Sun God Marvel

Chapter 513

Zhou Yi and Magneto finally reached an agreement.

On this question, Magneto got a fairly satisfactory answer. And Zhou Yi got all the support of Magneto without reservation. For both of them, this is a good thing for win-win cooperation. For Huiyao City, this is also an extremely rare development opportunity.

But for SHIELD, who got the news, the news is not so happy.

Looking at the report that oneself had just received, Nick Fury’s face became very ugly. He lifted his head from the report first, and then stared at Coulson with his one-eyed eye, and asked him.

“Are you sure that your subordinates are not mistaken, Zhou Yi really contacted that guy Magneto, and talked about it all morning?”

“Although I hope it is him You’re wrong!” Facing Nick Fury’s question, Coulson shook the head directly, showing a wry smile. “But the few agents I planted there have seen all of this. One or two may be false positives, but everyone is sure about it, so we can only believe this fact. They did come into contact, even There may also be some very bad things!”

“Damn, what the hell does he want to do!” He directly threw the report on the table on the table, and Nick Fury Roared in a low voice like an angry lion. “Does he really want to go to war with this country? Or does he want to support those lunatic Mutants and make them the future masters of this World? He really thinks that we will only watch him do it like this coowering , Don’t you even dare to resist?”

Nick .Fury’s roar sounded exceptionally harsh in Coulson’s ears. But he can understand Director Fury’s feelings now.

Be aware that SHIELD’s current situation is not very good. On the one hand, Hydra’s penetration of this country forced them to devote most of their energy to searching for this hidden enemy. On the other hand, with the outbreak of the Supreme Court incident, more and more restless individuals and organizations have jumped out and started to create various incidents in this country where wind and rain are full of buildings. They have to do their best to maintain the apparent stability of this country.

Together with the independence of the Avengers and the federal government’s suspicion of them, SHIELD’s current job can be said to be difficult. If they can, they really don’t want to see anything related to Zhou Yi break out again. However, this is obviously impossible.

Only a few hours later, the SHIELD agents who were specially arranged to monitor the movements of Huiyao City sent back information about the meeting between Zhou Yi and Magneto. How can they still sit here peacefully?

Whether it is Zhou Yi or Magneto, they are all top dangerous elements registered within SHIELD. It takes SHIELD’s manpower and material resources just to monitor their movements every day. They need to know every move of these dangerous people, because they really don’t want this World because they create any uncontrollable turbulence.

Although there are few hopes, as long as there is a little bit of it that may make them predict their movements, it is possible for them to avoid huge and irreversible losses. This precautionary measure is just to prevent an accident, and when this accident really comes, many people cannot accept it. So, Coulson really understands why Nick Fury is so angry.

But compared to his bad mood, Coulson is relatively optimistic. He looked at Nick Fury with an angry face, laughed picked up the report on the table, and said to him.

“Sir, I actually think this matter is not as serious as you think.”

“Coulson, are you too optimistic.” Hearing Coulson say that, Nick Fury glared at him, then said darkly. “You know, he is no longer the original him. He is already an enemy standing on the opposite side of mankind, a Demon King. He is no longer a hero who protects mankind, and he is no longer your friend. As your boss, I must remind you not to be arrogant. Your senses can’t change the facts!”

“I understand, sir!” Facing this almost ruthless reprimand, Coulson’s face The usual smile began to recede. However, his expression remained firm, and his expression did not waver at all. “But I think the facts may really be different from what you think. From what I know about him, he should have no conspiracy in this matter.”

” Know?” Coulson’s words made Nick Fury chuckle. “Then why didn’t you tell me in the first place. Based on your knowledge of him, you didn’t guess that he would become like this in the end?”

“That’s because none of us guessed, Hydra Will penetrate so deeply, and dare to act unscrupulously at the people around him. This ending is human having only oneself to blame, don’t you think so? Sir!”

Although nominally Coulson and Nick Fury belongs to the subordinates, but in fact, the relationship between the two of them is more like relatives and friends. Some things, Coulson would not talk nonsense to others, but he would not have so much scruples about Nick Fury.

