Sun God Marvel

Chapter 480

“Father, won’t you go with us?” Standing in front of the plane, Aretha asked Zhou Yi like this. And when she said that, Serana, who was standing behind her, couldn’t help but squeeze her shoulders, with a pleading look at Zhou Yi, who was standing opposite them in a suit and trench coat, looking extremely vicissitudes of life.

Although they have discussed this issue before, when they really want to separate again, their hearts regenerate indescribable worries.

“Father said that she would get Shirley back, so now is the time for father to fulfill this promise. Isn’t it?” Touching Aretha’s head, Zhou Yi squatted down I said to this daughter with a smile. “Trust father, I will soon bring Shirley back to our new home. So, don’t worry about father, okay?”

“You have to promise me, father. You must bring Shirley back peacefully. You can’t be less alone, okay?”

Zhou Yi’s answer immediately made Aretha’s nose sour, and she hugged Zhou Yi’s Neck, choked and said to him in his ear.

After stroking the child’s hair, Zhou Yi assured her.

“I promise, Aretha. I will come back safely with Shirley, and I will not be less alone!”

Zhou Yi’s answer makes Aretha go back Once I felt a warm and generous sense of security. That kind of gentleness and protection from father made her whole soul feel like soaking in a hot spring. It is her luck to have such a father, and for the adoptive father of Zhou Yi, Aretha has always had a deep admiration for Zhou Yi. She will never forget that it was the man she called father who rescued her from the gloomy darkness and gave her a happy and fulfilling life. She is so grateful and deeply in love with this father, and this intense emotion makes her feel tingling deep in one’s heart.

It was not her feeling, but the feeling of the unknown Demon God who was already closely related to her. Aretha’s strong admiration for Zhou Yi caused a fierce and terrifying shock in his spirit. It was a kind of unspeakable madness and sadness, a kind of despair and pain that went deep in one’s heart.

Although this kind of violent heart-inspiration officer was not produced in Aretha, she just felt a little fluctuation in his mind because of the connection between oneself and the unknown existence. But just like this, it also made her feel sad and angry. Such emotions are too heavy for an unmanned child, and it is too heavy for her to bear. So that at this time, her face was pale and her tears flowed down like unstoppable.

However, no one thought that this girl’s current performance was caused by the unnamed presence in oneself’s body showing her own emotions. They only thought that this was because the child couldn’t bear to leave his own father, so besides whispering to her to comfort her, these people simply didn’t think about anything else.

At this time, Ada walked up silently. She pulled Zhou Yi’s scarf, and then said to him calmly.

“Don’t forget what you promised me, go early and return early!”

“I know, don’t forget what I told you.” Lightly kissed Kissing Ada on the cheek, Zhou Yi smiled and whispered in her ear. And hearing him say that, Ida immediately pupil suddenly shrink.

“Don’t worry, I’m not stupid yet. Of course I know how to explain this to your mother and younger sister. Also, you don’t have to worry that I will trouble them at this time, I have not yet That many spirit!”

When she said this, she couldn’t help but glance at Lilith who was standing next to the cabin door. This woman who made her feel threatened was ignoring everything else and staring silently at Zhou Yi. The look in her eyes made her feel an urge to go violently.

“Of course it’s best to be able to do this, but don’t forget to deal with my mother. This is very important, especially for us.”

Zhou Yi naturally saw the emotion in Ada’s eyes, but now he knows what method to use to make Ada shift his own focus. For example, Zhou Lan is a good excuse.

Sure enough, when I heard these words, Ada’s heart suddenly burst, and her attention turned over involuntarily. In any case, Zhou Lan is Zhou Yi’s mother. If she does marry Zhou Yi, it is essential to deal with Zhou Lan. But you know, Zhou Lan is more optimistic about the woman named Susan. This means that she wants to make a good relationship, it is not as easy as she imagined.

Looking at Ada already thinking about how to please Zhou Lan’s problem, Zhou Yi smiled lightly and pushed them into the plane until she watched the plane disappear a little bit In his own line of sight, Zhou Yi put away the smile on his face and walked to Jean Gerei who had been waiting next to him.

The change in Zhou Yi’s face naturally cannot escape Jean Gerei’s observation. She also knows what Zhou Yi is worried about. So she immediately stepped forward, took his hand, and faced him comforted.

“Don’t worry, Yi. Shirley will be fine! I will help you get her back as soon as possible.”

