Sun God Marvel

Chapter 542

Mutant 134’s hands are firmly pressed on the body of the sentry robot. With the use of his abilities, the entire sentry robot has become an almost transparent color. Like the gilt red flames, more like human-shaped lava.

If it had been a few minutes ago, Senator Ross might have thought that the Sentinel Robot was done. It will be completely turned into a pool of molten iron by this Mutant who can melt metal. But now, he is really not sure to let everything happen as he imagined, so he can only stare at the situation off the court intently, waiting for the ending to really appear in front of him.

And just as he thought, the situation quickly reversed.

The Sentry robot, which had completely paralyzed its body function due to the high temperature, suddenly gained new power. With a wave of its big hand, it stuck Mutant 134 on oneself’s body. Pat out like a fly. When it stood up, its burnt red body had cooled down at a speed visible to naked eye.

The cold metallic reappears to its body surface, and when the scaly metal on its body surface undulates again, a little bit of red brilliance begins to reveal from the gaps in its scales come out.

The color is amazing, and it makes people feel that an indescribable change has taken place on it. And what exactly this change was, it was soon revealed again.

Because at this time, the strong corrosive acid mist of No. 241 has been hiding the sky and covering the earth, and it rushed toward the sentry robot like a diffuse mist.

This terrifying acid mist with extremely corrosive strength just appeared, it began to cause astonishing damage indiscriminately. Both the metal floor and the body of the sentry robot began to dissolve in the acid mist. The most terrifying thing is that this dissolution is irreversible.

Unlike the body that has just been destroyed, it can recover. The corroded area of ​​the Sentry Robot has turned into a pus-yellow liquid, and it cannot be restored to its original appearance. According to this situation, I am afraid that it will not take long before this sentry robot will completely turn into a pool of pus.

And just when the entire outer metal layer of the sentry robot has been destroyed, it suddenly moved.

A layer of terrifying high temperature suddenly erupted from under its dissolved outer metal layer, and then instantly pushed out all the fog like tarsus maggots.

This is naturally not a problem for No. 241. As long as he maintains this condition, he will definitely be able to break through the high temperature barrier. But this is an opportunity for sentinel robots.

The high temperature prevents the erosion of the acid mist, and taking advantage of this free time, the pits and pits that have been dissolved on the Sentry Robot body, even the metal shell full of pus-yellow liquid turned into molten gold. The molten iron swiftly flowed down from its body. In just a few breaths, the sentinel robot completely separated the damaged part of its body and became intact again.

Apart from the reduced size, you can’t even see any other obvious changes.

However, it has changed.

The acid mist is still surging, but for the current sentry robot, this can no longer threaten it anymore. It turned owner’s head, locked the target on No. 241, and then strode towards him.

The high temperature has dissipated, and the acid mist assaults the senses again. But the sentry robot at this time did not seem to be affected by the acid mist at all. The scales on its body only undulate, allowing it to adapt to this special strong acid environment. It is no longer corroded by strong acid, and has become the nightmare of No. 241.

Although No. 241 is still frantically urging own ability, it is useless and futile. The sentry robot walked in front of him with no difficulty, grabbed him with one hand, and smashed his head like a persimmon.

No. 241 was killed instantly, and there was only one No. 134 left on the court. For No. 134, who is the only survivor, there is really great psychological pressure.

Looking at the terrifying silhouette stepping out of the acid mist, watching oneself all around without any way out. No. 134’s heart slammed, and desperately rushed towards the sentry robot.

He wants to fight hard and use his own ability to make a living for oneself. But when he slammed into the arms of the sentry robot and pressed oneself’s ultra-high-temperature hands on it, it only discovered that oneself was too naive and stupid.

The high temperature of four thousand degrees that can melt metal can’t cause any damage to the sentry robot, and it can’t even change the silver-gray metal on it. On the contrary, the sentry robot is absolutely lethal to him.

There is no need to do anything, and the terrifying temperature erupts directly from the body of the sentry robot. It was a terrifying temperature than the ultra-high temperature of No. 134, and it turned him into a torch, a terrifying coke in just an instant.

After solving the enemy, the sentry robot fell silent. However, Congressman Ross, who had watched everything, turned a huge wave in his heart.

