Sun God Marvel

Chapter 496

Walking out of the lively Golden Palace banquet hall, Zhou Yi guided by the maid to the resting place of Jean Grey and Shirley. As soon as he walked into this room specially prepared for the most distinguished guest, Jean turned his head when he heard the noise, and quietly made a silent motion at him.

“Be careful, don’t make too much noise. I just soothed her mind and let her sleep over!”

While explaining to Zhou Yi, Jean walked to his side, like all old couples and wives, and helped him take off his coat with skill.

“How about Shirley, there is nothing wrong with her spirit, right?”

A glance toward Shirley’s sleeping place, Zhou Yi quietly asked Jean Gerei. .

“Don’t worry, Shirley just has a little mental pressure accumulated in her heart. As long as she relaxes and sleeps well, she will soon be better. You!” At this point, Jean Gerei vigorously sniffed Zhou Yi’s body, and then asked with a weird face. “The taste on you is a bit strange!”

“Maybe the reason for drinking too much wine. Asgardians are really good. It is said that Odin has collected fine wines for nearly a thousand years. Things you can’t drink on Earth!”

After sniffing the collar, Zhou Yi shrugged, who only smelled alcohol from above, gave his own explanation. However, this is obviously different from the answer Jean Grey wanted.

“It is not the smell of wine, but the body scent of women.” At this moment, Jean Grey is like a policeman interrogating prisoners, even expressions all become sharp. “Don’t tell me, in such a short time, you hooked up with an Asgard woman again!”

“How is this possible!” Hearing Jean Grey’s words, Zhou Yi immediately He raised his own hands and made an innocent look. “I was just forced to dance. And it was just a child, at the worst a few years older than Shirley and the others. I am a beast, and it is impossible to start with a child!”

” Hmph! “A suspicious nasal sound came from Jean Grey’s body, and Zhou Yi immediately felt a wave of invisible mental fluctuations sweeping across Asgard in an instant. Obviously, that was the verification that Jean Ge Lei did not worry Zhou Yi personally. And when she received the feedback message, her face finally eased.

“Well, I will forgive you this time. But you are also true, don’t you know what Shirley is doing now? Actually, I still came back after drinking that many wines outside.”

“There is no way, after all, Odin Your Majesty has really helped us a lot, and the people of Asgard are very kind, and I really can’t avoid it!”

After explaining, Zhou Yi embraced Jean Grey’s waist and fell on top of an Asgard-like soft sofa.

This sudden action immediately made Jean Grey blush and heartbeat. Although the relationship between her and Zhou Yi has reached this step, she still cannot let go of some things completely. This has nothing to do with feelings, it is completely a person’s habits. Jean Grey is the kind of intellectual and elegant woman. Although she is very enthusiastic, there is nothing she can say about this kind of thing by her passion alone.

So she immediately grabbed Zhou Yi’s restless palms and blushed and whispered to him.

“No, Yi. Shirley is still here, don’t wake her up!”

Feeling the slightly trembling body in oneself’s arms, Zhou Yi sighed , He squeezed her into his arms.

“Jean, I’m sorry. I have caused you to suffer alone in the past two years!”

“Actually, it is not suffering!” When Zhou Yi said, Jean Ge Lei smiled slightly , Reached out and stroked his profile face. “I don’t regret my decision at the time. Moreover, destiny gave me a Perfection ending. I am actually very satisfied!” This sentence made Zhou Yi’s heart suddenly tighten. , He looked at the familiar red short hair in front of oneself, and also the familiar face that had hardly changed since the first encounter, but he blamed himself more and more.

“No, it’s all my fault. Jean, if it weren’t me, you wouldn’t fall asleep for so long. If you didn’t fall asleep, maybe we were married and even had an own child. I It should belong to you completely, I’m sorry, Jean. I betrayed you!”

This is an almost unavoidable question. Zhou Yi, besides the unshakable love, also this is the deepest self-blame for Jean Ge Lei. When Jean Grey fell asleep for him, he had other women again and again. This is undoubtedly a kind of betrayal, for Jean and for the love between them. Maybe there are some reasons for this, but in any case, he betrayed Jean Grey’s deep affection for him.

Sometimes Zhou Yi even thought about it and never mentioned this issue. Let all problems be buried by time. However, whenever he saw Jean Grey, the guilt in his heart began to stir, piercing his heart. He is impossible to live with Jean Grey forever with this guilt, and even more impossible to always pretend to be such a nonchalant. He must get the answer, whether it’s good or bad.

So at this time, he spit out oneself’s inner voice to Jean Grey. This might make Jean Grey hate him and make her leave oneself, but he has to do it anyway. He is unwilling to blaspheme her with lies, so he can only open up his heart and take on all possibilities.