This is a kind of absolute trust, which means that he can confide all his thoughts and thoughts to Nick Fury without reservation, without worrying about any serious consequences waiting for him. .

And as if he believed in Nick Fury. Nick Fury’s trust in him is also extraordinary. So after listening to his this remark, Nick Fury not only didn’t get angry, but began to converge oneself’s uncontrollable temper due to anger, and looked towards Coulson with a sane look.

“Tell me about your analysis and tell me why you think there is still a possibility of optimism!”

“It’s actually very simple, the problem lies with Zhou Yi The several surveillance agents we set up next to him have not heard anything about him since he returned to Huiyao City. They don’t know what he did in these days and where he went. But it happened. But today, when he met with Magneto, the work of these agents suddenly went smoothly. Not to mention Zhou Yi, even Magneto and the Mutants under his hand did not notice their existence, none of them. No matter how you look at it, there is a problem. I am their boss, and I know their abilities very well. If it is someone else, maybe they can give me a little surprise. But if the target is that person, forget it. So, I was thinking that maybe it has a deeper meaning!” Coulson’s analysis made Nick Fury narrow his own eyes again.

“You mean, this is the information he intends to disclose to us. But why? Do we know what benefit he and Magneto will do for him?”

“Of course there is Good thing, I can guess a little bit about his thoughts.” At this time, Coulson’s face showed some helpless wry smile. Obviously, he had a strange feeling about the answer that oneself guessed. “I think he may be warning us not to make trouble for him. He doesn’t want to make trouble, but he doesn’t want us to mess with him.”

“It’s not that we are trying to mess with him, but he is challenging A lot of people’s nerves. Doesn’t Magneto know who is Magneto? When they are together, how many informed people will be trembling in fear because of this. Doesn’t he know a little bit?”

Patted the table hard, Nick Fury looks very angry all over. If it really is what Coulson said, then it is clear that he and the entire human race are looked down upon. Whoever is doing this kind of thing is unlikely to be able to calm down.

But obviously, Coulson will be the exception. His special relationship with Zhou Yi made it difficult for him to get angry. Coupled with his good old personality, it made him stay calm at this time.

“Sir, in fact, we all know in our hearts that that person simply doesn’t care much about us. And what he meant is obvious. It is good to keep the distance between us everyone minds their own business. And to be honest, I think the current situation is very good. We don’t need to break this situation.”

Is this situation good? For this question, Nick Fury obviously has his own opinion. Before the start of the New York battle, the pattern of this world was not like this. Although Zhou Yi is powerful, he still maintains a humble and restrained attitude. Moreover, SHIELD’s situation is not as embarrassed as it is now, and even to a certain extent, their power has once stood at the peak of this World.

But after the Battle of New York, everything was different. In other words, when Hydra began to show his figure, everything had begun to be different.

Humans, Mutant, Superhero, and even their SHIELD, all have been stirred into a huge vortex. The violent turmoil caused everything to change in an uncontrollable direction. And most importantly, this change seems to be endless, and the situation is still deteriorating continuously until now.

Hydra is like a tumor, infecting humans and the entire world. Take them little by little to the abyss of destruction. This is the future that Nick Fury foresaw. Whether he can get rid of this cancer is what he is most concerned about now.

He has put all his energy on this, and even he has begun to watch some clues. So at this critical moment, he never wanted any other troublesome things to disturb him. But Zhou Yi’s case is an exception, because this guy has reasons he has to take seriously.

When a person has the power to destroy the world, even if he is harmless, people will look at him with dread. even more how he may not be so harmless. In the face of such a person, a slight misstep may lead to the most serious consequences, so he can’t help but ignore it.

But Coulson’s explanation also has some truth. So after thinking about it for a long time, Nick Fury decided to trust this oneself’s deputy for many years.

“You continue to monitor him, Coulson. I hope everything is as you think.”

Let go of this sentence, Nick Fury gave up on this Continue to investigate the report. The evidence he has about Hydra has pointed to a very special goal. So now he must put his own energy on this.

Find this person and see if everything is as he thought. This is what he has to do now. At this time, Nick Fury already had a hunch. Hydra has lifted his oneself mysterious veil.

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