Sun God Marvel

Chapter 487

Odin sat high on the own Golden Throne, silently thinking about the situation that his son had reported to oneself. At the side of his right hand, Zhou Yi and Jean Ge Lei were sitting on two temporarily erected seats, waiting for his answer.

To erect a throne in front of Odin’s Golden Palace is an unprecedented honor. Even among the gods of Asgard, only the queen Frigga was qualified to sit by his side. And now, Odin actually sets up seats for two outsiders and arranges them to sit on the own right hand side, which is enough to surprise the Asgardians in the Golden Palace.

Asgard respects the right hand, because the right hand is a hand used to hold weapons. Only the most honorable guests deserve the Asgardians to lay down their weapons and entertain him unguardedly. As the Divine King of Asgard, Odin has never had such a distinguished guest. Because of his position, but also because of his unparalleled military force.

As the most powerful Divine King in Asgard’s history, he defeated countless enemies and finally made Asgard the most lofty one in Nine Realms. This made him as it should be by rights the king most admired by the Asgardians, and because of his lofty status, he has no right to be equal to him. At the very least, it looks like this in the nine kingdoms.

However, others may also have doubts about setting up seats to entertain the two Midgarts. But Odin definitely won’t. He knows very well that the energy possessed by the two opposing people is even more aware that oneself, who has grown old, has no ability to compete with them. They must be treated with the most solemn etiquette when they come to the Golden Palace as a guest. Otherwise, once offended, it will be a disaster for the entire Asgard.

And when he entertained these two distinguished guests, he was also satisfied with the performance of his own son, Thor. A qualified Asgard prince must not only have the courage and sense of responsibility, but also the judgment of the current situation and the choice of interests. On Zhou Yi’s issue, Thor performed very well. At this time, Asgard really needs foreign aid as powerful as Zhou Yi.

“I already understand what the two of you mean. I will summon Heimdall now and let him find the missing child for the two, but I can’t guarantee whether Heimdall can help. Two.”

Odin smiled amiably, but didn’t give an exact guarantee. Just like Thor, he didn’t dare to say too much, because no one knew what it was like.

“Whether I can find my child, I thank you for your help. This is a favor I owe you!”

The favor of Zhou Yi, for Odin More precious than any treasure, and he does not hesitate to continue to increase his own bargaining chip at this time.

“Please rest assured, we will do our best to help you, whether you need manpower or other help, there is no problem.”

“Then thank you for your help! “

The two people talked very happily and the atmosphere was harmonious. But the thoughtful Thor at this time can’t see the profound mystery inside. He stepped in recklessly and said to his own father.

“Royal Father, I have something to ask you, please forgive Loki for his crimes!”

As soon as this sentence came out, the smile on Odin’s face immediately disappeared Go down. Thor’s words are very untimely, at least now is not the time. In front of Asgard’s guests, in front of so many warriors in the Golden Palace, he actually said this sentence, which made Odin immediately disappeared with his little satisfaction.

“I’ll talk about these things later, and now I don’t allow you to mention these things!”

Speaking such things sternly, Odin meant to put it aside Speak privately. Loki is the child he has raised for so many years. It is impossible to say that he has no feelings there. Moreover, in terms of what Loki did, she did not at all violate Asgard’s actual interests. Even said that she also solved a huge hidden danger of Asgard. So if you keep her affairs in private, many things will become easier.

But Thor didn’t understand this. All he saw was the serious consequences of what Loki had done, the destruction of one world and the catastrophe of another world. Such a situation is the most serious crime under the trial of any fair law, and it is a problem that even death cannot be solved.

He cares and he is confused, and he can’t understand his father’s painstaking efforts. Instead, he will be wrong. Odin’s cold face made him mistakenly think that his father had to deal with Loki’s problem seriously, which made him immediately one-knee kneels and pleaded with his own father.

“Royal Father, Loki is also your child. I know he has done a lot of wrong things, but please leave a way out.”

This sentence can be said Putting this question directly on the table, Odin couldn’t cover it even if he wanted to. In front of so many warriors in the Golden Palace, especially in front of two Midgart’s distinguished guests, how could he make an obvious favoritism to destroy his own reputation! So even if he didn’t want to, he could only put on an unselfish attitude and said to Thor.

