One thing that runs through Damaskinos’s life is conspiracy. When he was young, he had seen too many conspiracies during partisan struggles. From that moment on, he had the urge to take everything away with conspiracy. He did this for hundreds of years.

Like a spider hiding in the shadows, he weaves a web with a conspiracy, and then tears his own enemy to pieces. Of course, it is not only the enemy, but also those close to him. His wife, his heir.

Because of the conspiracy, he got the supreme right. In order to protect this right, he used a conspiracy to kill everyone who threatened him. Conspiracy is the epitome of his life, and because of this he never believes in others.

People who make a living by conspiracy always look at others with suspicion. Damaskinos is such a person. From the beginning to the end, he only believed in himself, and other people were unbelievable guys in his eyes. Whether it is an enemy or a friend, a hero or the people around him.

So the moment Zhou Yi spoke, he directly refused. As he himself said, he is not at ease, he will never believe in the promises of others.

The toughness of Damaskinos was in his expectation, so Zhou Yi switched to another approach. He hung his arm over Nyssa’s head and said to Damaskinos.

“Your daughter is in my hands, and she has no device on her. Are you not afraid that I will kill her?”

“You can do it all.” Damaskinos looked at own daughter with a playful look. “My daughter has changed a long time ago, when she came back. Moreover, for our ethnic group, how can blood kinship be as sweet as power.”

The words of Damaskinos let Zhou Yi Feel sick. He let go of Nyssa’s dark eyes in his arms. Said such a prophecy to Damaskinos.

“Trust me, you are impossible to live till dawn. If possible, I would like to see you evaporate clean in the sun.”

“There will be no such day Yes.” Damaskinos pursed his lips and smiled. He has endless confidence in oneself’s survival.

Zhou Yi ignored the filthy and rotten guy, he rose into the sky. A surging weather wave was set off in the flat ground, and countless turbulences were stirred in the sea of ​​clouds. At this time, he has turned on full speed.

Everything on the stage has nothing to do with him for the time being, because of the big Damaskinos’ conspiracy, he was also pulled on another stage. Now all he has to do is to catch up with the plane in the shortest time and find the Vampire steward.

“Medusa, retrieve all flight routes from New York to London, and also those that have already taken off.”

I want to search for an airplane from the vast in the sky It’s not easy, especially when the premise of the search is from New York to London, and there is also a black Vampire named Yasa.

Fortunately, Zhou Yi’s side also has a super artificial intelligence called Medusa. With Medusa’s capabilities, the major airlines in the United States can be said to be completely undefended, and their cyber defense measures can’t detect Medusa’s entry at all. And soon, all the information Zhou Yi wanted appeared before his eyes.

Summing up the information obtained by Medusa, Zhou Yi found a good news and a bad news. The good news is that due to the rainstorm on the route today, there is only one flight to London. The bad news is that the plane has taken off for eight hours. Heaven knows how a Vampire got into the airport in the afternoon. But now, he is on this plane.

Zhou Yi, who was too late to pursue too much, followed the flight path. He wants to solve Vampire steward’s problem before everything happens, just as Damaskinos didn’t believe him, he didn’t believe that Damaskinos would stop his methods.

All he wants to cut off all his tentacles, before dawn, let him die completely.

What does the speed of Mach 25 mean? It means that Zhou Yi is advancing at super high speed of sound. His speed has broken through 30,000 kilometers per hour and the speed has reached more than 8,000 metres per second. If such a speed is truly manifested in front of humans, it will definitely exceed human imagination.

In the sky, he can tear the clouds. If it is rain clouds, it is likely to be disturbed by the high-speed wind pressure caused by him. In other words, he only needs to go back and forth dozens of times to change the nature. Rain.

On the ground, he will become the most violent disaster. The engulfing airflow is likely to form a hurricane, indiscriminately destroying everything he passes. Houses are overturned and rivers are tumbling.

According to ancient times, this kind of ability is already the Divine Immortal and his ilk, who can turn rivers and seas, and rain.

Under normal circumstances, this speed will only occur between celestial bodies. The super-high sound speed of Zhou Yi is the first level in the speed of celestial movement, the first cosmic speed. This is the speed of the aircraft around Earth, but from the perspective of speed, this has reached the Universe level level.

At this level, how long will it take for Zhou Yi to catch up with an airplane that is about to reach London and traverse an ocean? Before long, Medusa has calculated the most accurate answer. It only takes less than ten minutes.

The clouds burst and the thunder sound is rumbled. Like God riding a thunderbolt soaring in the sky, Zhou Yi seems to understand why God is so awe-inspiring. Because they can do things that humans can’t even imagine, just like he is now. Splitting the sea of ​​clouds, Leiyin’s company, impolitely said, he should be no different from God in the eyes of ordinary people.

