Even after leaving the body, that small cut of tentacles still has vigorous vitality and a terrifying desire to eat. Not only did it dive deeper into the body of the stabbed guy, it also swallowed the surrounding flesh and blood while moving.

Just a few breaths, it grows up in a circle. In terms of food conversion efficiency, the ability of this monster’s body tissue has exceeded all the creatures that have appeared in the world.

Zhou Yi, who didn’t dare to let this little tentacles continue to dig deeper, acted quickly. He didn’t use telekinesis this time, because he had guessed telekinesis, and he probably had no effect on this little thing. So he used the force field control which is more laborious to control.

A tiny force field was formed between the palms of the fingers, and then pressed on the wound of the bad luck youngster. After all, the small tentacles are still a real object, and as long as it is an actual object, there is no existence that is not affected by the force field.

Under the gravitational force of the force field, half of the small tentacles were forcibly pulled out, and the also that came out with it had already been torn to pieces by it. This is something Zhou Yi consciously manipulates that can be attracted by his gravity. The other body organizations have been protected by him with the Telekinesis field, not at all, they have been injured by the force field.

For the victim, he just lost a piece of flesh near his shoulder and excessive bleeding. This situation is better than the monster that appears in his body, which has been devouring his flesh and blood.

The force field in his hand tightly controlled the small tentacles, while using Telekinesis to push the victim far away toward the crowd. He doesn’t have the mind to deal with a monster who doesn’t know how to deal with a good monster, but at the same time he has to be distracted to protect a guy who gets in the way.

The monster, who has tasted the delicious flesh and blood, obviously doesn’t want this rare food to slip away from oneself, even though the creature’s instinct tells it that Zhou Yi who stands in front of it is in considerable danger, but The instinct to eat still suppressed all other thoughts. After all, it is only a collection of original wills, not an existence with clear thinking. More often, its instinct will dominate everything about him.

Another huge tentacles composed of a mixture of flesh and blood ejected out, and at the same time, the pile of flesh and blood piled up on the ground also surged, like tumbling mud, making people feel sick. There is also fear in my heart.

Zhou Yi shook off the long spear, a big gun measuring more than ten feet was hit on its head when the tentacle just bounced, and the spear tip made of Adamantium was shaken to high speed by Zhou Yi Rotating in a spiral shape, the spear tip easily remembers tearing the tissue on the tentacles and smashing it to pieces. Suddenly, there was a drizzle of flesh and blood in the middle of the cabin. And when these scattered flesh and blood fell on the ground, they were still alive, and moved towards their mothers little by little.

The force field was directly wrapped with half of the small tentacles and thrown at the mud composed of flesh and blood. The force field that was deliberately controlled fell in the middle of the flesh like an invisible sledgehammer. There was a roar from the floor of the engine room, flesh and blood tumbling, and pieces of biological tissue waved. Part of its body was crushed and crushed under the impact of repulsive force, but the damaged part was quickly repaired and looked tougher than other parts.

The tiny tentacles were swallowed and digested by the entire mother body after the repulsion disappeared, and then assimilated into a part of the body. Obviously, this function of self-digestion and self-repair is the expression of the will of the entire organization of the entire flesh and blood.

When they are scattered, they are scattered individuals, but in the face of a larger cluster, they will actively merge into them and become part of the main body. This clustering means that unless they are completely eliminated from existence, they will be repaired in this continuous self-clustering process.

Zhou Yi doesn’t know the extent of the smallest unit under this clustering consciousness. However, even the current level of performance is enough to make most physical attacks lose the probability of destroying it. No matter how much power you use, unless you can smash it below the smallest unit of will, it will gather itself little by little and recover.

Does this creature really exist on Earth? Zhou Yi increased the repulsive force, constantly pressing the monster composed of flesh and blood with repulsive force, making it impossible to approach. While thinking about how to eliminate this thing. He finally decided to take a risk.

A white flame appeared on the spear tip of Adamantium. This is the color of flame burning at 4000 degrees Celsius. As soon as this flame appeared, a billowing heat wave surged in the cabin. like a, you are in a steel furnace in an instant. Things near the muzzle either melted into a liquid like snow under the sun, or it was immediately burned into ashes under the super high temperature.

You must know that the melting point of steel is less than two thousand degrees, even more how, the temperature is doubled.

Many places burned under high temperature, and even the cabin was slightly deformed and softened. Zhou Yi opened the Telekinesis field to protect the cabin and the passengers behind him, and then a long spear pierced into the mud of flesh and blood.

Faced with such a high temperature, the monster made of flesh and blood made a noisy and harsh sound. It was the sirens made by countless organizations using Telekinesis in the face of threats. They began to shrink back, but nothing The fixed body makes the mud of flesh and blood move far less flexible than it was before.

