Sun God Marvel

Chapter 507

Faced with Ada’s request, Clarice not even think refused. Now she is no longer a flower in a greenhouse, and she no longer needs who to arrange her life. Even in the name of being good for her, but if she is unwilling, then she will never agree.

This is her choice and her consistent nature. Not affected by anyone at all.

“Clarice, I think you should think carefully, and then think about what kind of answer you should give. This kind of thing can’t be solved by you.”

Ada’s voice has not yet fallen, Clarice directly expressed his own attitude.

“I said, impossible. This is not a willful or unwilling thing, but a decision I made about the future of own. I will not go to a university, and be with a student who has no purpose. Rather, I hope that oneself is a fighter, someone who can fight for the fate of oneself and others!”

“Warrior?” Upon hearing Clarice’s words, Ada sneered immediately. “Having own life to crack a joke this stupid thing, when is it so popular. Fighting for oneself and the fate of others is a high-sounding talk, but have you ever thought about it, are you qualified to say this? “

“Ada Wang, what do you mean. Are you mocking my ideals?”

Suddenly heard such words, never submit to humiliation, Clarice, who is a calmer type, immediately raised his own voice and asked Ada harshly.

“To mock your ideals, if this is your ideal. Then I will say, yes!” Embracing his arms, the disdain on Ada’s face can be seen clearly by anyone Chu. “Are you an orphan with no relatives and no cause? Are you a marginal figure who is isolated and will not be known even if you die? If you are, then what do you want will not someone care about you! But you are not, so You better not have this kind of thought. You also mother, also big brother, also niece and friends. Your life is not only your own, you want to take your own life to crack a joke, do you have the consent of these people?”

After all, Ada is a spy. Her eloquence and unimaginable make Clarice immediately fall into a desperate situation that is difficult to resist. She wanted to refute, but she couldn’t find any powerful and reliable arguments. In this confrontation, she is directly in the most unfavorable and helpless situation.

So, she could barely bit her own lip, and with a stubborn face looking up at Ada who was sneer at oneself, she issued the weakest argument.

“This is my business, I don’t need their consent!”

“Ignorance is ridiculous. If you think so, you can. Tell your mother and big brother Go ahead and see if you can sever all ties with them. Let them not be sad because of your stupidity, will they be sad because of your current choices.”

Ada is still reprimanding With Clarice, she bases her on own point of view. Let Clarice’s simple believe oneself infallible become paler.

In this case, Clarice has been unable to gain any advantage in speech. She herself understood this too, so she burst out immediately and yelled at Ada almost unreasonably.

“Enough, Ada Wang. Who do you think you are, what qualifications do you have to say to me. This is our family’s private affair, you are just an outsider, with an unknown idea It’s just an outsider inserted into our house. You don’t have any right to point fingers at me on this issue, do you understand!”

If it is purely arguing on the original issue, Ada is almost impossible to tell Clarice There are any psychological fluctuations in what is said. After all, she has received the most professional training. When it comes to sharp words, she will never be afraid of Clarice, a girl who has just lost her fluff.

However, when Clarice suddenly used this topic as a weapon to attack Ada, Ada immediately changed his face. Her skin, which was as pure as snow, suddenly became pale, and her whole body began to tremble with anger. Even at this time, she lost her speech ability because of being too angry. He could only stare at Clarice with his huge apricot eyes, and then breathed desperately, making his chest rise and fall like a sea tide.

This kind of performance naturally made Clarice feel a kind of inexplicable pleasure. For Ada, the disgust in her heart even exceeds that of all the women around her oneself big brother. Maybe it’s because she knows Ada’s place in Zhou Yi’s heart very well, maybe it’s because of Ada’s aggressive and unrelenting nature. She always disliked Ada very much, so at this time, she looked at Ada’s appearance, and simply didn’t mean to stop. Instead, he was ready to continue to intensify and attack her verbally.

But as soon as she opened her mouth, the anger from Zhou Yi rang from her ears.

“Enough, Clarice. Is that what you learned in the army? Is it this base and shameless way of humiliating people? You disappointed me too much. Now you give me Sit down and apologize to Ada. I don’t want to hear anything disrespectful or even slanderous to Ada from your mouth, understand?”

