Sun God Marvel

Chapter 510

“Well, I know you can’t give too much thought to people who are not of much use at these critical times.” Snorted gave Zhou Yi a blank look. Ada whispered a news. “Magneto agreed!”

When I heard the name Magneto suddenly, there were slight changes on the faces of both Jean Gree and Zhou Yi. Jean Grey was simply surprised, while Zhou Yi was completely surprised.

“How, what did the Old Guy say.”

I glanced at Jean Gerei and found that she soon calmed down after being surprised. Ada wasn’t evading anything, but just made it clear.

“We got in touch with Mystique and got on the line directly with Magneto. At first the guy seemed to have some ideas, but after the New York incident, he took the initiative to contact us. Conditions of agreement No change, even he is willing to personally lead a part of his elite to settle in Huiyao City and become the first Mutant residents to be injected in. However, he has the conditions!”

“What conditions?”

As for Magneto’s condition, Zhou Yi is fully prepared. Although judging from his current strength, Magneto is no longer a threat to him. But in this world, Magneto is still a powerful force that cannot be ignored. His energy is no less than a billion-ton nuclear bomb in front of governments around the world. If possible, no one wants to get into such a troublesome guy. Especially when this Old Guy also has a criminal record of terror.

And this is exactly why Zhou Yi needs him to help own. A presence with deterrence can obviously make many people hesitate. Although Zhou Yi has enough threatening figures here, no one minds how much more powerful own is.

I want to create an own city, an own garden of Eden. Strong protection is absolutely indispensable. Although oneself has sufficient confidence to protect the city, he naturally doesn’t mind if he can add more protection methods. Only transcendental power can make this place possess transcendental status and make this city the most special place in this world. Zhou Yi knew this very well.

So for Magneto’s so-called conditions, he is already interested. If this condition does not break his bottom line, he can completely agree to it for the benefit of the alliance between them.

Seeing such an expression in Zhou Yi’s eyes, Ada suddenly understood that he had made a decision in his heart. So she said immediately.

“His request is that he can join your city, but as a principle of benefit exchange, you must also join a special organization headed by him in your capacity.”

“What organization?”

“He didn’t say, just that if you have a decision, you can go directly to him. At that time you will talk in detail. Of course, there is only After reaching a consensus on this condition, he will tell you the second condition!”

Shrugged, Ida appeared helpless. Obviously, with her authority, she can only do this at best. If there is more to be done, Zhou Yi, the real master, will be nodded.

“This Old Guy has a lot of horrible ideas. But fortunately, I really need to talk to him seriously.” Touching oneself’s already stubborn beard, Zhou Yi smiled suddenly, showing a confident smile familiar to Ada and the others.

“Why, are you going to find them now?”

“Of course, the sooner this kind of thing is finalized, the better.” Picking up his own jacket, Zhou Yi Just walked outside. But as soon as he walked a few steps, he seemed to think of something, and turned his head to warned repeatedly at Ada and the others. “If that girl Clarice asks where I am going, you don’t know. It’s not the time to give her a good face in these two days, let her scare oneself oneself for a while!”

Then he walked out of the room in a stride. And until he walked away, Jean Grey looked towards Ada with a faint smile.

“How about, I’m not wrong. There is impossible gap between him and Clarice. Even if it is a momentary anger, it will only take a day or two. You want them to be two It’s fading away, it’s impossible.”

“hmph, what do you want? Watching that happen between her and her big brother? Don’t forget, this is not allowed . Not just me, Zhou Lan even said that everyone who knows them will not allow this to happen.”

coldly snorted, Ida asked back. And listening to her, Jean Grey laughed immediately.

“I mean not at all in favor. I just want to advise you not to get involved in this kind of thing. After all, your identity is inappropriate. Not only you, but we are not the same. Instead of taking it off Intervene, it is better to do nothing!”

Hearing this, Ada fell silent. She has to admit that this is the best way to deal with this matter. But she didn’t understand why Jean Grey wanted to remind oneself on this issue. You know, they can be regarded as enemies in a sense.

It seems to have seen Ada’s meaning, Jean Grey’s eyes flashed lightly, revealing a confident and charming smile.

