Sun God Marvel

Chapter 478

Professor Charles is gone, he is very satisfied and left this place that has just attracted the attention of the whole world. From Captain’s mouth, he has got the promise that oneself wants, and the Avengers will work with Mutant to deal with Hydra’s next attack. Although I don’t know how this organization, which is exceptionally good at crafty plots and machinations, has any way to target them, the alliance between them has given him enough confidence to deal with the next.

Compared with the satisfaction of Professor Charles, Captain’s heart is not as calm as the expression on his face. What Charles said to him before is still tumbling with him. At this time, what he most wants to do is in front of Nick. Fury’s face asked him everything about Hydra.

But he knew very well that Nick Fury would never admit it. It doesn’t matter whether he is related to Hydra or not. Moreover, even if Nick Fury is innocent, what about SHIELD? Does SHIELD have to be clean? Don’t say it’s Captain at this time, I’m afraid the people inside SHIELD oneself don’t believe it.

Hydra has penetrated this country so deeply, it has spread to almost every corner of the country. Since even the White House will have their people, and they are still the kind of high authority. So, how can SHIELD make exceptions?

This knowledge makes Captain chill in his heart. He knew that oneself would inevitably embark on the road against Hydra in the future, just like what he did 70 years ago. 70 years ago he could defeat Hydra, and now he still believes that oneself can defeat them. But that has a prerequisite. If there are countless Hydra spies and agents lurking around, he will not have so much confidence to complete this mission.

So he made up his mind. That is to take the Avengers completely out of SHIELD. This is the only way to prevent them from being disturbed by SHIELD, and the only way to prevent the Avengers from being infiltrated by the enemy. Although this method will inevitably be rejected by a group of people including Nick Fury. But his determination will not be changed casually just because of others’ veto.

The Avengers must take this step, and this step will start with him. Even if this step would cause him to conflict with SHIELD, he would not hesitate.

He knew in his heart that the role the Avengers could play in the future was bound to be very great. Their composition alone is a big issue that can affect world peace. Therefore, this organization cannot be swayed by others in any way. It is only a matter of time before SHIELD breaks away. That being the case, it’s better to get out of it now.

Of course, it’s all about to offend the person anyway. Then it’s better to just offend it thoroughly. Captain, who had made up his mind, has turned his mind to the own player. Others are okay, but like Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Natasha, and even Peter Parker, who is now whereabouts unknown with Thor, are all SHIELD people. It is not easy to get them out of SHIELD. But he is confident that these people will choose the own side.

These people are not fools, they naturally know the difference between the Avengers and SHIELD. I will also understand the painstaking effort Captain has done. In order to fight against the enemy in the future, some sacrifices are definitely necessary. And let SHIELD bear this sacrifice, it is by no means unacceptable.

Captain, who had already made a plan, started to act. This is not easy work, but also a long one. In a day or two, he can only reach a consensus with the Avengers. As for Zhou Yi, one or two days can make him reorganize his own mood and deal with oneself’s beloved woman with a new look.

Jean Grey did not let him down. Under her ability, Ada and Lilith woke up from their slumber, and for Zhou Yi, this is undoubtedly what he recently got The best news.

When he watched Ada struggling to open his own eyes and moaning unconsciously, he could not restrain his inner excitement, walked to her side and held her hand, yes She called softly.

“Ada, here I am, I am by your side, can you hear me?”

“Of course, it’s like you whispering in my ear at night It’s the same.” With a grudging smile, Ada stretched out his hand and stroked Zhou Yi’s cheeks, which had changed significantly. When her fingertips ran over Zhou Yi’s already whitish sideburns, her face could not help showing a distressed expression. “Yi, you have changed so much!”

“A little change, no and so on. And now the vicissitudes of uncle will be more popular, won’t it?”

Hurry up Taking Ada’s hand, Zhou Yi said to her like a consolation. And listening to his words, Ada pulled out a helpless wry smile.

“I feel that oneself made another wrong decision. I really shouldn’t let you go. I always make the wrong decision, always.”

“It won’t happen again, dear. We will go to Huiyao City, where, our new home. We will live the life you always wanted. Work like an ordinary person, Life. In my spare time, I take the children to travel on vacation. There will be no more fighting and no more danger. I gave up, really. All I care about now is you!”