“Enough, Thor. You are the future king of Asgard. Don’t you know that as a king, you must uphold justice!”

Where can Thor be honest? Understand the deep meaning of Odin’s have hidden meaning. He only thought that Odin planned to deal with Loki seriously. At this time, his only idea was to discourage his own father and protect his younger sister. So he could only kneel on the ground, and said to Odin.

“Father, I know that Loki is guilty. But I am also responsible for all the crimes she committed. If father must punish Loki, please also punish me. I am willing to bear him for Loki. The crime!”

Thor’s voice burst into tears, not at all let Odin leave a way out. He looked at the son of own, the appointed heir, and there was only deep disappointment and anger. He originally thought Thor had grown, but now it seems that his changes are really minimal. Especially his performance in politics is ridiculously naive. Looking at Thor like this, even Odin oneself wondered whether oneself gave him the future of Asgard, would he bring Asgard into the abyss of consigned to eternal damnation.

However, he has no other choice. Because he only has Thor this heir. The catastrophe is imminent, and he doesn’t have any other energy and effort to train an heir. So he can only keep his face cold, facing Thor scolded sullenly.

“Enough, Thor. What is your qualifications to inherit my throne and become the future master of this golden palace. Retire to me, I don’t want to hear your nonsense again! “

“Royal Father!” Thor wanted to say more, but Odin, who had been extremely disappointed, had already had a heavy meal of Gangnir in oneself’s hand, calling for the guards in the Golden Palace.

“Guard, take him along to withdraw. Without my instructions, he is not allowed to leave the own room!”

Although Thor has the idea and intention to resist, but Under Odin’s strong pressure, he could only be taken by the guards. And Odin looked at own son like this, until he disappeared from the sight of own, then turned his head, and said helplessly to Zhou Yi with a sigh on his face.

“I’m so sorry to let the two of you see this situation. As the Divine King of Asgard, I can guarantee that Loki will receive the Penalty he deserves!”

Zhou Yi is not interested in what kind of Penalty Loki received. But this was Odin’s gesture to him, and he couldn’t help but express it. So he could only laughed and responded.

“I believe in Your Majesty’s fairness, so I won’t say more and so on!”

Odin was clearly nodded, and he was very satisfied with Zhou Yi’s knowledge and interest. But when he thinks of oneself’s son’s tense brain, he feels melancholy again. If Thor could have half the brains of the person in front of him, he wouldn’t have so much trouble.

But at any rate he is also the owner of this golden palace, the Divine King of Asgard. No matter how weak he is in his heart, he will not put these things on the surface and put them in front of everyone. So he still talked and laughed with Zhou Yi, showing the demeanor and courage of a king.

And at this time, Heimdall, covered in Asgardian, has walked in under the leadership of the guards.

“Your Majesty, Heimdall is at your disposal!”

As soon as he saw Odin sitting high and two distinguished guests, Heimdall respectfully half Kneeling to the ground, in this way showed oneself’s loyalty to Odin. And this obviously satisfied Odin.

“Get up, my brother. You don’t have to have these tedious etiquettes for me!” When he reached out to Heimdall, Odin expressed his respect for him with words of grace. At the same time he also stated the purpose of summoning him. “I call you this time because I need your ability to help our distinguished guests. You must make an all-out effort to help them, understand?”

“Yes, Your Majesty !” Heimdall stood up and immediately looked towards the two guests with oneself’s golden eyes. He is not the kind of person who is good at speech, but as long as there is an order, he can always insist on completing it. This is also the reason Odin has always trusted him. He has the capital to be trusted.

Looking at Heimdall’s expression, Zhou Yi handed a picture of Shirley to him clearly. After reading this photo, Heimdall immediately looked up and looked towards the void. With the ability to see through the endless world, he can search for the target he wants to find only in this way. For him, there are no secrets in all things. So Odin has almost 100% confidence in him.

And Heimdall did not disappoint him at all, because soon he gave Zhou Yi’s answer.

“I have found the goal you want!”

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