Sun God Marvel

Chapter 551

“Everyone, it’s just like what you heard. Our destiny has been foreshadowed. As long as we work with a common purpose and fight side by side with our friends. The so-called The Ragnarök of Asgard will eventually be shattered in our hands and become a contemptible joke. It has become a glorious epic that will be remembered forever among our Asgard’s great achievements!”

The king of Asgard, Odin, is high Standing in front of the own throne, facing the gods around him, and shouting at the warriors who kneeled under him so much, just as he mobilized the entire Asgard to the other world many years ago The invaders declared war like that.

The past glory gave this king the prestige of incomparable, and because of these, when he said such words in empty mouth, no one would doubt that what he said was true. or false.

Everyone present fell into a kind of inexplicable enthusiasm. They shouted the mighty bugle loudly and beat the own armor with their own weapons. In the sound of creaking, the entire Golden Palace turned into an ocean full of silence.

Military support is available. If Odin knew the ancient Chinese language, he would say such a sentence. And even if he didn’t know this, he knew very well that the Asgard warriors had been inspired by his lie.

Of course, this is not a lie. Because even he himself believes in everything that oneself said. What even oneself believes is not a lie in any way.

However, although the atmosphere of the scene and the emotions of all Asgardians were mobilized by Odin. But in the actual strategy, Odin did not make any arrangements at all. And an unprepared war is impossible to win. At this point, whether it is Tyr, who is a War God, or Thor, who has participated in wars several times, is very clear.

So after cheering, these two Odin’s children, his future successor, stood up one after the other, kneeled respectfully in front of their Royal Father, and said solemnly.

“Father, how should we arrange our army to deal with the next war!”

“Royal Father, what should we do. What are we now need to use? Where?”

“Don’t worry, my son. Composure is the only thing you have to do before the war comes. The enemy hasn’t come to us, and the chaos will let the enemy take advantage of it. Enter.”

Looking at the two sons of own, Odin pressed his hand down, and soothed them. However, this does not play an effective role. As an already independent son, both Tyre and Thor have the idea of ​​owning.

“Father, I think we should be fully prepared. In this way, even if the enemy suddenly attacks, it won’t be a completely unprepared attack on us.”

“Moreover, we We should also connect as much as possible with all the forces we can unite. Whether it is the fairies or the Warner Divine Race, at this time we should all be united in one camp.”

Whether as a king or as a father , Odin can’t ignore the opinions of oneself’s two sons so much. even more how his two sons did have their reason. Therefore, Odin, who is not self-conscious, just thought about it and agreed to the demands of his two sons and instructed them at the same time.

“In that case, I order you. War God Tyre, my son. You lead the heroic warriors of yours to the front line against the kingdom of fire. Once they have any signs of attack , You have to stop them at all costs. No matter what method you use, in short, you must not let any fire giant step into the land of Asgard!”

“Yes, Royal Father! Follow your instructions!”

The one-armed Tyre took over without any objection. Then, Odin said to his other son.

“God of Thunder Thor, my eldest son. I order you to lead your warriors, and those Frost Giants to Warnerheim and the other world, try your best to convince them so that they can and We fight together. Here I can give you a permission. You can promise them in my name, as long as the land and people of Asgard are not involved. Treasure, power or glory, I can all be the father of the gods , Given to them in the name of the King of Asgard! Do you understand?”

“Yes, I understand. Royal Father, I promise you will never disappoint your trust!”

Thor reverently and powerfully assured the own Royal Father, and his guarantee was to make Odin’s one-eyed eye inadvertently reveal a trace of satisfaction.

In any case, Thor was once his appointed successor, and the king of the future he entrusted with high hopes. In his eyes, as long as Thor is willing to reform, think and realize like a king, he will still be oneself’s best son and oneself’s best successor. And Ragnarök at this time is undoubtedly the best opportunity to test him.

If he passes the test, then after the end of Ragnarök, he will still be the successor of own and the next king of Asgard. And if he fails, then even if he doesn’t want to, he must buff the king’s crown on Tyre.

This is what a king should do and a choice that must be made for Asgard’s foundation. Of course, here, he has never considered what the situation would be if Ragnarök’s arrival was not prevented.

