Sun God Marvel

Chapter 521

After being silent for a long time, Captain forced to press down on the anxiety in his heart and asked Tony.

“Do you have any solution, Stark?”

Professional questions need to be asked by professionals in order to get the most correct solution. Just like on this issue, Captain knows that oneself does not have the ability to do something against Trask Court Academecian’s technology. However, his inability does not mean that others have no such ability. Stark, the guy with the name of a genius scientist, was the guy he could count on now.

“Don’t look at me!” But in the face of Captain’s inquiry, Stark raised his hand very spinelessly, showing that the owner could not do anything. “At most, I have made some achievements in electronic machinery, programming and physics. For biological questions, there is no difference between asking me and an ordinary college student. So I think if you want to find someone to consult If it were, Bruce would be a better choice.”

“Bruce?” Hearing Stark mention the name, Captain’s eyes showed a very obvious embarrassment and fear. He looked and kept staring at own Tony before saying solemnly to him.

“You should know that he is a dangerous person. If possible, I would rather never use him.”

“Hey, you just said something a bit It’s too much.” Glancing at Captain with own eyes, Tony shook his head to express his own attitude. “I admit that Hulk is a dangerous existence, but Bruce is not. In fact, this guy has a very good level, at least better than most people I know. I don’t even think that many people can be in quantum physics. Biologically surpass him.”

“This has nothing to do with learning, Stark. You should know that I am not worried about Bruce, but when he can’t control the other guy in Oneself’s heart. The serious consequences that occurred. Once he gets in too deep and goes on the frontal battlefield as a result, do you think we have the ability to stop him?”

“Ha, it’s ridiculous. I think you don’t do it for this. Worrying about things that haven’t happened, it’s better to think about how to solve these problems as soon as possible. Do you really think that without Bruce’s help, we have a way to deal with the research of Trask Court Academecian?”

With oneself’s usual mocking smile on his face, Tony kicked the problem as a ball back to Captain’s feet. When Captain weighed the seriousness of these two issues, he finally chose to compromise.

“Well, I must admit. Bruce’s problem is indeed less important than the problem you found. I can allow Bruce to do research in this area, but he is never allowed to act without authorization, especially when he has The other side of oneself may be exposed. The mood swings of his other personality are getting bigger and bigger. If you can prevent him from coming out, it is best not to let him out. This is the suggestion of Professor Charles, I think you should agree with this. Point of view.”

“Of course!” It seemed that he thought of the black history of oneself being beaten like a toy by Hulk, and Stark also showed an embarrassed expression on his face. “I just asked him to do a research to see if he can make some targeted prevention plans for Trask Court Academecian’s invention. In fact, you don’t have to worry about what risk I will do. Regarding the issue of Hulk, I It’s the same as you.”

“I hope so!” The lesson learned from Howard is that you should never trust people in their family. At this point, Captain also implemented Tony very seriously. So after giving him a few warnings with his eyes, he turned and walked outside the door. Of course, he hadn’t forgotten to remind this frivolous prodigal when he was leaving.

“Don’t forget, start acting at nine o’clock in the evening. I don’t want to see you have any problems with being late.”

“Don’t worry, don’t worry. This time I don’t I will find any more excuses for influential figures to arrive slowly! I mean, there will be no excuses.” To Captain’s back, curl one’s lip, I ask you to complain while lifting a little in your hand. Pen. This hand-made pen made of tortoiseshell and platinum would be a good gift from a certain point of view. For gifts, no matter who it is, it is absolutely sufficient.

Tony has done a thorough investigation. In fact, he believes that most people will not know that Bruce .Dr. Banner has a hobby like a pen collection.

And this kind of hobby is a good thing for him. At the very least, this little thing is very necessary for the relationship between him and Bruce.

Finding a free time that nobody noticed, Tony walked into oneself’s large laboratory in the headquarters. As a scientific researcher, there must be a laboratory where oneself haunts, which can already be said to be a necessary facility. As for the existence of the laboratory, not only him, Bruce, who also has the identity of a scientist, is also very willing to accept it.

People who can reach their level academically are mostly people who truly love this industry. So Bruce and Tony are exactly the same people in a way. It was because of this that Tony knew how to find him.

For Bruce Banner, if he can choose, he is not willing to accept the current life. He would rather engage in academic research as before, and spend a good time with oneself’s beloved woman, rather than join the Avengers and be a so-called Superhero. But he couldn’t help but choose. Since he had Hulk in his body, he was never again impossible to live the life oneself wanted to live.

