Sun God Marvel

Chapter 484

“This is the last time, Loki. I don’t want to see you playing us like this again!”

Grit your teeth and gritt your teeth, Captain still said something like this . And this meant that he had compromised, and put so many innocent people in a dangerous situation for a Loki, something he couldn’t do anyway. Therefore, compromise has become an inevitable result.

And this was the result Loki wanted, he stepped forward and carried Thor onto own. Then they smiled at Captain with a triumphant smile that only a winner could have.

“Of course, I don’t want to use this method for the third time. It is an insult to you, but also to myself!”

Captain coldly snorted, watching Loki’s performance, he was naturally full of unhappiness. But what can be done if it is unpleasant. At this time, Loki has the initiative, not him. So he could only watch Loki pick up Thor and walk to the girl who was named. Then the hostages and phantoms that came up came up little by little and hid their figure until they were no longer visible.

This was a huge failure. Looking at the hostages in front of Oneself and the illusion of laughter, Oneself couldn’t even pursue it. Captain was immediately frustrated, which made him unable to blame himself once again. The world he regained after 70 years was so complicated that he couldn’t adapt. He found that this was no longer the era in which he could win victory as long as he made up his mind and persisted.

In this era, he is just a small supporting role. His will is not worth mentioning, and the reason is that they are not strong enough. If the Avengers have the power of Zhou Yi, how can trifling Loki have any trouble! But unfortunately, he does not have this strength. So he could only look at Loki and just flee away like this. Then leave oneself with a scorching fire.

Captain America is also a human being. He will also be angry and jealous, and will breed a dark Evil Thought because of various negative emotions. Of course, in most cases, he can control oneself and stay away from these evil things. But now, he has no such ability and idea.

After these things happened in New York, the court, and these things, Captain, just like he had longed for power to serve the own country for a while, he also began to yearn for power incomparably. He hoped to have power to wash his own. Shame, let everything re-enter the path that oneself firmly believes in. However, for now, this is just an impossible luxury. Power is not so easy to obtain, especially in this World now.

However, a seed has been planted in Captain’s heart at this time. This seed may germinate, or it may not. However, as long as it still exists, it means that a special possibility has slowly begun to take root. That will make some changes, but what kind of changes will it make? It is still unknown.

Escaped from the pursuit of the Avengers, Loki naturally ran fast. Although I don’t know how the Avengers found own, he still used the most comprehensive method to cover all the places that oneself can cover. Her appearance, body shape, and even mental fluctuations, as long as she can think of it, she concealed everything. And this is to stop giving the Avengers any opportunity.

Loki oneself also knows that this time she was only lucky enough to escape from the hands of the Avengers in this way. Until next time, they are fully prepared, and it will not be so easy for oneself to escape again. In order not to let this come next time, she must prepare in advance.

But there is one thing that Loki never thought of anyway, and that is that this one will come so quickly next time. Before the three of them left Los Angeles completely, they were intercepted again by two people. And seeing this blocking the two of Owners, Loki’s heart immediately sank to the bottom.

Zhou Yi also the woman who can contend with Thanos, this is the two people that Loki least wants to see on this planet, and most want to fight against. But now these two people just stopped in front of oneself, which made her immediately put her heart in her throat.

But she has not lost her sense of measure by such sudden occurance anyhow. People like her have already reached the level of chaos after several ups and downs. Therefore, in this more dangerous situation, she became calmer instead. Since Zhou Yi will stop oneself, it means there must be a reason. If you can find out the reason, maybe she also hopes to escape. even more how, she may not be exposed now.

“The famous Dawn Knight, Your Majesty stopped me halfway. Is there anything wrong?”

Under a single thought, the black hair man Loki once again Standing in front, acting as a shield. And watching him actually stand in front, Jean Ge Lei moved before Zhou Yi answered.

She waved her hand, turning a crimson flame into a dazzling aurora, and in a flash, she turned this thing as a shield into something non-existent. This made the girl Loki look pale immediately. On the one hand, Jean Grey’s Phoenix power also hurt her roots when destroying the Avatar illusion. On the other hand, it was because of what they meant.

The kind of fake tricks not at all caused any trouble to Zhou Yi and the two of them. They had obviously seen Loki’s real body, and this was the thing that scared Loki the most.

Without the cover of Avatar illusion, her ability is even more not worth mentioning in front of these two people. This made her feel a lot more insecure immediately. The result of this feeling was that she quietly shrank her body behind Thor’s back.

