Sun God Marvel

Chapter 473

“Who is your leader and where is your base?”

The interrogation continues, and the interim president who has completely chosen the path of rebellion is naturally Without any reservation, all that oneself knew was revealed.

“Our current leader, we call him Baron. No one knows his origins, and almost no one has even seen him in person. He always secretly controls everything in Hydra, whether from other To seize power or develop Hydra’s power in the hands of the leader, he issued orders through special contact information. Therefore, no one knows who he is, and no one knows where his base is!”

Such information is useless, not at all. Apart from knowing that such a cunning guy exists, there is no specific information about him. This is obviously not the answer Zhou Yi wanted. So he shook his arm and let a ball of flame surround the coveering interim president, threatening him again.

“This is not the answer I want to know. If you refuse to tell the truth, I can only ignite your body and soul and see if you can say something new.”

“I swear, I swear. I really didn’t lie! I told everything I know, really. I only know these about the leader, I really don’t know anything else You know. You have to believe me, I really didn’t lie!”

Listening to him, Zhou Yi was very unwilling, but he still let go of his own hand. At this time, he really didn’t need to lie to oneself again, so as he said, this is all he knows. But really have to give up like this, really have to let the guy who planned all this continue to laugh secretly? Only this is something Zhou Yi absolutely cannot agree with.

“What else do you know, tell them all!”

“Yes, yes, yes! I said, now we have penetrated many departments and organizations, this country Our people are everywhere now. In addition, there is also a high-level person above me. He is…”

Seeing that he is about to confide a very important message, and at This time, something falling at a high speed suddenly smashed through the dome of the court, and fell straight in front of Zhou Yi.

Then, Captain Rogers’ voice came.

“Stop, Dawn Knight. You can’t ask anymore!”

“Why?” Although he knew the reason for this, Zhou Yi still sneered and waved his own. The arm, shaking the interim president in his hand like a puppet, and then asked rhetorically.

“You have done too much. Now stop, we may still make up for all of what you have done, but if you go on like this, it will be too late. This country will be You are pushed into the abyss of consigned to eternal damnation, and you will also become the sinner who caused the fall of this country. You will have a large number of enemies, including us, including those who have supported you. In addition to your real With the enemy outside, no one will gain any benefit. So trust me, stop what you are doing now.”

Captain spoke earnestly to Zhou Yi persuaded. He stated this matter from the perspective of the overall situation and the interests of everyone. If it is said that Zhou Yi also has a little sense of reason, he still cares about the people he said. Then he should stop owning now and end everything that happened here.

Listening to what he said, Zhou Yi really stopped what oneself was continuing. It was as if he was really scrupulous about everything Captain said. Instead of continuing to toss the interim president around like a ragdoll, he directly mentioned him in front of Captain and asked him.

“I can not continue, but what about him? Also what about the members of Hydra that he said infiltrated? What are you going to do with them?”

This is Captain them Where is the problem. If all these people are picked out, then it will undoubtedly make others discover how riddled with this country and how untrustworthy it is. As a democratic country, once this country shows such a state, it can no longer be trusted by its people. It’s already not far from the time when it fell completely.

This is why they want to stop Zhou Yi. In order to maintain the stability of this country, even if she is already covered in wounds and worms, she cannot be completely exposed to her people. She must also have a sufficiently glamorous appearance, one that can make others think she is still strong.

“I can assure you, Dawn Knight. We will give you an explanation. Waiting for this guy will be a fair trial and also a long prison sentence. As for the accomplices he said, Those Hydra guys. Please give us some time and we will get them out. Just have a little patience and we will let them pay their due price. Please, please trust us, give us time and give this country Some time!”

“Legal trial, prison disaster?”

Although Captain said very sincerely, the result of everything he said was clearly unacceptable to Zhou Yi .

“They did so many things, nuclear bombs, massacres, all these almost intolerable, you actually only intend to give them these, only to make them pay such a shallow price. Are you too forgiving , It’s too much.”

“This is the law of this country! We don’t have the right to take the lives of others. The never-ending prison will allow him to redeem everything they have committed. Crime, this is enough for anyone. Dawn Knight, think about your previous behavior. Regain your previous tolerance. You used to be like this and tolerated a lot of people. Why did you do this at this time? No more tolerance or patience for them. They will change, and the country will change. As long as you are willing to give them a chance!”

Everything Captain said, not only It’s just to Zhou Yi, but also to this country, to all those who watched here through cameras. There can be no more violence in this country. Justice, tolerance, and law are the future of this country, and the guarantee for this country to tide over all its current difficulties.

He hopes that all those who love this country can accept his ideas and treat those villains and criminals with tolerance.

They deserved their sins well, but they should never get the results they deserve in this violent way, in this way of completely overturning everything. When there is a law, no one can act as the judge. Not even a god.

This view of his has been recognized by many people, especially those who understand the legal meaning. The world they live in is no longer God rampant, representing all the ancient century. This is the era of mankind, the era of human domination. In such an era, only the law is the basis for the judgment of all evils, not a person or a god.

If today this so-called god takes the place of the law and enforces judgment and justice, then tomorrow, more people will repeat what he did in his name. And the result of that is the collapse of human order, and the so-called majesty of the law will be worthless. This will be the regression of modern society and the shackles of human civilization.

Zhou Yi agrees with this, even before. He had always been in this idea, and repeatedly tolerated those villains. He hopes that human beings can correct all this with their own power, use their own law to examine oneself, and judge the evil existence in them. Let them have a chance to correct themselves and renew themselves.

So, even with a devastating attack like a nuclear bomb. He didn’t have any thoughts of revenge against humans, and even stopped Jean from doing things he didn’t want to do. At that time, he still had hope for mankind, and hope for their laws.

However, reality told him that his ideas were too naive. The so-called law is just a fig leaf. The upright people hope to turn it into a weapon against evil, but for evil, it is just a layer of black cloth. A piece of cloth that can protect oneself and hide all the ugly behaviors of oneself.

The law cannot judge them, and even makes them wear this coat. Use the name of law and justice to deal with innocent people, to deal with those who are truly just.

“Opportunity? Forgiveness?” Zhou Yi started to laugh as he thought about it and became more angry. The crazy laughter made him look like a lunatic who lost his mind at this time. But he is not at all crazy, he is more sober than anyone at this time.

“Indeed, I used to be tolerant. But look at the price of my tolerance. I lost my own power, my own child, and almost lost my lover . I have fought countless times for you guys, for this World. Similarly, I tolerated your sins, everything you did to me, over and over again. But look at me now, what do I get? “

“Doubt! Condemn! Curse! Also almost lost the despair of love. For you I almost lost everything, and now you actually want me to regain everything I had. Then you still I want me to continue fighting for you until I lose all of you!”

“Never! I said, the original me is dead. Now I live only for oneself . It doesn’t matter if everyone stands opposite me. These people, these people who let my daughter disappear, must pay a price. You have to use the law of no use to judge him. Then try it. Try to see if you can stop me before my own trial, stop my revenge, and my justice!”

Speaking of which, Zhou Yi raised the interim president in his hands, with his face In the panic and panic, a roar full of anger and madness was emitted.

“It all starts with him!”

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