He needs to be responsible for everything Hulk has done, and at the same time he also shoulders the mission of controlling Hulk and preventing him from causing damage to this World. Although this is not something he wants, it is something he must do. Because he has not abandoned his own conscience, he can only keep going like this.

As for which step he can do, he himself does not have an exact answer.

The Avengers are just a choice for him now, because for him, only Avengers can help him achieve his own goals. Whether it is protecting human beings or making atonement for Hulk, only here can a clearer answer be obtained.

However, he does not want to do these things as Hulk. And I want to do this as Bruce Banner. For example, he is busy preparing information that oneself can use, hoping to provide some help to his current teammates at a critical time.

And just when he was busy at a certain stage, Tony suddenly opened the door of the laboratory and walked in.

“Bruce, I knew you were here!”

“Why, do you have anything to look for me, Mr. Stark?”

Maybe Realizing that their group was jealous of own, Bruce didn’t seem very close to them either. Except for Little Spider and Jennifer, whether it is for Captain, or for Stark or some other people, he is a respectful name. The honorific title has always been a symbol of distance.

“Don’t be so polite, Bruce. I’m not a polite person.” Waved his hand, Tony walked to Bruce’s side, then patted his shoulder to him and said softly with a smile . “You can just call me Tony. You know, in this team, the two of us should have the most common words. After all, in terms of education, the two of us are on the same ladder. As for the others… , Hehe!”

This sentence of Tony is obviously used to express contempt for some people who have no talent in this area, but as soon as he finished speaking, Bruce shook the head and treated him honestly. Said.

“In fact, it’s not like this, Mr. Stark. As far as I know, Natasha Young Lady is fluent in more than 20 countries’ languages, and she is also a Peak player in yoga and judo. And Jennifer is also A legal elite who graduated from Ivy League school. Even Parker, who has not yet entered university, has a solid foundation now. It is conceivable that he will be a very good physicist in the future.”

“Call me Tony!” After stressing again, Tony walked to the opposite side of him and said, facing him squarely. “Okay, okay. I know, I know. I know all of this. You don’t need to explain this to me, and I believe you should also know that I am not talking about this. Bruce, we are one kind of people, for our kind Humanly speaking, scientific research is the most critical and important issue, isn’t it?”

“Mr. Stark. I…” Bruce, who was interrupted by Tony’s eyes just after speaking, could only change his mouth. The title continued. “Well, Tony. I know what you mean, but what is the meaning of what you said to me? I don’t think you found me so suddenly to tell me this. Your time is not so worthless! “

“Of course, my time is very valuable. But it depends on whom, if it is to friends, no matter how precious time is can be wasted. And you, Bruce, I think we will become one To friends, very good friends.”

“Then I am really flattered!” Replied Tony with a slightly alienated smile. Bruce had already expressed his own attitude very clearly. Reply. This was something Tony expected, so he didn’t mean to be annoyed, just laughed and continued to speak to him.

“I know you may still be a little wary of me in your heart, but I can assure you that I really don’t have any bad thoughts about you. I really just want to make friends with you. Locally, you and me are the only ones who can make a difference in high-level scientific research.” Having said that, he also knows that these are useless now, so he immediately turned the topic back to the topic.

“Well, this matter is temporarily suppressed. I will talk to you about the business first. This is some information I found. I want to ask your opinion.”

After speaking, he put the information that oneself had shown to Captain again in front of Bruce. And this, as it should be by rights must be taken seriously by Bruce.

The emphasis on results is different from Captain, and Bruce is obviously more focused on those documents. He looked at Trask’s paper, and his eyes had begun to emit bright radiance. That is the radiance of seeing others do what one loves to do, one is inspired to try it again, the radiance of seeking knowledge and wisdom. There was almost no need for Tony to explain, he was already crying excitedly.

“Is this a detailed explanation of the Mutant gene sequence analysis of the Court Academecian of Trask? It is really a genius insight. If he is willing to publish these things in academic journals, I can be sure that Nobel must have him A copy of it.”

“I think so too!” Seeing Bruce’s expression, Tony smiled happily. There are many ways to close relationships, and this is one of the feasible ways right now. Some people are so innocent, but you are really sorry and you are using too drastic means.

Just like this, just a document, it invisibly closes the relationship between the two. So you can be sure that as long as oneself takes out what it will give him next, they will soon form a special friendship.

Thinking of this, Tony’s face has a fox smile.

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