Sun God Marvel

Chapter 464

This is a very pleasing voice, crisp and tactful, just like the singing of a lark. People can feel that the owner of this voice must be a very lithe and graceful, very beautiful girl. And when all the Armored Soldier soldiers turned their heads in the direction of the sound, they immediately saw Serrana standing in the woods with a sullen expression facing them.

“Let’s talk about who sent you here. Then I might let them show mercy a little bit, so that you can keep your own life!”

She said clearly. It was clearly transmitted to the ears of all the soldiers, but they did not reply to her, instead they said to the owner person.

“Attention, this is one of the goals. The above requirements are for catching alive, fire attacks are forbidden. Repeat, fire attacks are forbidden!”

Such words are used in communications with Armored Soldier soldiers Repeated again and again. Immediately, some of these remaining soldiers walked out, looking like they wanted to capture Serana directly on the spot. Looking at their stubborn look, Selana immediately frowned her eyebrows.

“You guys really, don’t repent!”

When she said this, she stretched out her hand to these Armored Soldiers. And with her movements, a faint halo circulated in this not dense grove. And this immediately awakened the forest.

Those thick roots stretched out from the depths of the soil like awakened giant dragons. They stretched their bodies, turned the ground, and moved toward these costumes at a speed beyond human imagination. Armored Soldier pounced. And these soldiers looked at what happened suddenly, almost immediately stunned.

No one would have thought that an attack would happen from such a place, but in this short moment. The two bad luck guys were entangled by the winding roots.

“Help, save me!”

No one wants to die, even the soldiers of Hydra. So under such an attack, the two bad luck guys immediately lost one’s head out of fear and yelled at their teammates. And listening to their yelling, those teammates who escaped by chance immediately raised the weapon in oneself’s hand and fired at the roots.

The flying bullet easily ripped the protection of the bark on the roots, allowing the juice in the roots to flow out like blood. But for the big roots, which are almost like Poison Dragon, this little injury is nothing but nothing. And after all, they are plants, and plants will not be as sensitive as animals anyway. Therefore, such an attack will not change them at all.

Except for attacks.

Under Selana’s will, the Poison Dragon that these tree roots have transformed has become more fierce and violent. Regarding this point, the most experienced are the two bad luck eggs that were caught.

Although they have the same armor protection as the Iron Man Suit, they are facing increasingly powerful external forces. The role of this layer of protection has become weaker and weaker. It wasn’t until the sound of squeezed and deformed cans came from the two soldiers that the remaining soldiers realized that the two unfortunate companions of oneself had become piles of meat sauce-like things. The roots’ grip was squeezed little by little.

Not to mention the soldiers in this scene, even those forensic doctors who often examine various corpses may not be able to bear it. So immediately such a voice came from the soldiers.

“Devil, this guy must be a devil. Kill her, kill her soon, or we will all die!”

That was a soldier who was a little nervous. And when he yelled out such words, he opened two things like missile launchers on oneself’s shoulder and pointed them at Serana who was standing there. Obviously, at this time, he no longer cared about his own mission.

But before he started to act, a harsh sound came from his helmet. And this is the last voice he heard in this world.

It was the sound of an explosion, and after such a sound, his entire head was like a watermelon bursting apart, and the helmet directly attached to it became countless pieces. No one can survive under such circumstances, and this person will naturally be no exception. And just after he fell, another person’s voice reached all the soldiers’ ears.

“Remember your mission and live it. If someone wants to violate the order, this fate is a lesson for you!”

This sentence makes many take out weapons The people in’s silently lowered their own muzzle. With such an example, they naturally dare not make any extra moves. However, how can they capture Serana under such circumstances? This is simply a puzzle in the end.

For Serana, she is fed up with these lunatics by fair means or foul. With the five fingers together, those roots like Poison Dragon immediately became more violent, not just those roots, even the fine grass under their feet and the surrounding bushes were terrifying under her power. The change.

