Sun God Marvel

Chapter 504

What kind of feeling Death is, everyone may have different ideas. Some people think that Death is endless emptiness, while others think that Death is the tranquility of Eternity. There are so many different understandings on the issue of Death.

However, this kind of thinking can only be regarded as imagination, because not everyone has the experience of contacting Death. Not everyone can survive close contact with Death and share the sense of own.

Most people’s experience of Death comes from own analysis, from the text of the book, or from what oneself has seen and heard. But Jill is different. Her current experience is completely from oneself’s own, very real feelings.

Relief, not reconciled. This is her most real experience and feeling about Death. Death brought her a sense of relief to let go of all grievances. But after she hugged Death, she found that she owns in the depth of one’s soul, and she still retains the emotion of being a human being in this world. Although some emotions have dissipated with Death. But some also became more profound and unforgettable after Death came.

When she was alive, she buried this impossible feeling of any result in the deepest part of oneself’s heart, making it impossible forever to see another day. But when she stepped into Death, the feeling that she had been deeply buried in her heart accompanied her to the world of Death, and then entangled her soul like a tarsal maggot, making her a little bit Earth Grade tasted the unwilling taste.

This is the most painful taste, because the unwillingness of a Death soul will not have any results. The most ridiculous thing is that all of this was originally her own choice. Because of the momentary despair, I gave up my own life, but I can only fall into this situation, and I will always enjoy this regret. This caused the only consciousness in her soul to become manic.

And just when her soul began to be restless, and even began to change due to this. A light suddenly appeared beside her, like a gentle stream of water, wrapping her whole.

That is a very magical feeling that cannot be described in words at all. For Jill, who has only the soul left, she even felt the warmth of returning to mother’s embrace. And as the light intensified, this warm feeling became urgent. Jill started to gasp involuntarily.

Weird hallucinations also appeared in front of her eyes. From the darkness and warm light of Death only began to change, and the more vivid colors began to appear in her vision little by little. She saw more, just like when she was alive.

In other words, she is indeed alive now. She was rescued back from the world of Death. The source of all this is Zhou Yi, who is standing in front of her at the moment, pressing her chest and constantly sending strength to her.

Jill, who had just returned to the world, naturally saw Zhou Yi beside him. At this moment, she was not at all, like a person who suddenly came back from a coma, asking what happened. Death is not the same as being in a coma, she naturally knows what happened to own.

So she could only give Zhou Yi a complicated look, and then made a hoarse voice from her mouth.

“You saved me? Why did you save me?”

“It should be me asking you! Why did you commit suicide? What is in your mind? Thinking of something hell!”

Hearing Jill’s question, Zhou Yi immediately couldn’t help but issue an angry question. You know, if he comes to the evening two minutes, it will not be so easy to save her again.

Once the god of death wandering around the world takes her soul, he can only enter the kingdom of Death to resurrect Jill and find her existence from the countless people of Goddess of Death. Row. For him, who has lost the power of God, it is so difficult to enter the kingdom of Death. That is probably the end that will never return.

Maybe it was after death that I felt fear. Maybe it was discovered that Death could not solve her problem. So at this time, facing Zhou Yi’s questioning, Jill lowered his head unexpectedly.

“Sorry, I was too impulsive. I did this stupid thing because I didn’t want to start it for a while. I promise that this kind of thing won’t happen again.”

“It’s better not to happen again, because I’m impossible to be by your side at any time.” Jill’s head down gave Zhou Yi barely a reason to extinguish the fire. He still said this relentlessly, but it gradually increased. Life Strength in the hands. “You have to know that your life was gifted by me when you were God. You are an immortality and blessed by God. Is it really worth it to give up such a life because you can’t think about it for a while?”

“Blessed life?” Upon hearing this, Jill’s face showed a miserable smile. “I really don’t know that my life has been blessed. If I have been blessed, why do I always lose my most important things. Zhou Yi, you are a god, can you tell me this question? The answer? Why is this?”

“Enough, Jill. Do you think you are miserable?”

Listening to Jill’s words, Zhou Yi immediately yelled. He grabbed Jill by the collar abruptly and lifted her up.

“Look at the land where you are standing. How many people have died here, do you remember? Do you think you are miserable, have you thought about them? Thought about these dead people What are they missing? Are they miserable? Remember, you are alive, but they are dead. Compared with you, they are miserable lives.”

