Sun God Marvel

Chapter 476

“It’s not a bad thing, but it’s not a good thing!” It’s not like a human voice passing from a small device to Pierce’s ear. The speaker showed He is not optimistic. “Forging such a deep hatred with such an existence is very dangerous for us. Once he finds our key point by following the vine, the consequences for us are too serious.”

“My dear Your Excellency Baron, don’t you think you are too worried? Now the clues he has in his hands have been completely cut off. As long as we remain cautious enough, he is simply impossible to get any news about us. And, you think After all this happened, does he also have more energy to care about us?”

Pierce smiled and pointed to the silhouette of the vague Captain on the screen, and said to the Baron on the other end of the installation. with a smile.

“The biggest enemy he faces right now is this country, this World. Unless he has the courage to eliminate all those who oppose him in this world, otherwise he will have to be kept by those ignorant fools. Continue to harass. But does he have the courage to do that? Seriously, I doubt it. There is a saying called Hundred Refinements, toughened to be soft and soft. No matter how strong people face those guys who can restrain him, they can only A little bit of wasted fighting spirit and strength. This God will soon become the most typical example!”

“Pierce, you are too confident. This will be a fatal problem for you. “

For Baron, Pierce is a bit overconfident, this is not the mentality they should have. So he scolded him ruthlessly.

“Are you confident? I don’t think so. Baron, do you still think that Mr. God can do any miracles in this situation?”

It is not a good experience to be reprimanded at all, at least Pierce has no idea of ​​submit to humiliation. In Hydra, Baron’s status will indeed be higher than him, but he is also one of the heads of Hydra, so there is no need for him to fear him to such an extent that he can’t even speak clearly. So he smiled, retorting Baron, to see what different insights he could give oneself.

“A miracle? There is never a miracle, Mr. Pierce. There are only possibilities in this World that you did not expect. You think he will be bound by those ignorant people, but I think you are very It may have pushed him a step in a worse direction.”

“Worse direction?” Baron’s explanation is really new to Pierce. He really did not expect it to be in this form. In a great situation, what might also make their situation worse.

“Pierce, do you know why you have been unable to suppress those so-called leaders and become the true leader of Hydra for so many years?”

Facing Pierce’s Doubt, Baron not at all directly explained what the worse situation would be, but suddenly turned to a topic that would interest Pierce more.

On this issue, Pierce Oneself also thought about it many times. But he never got a credible result, so he wanted to hear Baron very much. As soon as this appeared, he integrated most of Hydra’s forces with a thunderous method, and even killed the original leader of Hydra, Red Skull, to the last one How did the guy see this problem.

“I would love to hear your opinion, Lord Baron. If you don’t mind saying it!”

“Pierce, you are very smart, and neither resourceful nor very ruthless Lack. But your biggest shortcoming is that your layout is too small. What you see is always what is on the plate in front of you, and you can’t see the outside of the plate. What is the bigger plate? ! You would rather spend more time infiltrating other people’s forces and playing with this kind of petty tricks. You also don’t have enough courage and courage to directly wage a full-scale war against your opponent. This is the same as playing chess. Too much effort was spent on the chessboard, but didn’t expect the best way to defeat the enemy is to overturn the chessboard and knock the opponent directly to the ground, so that he would not dare to play chess with you.”

“You are too superstitious of own tricks, but you have to know that when the war starts, this kind of small crafty plots and machinations is simply not on the table. You are like this, and Red Skull is like this. So you Want to win, it’s almost impossible!”

Baron’s words were like whipping Pierce in the face, making him feel painful. If someone else said this to him, he would have turned his face ruthless with him. But Baron is different. For Baron, he really doesn’t have the courage to turn his face against him.

He already holds a lot of Baron’s information in his hand, but he knows exactly what kind of existence this own companion and leader is. If it is said that those so-called heroes rely on the power of own to achieve the great achievements of own, which is praised by people. Then Baron, relying on oneself’s remarkable military exploits, became a special existence that had to be remembered.