“Really?” Zhou Yi’s assurance made Ada, who was still weak in mind, smiled brightly. She heard what oneself most wanted to hear, and it was also the most satisfying thing for oneself. For her, what Zhou Yi portrays is already the most beautiful scene that can only appear in her dreams. This will naturally make her feel satisfied and heartfelt joy. And after this brief joy, exhausted and debilitated, she fell asleep deeply.

This is a good thing, because when she wakes up, everything will be very different. Everything she yearn for something even in dreams will become a real reality and appear before her eyes.

However, for another lady who just woke up, this is not good news. Lilith woke up almost at the same time as Ada, but the treatment she received was completely different from Ada. Zhou Yi’s attention to Ada is undoubtedly equivalent to neglecting her, which made her feel great frustration and humiliation, who has always been very confident in oneself.

“Zhou Yi, to you, am I so not worth mentioning?”

When she mentioned that oneself has only such a little spirit, she sent this to Zhou Yi When questioning. Zhou Yi couldn’t help being lightly sighed. He first tucked Ada’s quilt, and then turned around, looking at this stubbornly with a complicated expression, staring at own Goddess.

In all fairness, Lilith has only the simplest interest relationship with him. Lilith wanted to use his power to return to the top of God, while Zhou Yi at that time was driven by Ming Wang’s manic desire, and wanted to use Lilith’s power to achieve a great Divine Kingdom. So, from this point of view, they are just partners, not like Ada, who has an extremely deep emotional foundation.

Although in the name of God, Lilith is the own god queen, and the wife in the sense of oneself God. But for Zhou Yi, this is just a name. There is no right or obligation between them, let alone feelings.

But now, what has happened to Lilith. Everything that happened because of him made him feel deeply guilty for this Goddess in his heart. This woman helped him a lot, but he couldn’t give her anything back. This really made Zhou Yi feel very embarrassed. Especially after Lilith asked such a question, he didn’t know how to answer her. So he could only be silent, watching her complicatedly. Watching this oneself owe a lot of Goddess.

“Don’t look at me with this kind of eyes, Zhou Yi. Tell me, tell me, don’t I mean nothing to you?”

“No , Lilith. It’s not like that!” Sighed, Zhou Yi opened his own mouth. “You are a good woman, a good woman who is of great significance to me. I am grateful for you to help me do all this. But I already have someone I love!”

“I know, I want Isn’t that what I’m listening to? I just want to know what I mean to you. Am I just a passer-by who has helped you for you, or am I not even qualified to stand by your side?” p>

Lilith listened to Zhou Yi’s answer and interrupted him angrily. She almost yelled and questioned Zhou Yi. And when she asked, tears like pearls were already streaming out of her eyes. That is a real pearl, a tear of Goddess. And when such a thing appeared, it undoubtedly meant that Lilith was already sad to the extreme.

As a Goddess, a Goddess who has experienced numerous setbacks. She shouldn’t have been so vulnerable. But Mind Stone’s attack caused her hard shell to be shattered a long time ago. Now she no longer has the appearance of a Goddess who governs life. Now she is just a helpless, sad little woman. She was heartbroken by Zhou Yi’s performance, so she could only use tears to vent oneself’s inner sadness.

“Listen to me, Lilith!” He stretched out his hand and wiped Lilith’s tears. Zhou Yi hesitated and said helplessly to her. “You mean absolutely different things to me, Lilith. You are special and make me love-hate dilemma. If I can, I don’t want to tell you that. But Lilith. I am not God now, so neither do I The reason is to let you continue to stand by my side. You can be free, just like you were before. I can’t and will no longer restrain you!”

“Zhou Yi! “She slapped Zhou Yi’s hand that wiped her tears away. Lilith sat up, pulled up his collar, and drew him fiercely in front of the owner. “Who do you think I am? Am I the kind of slutty woman? The kind of woman who makes promises casually? I swear that I am your god queen, whether you are a mortal or a Divine King, These are things that won’t change. I don’t care about these, I only care about you and your heart. Will you leave me a space, a seat!”

This question Zhou Yi couldn’t answer, he could only look at Lilith in silence without saying a word. And this attitude obviously stimulated Lilith.

She kissed Zhou Yi’s mouth abruptly, tough and violent, and even used her own teeth. This caused her to bite Zhou Yi quickly, making oneself a mouthful of Zhou Yi’s blood. But she did not flinch, let alone stop. At this time, he gave Zhou Yi only one sentence.

“Listen, bastard. I am your god queen, this is a fact that will not change. Whether you admit it or not, the position beside you is mine. No one can be with me Grab, understand!”

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