In an instant, the long spear pierced the flesh and blood monster’s body.

The flames began to swell, and the hot temperature began to burn everything around it. The monster screamed piercingly. It was the sound made by countless tissues due to pain, one after another, endless. It sounded like holding a file and desperately cutting a person’s nerves.

Although the sound it makes is extremely painful, it seems to be in a desperate situation. But in fact, it only moved the pain. Although the scattered Telekinesis could not be controlled accurately and effectively by him, the subconsciously Telekinesis protection was enough to resist the fire damage. It screamed, but it was burned and hurt by the high temperature protected by Telekinesis.

Pain can only produce two kinds of responses to original consciousness creatures, one is to attack and the other is to retreat. The first reaction of the flesh and blood monster is to attack.

A dozen sturdy tentacles ejected and fiercely drawn towards the guy who hurt it. The speed of these tentacles all exceeded the speed of sound, so they all waved away with a loud whistling sound. This howling sound is extremely harsh, which means extremely deadly.

In the face of the attack, Zhou Yi took the lead. He shook his long spear, and the spear tip resembled a rainstorm pear blossom swaying freely, layered on top of each other like a sword edge. Waves of howling sound were transmitted from his large gun freely, and obviously his attack speed was not slower than the monster’s tentacles.

The tip of the gun was placed on each of the tentacles, and the blade immediately severed the body composed of flesh and blood. However, Ling Li’s energy remained undiminished, and he shot in the air, cutting one after another wound on the flesh and blood monster. This wound will not have any effect on it, but it will make it feel painful.

In its consciousness, there is no saying that the attack failed, and the pain has increasingly stimulated its wildness. It has fallen into frenzy. Countless tentacles waved, towards Zhou Yi’s direction. Regardless of whether it can hit the target, all it does is a simple attack.

The long spear continued to parry, the billowing flame turned into a gorgeous stream of flames flying on the tip of the gun. The long spear tore the flesh and blood of the tentacles, and the flames burned its tissues. It seems to have the advantage, but it really doesn’t make much sense to the situation.

Its life force is too tenacious, and this degree of damage is not even as fast as it can repair itself. The flesh and blood monster can only feel the pain, the pain of being torn apart, and the pain of being burned. This pain made its own restlessness more and more serious. It desperately waved its tentacles, as if the entire cabin was covered with flesh and blood tentacles.

Such a situation until a weird noise came.

That’s the sound of its tentacles tearing apart the cabin wall, and its attack fell on the cabin wall aimlessly. And the telekinesis defensive field set up by Zhou Yi is almost nothing to the flesh and blood of the cluster Telekinesis.

Icy air flow poured in from the damaged bulkhead, and for a while the entire plane shook slightly. Zhou Yi hurriedly enlarged the Telekinesis to prevent the bulkhead from becoming more severely damaged due to the tearing of the airflow. This is really bad news, but for the flesh and blood monster, this sudden situation is a good thing.

While the low-temperature airflow relieves the burning pain, it also makes it realize that the environment where oneself is located is not just a little bit of space around it, but has a wider existence outside. The cluster consciousness, who did not want to bear any more pain, immediately chose to retreat when it had a choice.

A dozen tentacles ejected near the damaged bulkhead, breaking Zhou Yi Telekinesis while also pulling the bulkhead out of a larger gap, and then the tips of these tentacles were hooked into the gap. Nearby, they began to pull the mother mother volley towards the crack.

In order to be able to retreat faster, they thought of ways to speed up their movement. Using these tentacles, they even make the maternal body, which seems unable to move at all, move extremely fast. Far more agile than human movements.

Looking at the huge maternal body desperately squeezing into the gap, the huge but heavy body stretched the gap to an astonishing extent, Zhou Yi’s heart became more anxious. He didn’t even have a way to stop the flesh and blood monster.

Its volume is too big, so big that it can’t stop it from moving without a certain degree of force field. In such an environment, once the powerful force field capability is used, Zhou Yi even suspects that before pulling the monster, the entire cabin will be distorted. Think about the way the bottle looks after you inhale hard from the mouth of the Coke bottle. The airplane does not necessarily look better than that.

Forcibly pulling by the body is even more unreliable. Not to mention the huge body of the monster, just those giant tentacles may tear the plane out of several large holes during the pulling. .

And what can I do if I pull it down? The damage already exists. It doesn’t help to continue fighting inside, so it is better to find a way to change the venue.

Feeling the shaking from the plane, I looked at the crowd behind me. Zhou Yi has a new idea.

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