Because at this time, he has a mentality of burn both jade and stone. As the king of Asgard who would rather stand to die than live on his knees, he has had enough of the feeling of succumbing to fate. Life and death are fighting here, and furthermore, there is a brighter future. Taking a step back, he was willing to take billions of Asgard’s people and die in the fire of the doomsday.

This is his determination as a king and the last dignity he possesses as a god.

With Thor and Tyre taking the lead, the rest will be resolved. After all, Odin is a battle-tested king, and this kind of thing was divided cleanly with just a few words. Almost every God has an own responsibility, and almost everyone feels that oneself has been entrusted with oneself by the king whom oneself respects. Scholars die for their confidants, this is not a custom unique to China. Even in this remote Divine Realm, there are such a group of people who are willing to ignore everything for their king’s commission.

But they never thought about it. In fact, they are not as important as oneself imagined. But this has nothing to do with Zhou Yi. He just stood in the corner and watched Odin mobilize all the power in oneself’s hands as much as possible, using oneself’s powerful skills as a king for countless years.

In any case, he has learned a lot from Odin. It is precisely because of this that he has a deeper understanding of Odin.

How can a person who can use wisdom as the name of oneself god be an ordinary character!

Soon, Odin arranged everything under him, and then took Zhou Yi to a quiet corner without anyone paying attention.

“Please forgive me, my friend. I have too many things to arrange. I left out you as a last resort!”

“I understand, Your Majesty !” Nodded, Zhou Yi motioned to him to own open-mindedness. “You are just doing your own duties. You don’t need to be so polite. I’m not someone who doesn’t know the priorities. At this time, your duties are obviously more important.”

“Just understand, My friend!” Long sighed, Odin said helplessly. “I believe you have seen what I said today. This is all helpless, so I hope you will not expose this lie and let our children and people have more confidence?”

“Of course, Your Majesty. It’s me, and I will do that to you. This is the most correct choice.” Seeing the plea in Odin’s eyes, Zhou Yi immediately agreed. At the same time, he said without doubt. “It’s just Your Majesty. I think you have issued missions to almost everyone. So as a friend, is there anything I can help you? If so, please don’t hesitate. Let me be honest. If I’m a spectator, I’m afraid I’ll get sick!”

“I see what you mean, my friend!” Looking at Zhou Yi, Odin, who was actively invited, was clearly nodded. “In fact, I really have an important thing to ask you. I am afraid that only you can help me accomplish this thing!”

“Please do not hesitate to tell me, Your Majesty. As long as I can!”

Zhou Yi’s big deal made Odin’s eyes happy. After trying to figure out the words, he said to Zhou Yi.

“I believe you still remember the elder sister my young girl Aurora once mentioned!”

“Brynhild? If I remember correctly , It should be the name!”

“Yes, Brunhild. My proudest daughter is also the most powerful female warrior in Asgard. But now she is because of me She fell asleep because of her mistake. And because of me, no one can wake her up. Even if I regret it now, there is nothing I can do!”

Speaking of which, Odin deeply He sighed, but this made Zhou Yi feel a little strange. He doesn’t understand, isn’t it just to wake up a person? With the power of Odin Divine King, can’t it be done?

Odin obviously knew what Zhou Yi was thinking at this time, so he quickly explained.

“In order to prevent my daughter from suffering her destined bad luck. I cursed her with the rune magic in my hand. She will sleep in the mountains surrounded by flames, birds cannot enter, magic cannot OK. Only the mortal who killed the dragon by the power of the flesh, bathed in dragon’s blood, and was cursed by the dragon can step into the flames of the mountains and find the right way to the mountain in the flames, and then Wake up my poor daughter.”

“The rune magic is the original power born of World Tree, so when I gave this curse, it became real. Even I can’t change it. It cannot offend it. No God can do anything in the face of the curse of magic. The only thing that can be done is mortals, and only mortals can do this step.”

“However, this Where can there be a mortal who fights and slays evil dragons by the flesh! It is a Divine Beast who can compete with Thor and others. No mortal can do it, so this curse is almost insoluble. “

“But!” At this point, Odin’s eyes suddenly radiated superb radiance. “Your appearance has made everything change, my friend!”

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