Since it is equivalent to the existence of God, we should do what God should do. He is going to save those ignorant human beings, and the goal is now in front of his eyes.

Airbus A380, the latest giant passenger aircraft developed by France Airbus, is also the world’s most passenger aircraft. This aerial Hegemon is 73 meters long, has a wingspan of 79.8 meters, a height of 24.1 meters, a wing area of ​​845 square meters, and a full load capacity of 555 people. This is the crystallization of human aviation technology, but here it has become the most advantageous tool for the evil party to threaten others.

Flying directly above the passenger plane, Zhou Yi drove super vision to check every corner. He found Asaph, but did not find the deadly substance mentioned by Damaskinos. He didn’t believe that Damaskinos was deceiving him, otherwise he didn’t need to let oneself’s most loyal subordinates leave his side, but just send a small pawn.

The existence of Asaph is the most powerful proof of Damaskinos, and the most powerful guarantee of his threat. Only a loyal guy like Asaph will hesitate to fulfill Damaskinos’ orders.

All the problems are concentrated on Asaph, only in front of him will I know what dangerous things Damaskinos has prepared.

After figuring this out, Zhou Yi flew to the door of the cabin. He didn’t dare to crash into it as usual, let alone say anything else. The danger of losing control of the plane alone was enough to dispel his thoughts, and if a major tragedy such as a broken fuselage occurred, it would be even more terrifying.

So he chose the safest way.

telekinesis turned the handle of the cabin door through the thick cabin. As soon as the hatch opened, Zhou Yi had slipped in quietly, and then immediately closed the hatch. The huge passenger plane shook only slightly, and the passengers in the cabin just suddenly felt a cold wind.

Apart from this, no one noticed Zhou Yi’s entry. Of course, it’s not that there is no one. A female flight attendant pushing a trolley was staring at Zhou Yi who suddenly came in dumbfounded. It was obvious that he hadn’t realized what had happened.

“Don’t worry, I will make up the ticket.” Zhou Yi doesn’t know what to say, but fortunately, the playboy’s consistent style makes it easy to open up the embarrassment between him and women.

The flight attendant who came back to his senses obviously didn’t care about Zhou Yi’s remarks about ticket replacement, but instead came up with an excited expression.

“Dawn Knight? I’m your fan, can you give me an autograph?”

Looking at the stewardess about to take off his coat, let him sign the name on the underwear The look of a stupid fan. Zhou Yi has a feeling that the world is really small, so that he can meet the admirers of Superhero, and he can only blame it on bad luck.

He quickly stopped the flight attendant’s crazy behavior. He quietly said: “There is a very dangerous guy in the plane, I need you to contact the flight attendant and do me a favor.”

Listening to Zhou Yi’s whisper, the flight attendant’s eyes brightened. . also What can satisfy a Superhero fan better than helping a Superhero complete a mission to save mankind? The answer is naturally there, but it must be impossible for most Superhero.

Asaph wrapped his whole body in a thick coat. His expression was a little frustrated and worried, and he looked like a person who had just recovered from a serious illness. He did not sit in the first class as usual, but chose the economy class with a denser crowd. The reason is simple. He has to cooperate with Damaskinos’ plan to threaten the lives of more people.

In the past 200 years, he has rarely left Damaskinos in such dangerous situations. So he is very worried now, not knowing what kind of situation his master is facing now. This worry made him look towards the own watch from time to time. The constant speed beating on the watch means that the life of the Damaskinos is temporarily safe. And whenever he saw this, he always had the urge to take a breath.

Perhaps the reason for being too focused, he didn’t even notice the changes from around him. Until a flight attendant walked up to him and said to a young couple beside him.

“Hello, two. Excuse me, the plane encountered a wind flow just now, which is likely to have a certain impact on your checked luggage. If you don’t mind, can you check with our crew Let me tell you how good your luggage is.”

Asaph instinctively felt that there was something wrong, but he couldn’t think of it at all. Until the same confused couple followed the flight attendant gradually away. It suddenly occurred to him, when the plane can check the luggage like this, and the luggage carried by ordinary people will not be placed in the cargo hold.

Asaph was surprised, and he raised his head subconsciously. But he found that a large area had been vacated around him. When he was not paying attention, the flight attendant had emptied all the passengers around him. And all he could see now, very close to him, was Black Knight sitting behind him with his back facing him.

“Dawn Knight!” Asaph felt extremely uneasy in his heart, he subconsciously looked towards his own watch. The line that was still beating steadily meant that his most worried thing had not happened yet. He let out a long relaxed breath. Then looked towards Zhou Yi, who had already walked to oneself, and stood up peacefully.

“I have been waiting for you for a long time. Dawn Knight!”

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