn’t know what to say at this moment. They were impossible to ask Zhou Yi to do something again and again, especially after he did so much. And with this time, he really doesn’t have such a cheeky skin, and asks for more. So, in the end, he could only shut his mouth awkwardly, and seriously nodded to Zhou Yi.

He knows that the nodded oneself means that they will lose a great companion, and the burden on their shoulders will be heavier. However, there are some things he must do. Kidnapping others with morality and forcing others is not something that people who practice justice should do. Justice is not maintained in this way. And if everything really depends on one person, is their existence also meaning and value? Is such justice also necessary to maintain?

At this moment, Captain suddenly thought very clearly, so he no longer entangled, so he could let Zhou Yi leave their ranks. And this is exactly what Zhou Yi wanted. He glanced at the direction of the city, where because of the intervention of the light messenger, the battle situation had begun to become clear.

Human weapons are sharp, but they are only for humans. For a divine creature like the Lightbringer, it is obviously still not enough to rely on these powers. He saved the city again, and this time is probably the last time.

Even Zhou Yi oneself can’t tell how oneself feels now. Some are heavy and some are relaxed. But in the end, he still held Jean’s hand beside him without a word, and said to Captain.

“Everything will be over soon. So, goodbye. Steve Rogers Captain! No, I don’t think we will see you again from now on. Then, good luck to you, here is full of On the thorny road, I hope you can take them farther.”

“I will, Mr. Zhou.” Captain sighed and stretched out a hand. “You are a respectable person, whether you are a human or God, I have to say, you are a true hero, thank you for everything you have done for humanity. In addition, although you have decided to retire. But I think If I visit you by chance as a friend, it should be okay.”

“Of course, I am always welcome. After I pick up my love, I will take them and my child Live in seclusion in my own city. There, I will be waiting for you at any time!”

With a smile, Zhou Yi took Captain’s hand. At this moment, it means that everything he had before has become the past. Captain has taken a heavy burden. In any case, a new era has arrived. In this new era, the legends of Dawn Knight and Ming Wang will become a thing of the past.

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