This kind of harsh rebuke is Clarice I have never experienced it. Through childhood, Zhou Yi, as the big brother, was always obedient to her, not to mention yelling at her, but he didn’t even yell at her with a louder voice. Even if she did the big mistake, Zhou Yi only gave her gentle persuasion, not Penalty or even scolding.

So this was the first time, and it was because of a woman she hated. This made Clarice derived out a scorching fire in his heart. She has never been used to bowing her head at this time. Not only did she fail to admit her mistakes and apologize to her own big brother, but clenched her teeth, stalked her neck, and asked Zhou Yi.

“Why? Why should I apologize to her. I made no mistake. She has nothing to do with our family. She is just a woman who is greedy for the power and wealth of our family, a cunning spy. .Don’t think I don’t know anything. I know her details.”

“Shut up!” Clarice’s reaction was unexpected by Zhou Yi. He looked at the stubborn oneself. younger sister. An angry color began to appear on his face.

“Listen to me, Clarice. Ada is my future wife, my future child’s mother. Your sister-in-law! She is a member of our family, now is the future Yes, and it will never change.”

“I don’t know what the hell you have learned these days, but you have to understand it to me, Clarice! You are no longer a kid , You are responsible for what your own says and do. And I, impossible, as before, have been indulging you in every way and covering up all the mistakes you made. So, now. You apologize to me, if you hear it, don’t let it I said the third time!”

The eyes of Zhou Yi of hair stands up in anger began to Blink with some terrifying radiance, and with his words, a heart-palpitating force began to spread. Come. It was a pure imposing manner change, but it made Clarice feel a kind of unspeakable tension and fear.

She is afraid not only because of Zhou Yi’s power. For her, the strength of oneself big brother will not affect her in any way, because Zhou Yi is impossible to harm her anyway. This is a sure thing. So her fear has nothing to do with this, but because of Zhou Yi’s identity.

For Clarice, who was brought up by Zhou Yi since childhood, Zhou Yi is not only a big brother, but also acts like a father. The adoration of the big brother, the yearning for the father, this complicated emotion was all summed up by her in the role of Zhou Yi, thus brewing her special inhumane emotion.

When Zhou Yi has always spoiled her like before, she will naturally not be afraid of Zhou Yi. However, when Zhou Yi suddenly changed his attitude towards her and began to scold her. That kind of fear of father’s harsh teaching naturally filled her heart.

Although he was full of fear, Clarice was still unwilling to bow his head and admit his mistake on this issue. In her heart, there is her own consideration. If she was pointing to Ada in this place, the person she hated the most would apologize. Then it means that she has completely lost in her hands.

This is absolutely unacceptable to Clarice, who has always had oneself plans and attempts. So she just kept her head down and kept silent, as cold and stiff as a stone sculpture.

This is naturally not what Zhou Yi wants to see. If Clarice apologized like this, he could naturally forgive her for her youth and ignorance. But she was so silent without saying a word, which meant she simply didn’t want to apologize. And this immediately made Zhou Yi’s anger aroused again.

“Clarice, did you not hear what I said? Or, do you think you can already listen to me?”

Zhou Yi’s words make Clarice slender The body trembled suddenly. But she still bit her lip and kept oneself silent. At this time, Zhou Yi couldn’t help it anymore. He stretched out his hand and wanted fiercely to teach this younger sister who disappointed oneself. But as soon as he raised his own hand, Ada had already hugged his arm forcefully, preventing his next movement.

“Enough, Yi! Don’t say any more, now what you say is wrong, let her calm down, she will think clearly!”

Ada’s words let Zhou Yi sat down on the seat slumpingly. He glanced at Clarice beside him disappointedly, and then closed his own eyes wearily.

“Go and tell your mother about your affairs, I don’t want to care about you anymore. Clarice, just do what you want. I can’t care about you anymore, you can fly by yourself !”

At this moment, Zhou Yi really felt a kind of mental fatigue. Can’t family members live in harmony? Should oneself even embarrass the people oneself cares about the most? What is going on in this world!

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