Sun God Marvel

Chapter 517

A hero? Suddenly hearing such a name, Zhou Yi couldn’t help but smile haha ​​in his heart. Not because this little girl named Quake scratched his heart, but because it was too ridiculous to say such things in her capacity.

A SHIELD agent ran up to oneself and told oneself that she believed in oneself and believed that oneself was a hero. It doesn’t matter if she said this from someone behind her, or from her own heart. All have completely broken away from the soil of reality.

If her words are from the people behind her, Zhou Yi can only think that there must be a serious division problem inside SHIELD. Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to make this kind of decision with the shrewdness of people like Nick Fury and Coulson.

And if it comes from her own original intention, then I have to say that this little girl is really a bit silly and cute. At least from Zhou Yi’s point of view, she and most people in this world have completely different ideas.

This cannot be said to be a good thing, but it cannot be said to be a bad thing either. Of course, in this situation now. Zhou Yi still has a good impression of this somewhat unusual little girl.

As a newcomer who just joined SHIELD, Quake hasn’t learned the ability to see what an agent should have. But for her, who has been struggling to survive on oneself since she was a child, feeling the attitude of people around oneself has become an instinctive reaction. So naturally, Zhou Yi’s kindness towards her was also keenly captured by her. This made her a little excited, and even some could not help oneself’s inner excitement, and asked Zhou Yi eagerly.

“He is a hero, right? Do you think so?”

When asked if oneself is a hero, this is still the number one for Zhou Yi Times. In this case, he can of course remain silent to the girl, but looking at her eager eyes, he has an impulse to oneself to say something and so on. And what should I say? For a while, Zhou Yi felt uncertain.

If it were before, he might be able to call oneself a hero with confidence. But now, can oneself still have this confidence? This point, even Zhou Yi oneself cannot be sure. So he hesitated.

But when he hesitated, Quake was stared wide-eyed, with his small mouth slightly open, watching the changes in his expression. It seems to her that Zhou Yi’s every move, every decision is enough to affect her mind, and she has a sufficiently inevitable relationship with her.

It didn’t take long before the gloomy and uncertain on Zhou Yi’s face fell silent. He looked at the own little girl nervously, smiled slightly, and said to her.

“I can’t say that what you said is right, and I can’t say that what you said is wrong. From my point of view, his past can indeed be regarded as a hero. But Whether what he will do in the future can still be called a hero, that’s not something I can comment on.”

Zhou Yi’s answer made Quake’s eyes a touch of anxiety and Puzzled. She didn’t seem to understand why Zhou Yi would answer her like this. So she can only say believe oneself infallible.

“Are you talking about me perfunctory? This kind of ambiguity is not convincing. Sir, I know you may not be so at ease with strangers like me, so you don’t have that kind of Tell me what I mean. But I can tell you that every word I say is serious, it is what I really think in my heart. If you don’t believe it, you can find someone in this city who can peep into your heart. Mutant, let her see if everything I said fits my heart.”

“Relax, relax!” It gradually becomes a little bit as the own words Anxious and anxious Quake, Zhou Yi smiled slightly and pressed her shoulder. “I don’t have any doubts about you, nor any perfunctory meaning. In fact, I don’t have any reason to perfuse a youngster like you. Everything you hear is actually my real thoughts.”

“It is true that in the past years, he did a lot of things, even to protect others, he was even fighting with a spirit of dedication. At that time, he believed that this World was worthy of him He can indeed be called a hero when he protects him. I think even he himself thinks so.”

“However, people will become. And this change is mutual. When he discovered that this World had repeatedly abandoned him and betrayed everything he had done over the years. He was naturally impossible to continue to be a so-called hero without changing his original intention.”

“Quake, you must know. A hero is not a nice name. It means responsibility, sacrifice, and the persistence of a belief. And one day, when a hero discovers that he owns sacrifice, oneself bears the responsibility When all of oneself’s beliefs are destroyed by the betrayal of oneself’s protection, he will definitely change with it.”