The three powerful Mutants were all wiped out in just a few minutes, and the sentry robots that completed all of them by themselves looked almost intact. This ability is really terrifying. While this terrifying performance shocked Congressman Ross, he couldn’t help but admire Trask.

“It’s an amazing invention, Court Academecian, your work will definitely be a weapon to change the world. It’s just that I don’t understand why sentinel robots have such magical abilities. It looks like they are these Mutants. “You are right, they are indeed Mutant’s natural enemies!” Throwing away the things in your hands, all the follow-up work was handed over to the owner. Trask glanced at Pierce, then explained to Congressman Ross.

“I have studied Mutant several decades, and it can be said that I have successfully deciphered the genetic sequence in the Mutant gene. It is precisely because of this that I realized a problem. If I want to eliminate Mutant, I can only I can start from Mutant. And what gave me this inspiration and material are two extremely special Mutants.”

“Darwin, one can adapt to any environment and change spontaneously to any environmental change Mutant. His ability provides the most basic attribute for the sentry robot. And Magneto’s Mystique, her ability to imitate changes, is the second core attribute of the sentry robot.”

“Adaptation And imitation, this is the key to the sentinel robot against Mutant. I used bio-programming and Nanominium provided by SHIELD to complete a special nano-machine creature. They can learn to adapt to these Mutant’s abilities while mimicking Mutant. Their abilities. The more they fight against Mutant, the more their abilities and the stronger their power. Mutant’s fight against sentinel robots is actually equivalent to fighting against Mutant, a nanomachine that can continuously learn and evolve. Under such circumstances, do you think they have any hope of winning?” Although Trask’s commentary is brief, it is like a beacon that illuminates Congressman Ross’s confusion. At this moment he no longer had any doubts about the plan that Pierce was telling. Instead, he held Trask’s hand excitedly, and said to him very sincerely.

“Court Academecian, your invention will change this world. This country will be reborn because of you. Here I want to express my sincere tribute to you. When we restore the glory of this country At the time, I promise that I will hang the medal representing the highest honor on your chest.”

“Huh?” A somewhat surprised look at Senator Ross, and then at the old god behind him. Pierce in. Trask, who was extremely intelligent, realized something immediately, so he perfunctorily said. “Let’s talk about this kind of thing later, I’m just a researcher, this kind of fame and fortune thing has nothing to do with me. Sorry, two. I need to sort out the experimental data, and I will be with you soon!” p>

Speaking, he walked out hurriedly. At this time, Pierce said with a smile to Congressman Ross.

“How about, now you have enough confidence!”

“Of course, now I have plenty of confidence. When can we start our plan, Alexander Sir. I can’t wait!”

Anyone who sees something so amazing as a sentinel robot will have ten thousand zhang ambitions and be generous. This is an unparalleled weapon and a capital for making achievements. Senator Ross has a good vision, so he can see clearly.

While looking at Senator Ross, who was in high spirits, Pierce smiled and poured some cold water appropriately to cool him down.

“Don’t be too anxious, Mr. Ross. This kind of thing must be done step by step. We have to deal with more than Mutant. This is only part of our plan, so we must reconsider and proceed with caution. The best choice.”

“I don’t understand why we want to do this. Sentinel robots can spread out immediately, and deal a huge blow to that person before his power is formed. At this time In the long-term plan, wouldn’t it be possible to miss this perfect opportunity?”

Although Congressman Ross voted for Pierce, it does not mean that he will follow his advice. He has own ideas and own opinions. For Pierce, this opinion is really inflated.

“Remember, Senator Ross. Mutant is not alone. Both that person and the Avengers are inextricably linked to Mutant. The Sentinel Project will begin, but must Be prepared and prelude, you don’t want such an important thing to be completely destroyed by our enemies before it starts.”

After a moment of silence and thought, Senator Ross immediately started from oneself. The inflated thinking came to a sense of clarity. He sees the current situation clearly, and the current situation is not as optimistic as he thought. So he immediately put on a posture of humbly asking for advice and asked Pierce for advice.

“So, where do we start the planned 1st Step?”

“The planned 1st Step!” Pierce showed a triumphant smile on his face. “I think you can start from taking over SHIELD, do you think it is, Director Thaddeus E. Ross!”

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