Sun God Marvel

Chapter 493

The light of justice, as soon as Odin said this name, Zhou Yi couldn’t help but tremble in his heart. Not for anything else, but for the word justice. He paid so much for this word, so that as soon as he heard this, his heart was ups and downs, and he was full of emotion.

But this does not prevent him from loving this armor. In fact, he likes this treasure immediately after seeing this armor.

It’s just that he’s not an idiot who doesn’t know what he says. Although Odin has clearly stated that this is his second gift, Zhou Yi knows that this gift is not just the sentimental expression in his eyes. Whatever you can take away casually.

“This is the armor I prepared for my son Badr, but he has left me forever before he can accept this gift from father!”

Zhou The hesitation in Yi’s eyes was caught by Odin. He sighed and walked to the light of justice, pointing to him and telling Zhou Yi his history.

“Badr is the youngest son of the queen and I, and our favorite son. He is the god of light, the incarnation of the sun, just like you. In Asgarri, he can give all Man brings hope, joy and light, and it is a young man that all of us love. However, such a good child has a destined tragic fate.”

The banquet has gradually become silent in Odin’s statement. Hearing him mention Badr, the god of light that has passed away, an expression of sadness and regret appeared on everyone’s face. It can be seen that Badr is indeed loved by these people so much that they will be saddened by his passing when he mentions him now.

“My son Badr, will go to Death in the prophecy of fate, and it all started from a nightmare of his. When he told me the nightmare of his being killed , I was worried that everything would become a reality. So I visited Goddess of Destiny Three, hoping that they could solve the doubts in my heart, but they told me, Badr, my beloved son, his death is something Things are doomed by fate. As long as fate is doomed, neither God nor mortal can resist. This means that I have to watch my beloved son die like this!”

Speaking of this, Odin was already full of hair and beard, tears streaming down his head, sadly unable to say anything anymore. When it was the god queen Frigga, she quietly helped her own husband and told Zhou Yi the story.

“When my husband told me about this, I couldn’t believe it was true. But Goddess’s prophecy of Destiny Three has never failed, as they said, Badr’s destiny is doomed. But we are not reconciled. My child has never done even one bad thing, why should destiny treat him so cruelly. So my husband and I decided, even if it is to exhaust all of the Golden Palace, I also want to save Badr’s life.”

“For this reason, as Queen of Asgard, I ordered that all the gods and all living creatures of Asgard make a sacred oath, not to use any The weapon hurts my beloved son Bald. All the gods are like their lives, and all living beings in Asgard have also made vows. But my husband felt that this was not foolproof enough, and used the own treasure house for our love. I built this armor.”

“This armor was made by the craftsmen of the dwarf’s cream of the crop using the best materials in the Golden Palace. When it was completed, my husband I took it to Warnerheim as impatient, and asked the Warner gods there to impose their magical spell on this armor.”

Frigga, the queen of God, stretched out his own hand and stroked it. The spell lines on the armor were formed. With her touch, a little bit of dazzling golden has quietly emerged from the armor lines, making the entire armor surrounded by a layer of golden radiance.

“This is the blessing of the Warner gods. They wish those who wear this armor to stay away from all threats of harm, just like justice. When evil meets with it, they will eventually fall into the sand and fall to the ground. However, My husband has not had time to bring this armor back and give it to our beloved son. He has already suffered misfortune!”

When the mother recalled the misfortune of oneself son again, she No longer able to bear the pain and sorrow in his heart, he plunged into the arms of oneself husband, and made a sympathetic whimper.

The grief of Zhou Yi for his parents is completely understandable. He is also a father. He understands how painful it is to lose a child. So he just listened to them in silence, and not at all, in the final analysis, once again exposed the scars in their hearts.

Zhou Yi’s actions made Odin grateful and gave him a better grasp of the own plan. He barely picked up the sadness of oneself and said to Zhou Yi.

“My beloved son has left us, and this armor is naturally useless. So I have kept it in my own treasure house as a nostalgic thought. But Now, I want to give it to you, my friend. I hope it can be worn on your body, cover wind and rain for you, and help you fight evil. This is my heart, and I hope you can accept it!”

“This is too expensive, Your Majesty. This is the relic of your beloved son, how can I take it as a gift!”

