Zhou Yi is extremely grateful to Earth for revolving around the sun while still playing with oneself. In addition to changing day and night, the most important thing is to create a time zone. Such a magical thing. And this magical time zone difference is extremely critical to Zhou Yi.

Although it is the morning sun in London, the dawn has arrived. But on the other side of the ocean, New York is still in darkness, and the silhouette of dawn is still in sight. And this is exactly what Zhou Yi expected. It would be the greatest irony to let a guy like Damaskinos live until the sun rises.

The boundless sea cannot stop his footsteps. It only takes ten minutes for him to let Damaskinos taste his anger. However, the big Damaskinos really also that many time?

In the castle, Yukio is struggling to guard the safety of the elevator. Although his Blade Technique has been exquisite to a certain level, in the face of so many alien sieges, he has long been stretched, and he has more than enough energy.

No matter how powerful a lion is, it is not an opponent of a group of coyotes. What’s more, what he faces is much more terrifying than coyotes.

The long knife fiercely swept across the throat of a foreign species, severing the vicious weapon completely before he spit out his disgusting tongue. At the same time, Yukino also got close to a heterogeneous body, and fiercely pushed him against the wall with the burst of power from his shoulders and back.

The resisted alien subconsciously stretches out a take action to catch Yukio. Once caught by him in his consciousness, he is basically equivalent to dead. And Yukio didn’t pay attention to his scratching at all, but quickly pulled out the short blade from his waist. The blade followed the gap under the arms of the alien species and stabbed his heart fiercely.

After understanding the key points of the alien species, there is no pressure at all for a Blade Technique master like him to kill a alien species one-on-one. However, this is not one-on-one, but a group of hungry wolves hunting him alone.

The alien species behind him has turned into a blue torch, and he hasn’t been completely reduced to ashes. Other alien species opened their arms and rushed forward. For the alien species, the probability that the opponent can kill them except for the critical damage is really too small. For Xue Nan, as long as the opponent inflicts a little bit of damage on him, it may be fatal. For him, every bit of physical loss is to push oneself one step further into the abyss of Death.

However, this is no choice for him. There has never been a samurai who abandoned the samurai, not a samurai.

The long knife was swung again, and the sharp blade light with no difficulty tore through the chest of the alien who threw in front of him. But it can’t cause any damage to the heart under the chest. And this kind of injury made no sense to Yukio.

Withdraw the knife to separate another alien arm. The short blade took the opportunity to pierce through the lower jaw, and the sharp blade pierced the flesh and blood and stirred the brain. Even if you can’t kill the alien species, you can make the alien species unconscious. Unconscious alien species can’t even prey, which is far worse than the newly created pets of Damaskinos.

Yuki fiercely kicked the Death alien, and just about to attack the next opponent, he suddenly felt his body sink. A petite, agile alien has jumped onto him. He has been fighting for too long, and the continuous high-intensity fighting has made his consciousness a little blurred, and he has been unable to grasp the space around oneself. And this is fatal to him.

The alien catapult behind him shot out a tongue that sucked blood, which was firmly nailed to Xue Nan’s neck. Yukio loudly roared, and the short blade swept across his own neck. The blade cut off half of his own ear and also cut off the alien tongue.

The alien raised his head in pain and yelled, while Yuuki poured a long knife into the alien’s chest from under his own rib. The hard Bone Armor made it difficult for the blade to reach the point, but Yukio continued to push the handle. The long knife began to make a slight lash, and a trace of cracks appeared on the long knife.

The hard Bone Armor can no longer withstand the piercing of a long knife. The cold blade broke through Bone Armor’s defense and plunged deeply into the beating heart. The alien ignited immediately, and the long knife in Yuki’s hand broke apart with a soft groan.

I felt my own neck, but the bleeding wound was not painful. But this made Xue Nan’s heart sink, he knew that a different kind of virus had entered own within the body. Looking around, all around are all alien species that be eager to have a try, and among these alien species, Jared Nomak looked at him with disdain.

“My father’s loyal dog, how do you feel. Soon you will become my descendant, when the time comes I have to see if you can still remain loyal to my father! “

After speaking, Jared Nomak waved his hand. The hordes of alien species crossed Yukio and rushed to the elevator. The elevator door could not withstand such a monster’s tearing, and soon the deep elevator shaft appeared in front of them.

Yu Nan clenched the knife tightly, trying to stop these alien species from advancing. But the feeling of powerlessness coming from his body made him even swing the knife does not raise. He felt that the road of own had come to an end. Looking at the broken knife in oneself’s hand, Yukio resolutely stabbed the blade into own’s heart. The flame came up quietly, watching Jared Nomak’s angry look, he said his last words.

“I will only die like a samurai, and not live in the image of a monster.”