Leohard Einzbern Baron, a character who is almost Legendary on the battlefield. As one of the most legendary generals in Germany, he is not only a nobleman, but also has an almost terrifying reputation between the enemy and us. He was the pride of the German Communists at the time, and the nightmare of the Allied forces. Because since he commanded the army, large and small have experienced hundreds of battles, all of which ended in victory.

On the battlefield, almost no one is his opponent. Even the several generals of the Allied forces who had great prestige and dominance at the time could only be overshadowed when facing him. He was the real Legendary of that era. If he didn’t like drilling camps, his status would not be inferior to people like Rommel. It was also because his radiance was so dazzling that most of the German officers at the time didn’t treat him much, even Hitler. And this was the only thing the Allies could be fortunate.

Many people think this is one of Hitler’s worst decisions, not even more minor than the mistakes he made at Norman. Because if this Einzbern Baron can be trusted more by Hitler and can control more troops, maybe the fate of Germany will be rewritten.

However, even more assumptions are impossible. Germany has been defeated, and after Germany’s defeat, Einzbern Baron continued to fight with his allies with his allegiance, continuing to maintain his undefeated record. This made the Soviet Union hunt him down like crazy. These Soviets, who had just defeated Germany, had regarded Einzbern Baron as a top prey no less than Hitler. They impatiently wanted to use his head to prove the greatness of the Soviets.

The same is true for United States. They want to get this undefeated myth, and they want to rely on his power to deal with possible future wars. Talent was the thing that the United States cared about most at the time. To get Einzbern was more for them than to get a fully armed army.

However, Einzbern is still creating miracles in military warfare. After Germany was defeated and they completely lost support and supplies, he defeated the Soviet Union and United States, the two most powerful armed powers in the world, with his own ability time and time again. Let them go down again and again when facing own.

In the face of such a powerful Legendary character, all the guys who knew Einzbern’s name at that time sighed with emotion—Germany may be defeated, but Einzbern will never. Because he was born for victory.

This kind of praise almost surpassed all the generals on the European battlefield at that time. And just when this kind of praise began to spread, Einzbern Baron took his army and suddenly disappeared from everyone’s sight. Both the Soviets and Americans completely lost their tracks, as if they had never appeared before.

This is of course impossible, but the fact is that even if these two countries launched all the spy forces of oneself, they have not found the whereabouts of this General Legendary.

Some people say that he took his own army and was buried in the depths of the sea in Germany’s largest secret submarine at the time. Some people say that he knew that time is limited and that it is impossible to continue like this, so he set himself on fire and died with his allegiance. It was also said that he and the remaining German troops all walked into the Antarctic glacier, where they entered the permanent ice, waiting for the day when the German horn was sounded again.

As for the truth about this period of history, even Pierce failed to investigate a specific result. All he knew was that when this General Legendary, who had disappeared for more than half a century, returned, he reappeared inside Hydra as the head. Then he used his method of crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood to directly seize the power of Hydra.

Just like his Legendary, almost no one can resist him. Even half a century later, he is still the undefeated existence. This is naturally lucky for Hydra. But for leaders like them, it is unfortunate. The appearance of Baron is equivalent to blocking their upward path. To become the biggest head in Hydra, you must defeat Baron. And is it possible? I don’t know what other people think, anyway, Pierce oneself does not have this confidence. This is why he is willing to become Baron’s assistant and help him.

In the absence of sufficient self-confidence, he can only rely on Baron and use his aura to seek greater benefits for oneself. For now, everything is no deviation from what he thought. He has been cooperating with Baron’s plan, and he has followed his wishes almost everything. This allowed Hydra’s development to enter a glorious Peak period.

But now, on the issue of Zhou Yi, he and Baron have a slight disagreement. Baron didn’t agree with what he did, and he didn’t think that oneself was wrong. This was just the case, and it is now. He is a conspirator. If a conspirator is not confident in oneself, how can he play with this thing?

Looking at Pierce’s unrepentant appearance, Baron chuckled, and stopped talking. He wanted to know what his expression would be when Pierce saw that God jump out of the shackles of this planet and step into a deeper and larger world.

Earth, this little planet. It has never been the only stage. The same is true for Zhou Yi, and the same is true for him.

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