After listening to this set of justice light Zhou Yi immediately shook his head and refused. This gift is very meaningful, simply not a gift that can be taken casually. So even if he loves it any more, he can only refuse Odin’s kindness.

But Odin did not allow Zhou Yi to refuse this gift at all. This armor is not only a gift for friends, but also the beginning of all his plans, so he has to let Zhou Yi accept this gift anyway.

“I know what you are thinking, my friend. But what you say is like splashing water. Since I have planned to give it to you as a gift, I have not taken it back. Thoughts. If you don’t accept it, then I will destroy it in front of so many people, and save me from thinking of my poor child because of it!”

At this point, Zhou Yi just won’t accept this gift. So he can only thank again.

“Then I will be disrespectful, Your Majesty. Thank you for your kindness, as I promised before, my promise to Asgard will always be valid. My friendship with Asgard will also last forever. It doesn’t change color. As long as it’s needed, please give me instructions, and I will do my best!”

Hearing Zhou Yi’s words, Odin immediately narrowed his eyes. He knew that all the time was ripe. After paying so much price, I even took out the treasures that oneself treasured and the legacy of Aiko, isn’t it just for this moment? So at the moment, he patted Zhou Yi’s arm, smiled and accepted his kindness, then raised Gangneil in the hand of owner and said to everyone at the Golden Palace Banquet.

“Dear warriors of Asgard, my loyal fighters. Today, I invite you all not only to help our friend, but also to tell you an important thing. Before that, everything I say next is true, no matter what, please keep calm.”

Odin’s words made all Asgard people realize that something big is about to happen . They raised their ears one after another, held their own breath, and waited for Odin to tell them the truth.

“Many years ago, Heimdall was like I predicted a major event. For this reason, I asked the Destiny Three Goddess, and they gave me the same answer. That is Ragnarök is coming, As Guardian is approaching a catastrophe and is on the verge of destruction!”

As soon as this sentence came out, there was an uproar over the entire banquet. Almost everyone questioned Odin’s this remark. Those who do not believe, question the authenticity of his remark. Those who believed, questioned what Odin had just done. If Ragnarök is really about to come and Asgard is about to be destroyed, then why do they have this free time to hold a banquet and invite a Midgart?

There are so many opinions that flood the entire Golden Palace, making everyone become impetuous. At this moment, everyone felt a sense of breathlessness. Feel the destiny, the huge pressure caused by this terrifying existence.

While watching all this, Odin slammed Gangneil in oneself’s hand and shouted.

“Quiet, listen to me!”

The extremely majestic Odin obviously made everyone feel terrified, and they put away oneself’s words. Waiting for the next words of the father of the gods.

“I know what you are worried about, what you are afraid of. Fate, this damn thing has given us heavy blows time and time again, my eye, Tyre’s right hand, also Bald The misfortune of this time. Another blow at this time seems to tell us that the power of destiny makes us irresistible, and we only have to accept its trial.”

“I heard the news At the time, I was just as panicked and desperate as you guys. But I want to ask, do you really plan to wait and die, just watch Ragnarök come and watch Asgard go to the end?”

No one answered his question, all the Warriors and God fell into a suppressed silence. It’s not that they have resisted fate, but when all their efforts have come to nothing again and again, and the arrangements of fate still come as scheduled. They can no longer afford to rebel against fate.

Failure made them lose their courage, and the strength of fate made them simply unwilling to resist. And this is a problem that Odin must reverse now. They want to fight fate and reverse the outcome of Ragnarök, they cannot enter the battlefield with this mentality. He must bring them confidence, confidence in victory. And where does this confidence come from, he already has a plan.

“You are afraid, you are afraid. Do you think that fate cannot be resisted? No, I have to tell you that fate has been reversed. Know why I want to entertain my most honorable friend and treat me Don’t you give him the treasure of his? Because he is our hope to reverse the outcome of our destiny!”

Speaking of this, Odin took Zhou Yi’s arm and focused everyone’s attention on his Body.

“Because of the appearance of this warrior, the trajectory of Heimdall’s destiny has changed. Our future has become uncertain again. I can tell you that Ragnarök is still back, but the ending But it is not doomed. We have to fight with destiny and bet on all the battles. Victory, we can reverse our destiny and rewrite our tragedy. Failure is just to welcome the judgment of fate and wait for the end to come. Now, Tell us, what is your answer?”

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