Sun God Marvel

Chapter 515

The clue that was finally found was so broken, Nick Fury was naturally very unwilling. But for a dead person, even if he is the director of SHIELD, it is impossible to do anything. So he could only suppress all the doubts in his heart and asked Pierce.

“Besides him, will also who continue this project? I mean, does he have any collaborators or heirs.”

“This is unlikely!” Pierce shook the head, seriously replied. “You have to know, they are the ** scientists who surrendered from the battlefield. Even if they are included in our command, they are always under our supervision. His collaborator can only be us. As for the successor, it is even more impossible. “

“Really?” For this, Nick Fury showed complete suspicion. But he knew from the bottom of his heart that it was impossible to get more news from Pierce. Since the clue is interrupted here, it is difficult to continue from him. He must look for another clue.

Although he knows to look for clues, asking Pierce for help would be a very good way. But I don’t know why, he instinctively has a feeling of suspicion. And this feeling made him put away the U disk brought by oneself, and then stood up directly.

“I will find a way to find some clues from other places. Before that, I have something to ask you!”

“What’s the matter?” It seems to be aware of and so on Pierce asked Nick Fury with a smile. The expressions were sincere as they were when they fought side by side years ago. And seeing him like this, Nick Fury tugged at the corner of his mouth and walked out of the door.

“Help me make a list. I need to know who is related to this Project Insight. Whether it is the commander of Helicarrier or the maintenance staff above. I need to know each of them A person’s identity.”

“Is it necessary to achieve this level, you know, many of them just follow orders.” With such emotion, Pierce saw Nick Fury. Ugly face. So he immediately withdrew his own language. “Okay, I see. I will give you an answer as soon as possible.”

“As soon as possible!” Emphasizing this term, Nick Fury strode out. And looking at his fading back. The gentle smile on Pierce’s face became gradually hideous. Even his eyes began to show a cold radiance.

“Goodbye, Nick Fury. I don’t think we will have any chance to meet again in the future.”

“Sir, do we need to take action?”


I don’t know when the secretary standing outside the door came in and whispered to him.

“Tell Winter Soldier, I will give him one day. Give me the end of his life. Also, did you leak the Project Insight to him?”

” It was my arrangement. Baron arranged a few chess pieces under Zola Court Academecian’s hands. I ordered them to expose Zola Court Academecian’s plan little by little. I believe Nick Fury followed them to stay. I found the clue here.”

With his head down, the secretary answered Pierce’s question respectfully. And seeing his performance, Pierce was nodded with satisfaction.

“You did good, but it was not enough. Let those people divulge some core news. Not only to let Nick Fury know, but also to let his two deputy and the Avengers I understand all of Zola Court Academecian’s plans. Since he has been exposed, there is no need for him to retreat. Take this opportunity to solve him, understand?”

“Yes, I know what to do!”

“Very well, after Zola is cleared. I will suggest to Baron that you accept the remnants of Zola Court Academecian. Trust him I would also like to see that own’s subordinates can become a leader of Hydra.”

“I will live up to your high expectations, sir!”

Pierce’s promise made the secretary face immediately With an expression of ecstasy, even though he desperately controlled the muscles on Oneself’s face, Pierce still noticed his emotional changes from the corners of his twitching eyebrows.

This discovery made him very proud. Seeing through the subordinates’ minds will obviously allow the superiors to better control everything about him. In his eyes, the assistant who was inserted by Baron next to oneself was already like an opened box, exposing the inside of own to him completely. Such a person will sooner or later become a pawn in oneself’s hand.

So, he smiled at Secretary Patted’s shoulder and said to him.

“Go ahead and don’t forget what I ordered. This must be done as soon as possible, understand?”

“Yes, sir. I will order them to act now .”

The secretary, who seemed to be still immersed in excitement, turned around a little, and walked out of Pierce’s office. His performance naturally made Pierce’s face smile, but he didn’t see it. The moment the secretary turned around, a smile appeared on his face.