“Loki, since you have revealed yourself with this identity. Why don’t you just and honorable admit it? Or, what are you afraid of?”

See Loki’s In response, Zhou Yi immediately said aloud. It was something he judged by his feelings, and it felt very accurate because it pierced a scar in Loki’s heart.

“I really want to reveal this identity, but some people don’t think so. They would rather I hide this identity for a lifetime, so that I will always be hidden in the illusion, rather than reveal this identity . As for you to say that you are afraid, that’s nonsense. I’ve never been afraid of anyone, whether it’s you or Thanos!”

Loki’s cold answer reflects her inner rebelliousness. . It was this kind of rebellious thought that made her stir countless twists and turns again and again. This is a big trouble, Zhou Yi is sure. If she is allowed to continue this way, it is likely that she will create more incidents, and may even cause danger to some people.

So when Zhou Yi thought of this, he already had a little killing intent for Loki in his heart. However, when he saw the stubbornness in Loki’s eyes, his heart softened unfathomable mystery again.

If Loki was still the man, he could ruthlessly kill the killer. Because of what she did, no matter how she did it, it was not an exaggeration. But when Loki suddenly became a daughter, he couldn’t do such a thing cruelly. Seeing her, Zhou Yi thought of own’s missing youngest daughter. As a father, he really cannot send such a girl who looks a few years older than oneself daughter at worst to another world. Even if she knew her true identity.

So he could only remove the killing intent in his heart and smiled peacefully at the girl Loki.

“Actually, I never thought that your real body would look like this. I think if Thor wakes up, he will see his own younger brother suddenly become his own younger sister, and he will feel very It’s complicated.”

Loki is also a fighter anyway. When Zhou Yi raises the killing intent to her, she can naturally feel one or two too. That made all the hairs on her body stand up. However, when Zhou Yi’s killing intent unfathomable mystery disappeared, her psychological warning also disappeared without a trace. When the mood becomes tight, what follows is a feeling of letting go from the heart.

Zhou Yi’s pressure on her cannot be said to be small. She can insist on treating him in this way all the time, and it is all supported by her own will and spirit. And when this sense of detachment was born in her heart, she immediately felt a sense of being unable to support it.

However, the stubborn Loki didn’t want to show any weak expression in front of Zhou Yi, this oneself once enemy. Although she is a scheming person, one thing is certain, and that is that she has never been weak, even to Thanos. Therefore, she immediately opened her mouth and said.

“This is not something you need to care about. Let’s talk about it, what do you want to do. I think you’ve come so far to stop me, It shouldn’t be like those stupid avengers, yes In order to catch me, then give me a fair trial!”

“Of course not, I am not interested in that kind of thing.” A sentence blocked Loki’s temptation, Zhou Yi said directly own intention. “Leave Thor to you, you can do whatever you want. I am here for him, nothing else!”

“What do you want him for?” Loki listened to Zhou. Yi’s request immediately showed deep hostility in his eyes. This request has obviously violated her bottom line, but because of the power Zhou Yi they possess, she does not at all express the own emotions.

“I need him to help me turn on Bifrost and enter Asgard. I want to talk to Odin about something. As for what it is, it has nothing to do with you. Loki, you have only one choice. That is to give Thor to me!”

I looked at Zhou Yi who had a severe expression, and then looked at the caretaker in front of oneself, with a warning expression staring at Zhou Yi and their Thor. Loki was immediately caught in a dilemma.

She knows that oneself has no power to refuse Zhou Yi and refuse his request. But asking her to surrender Thor is basically impossible.

There are some things that others don’t know, but she herself understands very well in her heart. This was the only opportunity he could have Thor, and if he missed it, she would never have such an opportunity in the future. This is why Thor persuaded her to give up the power of Mind Stone, but she was unwilling. Because in that case, she no longer has any possibility, leaving Thor with the owner.

For these years, she has been living in another identity, eager for everything Thor has. She thought it was because of her jealousy of Thor. But it wasn’t until later, when Thor wanted to protect her in spite of some, that it was not because of jealousy, but because of another special feeling. A deeper feeling.

Even if she was raised by Odin as a boy since she was a child, even if she was ordered to appear as a boy. It can’t stop this special feeling from breeding in her heart. She faced Thor, the elder brother in name of oneself, already had an emotion that could not be known.

This made her take an adventure, the adventure of keeping Thor by oneself. But now, if someone wants to destroy all of her hard work, how can she be willing? So at this time, she only gave Zhou Yi this answer.

“Don’t think about it! Thor, it can only be mine!”

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