Jared Nomak feels like a tongue of fire is in his own heart, The burning pain of the Singing made him roar. Hearing his roar, the alien’s movements became more rapid. They all got into the small elevator shaft and followed the deep shaft in the direction where Damaskinos had left.

At this moment, light suddenly came from the corridor. It is a brilliant flame burning and rushing. Crowded in a small space, they galloped along the corridor with Luffy, like horses galloping from the sun, spreading the sun’s brilliance.

The radiance generated by the optical bomb detonated before Vilien died, radiated, surging along the corridor. Now they finally played their real role. All the alien species just stared blankly at the radiance sweeping by. This radiance was so fast, it was almost time for them to have no reaction.

Jared Nomak only felt the radiance passing from the elevator shaft in front of him that made his whole body sting, and he subconsciously blocked his body. A little radiance shone on him, making him feel scorched all over his body like he was in a fire. When radiance dissipated, he ignored the scars on his body and rushed into the elevator shaft.

What he saw made him roar wildly, none of the alien species were left, all of them turned into flying blue flames in this gorgeous radiance.

“This is impossible, never!” He roared and slammed on the wall, his hard fist shattered the bricks of the castle, leaving very obvious marks of destruction. And soon, he got rid of this negative emotion. Looking at the top of the elevator shaft, he bared his teeth and said bitterly.

“Do you think this can stop me? Father. Even if I am alone, I will rush to you. You will wait for me.”

Then, he had rushed into the elevator shaft, rushing towards the top with his hands and feet. He has completely stake all on one throw. Death is not terrifying to him, what terrifying is that his revenge is just a fantasy. Revenge has become the most important thing in his life. For this thing, fighting for his life is not an unacceptable thing.

Jared Nomak dashed frantically towards the goal of oneself’s revenge. But Damaskinos is now anxious to leave this place that may kill him at any time.

Sitting in the back cabin of the plane, he stared at any place where alien species might appear, while continuously urging his own daughter.

“Nyssa, Nyssa! Hurry up, we have to leave here immediately!”

However, despite his repeated urging, Nyssa did not appear on the plane. Unmanned aircraft makes the aircraft almost indistinguishable from scrap. Damaskinos, who couldn’t wait any longer, didn’t want to sit in the plane again. He moved out of the plane slowly and looked up. However, he saw the huge metal shield slowly closing up.

That is the defense facility on the plane’s take-off platform. If it is closed, the plane is impossible to take off anyway.

“How come, who is it?” Damaskinos behaved like a Demon who chose to eat at this moment.

“It’s me, father.” Nyssa slowly walked out of the shadows. She stepped by step to the Damaskinos, looking at him calmly and indifferently. It’s like looking at someone you don’t know.

“Nyssa?” Damaskinos yelled in disbelief. “Do you know what you are doing? Are you crazy? You are murdering your father, and we will all die here.”

“Father, are you still reluctant to admit it now?” “Nyssa ignored Damaskinos’s questioning, but moved her gaze and said nonsense. “Acknowledge all the mistakes you made?”

“That’s my right!” Damaskinos seemed irritated. “I am the master of all this. I have the right to decide what I should do. You are not qualified to question everything I do. I am the Ruler of Vampire Supreme.”

“Maybe!” heard The crawling sound from the ceiling behind him. Nyssa is no longer willing to argue with the father who persists in your own wrong doings, she silently walks away. “Let your son, my big brother come and listen to your explanation.”

Just as she let her body pass, a figure jumped in front of Damaskinos. The heavy force oppressed the floor all split up and in pieces, and the smoke and dust instantly covered everything. When the smoke gradually dissipated, Jared Nomak’s ecstatic face appeared in front of the Damaskinos.

“Father, I finally found you!”

“Chad?” Seeing oneself’s long-lost son, Damaskinos didn’t have the slightest joy, on the contrary. His old body slowly backed away, and his flustered hands and feet almost made him trip oneself to the ground. He tremblingly called oneself’s son’s nickname, trying to comfort the poisonous fire in oneself’s son with words.

“You have to know that what happened to you is a terrifying tragedy, which has always caused me pain. This is an unforgivable mistake.”

“Really, father. Have you realized the mistake?” Jared Nomak got close to oneself’s old father, his dirty white pupils staring at him tightly. This gaze makes Damaskinos feel a pain. But under the support of his desire to survive, he tremblingly stretched out a take action and touched the hideous face of oneself’s son.

Jared Nomak avoided the big Damaskinos’ fingers, but the big Damaskinos did not give up. He still lobbied with words.

“Now everything has turned, and we are close to success. Come back to me, my son. We will find the antidote, you are still my son, and I will let you enjoy The position you deserve.”

Said here, he finally tremblingly hugged his own son.

“You will be the Prince of my empire, the sole heir to my great Great Empire, let us conquer this World together.”

Hearing this, Jared Nomak is no longer dodge. He also hugged his own father with both hands.

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