“Some people may choose to continue walking on this road and then go to the end, In the end it becomes a monument that can only be commemorated by others. But some people will put aside everything before oneself and choose to start a new journey. Obviously, Dawn Knight chose the latter. For him, the so-called hero His name has become a ridiculous burden, so it’s time for him to leave everything behind.”

“No, it’s not fair! It shouldn’t be like this.” Listening to Zhou Yi’s calmness With a little regretful explanation, Quake seemed to have encountered some terrifying sadness. He took Zhou Yi’s arm in fear and eagerness, and then said to him with tears in the corner of his eyes. “This from beginning to end is just your idea of ​​believing oneself infallible. Didn’t he think about how many people in this World always believe in him? How many people expect him to return Are they by their side? Didn’t he know that when he made this choice, he was actually betraying the trust and hope of those people?”

“Quake , Listen to me, child!” Patted the back of the hand of the girl who would shed tears because of oneself, Zhou Yi’s face showed a trace of pity, a trace of helplessness. “This World is not as simple as you know. Maybe for ordinary persons, they have never done anything betrayal. But they have not done it, which does not mean that others have not done it. People who speak out in this World It is never an ordinary person, but the government and the so-called authority. And you have no say in everything they do. This is a war that has nothing to do with you, and the result has already been decided, so it is actually It’s time to let go.”

Desperately shook the head, Quake pale face pulled Zhou Yi’s arm hard. She seemed to want to say something more, but at this time, she really didn’t know what oneself should say.

Being able to live alone for so many years, and then join SHIELD with his own ability, Quake is naturally impossible to be the kind of fool with no brains. Although she is innocent, she is not stupid, especially after Zhou Yi speaks so openly, she becomes more aware of what is in front of oneself.

To make Dawn Knight return, it is not her own will that can be changed. What stood in front of her were the two unmovable mountains, government forces and Dawn Knight’s own wishes, and it was almost impossible to cross them.

Quake is not a person who gives up lightly. She is naturally unwilling to do this. But some things can’t be changed by her unwillingness. At the very least, she is absolutely powerless now. So she could only pale face, and sat on the chair stupidly, like a puppet without a soul, staring at Zhou Yi himself with hollow eyes.

Zhou Yi has seen this look, on the reporter named Louise. At that time, her eyes touched oneself a lot. And now, when he saw this same look again, an inexplicable feeling came to his heart again.

It has nothing to do with anger, it has nothing to do with sadness. It’s just a little bit of emotion and a little regret, and a feeling that is as unreal as if it were another life.

Hero, this name is too far for him, he himself has blurred the impression of it. If it weren’t for this girl named Quake to tell him about this, I am afraid that he himself would have almost forgotten, oneself once also had such a name.

But as he said, it was only once. The past cannot mean the future. His heroic career has already ended, no matter how much he recalls, it is impossible to go back to the past. Zhou Yi knows this well. So looking at this change of Quake, he could only sigh and patted her shoulder and said to her.

“Quake. Just treat him as dead. Instead of mourning and vainly thinking about the past protected by him, it is better to start anew and continue oneself life without him to protect. This is One piece of advice, maybe this, it would be a good thing for someone like you.”

Slammed Zhou Yi’s hand on oneself’s shoulder, Quake seemed to be reinjected The soul came alive. However, now she seems to have lost her own sanity in her grief and anger, and she yelled loudly at Zhou Yi.

“Don’t make excuses for your betrayal, Dawn Knight. Do you think you can leave oneself clean in this way and walk easily? Don’t think about it, don’t think about it. I won’t let it You succeed so easily, absolutely not. I want everyone to know your true face, so that you will always be impossible to escape this shackles. I can do it, you hear it. Dawn Knight!”

Her voice is so hoarse that it is completely conceivable how many people will be attracted to her shouting. And this is Quake’s idea.

Just like she said, she can’t let Zhou Yi escape so easily anyway, so even if she reveals the true identity of the owner, she will do the same. From a certain perspective, in order to make Zhou Yi turn around, she really put everything together on own.

But is this really useful? The reality gave her a cruel answer.

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