“I know what you are thinking? In fact, if I can, I am not willing to accept your existence. But at this time, neither I nor you should be very clear about one thing, that is He is impossible to give up any of us. In that case, I don’t mean to fight with you. So instead of everyone secretly opening strife and veiled struggle and doing impossible efforts. Then it’s better to sit down obediently and honestly, like a real The family live in peace like that. What do you think?”

This is what Jean Grey said from the bottom of his heart after thinking about it for a long time. She is well aware of the contradictions between the women around Zhou Yi. If Zhou Yi only chooses one of them, she herself will find a way to get rid of these people. But Zhou Yi has told her very clearly that he is not willing to give up any of them. This also means that there will be no results in their struggle, and it will only make Zhou Yi more difficult to choose. Especially if something accident happens, Zhou Yi will only be hurt. And she didn’t want to see it anyway.

So, as the person who walked into Zhou Yi’s heart first, Jean Gerei made this decision. That is to accept their existence. And she hopes that it’s not just oneself. Other people around Zhou Yi can also do this step.

Only by letting go of each other’s guards, can they really get along like a family. Therefore, she was the first to find Ada Wang, who is extremely important in Zhou Yi’s heart, and is also the most really strong and most likely to cause a fight. As long as she is willing to nodded, to some extent, this matter will become more than half. Therefore, the success and failure are actually in Ada’s body.

While looking at Jean Grey’s own eyes, Ida thought about it, but after all, she was nodded.

She herself also understands that there will be no results in this fight. And if oneself persists all the time, then the result is likely to be something she doesn’t want to see. Besides, it’s one thing to live in harmony like a family, but it’s another thing to be more dependent on Zhou Yi.

At this point, Ada has sufficient confidence. For her, this was just changing the fight to another place. Even if they will only get the same thing in the end, she believes that with own ability, oneself can also get the best share. This is her self-confidence, but also her pride.

What Ida thinks is no secret to Jean Grey, who can watch people’s hearts. But she wasn’t at all sullen because of her careful thinking, instead she laughed inwardly. Ada thinks so, and she thinks the same. And when it comes to self-confidence, how can she be less than Ada?

Who gets it? After all, it’s all by means.

In the mansion, the two most special women have reached an agreement. Outside the mansion, outside the guest room of a hotel, Zhou Yi had knocked on the closed door.

The moment the door was suddenly opened, Mystique, who was standing outside, lost his color in amazement. At this moment, she was using the natural posture she used most often, and when her face was eclipsed in horror, it immediately made people feel an impulse to see.

However, Zhou Yi is not the same Zhou Yi after all. For this Mystique who had a close contact, he just smiled and said to her.

“Long time no see, Ruiwen. Is Mr. Erik there? I think I need to chat with him!”

“Yes, of course he is. Please Come in! Please come in soon!” Facing Zhou Yi who came to visit suddenly, Mystique Ruiwen showed great respect. And all these changes come from Zhou Yi’s power.

At a time, Zhou Yi was just a cute boy with an intimate relationship to her, but now Zhou Yi is far beyond all the awe-inspiring existences in the world. Even Magneto Erik is not as awe-inspiring as Zhou Yi in her heart.

This is a more powerful existence than God, and his power is enough to allow everyone to give him the greatest respect. At the same time, his contribution to Mutant made most Mutant remember his kindness.

Mutant knows this point best in this city. There has never been a city like Huiyao City, which can make Mutant just and honorable walk on the street without being ridiculed or even maliciously attacked. Even the occasional pointing fingers are just out of curiosity.

A place like this is like heaven for any Mutant. Especially for those Mutant who have been persecuted because of oneself appearance, this is even more so. In their eyes, Huiyao City is just like its name, a bright place that is always illuminated by the sun. And Zhou Yi, the creator of this city, is an existence worthy of their respect. He gave them hope and a bright future that they could see. This is enough to make most Mutant grateful to him.

Of course, there are exceptions. For example, Magneto Erik, the former enemy of Zhou Yi. His feelings for Zhou Yi cannot be as simple as other Mutants. Even to say, at this time, when he saw Zhou Yi, his mood became more complicated.

“Long time no see, Mr. Zhou Yi. Or, Dawn Knight!”

“Long time no see, Mr. Erik Lanchel. Really Yes, I don’t think neither of us would have such a day!”

The former enemy has become the current collaborator. This is indeed something that no one thought of. But who can say anything about the impermanence of fate!

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