It was a smile different from Pierce, not an ecstatic smile. It was a sneer, a sneer full of disdain. It was like seeing an absurd performance, the whole person looked extraordinarily alienated and indifferent.

This smile only appeared for a moment, and he immediately converged to that harmless mask. Then he silently executed Pierce’s orders as usual. Weave a large web of conspiracy for him.

This kind of big net woven by conspiracy is obviously for some special moths. But who will be the moth flapping the web, and who will be the waiting spider? This is a matter for which no one knows the answer yet. But what is certain is that this answer must be unexpected.

Since Nick Fury left SHIELD’s Helicarrier and went to Trident Building to find answers. Phil Coulson once again turned his attention to Huiyao City, his old friend.

Of course, his attention is not like ordinary friends calling and chatting. It’s as simple as asking about the recent situation and sharing your recent mood. His so-called attention is more professional and shameless, at least. As a friend, this kind of attention can definitely hurt their friendship.

But Coulson has no choice. He can only choose this method of attention. In other words, he can only choose to use surveillance methods to treat his own old friend. This is his duty and his mission. In the face of own mission and friendship, he obviously chose the former.

Although he will feel shame when he thinks of it, he will not do less of the things he should do.

He picked up the contactor, and Coulson called out his staff who had been stationed in Huiyao City.

“May, are you there? How is the situation?”

After a while, a cold woman’s voice came from the communication device and replied to him.

“They have ended this meeting. Target No. 1 has left there, but Magneto hasn’t made any moves. It seems that the transaction between them is not as ordinary as we thought. Sir, Do you have any plans?”

When oneself’s most trusted subordinate asked such words, a wry smile appeared on Coulson’s face.

“I don’t have any plans, so you don’t have any to act blindly without thinking. That city is not a place that can be impudent casually. If you are exposed, I just want to rescue you without any So, safety first. This is my only requirement of you.”

“Understood, I will pay attention. But you may be too late to say that!”

The woman’s tone hardly fluctuates, still the formulaic indifference and rigidity. But that’s the case, but Coulson’s whole heart was raised.

“What do you mean, May? Is there a problem?”

“I think so!” The woman opened the curtain that stood in front of oneself, looking through it The small gap peeked out. After she saw the own target, she replied to Coulson. “The new intern you recruited has already started acting without authorization. I feel like she wants to get in touch with Target 1.”

“Quake? Damn, what the hell does she want to do? May, Why don’t you stop her?”

Hearing the woman’s report, Coulson immediately became a little flustered and exasperated. At this time, SHIELD is really not suitable for any contact with these goals. Because their current position is too embarrassing. No one can tell what kind of attitude Zhou Yi or Magneto will treat them. And once things moved towards a bad direction, they didn’t even have the ability to recover.

Perhaps for SHIELD, losing one or two low-level agents is just a small matter. Just to deal with all kinds of sudden occurance in the world, SHIELD’s personnel losses are more than that. But for Coulson, he really didn’t want to see any damage to own’s hands.

He is their leader, and to some extent he must be responsible for these people. This kind of responsibility first includes their lives. He would not let them die in vain, let alone watch them die. So he could only shout, and at the same time racked his brains to find a solution.

Compared to Coulson’s excitement, the woman on the other side of the linker was much calmer.

“I have asked Grant to find a way to meet her. And, I think things are not as bad as you think. After all, she is just a novice, and the traces of agents on her body are not so deep. The goal may not It’s so easy to see her true identity. I think as long as she doesn’t deliberately offend that guy, there shouldn’t be something wrong with it.”

“It’s just you thinking that if something goes wrong. Everything is too late! Listen, watch them, if there are problems, even if your identity is revealed, you must keep Quake. If he asks you who the messenger behind the scenes is, tell him my name, understand?”

“Why, do you want to sacrifice oneself to protect your subordinates?” The woman asked indifferently, and then Coulson asked violently.

“I ask, do you understand?”

“I understand, I know what to do. Sir!”

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