The fine grass has become densely packed like snakes, and the shrubs grow wildly, almost instantly turning this place into the eerie and terrifying that only the fairy tale world can appear. Magic woods. The sky, the earth, beside, under the feet. These terrifying plants are almost with no opportunity to attack these Armored Soldiers. even more how here also an assassin who appears and disappear unpredictably, and a berserker who fights and unpredictably fights.

Almost impossible to have a second ending, these Armored Soldier soldiers fell under their hands one by one. There was only one left, and this one was the guy who had just stopped the attack on Serana and was strictly trying to capture her alive.

Serana kept his life, naturally it was not a compassion. But I want to know who the messenger behind this guy is. A guy who can give orders will surely know some secret things, maybe he can know what oneself wants to know from his mouth.

After solving all the enemies, Serrana manipulated the roots and dragged the last prisoner to own. Seeing this guy who never said a word, Selana silently increased her grip on the roots, and then said to him.

“Tell everything you know, so maybe I can let you get out of here alive. This is your last chance, if you don’t cherish it, I don’t think you will have a second time Chance to choose!”

“Oh, Hehe! Do you think I would be scared when you say that? Little girl, you still see too little. Maybe you don’t know, Death has Time is not the most terrifying thing.”

“I’m not cracking a joke with you.” I grasped the owner’s hand abruptly, and this action immediately made the armor on the prisoner’s body groan overwhelmingly. sound. It won’t protect him any longer, even at this time, he has already felt the terrifying pressure from oneself.

“If you thought I would show mercy to you, you would be very wrong. When you made this decision and decided to use us to threaten him, your fate was already doomed. No matter what. It’s you, or the group of people behind you. All that awaits you is destruction. Because some people, simply are not what you can pay attention to.”

“Ha, haha!” I heard Serana say In this case, the prisoner couldn’t help laughing like this. And hearing his laughter, Serana immediately became puzzled.

“Why, do you think you also have any hope of coming back?”

“Eldest Miss, do you think our group will be the only intruder? You are too underestimated Our organization is gone. Without a rigorous plan and investigation, how could we enter a giant dragon’s lair so recklessly?”

“Giant dragon’s lair?” This metaphor was instantly stunned. Lana froze, and seeing her reaction, the captive smiled more freely.

“Of course it’s the giant dragon’s nest. The terrifying almost irresistible monster is the same as the legendary giant dragon. But there is a saying in the far east called if one doesn’t enter the tiger’s cave , how will one catch a tiger cub. Although it is the nest of giant dragon, it also has the temptation that people cannot resist. For example, the most precious thing of giant dragon?”

“The most precious thing? “

“Of course it is the most precious thing. For things like giant dragon’s eggs, as long as you hold this in your hands, you will have the capital to manipulate the giant dragon. Make that unmatched The monster is here to serve us. This is the meaning of everything we do.”

When he said this, an explosive sound came from the direction of the mansion and listened. With this sound, the prisoner behaved even more proudly.

“It looks like they have succeeded. Stupid women, everything you do is totally meaningless, because we are just bait. The moment you get the bait, you actually have lost! “

His smug look disgusted Serana, and she felt that the situation was urgent, and she would never waste any time. So she clenched her hands ruthlessly.

The roots that suddenly increased their strength directly squeezed the captives into meat sauce, but after finishing all this, Serana immediately ran towards the direction of the mansion.

She said that she would protect and return those two children, for Zhou Yi, for their common home. But these deliberate conspirators obviously do not want them to live their own lives in peace. They have inserted oneself’s dirty minions into their homes, and this is something Serrana can’t stand.

In order to protect their home, she doesn’t mind own hands stained with blood. And she wants everyone, especially those greedy invaders who regard this place as a giant dragon’s lair, to know that this is definitely not a place they can set foot in. He wanted to use Death’s fear to let them know the price of this idea.

But now, she must do one more thing, and that is to ensure the safety of the two children. Those two children are their most precious things, if they are hurt or fall into the hands of the enemy. Then she couldn’t imagine how it would hurt this family.

So no matter what, she must stop them. Prevent this from happening.

However, when she started to return, it was too late. The invaders have found their target and started to act.

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