Zhou Yi understands that Jean Gerei is worried about oneself The worry is too heavy, but for him, the current situation is really not a word of comfort that can be resolved.

Shirley has been missing for three days. In the past three days, in order to protect the family, he was busy demonstrating and warning, busy arranging the way out, and busy treating Ada and them. But there is no time to care about the safety of this youngest daughter. This is unfair to Shirley, but it is what Zhou Yi must do. For this family, he could only temporarily give up Shirley’s safety, and this made him feel guilty for Shirley.

In order to prevent Ada and the others from worrying, he could only make a strong smile while making a guarantee that they simply didn’t have any certainty. This made him feel that oneself is a complete bastard.

“Jean, you don’t have to comfort me. I know, I’m not a qualified father, I’m just a bastard. I didn’t immediately save Shirley, maybe she’s already bode ill rather than well Yes. And I might lie to Aretha again because of this, I’m really damn it!”

“don’t say this, easy. Don’t say this!” I held Zhou Yi Hand, hugged him tightly into his arms. Jean Grey still didn’t give up, but said to him seriously. “You have done enough. For this family, you are an unqualified father. No one can speak ill of you on this issue. Moreover, Shirley may not have had an accident. Let’s go to her now. Maybe it’s still too late. Yi, cheer up, you are her only hope. If even you are completely depressed at this time, then Shirley is really going to have an accident!”

“You are right, Shirley is still waiting for me. She must be waiting for me to save her!”

Jean Grey’s encouragement gave Zhou Yi confidence. He cheered up and said to oneself. Once he cheered up, his thinking immediately began to become clear.

Although Shirley’s disappearance is related to the gem born from the Demon God he killed, it may not have anything to do with the alien space they were fighting at that time. He had already been to the desolate world to verify this, and Shirley was indeed not in that world.

Then you can be sure that Shirley must now exist in a special place, an unknown place. It’s just that Zhou Yi doesn’t know, where is her specific position? Is it in a new foreign world, or in the personal space opened up by that gem.

If you want to find Shirley, you can’t rely on him alone. Although he could capture the smell of the void from the place where Shirley disappeared, he couldn’t feel where she was teleported to. If it was the old him, he could still force the clay sculpture time to retrieve Shirley’s traces. But now he has no such ability. He must rely on the help of others.

And at this time, who has the ability to help him? Zhou Yi at this time immediately thought of a person, or a God. That is Asgard’s god of dawn-Heimdall. This is claimed to be able to see myriad worlds at a glance. God, who has been born and died, has a pair of Divine Eyes that can see through everything, and these eyes are Zhou Yi’s only hope now.

He is going to Asgard and asks Odin to help him so that Heimdall, who can see through everything, can help him find his daughter. To this end, he can promise Asgard any terms. Of course, if even this busy Odin is unwilling to help him, then he doesn’t mind making Asgard pay a heavy enough price.

Although he does not have the boundless divine force before, but with Jean Grey by his side, what threats and lessons to Asgard is not impossible. Up. But this is just a situation of last resort. He believes that Odin will not be so unwise, at this time, in this case, he refuses his small request.

Now, the goal has been set. But there is a huge problem with also lying in front of him, that is how to get to Asgard.

With the protection of the Golden Gallon Chasm, Asgard is probably farther away than the end of the world for an ordinary person. Even when it was Zhou Yi Peak, it took a lot of effort to forcibly break through the Golden Gallon Divide, even more how is now.

He must have a guide, a guide who can take him through Bifrost. And this person is naturally God of Thunder Thor. But Thor is now in a state of whereabouts unknown. According to the information he had, the Thor of Asgard was actually controlled by Loki with the Mind Stone and became a puppet next to oneself. Also poor little spider beside him, Peter Parker.

These two guys and Loki’s real body disappeared completely in this world like a drop of water into the sea. Even with SHIELD’s ability, they could not be found. This is really a terrible problem for Captain, who has been worrying about this.

But for Zhou Yi, this problem is not a problem at all. Compared with the missing Shirley, these guys are too conspicuous, unlike Shirley who disappeared in the foreign world and completely lost track. They just changed their identities to hide their ears, cover up the lineup with Loki’s fantasy, and hide them on Earth. And as long as they are on Earth, where can they escape?

Jean of the power of Owner Phoenix is ​​already a spiritual master no less than Charles, even stronger than him. In front of her power, this group of people had nowhere to hide. Even Loki can’t be cunning. So this time, Loki is going to be bad luck again!

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