“Ha, haha !” At this time, Jill couldn’t give Zhou Yi any explanation at all. She didn’t have any courage to tell him what oneself thought was the loss. The unwillingness after Death still remained in her heart, and the emotion that was suppressed by her began to stir frantically. However, the identity of a living person restricts her, so she can only laugh, crying silently in the laughter, in this way to cover up the existence of that emotion.

In the blood, Jill, who had escaped from the dead, laughed madly and hoarsely. Tears slid down her cheeks with the laughter, which made her look like a swan with broken wings. same.

Zhou Yi can’t understand her mood at this moment, but she can feel the sadness and pain in her heart. In this unknown situation, he could not give her any verbal comfort. So he just sighed and picked her up and sent her into her bedroom.

Like what he had done before, he put Jill on the bed, changed her into her pajamas, and then got a hot towel to wipe away the stains on her body little by little.

In the process, Jill was left at his mercy like an exquisite doll, except that stared wide-eyed stared at him closely, she didn’t even say a word.

This may be a good thing for Zhou Yi, because it can save them a lot of unnecessary embarrassment. And in this silent tacit understanding, Zhou Yi quickly finished all this. After he tucked the corner, he opened his mouth and warned repeatedly at Jill.

“Take a good rest. If you really think this city is not suitable for you, I will allow you to leave. You don’t need to put such a heavy burden on the owner. Don’t worry. I won’t blame you for going up. You are qualified to choose the life oneself wants. I have no right to stop you, and no one has the right to stop you. I just hope that if you can, you can still be my friend. “

Friends? This word made Jill’s pain in his heart even more intense. And when she watched Zhou Yi get up and want to leave, she could no longer control the own behavior. She stretched out her hand violently, grabbed Zhou Yi’s clothes corner, and stopped his movements.

“Can you accompany me for a drink?”

Looking at Zhou Yi’s paused body, Jill couldn’t find any reason but could only find such an excuse .

And Zhou Yi, who originally wanted to refuse, saw the plea in her eyes, but once again his heart softened. Jill was not a patient, she was extremely healthy after being resurrected by him. In this case, he did not have a reason not to let her drink.

And Zhou Yi can also see that she is suffering from heart disease. For this disease, alcohol may be the only good medicine. So he was nodded, said “wait a minute” to Jill, and went straight out.

A moment later, when he comes back. He already had two wine glasses in his hand, and a bottle of whiskey that had not been opened. Put the wine glass on the bed, Zhou Yi just poured the wine, Jill stretched out his hand impatiently, picked up a glass of wine and poured it directly into his mouth.

The spirits turned into a flowing line of fire and got into her throat, making her a little bewildered. But she was not satisfied at all, but put the cup down and said to Zhou Yi.

“One more glass!”

Zhou Yi did not stop her, but while holding up his own glass, he poured her another glass of wine. Just like last time, Jill immediately drank the strong drink, and then immediately repeated the same thing. Zhou Yi was also silently cooperating with her, letting her express her inner distress in this way.

When the bottle of dry wine ran out, Jill was lying on the bed like a ball of water. Zhou Yi sighed and stood up.

As a friend, there is only so much he can do. As for the rest, it depends on whether Jill can think about it. After covering the quilt for Gil, Zhou Yi has already planned to turn around and leave. And at this time, Jill shook his hand abruptly, preventing him from taking that step away.

“Stay and stay with me. Just this night!”

The drunk-smelling Jill issued this kind of words that are completely meaningless to Zhou Yi and misty. . So he didn’t even think it had to be replied.

“Jill, you drank too much!”

“I don’t have one, Zhou Yi. I know what I’m doing! Listen, bastard, only this night, I just want this One night. After tonight, you will assume that this hasn’t happened.”

“How is that possible!” Zhou Yi really didn’t know if Jill was talking drunk or really thinking about it. So he could only reply with a wry smile. “Jill, you should know that I have women I love, and I can’t betray them!”

“I know, I didn’t let you betray them. I didn’t expect everything they have!” Under the influence of alcohol, Jill, who was already like a beautiful snake without bones, quietly hugged Zhou Yi from behind and whispered to him in his ear. “All I want is this one night, only this one night, you belong to me. This is enough for me. Bastard, it doesn’t matter whether you love me or not, I just want you for one night, understand?”

“I don’t ask for your love, I just want you to give me a child, so that I can have sustenance in the future. This is the only request from a woman who may have loved you. Can’t you give her some response?”

Jill’s words made Zhou Yi’s body suddenly stiff, and his brain suddenly became numb. At this time, Jill had smiled slightly, and hugged him down on the bed.

This is the only night she can have him, and the only night she needs. For this reason, tonight has become very different.

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