Jean Gree stopped her hand touching Zhou Yi’s face. She also thought about turning a blind eye to all this, but when Zhou Yi put it all in front of them, she could no longer ignore it.

“I don’t blame you, I know that you actually have a lot of pressure in your heart. You need someone to share it for you. I just want to know if I let you give up on them and love me alone. , Can you do it?”

Hearing this, Zhou Yi only felt that oneself’s whole heart was stagnated, and an unspeakable pain spread. This is the feeling of losing a loved one. Zhou Yi has experienced it once, but never wants to experience it again. So he could only show a bitter expression, staring at own Jean Grey in his arms and shook the head with difficulty.

And seeing his actions like this, Jean Grey sighed immediately.

“Do you know that, I actually have a perception of the outside world a long time ago, but I can’t control my body. So, every word you say to me when I’m asleep is actually I can hear you. Seriously, Yi. I’m glad you didn’t deceive me. If you were not willing to tell the truth to me at that time, I really don’t know where we are now. Maybe it’s a passerby, Maybe it’s worse.”

“Sorry, Jean.” At this time, Zhou Yi really didn’t know what to say. He could only repeat this sentence, hoping to use it to make the owner feel better.

“Don’t say sorry, Yi. I know you well. You are the kind of person who can never let go, but that’s only for those who enter your heart. It turns out that you are just playing , To me, or to Ororo. You are talking about love, but your heart has never been opened to us. And at that time I was also a stupid woman, I was moved by you, and I can never forget you. Yes When I think of it, we were so ridiculous at that time!”

Zhou Yi didn’t speak, but hugged the woman in his arms tighter. Jean Grey was right, but it was the past, and only the past. From a certain day, everything has started to be different.

“Do you know what my happiest thing is? That is, I am the first woman to walk into your heart. Although one woman after another came in, I was the first , That is, because of this, I don’t want to leave from your side. You are the gift in my life that I finally got, I can’t bear it, and can’t let go!”

“Me too!” Look With the woman in oneself’s arms, Zhou Yi suddenly felt a sour happiness in his heart. “I can’t let go. I can’t let go of either you or them. You are all good women. You sacrificed too much for me. So I don’t want to lose you anyway. No matter what, it’s okay, Jean. I can’t do it only by losing you!”

“Okay, okay, let’s not talk about this!” Looking at Zhou Yi’s emotional changes, Jean Grey cocked his head immediately and interrupted what he was about to say. “It’s like this, I won’t pursue this anymore. Although not reconciled, this kind of life is actually what we have always wanted, right? We have a home, a child, and each other. And Life is peaceful and happy, that’s enough.”

“Jean!” chanting the name, Zhou Yi’s heart was suddenly moved beyond words. As before, she has always loved oneself unconditionally and embraced oneself, even if oneself had hurt her. This realization made Zhou Yi no longer able to control his own emotions, so he lowered his head and kissed her.

He wants to kiss her lips and taste the familiar taste. But Jean Grey turned his head in time, so that he only kissed her side face, her red hair.

After avoiding Zhou Yi’s kiss, Jean immediately began to whisper.

“Hey, don’t be fooling around. I don’t want to wake Shirley up and let her see what we are now.”

From her flushed cheeks, just It can be seen that she has moved. However, Shirley’s existence made her very scrupulous. She wanted to leave a good impression on her future daughter, but she could only refuse Zhou Yi’s actions and let his enthusiasm completely fall into the void. After all, she didn’t want to wake Shirley up because of the loss of passion and see what she shouldn’t have seen. If that happened, then she would have no face to face Shirley in the future.

Although Zhou Yi was rejected, his mood was not bad at all. Lightly bit the red hair beside his mouth, he laughed at Jean Grey as before.

“Jean, you have not changed at all, you are still the same as before. Especially your hair, it is the same as when I first saw you!”

“I Now I still remember the first time I met you!” Zhou Yi gave Zhou Yi a cheerful white, and the expression of memories appeared in Jean Gerei’s eyes. “When I saw you for the first time, you were just a big boy who looked pretty bad. Knowing that I was older than you, why did you think badly about me at that time!”

” I just asked for your phone number! And, if you don’t say it, who knows that you will be four years older than me!”

“Three and a half years old, I said. Don’t use Chinese Chronicles Let’s calculate our age difference!”

“Okay, okay. But don’t worry, Jean. Look at me now, even if someone says we are, they will only say that I am eating The one in the tender grass.”

“I said, don’t mention this topic!”

The two whispering people seem to have found the feeling they had long ago. For them, some things may change over time. But there are some things that cannot be changed by time. This was the case before, and it will be the same in the future. It is a kind of Eternity, a thing that never fades.

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